What Can Yuba Water Agency Spend Money On?

The legislation that established Yuba Water Agency in 1959, as well as subsequent legislation, is the basis for the defined and implied mission areas of the Agency.  All expenditures made by Yuba Water Agency must have a connection with one or more of these mission areas.

Agency Operations

Yuba Water Agency can spend money on the operation and maintenance of property and facilities owned by the Agency.  Some examples of allowed expenditures include the construction of administrative facilities, the maintenance of access roads, and support of emergency response agencies that serve the Agency.

Water Supply Reliability

Yuba Water Agency can spend money on projects related to water supply reliability.  Some examples of allowed expenditures include grants to municipal and agricultural water providers to improve water supply, monitoring and management of local groundwater basins, water conservation projects, and projects to improve or protect water quality.  Forest restoration projects fall into this category as they enhance water supply and protect water quality. 

Flood Risk Reduction

Yuba Water Agency can spend money on projects related to flood risk reduction.  Some examples of allowed expenditures include levee and drainage improvements and emergency response activities associated with potential flood events.  Also, Yuba Water Agency will often fund the drainage portion of local road or sidewalk, curb, and gutter projects.

Hydropower Generation

Yuba Water Agency can spend money on projects related to hydropower generation.  Some examples of allowed expenditures include the operation and maintenance of our hydroelectric power plants and the wholesale of power.  It should be noted that the Agency is not authorized to be a retail power provider.

Recreation at New Bullards Bar

Yuba Water Agency can spend money on projects related to recreation at the New Bullards Bar.  Some examples of allowed expenditures include the construction and operation of campgrounds, trails, boat ramps, and other recreational facilities at the reservoir.  To operate or maintain recreational facilities elsewhere in Yuba County, there would need to be a nexus to Yuba Water Agency facilities or one of our other mission areas.


Yuba Water Agency can spend money on projects related to fishery protection and enhancement.  Some examples of allowed expenditures include the creation and restoration of salmon habitat on the lower Yuba River as well as releasing water to support fish populations.

Education About the Agency & Our Mission Areas

Yuba Water Agency can spend money on projects that educate the public about the Agency and its missions.  Some examples of allowed expenditures include the proposed Watershed Experience Center, the creation and teaching of a curriculum associated with the Yuba watershed, funding field trips associated with watershed education, and sponsorship opportunities to promote awareness and understanding of the Agency.

Loans & Studies

Yuba Water Agency can provide low-interest loans to other public agencies in Yuba County as an investment opportunity.  The Agency also has broad authority to fund studies.  Some examples of allowed expenditures include a loan to Yuba County for pavement overlays and the creation of an Economic Development Plan for Yuba County.

Where does Yuba Water Agency get its revenue?

Now that you know what Yuba Water Agency can spend its money on, you can go here to learn where that money comes from.