Supervisor Bradford’s Week in Review

I try and write a post each weekend detailing the activities from the previous week and providing some details of my planned activities for the upcoming week.  See below for the most recent update and visit to receive email updates.

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Receive an update on the South County Infrastructure project and consider approving the Chair’s formation of an Ad Hoc Committee for South County Infrastructure and nomination of Directors Bishop, Bradford, and Vasquez to serve on the committee. (watch the video of the presentation here, starts at 1:30)

I had several other board and committee meetings on my calendar, including:

  • Yuba Water Agency Project Operations and Development (POD) Committee (agenda)
  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee (agenda) [There were two items I think the public will be most interested in from this meeting:  1) 2025 Blueprint (Regional Land Use & Transportation Plan) Update and 2) Transportation Funding Overview.   The PowePoint for both of these items and the video recording of the meeting can be found here]
  • Three Rivers Level Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda)
  • Olivehurst Public Utility District (OPUD) County Liason Committee [see my FB post with updates from this committee here]
  • Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Carrier of Last Resort Ad Hoc Committee meeting
  • National Association of Counties (NACo) Transportation Policy Steering Committee

Additional meetings on my calendar included agenda setting for the next board of supervisors meeting, a lunch with Yuba County CDSA leadership, a kick-off meeting for the Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection team, and a meeting about collaboration between Sacramento Valley Water users and Tribal Interests to discuss how we can support the return of salmon.  I also stopped by Beale AFB to renew my access pass.

This week, community events on my calendar included a fundraiser for the Yuba Sutter Foodbank and 1st Friday at Beale AFB.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Approve support letter for the renaming of the 10th Street bridge.
  • Approve appointment of Sandra Gilbert to Historic Resources Commission as a District 4 Representative.
  • Approve amendment No. 2 to the agreement with Wood Rodgers, Inc. for the Plumas Lake Boulevard/SR 70 Interchange Phase II Project.
  • Present proclamation to 2024 Peace Office of the Year Valentino Aguirre.
  • Present Proclamation to Grace Episcopal Church recognizing their 150th year anniversary
  • Present Proclamation and receive update on history of Yuba County recognizing their 175th year anniversary

I have several other board and committee meetings on my calendar, including:

  • Wheatland City Council Meeting, Tuesday at 6 pm (agenda)

Additional meetings on my calendar include a lunch with Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) staff and leadership.

This week, community events on my calendar include a Korean New Year celebration at Sage Strategies.

I have a light schedule this week as I’m headed out of town to help my son move.

Announcements & Events

  • A blog post summarizing the recent PLESD facilities meeting and providing my thoughts about the decision to move forward on the initial phase of a middle school for Plumas Lake.
  • I announced that Holiday Market would break ground on a Plumas Lake location in mid-2025, and it’s expected to open by the fall of 2026 (CBS13 story)
  • Wheatland Historical Society Pioneer Trail Tri-Tip Dinner, March 21, from 4 pm to 8 pm (FB Post)

*The picture is a collage of various things from my week:  with my host commander (Lt. Col Howell) at First Friday at Beale, SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources committee, taking a walk along the Bear River levee in Plumas Lake to check out the high water, renewing my access pass to Beale AFB, and the Yuba Sutter Foodbank fundraiser.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving an extension for Hammonton Road in the Goldfields to remain gated.
  • Present certificate of recognition to Juan Heredia.
  • Present Proclamation to the City of Marysville recognizing their 175th anniversary.
  • Annual Yuba County Strategic Plan Priorities Workshop.
  • Accept Annual Countywide Capital Facilities Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
  • Approve the purchase of a handheld narcotics analyzer by reallocating up to $45,000 of Measure K Funds previously approved for purchasing VIPER workstations.
  • Approve Fee Credit Agreement with JAS Land Fund 2 LLC for Wheeler Ranch Phase 2 Project for TRLIA Levee Impact Fees.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a meeting with staff from the Community Resource Project to learn how they can help Yuba County residents, a meeting with a constituent to discuss the South Beale Rd Interchange project, a Community Health Improvement Project quarterly check-in, a webinar from the National Association of Counties (NACo) on the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, a meeting with our third-party auditor for the annual audit, a meeting with the developer of Plumas Lake Commons, a meeting with stakeholders about the TRLIA North Training Wall project, and a NACo Transportation Committee leadership call.  In addition, I’ll attend the CPUC meeting in Sacramento to advocate in support of open-access public broadband networks in Monterey and Calaveras Counties provided by the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA), which I serve on the board of (an affiliate organization of the Rural County Representatives of California)

This week, community events on my calendar included attending the tribute to Hotel Marysville.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Receive an update on the South County Infrastructure project and consider approving the Chair’s formation of an Ad Hoc Committee for South County Infrastructure and nomination of Directors Bishop, Bradford, and Vasquez to serve on the committee.

I have several other board and committee meetings on my calendar, including:

  • Yuba Water Agency Project Operations and Development (POD) Committee (agenda)
  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee (agenda)
  • Three Rivers Level Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda)
  • Olivehurst Public Utility District (OPUD) County Liason Committee
  • Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Carrier of Last Resort Ad Hoc Committee meeting
  • National Association of Counties (NACo) Transportation Policy Steering Committee

Additional meetings on my calendar include agenda setting for the next board of supervisors meeting, a lunch with Yuba County CDSA leadership, a kick-off meeting for the Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection team, and a meeting about collaboration between Sacramento Valley Water users and Tribal Interests to discuss how we can support the return of salmon.

This week, community events on my calendar include a fundraiser for the Yuba Sutter Foodbank and 1st Friday at Beale AFB.

Announcements & Events

  • A blog post summarizing the recent PLESD facilities meeting and providing my thoughts about the decision to move forward on the initial phase of a middle school for Plumas Lake.
  • I announced that Holiday Market would break ground on a Plumas Lake location in mid-2025, and it’s expected to open by the fall of 2026 (CBS13 story)
  • Wheatland Historical Society Pioneer Trail Tri-Tip Dinner, March 21, from 4 pm to 8 pm (FB Post)

*The picture is a collage of various things from my week: my son got married this weekend;  our board honored diver Juan Heredia for his courageous efforts in the Thermalito Afterbay, which led to the recovery of two Olivehurst boys who tragically lost their lives and we presented a proclamation to the City of Marysville in celebration of its 175th anniversary; a picture of the Holiday Market in Auburn to celebrate they will be building a store in Plumas Lake; work began on fixing “poo corner” in Plumas Lake; I spoke at the CPUC meeting in Sacramento in support of awarding broadband funding to Golden State Connect Authority; and attending the Hotel Marysville Farewell event.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Consider approval of a sponsorship for $5,000 in support of the Bear Yuba Land Trust.
  • Review of financial statements and details for November 2024.
  • Consider approving the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.
  • Chair appointments of Board members to serve on standing committees.

I had my first Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture Board meeting this week.  It’s one of the new committees I’m assigned this year; the other is Yuba Sutter Transit.  There are several other meetings on my calendar, including setting the agenda for the next board of supervisors meeting, discussing the Plumas Lake interchange project with Hard Rock, a webinar from RCRC on navigating the congressionally directed spending process to secure funding for rural counties, a meeting with some leaders from Peach Tree Golf Country Club, and a California Arts Council meeting hosted by Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture.

I attended a reception for the California Arts Council at Yuba Suter Arts and the PLESD Public Input Session at Rio Del Oro on Thursday at 6 pm.  You can read my summary and a few comments about the PLESD meeting here.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving an extension for Hammonton Road in the Goldfields to remain gated.
  • Present certificate of recognition to Juan Heredia.
  • Present Proclamation to the City of Marysville recognizing their 175th anniversary.
  • Annual Yuba County Strategic Plan Priorities Workshop.
  • Accept Annual Countywide Capital Facilities Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
  • Approve the purchase of a handheld narcotics analyzer by reallocating up to $45,000 of Measure K Funds previously approved for purchasing VIPER workstations.
  • Approve Fee Credit Agreement with JAS Land Fund 2 LLC for Wheeler Ranch Phase 2 Project for TRLIA Levee Impact Fees.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a meeting with staff from the Community Resource Project to learn how they can help Yuba County residents, a meeting with a constituent to discuss the South Beale Rd Interchange project, a Community Health Improvement Project quarterly check-in, a webinar from the National Association of Counties (NACo) on the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, a meeting with our third-party auditor for the annual audit, a legislative update from the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), and a NACo Transportation Committee leadership call.  In addition, I’ll be attending the CPUC meeting in Sacramento to advocate in support of open-access public broadband networks in Monterey and Calaveras Counties provided by the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA), which I serve on the board of (an affiliate organization of the Rural County Representatives of California)

I plan to attend the tribute to Hotel Marysville on Monday at 3 pm.

Announcements & Events

  • Farewell Fest—A Tribute to the Legacy and History of the Marysville Hotel will be held on January 27th at 3 p.m. on 5th St near E St in Marysville.

*The picture is a collage of various things from my week: I attended a California Arts Council meeting at Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture, a meeting with constituents at Hard Rock, and a PLESD community meeting about facilities.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda for District 4 residents:

  • Received a quarterly update from the Community Development and Services Department (watch here; it starts at 6:35).
  • Adopted a resolution adopting the Goal and Vision for the “Yuba-Sutter Regional Safety Action Plan”.
  • Approved a service agreement with Enterprise Rancheria to provide supplemental law enforcement services at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sacramento at Fire Mountain.
  • Approved 2025 Board Standing Committee appointments.
  • Approved the reappointment of Kelly D. McNally as a District Four Representative on the Yuba County Planning Commission to a term ending January 9, 2029.
  • Approved the reappointment of Debbie Panteloglow to the Yuba County Commission on Aging as a District Four Representative to a term ending January 8, 2029.
  • Approved the reappointment of Jennifer Bradford to the Yuba County Library Advisory Commission as a District Four Representative for a term ending January 8, 2029.
  • Appointed  Community Development and Services Director, Mike Lee and Administrative Services Director, Perminder Bains as real property negotiators for County owned property APN 016-040-104.

One of the duties of a County Supervisor is to represent the County on various boards, committees, and commissions. Some of these assignments are on internal committees but most are with external agencies and organizations. In addition, Yuba County Supervisors also serve on the Board of Directors of the Yuba Water Agency and participate in Yuba Water-related committees and organizations.  We approved county-related committee assignments at our meeting on Tuesday. Here is a blog post about my assignments and you can find assignments for the full board here.

I had a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting on Thursday morning in Sacramento (agenda) and a Yuba Sutter Transit Board meeting on Thursday afternoon (agenda).   While I served as an alternate to the Yuba Sutter Transit board during my first term, this is my first time serving as one of the two representatives on the board from Yuba County.  I look forward to advocating for improved transit service in the 4th District and our region.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a touch-base lunch with Yuba County community development, a touch-base lunch with a few current and previous Yuba Sutter elected officials, a meeting with the Karlshoej family, a meeting with Blue Zones Yuba Sutter, and a Northern California Water Agency (NCWA) strategic planning session.

There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm (agenda) that may contain items of interest to Wheatland residents and an OPUD Board of Directors meeting on Thursday at 7 pm (agenda) that may contain items of interest to Plumas Lake residents.

On Saturday, I was honored to participate in the 26th Annual Yuba-Sutter march to honor Dr. MLK Jr.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Consider approval of a sponsorship for $5,000 in support of the Bear Yuba Land Trust.
  • Review of financial statements and details for November 2024.
  • Consider approving the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.
  • Chair appointments of Board members to serve on standing committees.

I have my first Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture Board meeting this week.  It’s one of the new committees that I’m assigned to this year.  The other is Yuba Sutter Transit.  There are several other meetings on my calendar, including setting the agenda for the next board of supervisors meeting, discussing the Plumas Lake interchange project with Hard Rock, a webinar from RCRC on navigating the congressionally directed spending process to secure funding for rural counties, and a California Arts Council meeting hosted by Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture.

I plan to attend the PLESD Public Input Session at Rio Del Oro on Thursday at 6 pm.

Announcements & Events

  • PLESD Community Facilities Meeting, 6pm on 1/23 @ Rio Del Oro Elementary.  Take the survey.

*The picture is a collage of various things from my week: the Yuba Sutter MLK Jr. March, the SACOG Board Meeting, the Yuba-Sutter Transit board meeting, the stack of documents I had to sign after my first meeting as chair, and the NCWA board meeting.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

Also, with the holidays over, I’m happy to report that my week-in-review posts are back to covering just a single week. (You are welcome, Sam!)  

My Recent Activities

Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, I had limited meetings and supervisor-related activities, so this update covers three weeks rather than just the typical one week.  It was great to spend time with friends and family.  I even took a trip with my wife to DC (using my personal funds) to celebrate New Year, see some sights, and attend a swearing-in reception for Senator Schiff.  I also went to Memphis to check out my son’s new home.  I’m proud that after completing the Yuba Fire Academy and working a season for CalFire, he’ll be moving to Memphis to be a firefighter for the City.

Tuesday the 6th was a special Board of Supervisors meeting.  Three supervisors took the oath of office:  Supervisor House for his first time, Supervisor Fuhrer for his second term, and me for my third term.  In addition, we heard from outgoing board chair Don Blaser and selected our chair and vice chair for 2025.  I’m honored to be selected at the 2025 chair and Supervisor Messick will serve as vice-chair.

Tuesday the 7th was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Election of Director Messick as Chair and Director Bishop as Vice Chair for 2025
  • Held a public hearing approved an amendment to the “Yuba Subbasins Water Management Plan: A Groundwater Sustainability Plan.”

Monday the 23rd was a Yuba Water Agency Special Board of Directors meeting (agenda), on Monday the 30th there was a special Board of Supervisors meeting (agenda), and on January 8th I had a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda). This will be my third year serving as Yuba County’s representative on RCRC, and I decided to step up and get a little more involved in leadership and RCRC’s work advocating for the needs of rural counties and our constituents. I’m honored that I’ve been appointed to contribute in the following ways in 2025:

  • Second Deputy Chair of Water and Natural Resources
  • Member of the Carrier of Lasst Resort Ad Hoc Committee
  • Member of the GSFA Financing Action Team

I also attended a Plumas Lake Elementary School District (PLESD) board workshop related to facility planning and an upcoming community input session.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda for District 4 residents:

  • Receive quarterly update from Community Development and Services Department.
  • Adopt resolution adopting the Goal and Vision for the “Yuba-Sutter Regional Safety Action Plan”.
  • Approve service agreement with Enterprise Rancheria to provide supplemental law enforcement services at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sacramento at Fire Mountain.
  • Approve 2025 Board Standing Committee appointments.
  • Approve reappointment of Kelly D. McNally as a District Four Representative on the Yuba County Planning Commission to a term ending January 9, 2029.
  • Approve reappointment of Debbie Panteloglow to the Yuba County Commission on Aging as a District Four Representative to a term ending January 8, 2029.
  • Approve reappointment of Jennifer Bradford to Yuba County Library Advisory Commission as a District Four Representative to a term ending January 8, 2029.
  • Appoint Community Development and Services Director, Mike Lee and Administrative Services Director, Perminder Bains as real property negotiators for County owned property APN 016-040-104.

I have a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting on Thursday morning in Sacramento (agenda) and a Yuba Sutter Transit Board meeting on Thursday afternoon (agenda).   There is a YS EDC executive comment on Thursday afternoon, but I won’t be on that committee anymore if the proposed committee assignments are ratified on Tuesday.  There is also a potential Yuba Water Agency special meeting scheduled for Thursday afternoon; if so, the agenda will be posted here on Wednesday.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a touch-base lunch with Yuba County community development, a touch-base lunch with a few current and previous Yuba Sutter elected officials, and a Northern California Water Agency (NCWA) strategic planning session.

There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm (agenda) that may contain items of interest to Wheatland residents and an OPUD Board of Directors meeting on Thursday at 7 pm (agenda) that may contain items of interest to Plumas Lake residents.

Announcements & Events

  • 1/18 at 10 am:  MLK Jr March from Yuba City (442 Second St) to Marysville (616 C St), followed by a program at 11 am in Marysville.

*The picture is a collage of various things from my week: a swearing-in reception for Senator Schiff in DC, an annual RCRC Rural Leadership Reception, a Ribbon Cutting for the YoAura at Hard Rock, a January RCRC Board Meeting, one of the new garbage cans in Plumas Lake, a swearing-in of Supervisors House, Bradford, and Fuhrer, and a PLESD Board Workshop.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Certified the final environmental impact report for the New Bullards Bar Dam Atmospheric River Control Spillway Project.
  • Approved  50% cost share grants to Hallwood Irrigation Company for ditching lining projects.
  • Reviewed financial statements and details for General & Power Systems Fund for October 2024 and approved budget revisions.

I had  several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting (agenda)

Additional items on my calendar include meetings with a Whatland City Council member and an OPUD director, a touch base with Yuba County community development, an NCWA executive committee, a Yuba County special BOS meeting (agenda), a discussion about the Feather River Setback Area recreational master plan, and a conversation with Sac State about a regional grant opportunity.

Thursday was an OPUD board of directors meeting (agenda), and Wednesday is a Yuba County Planning Commission meeting (agenda).  I didn’t attend either due to conflicts.

This week, community events on my calendar included volunteering as Santa at Rio Del Oro Elementary, helping the Salvation Army pack food boxes, and volunteering as Santa on the Fire Truck for Plumas Lake.


Looking ahead to this week (and the next two)

My calendar is very light for the next two weeks due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, but things do pick up a bit after New Year’s.  I’ll spend the time relaxing and celebrating with friends and family.

Monday the 23rd is a Yuba Water Agency Special Board of Directors meeting (agenda). After that, nothing related to Yuba County or Yuba Water Agency is on my calendar until Monday, January 6th, at noon, when we have a special Board of Supervisors meeting (agenda will be posted here).  The meeting will be short and includes swearing in the supervisors elected/re-reelected (House, Fuhrer, Bradford) for our four-year term (2025-2028).  We will also vote to select our chair and vice chair for 2025.

On January 7th I’ll have a regular Yuba Water Agency board meeting (agenda will be posted here) and then on January 8th I’ll have a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda will be posted here), and on the 9th a National Association of Counties (NACo) Transportation Committee meeting.


Announcements & Events

  • Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

*The picture is a collage of various things from my week: volunteering to help the Salvation Army pack food boxes, honoring Director Blaser for his service to Yuba Water Agency, playing Santa and visiting a classroom at Rio Del Oro Elementary, attending a SACOG board meeting, playing Santa on the Fire Truck in Plumas Lake, honoring Supervisor Blaser for his service to Yuba County, and meeting the mayor of Wheatland for coffee at Hard Rock.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  •  Accept Certification of Vote for the November 5, 2024 General Election.
  • Approve letter of support to select Beale Air Force Base as the new headquarters for the reactivation of the 14th Air Force.
  • Award contract to the apparent low, responsive, and responsible bidder, Lamon Construction Co., Inc., for the North Beale Road High Friction Surface Treatment Project.
  • Approve plans, specifications, and estimate, and authorize the advertisement for bids for the Hammonton-Smartsville Road Shoulder Widening Project,
  • Approve Plans, Specifications, and Estimate for the Signal System Upgrade at Multiple Locations Project and authorize advertisement of bids.
  • Approve the reappointment of John Link to Sutter-Yuba Mosquito and Vector Control District as a Representative for a term ending December 31, 2028.
  • Approve the reappointment of Crystal Richards and Andi Crivello on the Yuba County Community Services Commission as District 3 and District 4 Representatives, respectively, for terms ending January 8, 2029.

I had several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Three River’s Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda)
  • Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda)
  • Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) board meeting (agenda)
  • Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting (agenda)
  • Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting
  • National Association of Counties (NACo) Transportation Committee meeting

Additional items on my calendar included a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a National Association of Counties (NACo) West Region meeting, a meeting with Yuba College and regional county supervisors to discuss workplace development, and holiday receptions at MBK.

Tuesday was a Wheatland City Council meeting, and the agenda included several items of interest, including appointment to the City of Wheatland Planning Commission, the Community Facilities District 2015-1 Special Tax and Bond Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24, Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Approving 2025, Adoption of a resolution Honoring Council member Pamela Shelton, selection of mayor and vice-mayor, and a presentation on Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm – 2024 Season Public Safety Calls for Service.  I could not attend due to a family commitment, but I want to thank Councilmember Shelton for her service to the City.

This week, community events on my calendar included the Plumas Lake Night of Lights.


Looking ahead to this week 

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Certifying the final environmental impact report for the New Bullards Bar Dam Atmospheric River Control Spillway Project.
  • Consider 50% cost share grants to Hallwood Irrigation Company for ditching lining projects.
  • Review financial statements and details for General & Power Systems Fund for October 2024.

I have  several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting (agenda)

Additional items on my calendar include meetings with a Whatland City Council member and an OPUD director, a touch base with Yuba County community development, an NCWA executive committee, a Yuba County special BOS meeting (agenda), a discussion about the Feather River Setback Area recreational master plan, and a conversation with GSEC about a regional grant opportunity.

Thursday is an OPUD board of directors meeting (agenda), and Wednesday is a Yuba County Planning Commission meeting (agenda).  I don’t plan to attend either due to conflicts.

This week, community events on my calendar include volunteering as Santa at Rio Del Oro Elementary, helping the Salvation Army pack food boxes, volunteering as Santa on the Fire Truck for Plumas Lake, and maybe the Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health Consumer Holiday Party.


Announcements & Events

  • Santa on the Fire Truck (PL):  December 17, 18, 19

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Coffee with Colusa County Supervisor Kent Boes, meeting with Yuba Community College District about workforce development for county positions, and honoring Supervisor Blaser for his service.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This update covers the weeks of 11/18, 11/25, and 12/2, as I was out of town most of that time for conferences and vacation.

Week of 11/18:

I spent Monday through Friday at the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) conference in Pasadena.  Supervisors and staff from California’s 58 counties came together for the annual fall meeting to network, learn, and conduct CSAC business.  In addition to spending time with Yuba County colleagues and attending general sessions, I attended the following additional sessions:

  • Innovation Summit – Innovations in Transportation
  • Housing, Land Use, and Transportation (HLT) Policy Committee
  • CEAC Transportation Policy Committee
  • Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources (AENR) Policy Committee
  • Rural Caucus Meeting
  • Strategic Grant Funding Considerations for County Supervisors and CAOs
  • CSAC Board of Directors Meeting (I served as our voting delegate)

Week of 11/25:

I arrived home from Pasadena on Friday (22nd), and early Saturday morning (23rd), I was back on a plane with my family and some friends headed to Flordia for an eastern Carrebian cruise.   We enjoyed three days at sea on the Wonder of the Seas and three days checking out the fantastic islands of St. Martin, St. Thomas, and Coco Cay.  It was wonderful to spend some downtime with friends and family.

Week of 12/2:

I landed in Sacramento on Sunday evening (1st), and I was back at the airport early Monday morning (12/2) to fly to Palm Springs and represent Yuba Water Agency at the annual fall Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) conference. In addition to spending time with Yuba Water colleagues and attending general sessions, I attended the following additional sessions:

  • ACWA JPIA Board Meeting (I served as our voting delegate)
  • ACWA JPIA Educational Session – Cyber Chronicles, Lessons Learned from the Front Lines
  • Water Management Committee
  • Local Government Committee
  • Federal Affairs Committee
  • Policy Forum – Leveraging Atmospheric River Forecasts in Water Management
  • ACWA Membership Meeting (I served as our voting delegate)
  • Region 2 Membership Meeting

I had  several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee Meeting. The agenda contained multiple items of interest, including authorizing the submittal of the Proposed Strategic Partnership Planning Grant for Capital Area Regional Tolling Authority’s Tolling Equity Study, Mobility Zones Equity Priority Communities, and State Funding Program Information.  I typically chair this committee, but I appreciate Vice-Chair Loren doing that as I attended remotely from the ACWA conference.

After returning from ACWA, additional items on my calendar included a monthly Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast, a County/OPUD Liason Committee meeting, and a special board of supervisors meeting to discuss pending litigation.

Due to the holiday season, I had a significant number of community events on my calendar, including 1st Friday at Beale AFB, the Beale Christmas Tree Lighting, the Wheatland Christmas Tree Lighting, the Plumas Lake Christmas Parade, and the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair.


Looking ahead to this week 

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  •  Accept Certification of Vote for the November 5, 2024 General Election.
  • Approve letter of support to select Beale Air Force Base as the new headquarters for the reactivation of the 14th Air Force.
  • Award contract to the apparent low, responsive, and responsible bidder, Lamon Construction Co., Inc., for the North Beale Road High Friction Surface Treatment Project.
  • Approve plans, specifications, and estimate, and authorize the advertisement for bids for the Hammonton-Smartsville Road Shoulder Widening Project,
  • Approve Plans, Specifications, and Estimate for the Signal System Upgrade at Multiple Locations Project and authorize advertisement of bids.
  • Approve the reappointment of John Link to Sutter-Yuba Mosquito and Vector Control District as a Representative for a term ending December 31, 2028.
  • Approve reappointment of Crystal Richards and Andi Crivello on the Yuba County Community Services Commission as District 3 and District 4 Representative, respectively, for terms ending January 8, 2029.

I have  several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Three River’s Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda)
  • Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda)
  • Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) board meeting (agenda)
  • Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting (agenda)
  • Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting
  • National Association of Counties (NACo) Transportation Committee meeting

Additional items on my calendar included a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a National Association of Counties (NACo) West Region meeting, a meeting with Yuba College and regional county supervisors to discuss workplace development, and holiday receptions at MBK and MHM engineering.  I may also attend a hearing of the State Water Resources Control Board on Healthy Rivers and Landscapes.

Tuesday is a Wheatland City Council meeting, and the agenda includes several items of interest, including appointment to the City of Wheatland Planning Commission, the Community Facilities District 2015-1 Special Tax and Bond Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24, Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Approving 2025, Adoption of a resolution Honoring Council member Pamela Shelton, selection of mayor and vice-mayor, and a presentation on Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm – 2024 Season Public Safety Calls for Service.  I will be unable to attend due to a family commitment, but I want to thank Councilmember Shelton for her service to the City.

This week, community events on my calendar included the Plumas Lake Night of Lights.


Announcements & Events

  • Santa on the Fire Truck (Wheatland):  December 12th
  • Plumas Lake Night of Lights:  December 13th
  • Breakfast with Santa & Friends:  December 14th from 10 to 12 at Rio Del Oro (FB Post)
  • Santa on the Fire Truck (PL):  December 17, 18, 19

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  A few pictures from the CSAC conference in Pasadena, 1st Friday at Beale with Col Batran, a few pictures from the Beale Christmas Tree Lighting with Lt Col Howell, Plumas Lake Christmas Parade, Wheatland Tree Lighting, ACWA conference in Palm Dessert, Information booth and Grinch picture at the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair, and enjoying time with my friends and family over Thanksgiving in the Carribean.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Approved a grant agreement with the City of Marysville for $250,000 to demolish and abate the top floor of the Marysville Hotel.
  • Appointed Community Development and Services Director and County Administrator to negotiate real property at the north end of housing development in east Plumas Lake with Plumas Lake Little League and provided direction on terms of the negotiation.
  • Accepted a $3M grant award from the Department of Justice for Community Oriented Policing Technology and Equipment Program for the Yuba County Regional Interoperability and Encryption Communications Project.
  • Approved the release of an RFP for a remediation project at 4533 Feather the River Boulevard.
  • Received updates from the Yuba County Historical Resources Commission, Health and Human Services, and the Sutter-Yuba Homeless Consortium.

I had  several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board Meeting. The agenda contains multiple items of interest, including approving the Engage, Empower, and Implement Awards and approving the Transportation Project List for the 2025 Blueprint (a 25-year regional transportation and land use plan).

Additional items on my calendar included a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Rural Action Caucus (RAC) meeting, a discussion with Hard Rock about sheriff’s services, and a NACo Transportation Policy Steering Committee meeting.

Tuesday was a Wheatland City Council meeting, and the agenda included several items of interest, including a budget status report, the Approval of the Amended Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget, and the Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing Amendments to Engineering and Planning Service Agreements for the Wheatland Regional Sewer Pipeline Project.  I did not attend.

This week, community events on my calendar included the Marysville Veteran’s Day Parade and the YCOE Adult and Career Technical Education Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.


Looking ahead to this week (and the two after that)

My week-in-review posts will be on hiatus until 12/8 due to attending the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) fall conference the week of 11/18, taking time off to spend with family during the week of 11/25 (Thanksgiving), and attending the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) fall conference the week of 12/2.

Here are a few items to highlight from these weeks:

  • Tuesday, 11/19, is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  You can find the agenda and board packet here.  The agenda is light, so I won’t attend remotely, given my participation in the CSAC conference.
  • Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there is no Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, 11/26.
  • Due to the ACWA Conference, the Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors will not meet on Tuesday, 12/3.
  • The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee meeting is on 12/5, and I plan to attend remotely. The agenda will be posted here 72 hours before the meeting.
While I haven’t nailed down all of the sessions I’ll attend at the conferences, a few highlights, along with general sessions, include:
  • CSAC Policy Committee -Housing, Land Use & Transportation (HLT)
  • CSAC Policy Committee – Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources (AENR)
  • CSAC Rural Caucus Meeting
  • CSAC Board of Directors Meeting
  • ACWA JPIA Board of Directors Meeting
  • ACWA Session: Thinking Outside the Box, Business Opportunities for Non-rate Utility Revenue
  • ACWA Session: Leveraging Atmospheric River Forecasts in Water Management
  • ACWA Session: A Startling Picture: Impacts of Non-Native Fish on Salmon Recovery
  • ACWA Session: Excellence in Communication Case Studies

There is an OPUD Board of Directors meeting scheduled for November 21st, and you’ll find the agenda here 72 hours before the meeting.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30 am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Plumas Lake Christmas Tree Lighting, Sunday, December 1st
  • Plumas Lake Christmas Parade & Charity Drive on December 6th
  • Wheatland Christmas Street Fair:  December 7th from 5 pm to 9 pm
  • Plumas Lake Night of Lights:  December 13th
  • Breakfast with Santa & Friends:  December 14th from 10 to 12 at Rio Del Oro (FB Post)

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Two pictures from Tuesday’s BOS meeting: Honoring Wheatland resident Patr Camarena for her 9 years of service on the Historic Resources Commission (she wasn’t feeling well, so Sue Cejner-Moyers accepted on her behalf) and approving a $3M grant agreement with the Department of Justice to upgrade our radio system and devices used by the sheriff’s department; Board of Supervisors at the Marysville Veteran’s Day Parade; Ribbon cutting for the new Yuba County Office of Education Adult & Career Technical Education center in Marysville; and monthly SACOG Board meeting.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Due to our board chambers serving as a polling location, we met at the Yuba Water offices located at 1220 F Street in Marysville.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Approved a sponsorship for $5,000 to the South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL) for the 2025 Wild and Scenic Film Festival.
  • Amended the Yuba Water Agency’s Conflict of Interest Code and authorized staff to submit the amended code to the County Board of Supervisors for final approval.

I had several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee.  The agenda contains multiple items of interest including: approving the Engage, Empower, Implement Awards; receiving a presentation on the Northern California Megaregion Zero Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Study; and discussion on the 2025 Blueprint: Draft Final Transportation Project List and Performance.
  • A Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) Special Meeting (agenda here)
  • A Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Board Meeting

Additional items on my calendar included a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review, a touch-base lunch with Yuba County CDSA staff, a SACOG lunchtime discussion on the regional prosperity strategy, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Transportation Ad-Hoc committee meeting, and a meeting and tour of the Yuba County Airport with Kratos to explore opportunities for them to do some activities at the airport.

This week, community events on my calendar included the Salvation Army Rock the Red Kettle Fundraiser (Facebook event) and the Plumas Lake Community Cleanup (Facebook event).  The community cleanup was a huge success and I was glad to help constituents unload their vehicles for most of the event.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

Some highlights from the agenda include:
  • Approve a grant agreement with the City of Marysville for $250,000 to demolish and abate the top floor of the Marysville Hotel.
  • Appoint Community Development and Services Director and County Administrator to negotiate real property at the north end of housing development in east Plumas Lake with Plumas Lake Little League.
  • Approve the release of an RFP for a remediation project at 4533 Feather the River Boulevard.
  • Receive updates from the Yuba County Historical Resources Commission, Health and Human Services, and the Sutter-Yuba Homeless Consortium.

I have several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board Meeting. The agenda contains multiple items of interest, including approving the Engage, Empower, and Implement Awards and the Transportation Project List for the 2025 Blueprint (a 25-year regional transportation and land use plan).

Additional items on my calendar include a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Rural Action Caucus (RAC) meeting, a discussion with Hard Rock about sheriff’s services, a NACo Transportation Policy Steering Committee meeting, and if my schedule permits, a review workgroup meeting on the Safe Neighborhood component of the Yuba County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).

There is also a Wheatland City Council meeting this Tuesday. The agenda includes several items of interest, including a budget status report, the Approval of the Amended Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget, and the Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing Amendments to Engineering and Planning Service Agreements for the Wheatland Regional Sewer Pipeline Project.

This week, community events on my calendar include the Marysville Veteran’s Day Parade and the YCOE Adult and Career Technical Education Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30 am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Plumas Lake Christmas Tree Lighting, Sunday, December 1st
  • Plumas Lake Christmas Parade & Charity Drive on December 6th
  • Wheatland Christmas Street Fair:  December 7th from 5 pm to 9 pm
  • Plumas Lake Night of Lights:  December 13th
  • Breakfast with Santa & Friends:  December 14th from 10 to 12 at Rio Del Oro (FB Post)

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  breakfast at the Brick with Supervisor Flores from Sutter County and Councilman Gilchrist from Marysville, Plumas Lake Community Cleanup, dropping Cookie Tree cookies to every poll worker in the 4th District, my family voting on election day, tour of the Yuba County airport with a defense contractor, Salvation Army Red Kettle Kick Off fundraiser with Councilman Gilchrist, and SACOG transportation committee meeting.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Since this was the 5th Tuesday of the month, there was no Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting or a Yuba Water Agency board meeting.

I headed to San Antonio on Sunday for the annual Association of Defense Communities (ADC) Installation Innovation Summit. Attendees include military and community leaders from across the nation, and the topic will be how communities can best support their local bases. We were looking for key military leaders to talk with about what makes Beale unique and an excellent choice for new missions like Collaborative Combat Aircraft and the 14th AF HQ.  We had a great conversation with a veteran working on creating a unique destination golf course (Warbird National) about why his vision complements the master planning efforts of Enterprise Rancheria in the Yuba County Sports & Entertainment Zone and Beale AFB.  I look forward to convening the appropriate stakeholders to see if this project makes sense to everyone involved.

After I returned from San Antonio, several things were on my calendar, including a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast and a Summit on Ending Homelessness hosted by the Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium.

This week, community events on my calendar include the Wheatland Trunk-or-Treat and the West Sacramento Rotary meeting, where Lt Col JC Gorman spoke about the U-2.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Due to our board chambers serving as a polling location, we will meet at the Yuba Water offices located at 1220 F Street in Marysville.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Consider approving a sponsorship for $5,000 to the South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL) for the 2025 Wild and Scenic Film Festival.
  • Consider amending the Yuba Water Agency’s Conflict of Interest Code and authorize staff to submit the amended code to the County Board of Supervisors for final approval.

I have several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:

  • Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee.  The agenda contains multiple items of interest including: approving the Engage, Empower, Implement Awards; receiving a presentation on the Northern California Megaregion Zero Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Study; and discussion on the 2025 Blueprint: Draft Final Transportation Project List and Performance.
  • A Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) Special Meeting (agenda here)
  • A Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Board Meeting

Additional items on my calendar include a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review, a touch-base lunch with Yuba County CDSA staff, a SACOG lunchtime discussion on the regional prosperity strategy, a webinar on AI in the workplace, and a meeting and tour of the Yuba County Airport with Kratos.  I also plan to attend this month’s OPUD Park Committee meeting (agenda).

This week, community events on my calendar include the Salvation Army Rock the Red Kettle Fundraiser (Facebook event) and the Plumas Lake Community Cleanup (Facebook event)


Announcements & Events

  • Election Day!  Tuesday 11/5.  Polls are open from 7am to 8pm.  More info here
  • Plumas Lake Community Clean-up, November 9th at the Park & Ride (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Plumas Lake Christmas Parade & Charity Drive on December 6th
  • Wheatland Christmas Street Fair:  December 7th from 5pm to 9pm
  • Plumas Lake Night of Lights:  December 13th

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Wheatland Trunk or Treat on Halloween at Settler’s Village; starting Haloween at the epicenter of fall in Yuba County, Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm; the Association of Defense Communities Installation Innovation Forum in San Antonio; with Creighton from Yuba Water at the Alamo; supporting Beale AFB at West Sacramento Rotary.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

Some highlights from the agenda include:
  • Treasurer and Tax Collector: Approve the sale of tax-defaulted properties at public auction via internet.
  • Clerk Recorder/Registrar of Voters: Adopted a resolution appointing special district directors in lieu of election for the November 5, 2024 General Election.
  • Community Development and Services: Appoint Community Development and Services Director as real property negotiator for two parcels along the alignment of the future Goldfields Parkway.

Additional items on my calendar include a brief IHSS board meeting, a SACOG unmet transit needs meeting (which I will chair), a tobacco coalition meeting, a Hard Rock development committee meeting, a briefing about the potential of the 14th Air Force being stood up at Beale, a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening (agenda), and the Plumas Lake Elementary School District community meeting on Wednesday evening (more info here, then click community input)

This week, community events on my calendar include the Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival on Friday night and the Wheatland Cruise Trunk or Treat.


Looking ahead to this week

Since this is the 5th Tuesday, there is neither a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting nor a Yuba Water Agency board meeting.

On Sunday, I head to San Antonio for the annual Association of Defense Communities (ADC) Installation Innovation Summit. Attendees include military and community leaders from across the nation, and the topic will be how communities can best support their local bases. I’ll also be looking for key military leaders to talk with about what makes Beale unique and a great choice for new missions like Collaborative Combat Aircraft and the 14th AF HQ.

After I return from San Antonio, there are several things on my calendar, including a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meeting, a Summit on Ending Homelessness hosted by the Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium, and an OPUD/County Liason meeting.

This week, community events on my calendar include the Wheatland Trunk or Treat on Halloween and possibly First Friday at Beale.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland Trunk or Treat:  October 31 from 1pm to 4pm at Settlers Village
  • Plumas Lake Community Clean-up, November 9th at the Park & Ride (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Wheatland Christmas Street Fair:  December 7th from 5pm to 9pm
  • Plumas Lake Night of Lights:  December 13th

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Collage from the Wheatland City Council meeting, collage from the Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival, Sports & Entertainment Zone development committee meeting, and annual Unmet Transit Needs hearing with SACOG and Yuba Sutter Transit.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Approved more than $3M in grants to the City of Marysville, North Yuba Water District, and the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department.
  • We received an update on community impact and engagement initiatives and previewed our new Community Impact Video

Additional items on my calendar include a touch-base lunch with community development, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Western Region monthly meeting, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) executive committee meeting, a webinar for state and local officials from the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) about protecting the democratic process from foreign cyber and disinformation attacks, and a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting (agenda).

On Wednesday, I joined 4th-grade classes from Rio Del Oro Elementary on the annual Salmon Expedition program sponsored by Yuba Water Agency and hosted by the South Yuba River Citizens League. We sponsor all 4th-grade classes in MJUSD, WESD, and PLESD that are interested in going on this fantastic education rafting trip on the Yuba River.

While I didn’t attend them due to other commitments, this week was an Olivehurst Public Utility District (OPUD) board meeting (agenda) and a Yuba County Planning Commission meeting (agenda).

This week, community events on my calendar included the annual Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Sacramento Valley Celebration.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

Some highlights from the agenda include:
  • Treasurer and Tax Collector: Approve the sale of tax-defaulted properties at public auction via internet.
  • Clerk Recorder/Registrar of Voters: Adopt resolution appointing special district directors in lieu of election for the November 5, 2024 General Election.
  • Community Development and Services: Appoint Community Development and Services Director, Mike Lee, as real property negotiator for APN’s 018-210-077, 078 along alignment of the future Goldfields Parkway.

Additional items on my calendar include a brief IHSS board meeting, a Yuba Water agenda review, a webinar related to AI, a SACOG unmet transit needs meeting (which I will chair), a tobacco coalition meeting, and a Hard Rock development committee meeting. I plan to attend a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening (agenda) and the Plumas Lake Elementary School District community meeting on Wednesday evening (more info here, then click community input)

This week, community events on my calendar include the Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival on Friday night.


Announcements & Events

  • PLESD Community Meeting on Middle School Design and Measures D, E, and F Information: October 23rd at 6:00 p.m. Rio Del Oro Multi-purpose Room
  • Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival, October 25th from 5pm-8pm (Facebook event)
  • Plumas Lake Trunk or Treat, Saturday October 26th from 4pm to 6pm (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Cruise Night Trunk or Treat, Saturday October 26th at 5pm (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Trunk or Treat:  October 31 from 1pm to 4pm at Settlers Village
  • Plumas Lake Community Clean-up, November 9th at the Park & Ride (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly board meeting, joining 4th graders from Rio Del Oro Elementary in Plumas Lake on a Yuba River Salmon Expedition sponsored by Yuba Water Agency and provided by our partner South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL), Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) annual Sacramento Valley Celebration at Matchbook Winery in Zamora, and touring Yuba County Animal Control Services.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Approved  a resolution in support of Proposition 36
  • Approved a support letter for a Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) mission at Beale AFB.
  • Approved a resolution in support of Operation Green Light.
  • Approved negotiators for property needed for the Plumas Lake Blvd Interchange Phase 2 Project.
  • Received a quarterly update (starts at 18:33) from Community Development and Services Department.
  • Received the annual update (starts at 2:35) from the Ag Commissioner on the Crop Report
  • Receive an update on fires located at 4533 Feather River Boulevard.

Additional items on my calendar included an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Rural Action Caucus monthly meeting, a discussion with Supervisor Byrne from Modoc County, a touch-base lunch with the Yuba County Public Works Director, an informational meeting with the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks,  a vision-casting session with MJUSD for the Raising Highly Capable Kids Parenting Program, a coordination briefing for the upcoming Association of Defense Communities conference, and a meeting to explore potential tolling options to get Goldfields Parkway and/or the Beale Expressway funded and built.

This week, community events on my calendar include the 2024 Flood Awareness Be Prepared Fair and the 5th Annual Hanger Party at the Yuba County airport.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Consider approving about $2.9M in grants to the City of Marysville, North Yuba Water District, and the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department.
  • Receive an update on community impact and engagement initiatives.

Additional items on my calendar include a touch-base lunch with community development, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Western Region monthly meeting, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) executive committee meeting, a webinar for state and local officials from the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) about protecting the democratic process from foreign cyber and disinformation attacks, and a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting (agenda).

On Wednesday, I’ll be joining 4th-grade classes from Rio Del Oro Elementary on the annual Salmon Expedition program sponsored by Yuba Water Agency and hosted by the South Yuba River Citizens League.  All 4th graders in Yuba County have an opportunity to go on this fantastic education rafting trip on the Yuba River.

While I don’t plan to attend them due to other commitments, this week is an Olivehurst Public Utility District (OPUD) board meeting (agenda) and a Yuba County Planning Commission meeting (agenda).

This week, community events on my calendar include the annual Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Sacramento Valley Celebration.

Announcements & Events

  • Last Stop Inn Haunted House in Wheatland [October 18, 19, 25, 26, 31, 11/1 + 11/2] (link to Facebook post)
  • Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
  • PLESD Community Meeting on Middle School Design and Measures D, E, and F Information: October 23rd at 6:00 p.m. Rio Del Oro Multi-purpose Room
  • Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival, October 25th from 5pm-8pm (Facebook event)
  • Plumas Lake Trunk or Treat, Saturday October 26th from 4pm to 6pm (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Cruise Night Trunk or Treat, Saturday October 26th at 5pm (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Trunk or Treat:  October 31 from 1pm to 4pm at Settlers Village
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Plumas Lake Community Clean-up, November 9th at the Park & Ride
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Halloween decorations with my YesOnBCDEF sign; Stopping by to chat with Wheatland PD, Wheatland Fire Authority, Linda Fire, and Yuba Water Agency at the Yuba County Be Prepared Fair in Linda; a picture of the northern lights with the Sutter Buttes (photo credit to Glenn Robinson); a beautiful fall morning and rainbow in Plumas Lake; presentation from the Ag Commissioner at our board meeting; and a meeting about Raising Highly Capable Kids at MJUSD.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include:

  • Updated on the Atmospheric River Control (ARC) spillway project (short project overview video)
  • Grant request from OPUD for water main project along Arboga Rd
  • Review of financial statements for July 2024

There were several other board meetings on my calendar this week, including a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee meeting (agenda), a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda), and a Yuba Water Agency POD Committee meeting (agenda),

Additional items on my calendar included an agenda review for the SACOG transportation committee, a discussion with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) about Yuba Water Agency mission areas, a video recording session for Hard Rocks’s 5th Anniversary,  a meeting with T-Mobile to learn about their plans in Yuba County, a discussion on toll bridge opportunities, a Yuba Water chair/vice-chair breakfast, a conversation with Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) staff about leadership opportunities, an RCRC End of Session Legislative wrap up presentation, a Yuba Sutter Chamber Government Affairs Committee, and the annual Yuba County employee recognition BBQ.

This week, I attended community-related events, including the final Plumas Lake Walking Moai of the season, a PLESD community meeting about the design of the middle school and measures DEF, First Friday at Beale AFB, “an afternoon at the Dannebrouge Mine” in Browns Valley hosted by the Yuba County Historical Resources Commission, the Global Rice Fest at Conway Ranch in Yolo County, a Parade of Beale’s First Responders in the Beale Housing community, and the Plumas Lake Oktoberfest!  The Global Rice Fest is a fundraiser for the Yolo Foodbank I attended to show appreciation of a very generous donation for the Yuba Sutter Foodbank to help with food insecurity of our Beale airment.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Consider a resolution in support of Proposition 36
  • Consider a support letter for a Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) mission at Beale AFB.
  • Appoint two representatives to the Measure K Citizen’s Oversight Committee
  • Consider resolution in support of Operation Green Light.
  • Appoint and confer with property negotiators for property needed for the Plumas Lake Blvd Interchange Phase 2 Project.
  • Receive quarterly update from Community Development and Services Department.
  • Receive update on fires located at 4533 Feather River Boulevard.

Additional items on my calendar include an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Rural Action Caucus monthly meeting, a discussion with Supervisor Byrne from Modoc County, a touch-base lunch with the Yuba County Public Works Director, an informational meeting with the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks, and a vision-casting session with MJUSD for the Raising Highly Capable Kids Parenting Program.

This week, community events on my calendar include the 2024 Flood Awareness Be Prepared Fair, the Yuba Community College District Board Meeting where Yuba Water will be recognized, and possibly the 5th Annual Hanger Party at the Yuba County airport.

Announcements & Events

  • Yuba County Be Prepared Fair, 3:30pm-7:00pm on October 10th at 1000 Linhurst Ave in Linda (Facebook Event)
  • Last Stop Inn Haunted House in Wheatland [October 12, 18, 19, 25, 26, 31, 11/1 + 11/2] (link to Facebook post)
  • Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
  • PLESD Community Meeting on Middle School Design and Measures D, E, and F Information: October 23rd at 6:00 p.m. Rio Del Oro Multi-purpose Room
  • Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival, October 25th from 5pm-8pm (Facebook event)
  • Plumas Lake Trunk or Treat, Saturday October 26th from 4pm to 6pm (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Cruise Night Trunk or Treat, Saturday October 26th at 5pm (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Trunk or Treat:  October 31 from 1pm to 4pm at Settlers Village
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Plumas Lake Community Clean-up, November 9th at the Park & Ride
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, the final Plumas Lake Walking Moai of the season, at Morgan’s Mill in Woodland for a coffee meeting with RCRC, an afternoon at the Dannebrouge Mine in Browns Valley, interview for a video celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Hard Rock, Global Rice Fest at Conway Ranch in Yolo County, PLESD community meeting on the middle school bonds and year-round school,  SACOG transportation committee meeting, and a Parade of Beale’s First Responders in the Beale Housing community.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, and a few highlights from the agenda include:

  • Receive Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Report from Measure K Citizens’ Oversight Committee (video of presentation here, starts at 39:28).
  • Appoint two representatives to the Measure K Citizen’s Oversight Committee as Representatives for a term ending September 24, 2026.
  • Approve sole source agreement with The Salvation Army to operate the 14Forward temporary shelter facility from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
  • Adopt a resolution appointing Doug Lofton to the Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Board of Directors as an At-Large Director.

There was also a Wheatland City Council meeting this week; the agenda is here.

I couldn’t attend the Board of Supervisors meeting because I was in Virginia for the first half of the week. The purpose of the trip was to meet with the General over Air Combat Command at Langley AFB and share why Beale, Yuba County, and the Sacramento region are the best choices for a new collaborative combat aircraft (CCA) mission.

After returning from Langley, my calendar included a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting, a TRLIA Feather River Setback Area Ad-Hoc Committee, and a SACOG Megaregion Working Group.

This week, community events on my calendar included the Yuba County Airport’s 75th Anniversary celebration, the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off (including the grower’s reception and the awards dinner), the Wheatland Vendor Fair, and a gathering to make yard signs in support of Plumas Lake school bonds (BCDEF)..


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Updated on the Atmospheric River Control (ARC) spillway project
  • Grant request from OPUD for water main project along Arboga Rd
  • Review of financial statements for July 2024

There are several other board meetings on my calendar this week, including a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee meeting (agenda), a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda), a Yuba Water Agency POD Committee meeting (agenda), and a NACo Transportation Committee.

Additional items on my calendar include an agenda review for the SACOG transportation committee, a discussion with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) about Yuba Water Agency mission areas, a video recording session for Hard Rocks’s 5th Anniversary, a touch-base lunch with Yuba County community development leadership, a meeting with T-Mobile to learn about their plans in Yuba County, a discussion on toll bridge opportunities, a Yuba Water chair/vice-chair breakfast, a conversation with Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) staff about leadership opportunities, and the annual Yuba County employee recognition BBQ.

This week, community events on my calendar include the final Plumas Lake Walking Moai of the season, a PLESD community meeting about the design of the middle school and measures DEF, and the Plumas Lake Oktoberfest!

Announcements & Events

  • PLESD Community Meeting on Middle School Design and Measures D, E, and F Information: October 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Riverside Meadows Multi-purpose Room
  • Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, October 5th at Eufay Wood Park (Facebook event)
  • Yuba County Be Prepared Fair, 3:30pm-7:00pm on October 10th at 1000 Linhurst Ave in Linda
  • Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
  • PLESD Community Meeting on Middle School Design and Measures D, E, and F Information: October 23rd at 6:00 p.m. Rio Del Oro Multi-purpose Room
  • Wheatland Trunk or Treat:  October 31 from 1pm to 4pm at Settlers Village
  • Plumas Lake Community Clean-up
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  At Langley AFB advocating for a new mission to come to Beale, Wheatland Vendor Night, Yuba County Airport 75th Anniversary Celebration, National Pumpkin Weigh-Off at Bishop’s, Yes on BCDEF sign painting party (Yes for our Kids, Yes for our Teachers, Yes for our Community), giving opening remarts at the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off Awards Dinner at Hard Rock.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  •  Receive an update on the progress of forming a non-profit organization for education and research in Yuba County and the three-year plan for that organization; approve the MOU and the initial budget allocation of $150,000 annually for three years for a total of up to $450,000, to fund the organization’s start-up.
  • The signing of the Yuba Applied Research Center (YARC) MOU with Beale Air Force Base, University of California, Davis, Yuba Water Agency, and the City of Wheatland.
  • Multiple items related to extending the Yuba Accord Long-Term Water Transfer Program

More about the YARC:

Leaders with the Yuba Water Agency, Beale Air Force Base, the city of Wheatland, and the University of California, Davis signed a landmark memorandum on Tuesday in order to develop mutually beneficial research projects addressing key regional challenges.  The partnership aims to address issues identified throughout Yuba County and the surrounding region, including flooding, wildfires, emergency response, agricultural technology, and water and energy management.  Economic consultant for Yuba Water Agency Lon Hatamiya said that YARC is a catalyst for economic growth in Yuba County as well as the greater Sacramento region with the goal of conducting technology and policy research, workforce training, and connecting Yuba County to similar state, regional and national efforts.  Retired Maj. Gen. Jake Polumbo explained that phase one of the facility will break ground on a general administration, ag tech, and environmental research facility by fall of 2025. Officials aim to develop additional facilities and coordinated research programs through 2027. Col. Keagan McLeese, 9th Reconnaissance Wing commander at Beale, believes that the memorandum is an extension of the base’s existing efforts to spur growth and technological improvement in the region..

  • Read more.
  • Watch the presentation: presentation (starts at 13:45)
  • Hear comments from partners at the signing ceremony here (starts at 2:30)

After Tuesday’s Yuba Water Agency meeting, I headed to Rohnert Park for the rest of the week to attend the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) annual conference and board meeting.  The agenda from the RCRC board meeting can be viewed here, and the sessions at the conference include:

  • Powering the Future: Accelerating the Pace and Scale of Clean Energy Generation and Storage
  • What’s the Big Deal about Regenerative Agriculture?
  • Featured Speaker: The Honorable Mike McGuire, Senate President Pro Tempore
  • The Rural Perspective of California Legislative Leaders
  • The Pathway to Sustainable Forest Management & Addressing California’s Energy Agenda
  • Navigating the Challenges of Short-Term Rentals

Community events I attended this week included the dedication of Deputy Meilbeck Park in east Plumas Lake on Saturday.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Receive Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Report from Measure K Citizens’ Oversight Committee.
  • Appoint two representatives to the Measure K Citizen’s Oversight Committee as Representatives for a term ending September 24, 2026.
  • Approve sole source agreement with The Salvation Army to operate the 14Forward temporary shelter facility from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
  • Adopt a resolution appointing Doug Lofton to the Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Board of Directors as an At-Large Director.

There is also a Wheatland City Council meeting this week; the agenda is here.

I won’t be able to attend the Board of Supervisors meeting as I’m headed to Langley AFB in Virginia for the first half of the week. The purpose of the trip is to meet with the General over Air Combat Command and advocate for having a Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) mission come to Beale AFB.

After returning from Langley, my calendar includes a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting, a TRLIA Feather River Setback Area Ad-Hoc Committee, and a SACOG Megaregion Working Group.

This week, community events on my calendar include the Yuba County Airport’s 75th Anniversary celebration, the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off, and a gathering to make yard signs in support of Plumas Lake school bonds.


Announcements & Events

  • Yuba County Airport’s 75th Anniversary celebration, September 28th, 9am – 4pm at the Yuba County Airport
  • Wheatland Vendor Night Block Party, September 28th at 5pm on Front St (Facebook event)
  • Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, October 5th at Eufay Wood Park (Facebook event)
  • Yuba County Be Prepared Fair, 3:30pm-7:00pm on October 10th at 1000 Linhurst Ave in Linda
  • Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Signing of the MOU between Yuba Water, Beale AFB, City of Wheatland, and UC Davis for a research center in Wheatland; hanging with Supervisor Valenzuela from Siskiyou at the Rural County Representatives of California conference in Sonoma County; some downtime during the conference with Supervisor Messick; dedication of Deputy Meilbeck Park in east Plumas Lake with the OPUD board, Sheriff Anderson, and Undersheriff Morawcznski; annual stakeholder meeting on the Yuba County community health improvement process; and enjoying the Marysville Stampede with my wife.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Public Hearing – Hold a Public hearing and receive a presentation from the County Administrator’s Office on the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. (Watch the budget hearing here (starts at 42:00), view materials from the hearing here,  view the FY 24/25 proposed budget highlights here
    , and View the FY 24/25 proposed budget book here.)
  • Adopt a resolution authorizing a bi-county assessment of the services provided by Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health.
  • Adopt a resolution authorizing the Animal Care Services (ACS) Division to accept funds as a beneficiary of the R and S Billotte Revocable Trust.
  • Award contract for the Hammonton-Smartsville Road at Doolittle Drive Improvement Project.
  • Adopt a resolution approving the continuation of the Yes to Startups program.
  • Adopt resolution declaring APNs 020-160-036, 046, 056 and 057 as surplus land.

Additional items on my calendar include several meetings related to County workforce development and Yuba Community College District, a SACOG Policy and Innovation Committee; a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria, a visit to Kratos in Roseville to learn about collaborative combat aircraft (CCAs), a National Association of Counties (NACo) Rural Action Caucus meeting, Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting, a housing-related information session hosted by SACOG called Unlocking Prosperity Series: Housing Solutions from the Ground Up.

This week, community-related events on my calendar include the dedication of the Cotton Rosser Bronze Monument, the Recovery Happens event, the Air Force Ball, Sodbusters, and the Marysville Stampede.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  •  Receive an update on the progress of forming a non-profit organization for education and research in Yuba County and the three-year plan for that organization; approve the MOU and the initial budget allocation of $150,000 annually for three years for a total of up to $450,000, to fund the organization’s start-up.
  • The signing of the Yuba Applied Research Center (YARC) MOU with Beale Air Force Base, University of California, Davis, Yuba Water Agency, and the City of Wheatland.
  • Multiple items related to extending the Yuba Accord Long-Term Water Transfer Program

After the Yuba Water Agency meeting on Tuesday, I’ll head to Rohnert Park for the rest of the week to attend the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) annual conference and board meeting.  The agenda from the RCRC board meeting can be viewed here, and the sessions at the conference include:

  • Powering the Future: Accelerating the Pace and Scale of Clean Energy Generation and Storage
  • What’s the Big Deal about Regenerative Agriculture?
  • Featured Speaker: The Honorable Mike McGuire, Senate President Pro Tempore
  • The Rural Perspective of California Legislative Leaders
  • The Pathway to Sustainable Forest Management & Addressing California’s Energy Agenda
  • Navigating the Challenges of Short-Term Rentals
  • Building Rural Relationships Across the Ocean


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland Vendor Night Block Party, September 28th at 5pm on Front St (Facebook event)
  • Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, October 5th at Eufay Wood Park (Facebook event)
  • Yuba County Be Prepared Fair, 3:30pm-7:00pm on October 10th at 1000 Linhurst Ave in Linda
  • Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  dedication of the Cotton Rosser statue in Marysville, Air Force Ball, meeting with regional county supervisors and Yuba Community College District, recovery happens event, SACOG luncheon on infill development, meeting at the Kratos Unmanned Systems to learn about the company and its work with Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA), and Sodbusters.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Sponsorship for the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off
  • Receiving a presentation from participants in the 2024 summer intern program

Additional items on my calendar included a Tree Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board of directors meeting (agenda), a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board of directors meeting, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee agenda review, a Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair breakfast, an OPUD/County Liason Committee, and a SACOG Transportation Committee meeting (video) followed by a SACOG lunch and learn on Road User Charges (video starts at 2:02:00).

The agenda for the SACOG Transportation Committee includes multiple items of significant public interest, including:

  • 2025 Regional Active Transportation Program Policy Framework Amendment
  • Approve 2025 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
  • 2025 Blueprint: Draft Transportation Project List and Investment Priorities

There was a significant item on the TRLIA agenda related to access to the Feather River Setback Area.  The item was continued at our October meeting based on public comments from the state and local farmers in the area.  In addition, TRLIA established an ad-hoc committee (with myself and director Hastey appointed) to meet with the State, the sheriff, county staff, and land owners to further discuss access challenges and opportunities related to public access in the area.

  • Hold public hearing, waive second reading, and adopt Ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 5

This week, community-related events on my calendar include an Elite Services open house, a fundraiser for the Yuba Sutter Foodbank, the Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health Bridging Hope Walk, and volunteering at (and then attending) the United Way Golden Autumn Wine Festival at Bishops.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Public Hearing – Hold Public hearing and receive presentation from the County Administrator’s Office on the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
  • Adopt resolution authorizing a bi-county assessment of the services provided by Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health.
  • Adopt resolution authorizing Animal Care Services (ACS) Division to accept funds as a beneficiary of the R and S Billotte Revocable Trust.
  • Award contract for the Hammonton-Smartsville Road at Doolittle Drive Improvement Project.
  • Adopt resolution approving the continuation of Yes to Startups program.
  • Adopt resolution declaring APNs 020-160-036, 046, 056 and 057 as surplus land.

Additional items on my calendar include several meetings related to County workforce development and Yuba Community College District, a SACOG Policy and Innovation Committee; a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria, a visit to Kratos in Roseville to learn about collaborative combat aircraft (CCAs), a National Association of Counties (NACo) Rural Action Caucus meeting, Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting, a housing-related information session hosted by SACOG called Unlocking Prosperity Series: Housing Solutions from the Ground Up.

This week, community-related events on my calendar include the dedication of the Cotton Rosser Bronze Monument, the Recovery Happens event, the Air Force Ball, Sodbusters, and the Marysville Stampede.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland Vendor Night Block Party, September 28th at 5pm on Front St (Facebook event)
  • Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, October 5th at Eufay Wood Park (Facebook event)
  • Yuba County Be Prepared Fair, 3:30pm-7:00pm on October 10th at 1000 Linhurst Ave in Linda
  • Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  The Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health Bridging Hope Event & Walk to raise awareness of suicide and prevent it, Plumas Lake Walking Moai, SACOG Transportation Committee meeting, starting the season at Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm wit the Golden Autumn Wine Festival, Boom truck ride at Elite Services Open House, a tour of Heritage Growers Seed Facility, before a NCWA board meeting in Colusa, a Yuba Sutter Foodbank Fundraiser.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Adopt a resolution authorizing the Public Works Director to submit a grant application for funding and commit funds for the non-federal cost share under the U.S. Department of Transportation FY 2023-FY 2024 Railroad Crossing Elimination Program. (this is to seek federal funding for the Plumas Lake Blvd Interchange, Phase 2)
  • Approve Board of Supervisors Grand Jury responses to be sent to the Judge of the findings made in the 2023/24 Yuba County Grand Jury Report,
  •  Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce ordinance repealing and re-enacting Chapter 2.160 of Title II of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to the County Seal and County Logo.

Additional items on my calendar included a day-long Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) strategic planning committee (i.e. executive committee) leadership retreat to discuss SACOG initiatives and programs in 2025 and a tour of Beale AFB with Placer County elected officials.

This week, community-related events on my calendar included a ribbon cutting for the track at Lindhurst High School, a networking event for Sacramento Advocates for Rail and Transit, and the Taco Festival at Hard Rock.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Sponsorship for the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off
  • Receiving a presentation from participants in the 2024 summer intern program

Additional items on my calendar include a Tree Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board of directors meeting (agenda), a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board of directors meeting, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee agenda review, a Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair breakfast, an OPUD/County Liason Committee, and a SACOG Transportation Committee meeting followed by a SACOG lunch and learn on Road User Charges.

The agenda for the SACOG Transportation Committee includes multiple items of significant public interest, including:

  • 2025 Regional Active Transportation Program Policy Framework Amendment
  • Approve 2025 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
  • 2025 Blueprint: Draft Transportation Project List and Investment Priorities

This week, community-related events on my calendar include an Elite Services open house, a fundraiser for the Yuba Sutter Foodbank, the Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health Bridging Hope Walk, and volunteering at (and then attending) the United Way Golden Autumn Wine Festival at Bishops.


Announcements & Events

  • Plumas Lake Neighborhood Garage Sale on September 7th (Facebook event)
  • Golden Autum Wine Festival on September 8th at Bishops (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Vendor Night Block Party, September 28th at 5pm on Front St (Facebook event)
  • Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, October 5th at Eufay Wood Park (Facebook event)
  • Yuba County Be Prepared Fair, 3:30pm-7:00pm on October 10th at 1000 Linhurst Ave in Linda
  • Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  SACOG Strategic Planning Committee retreat in Old Sacramento,  networking event hosted by Sacramento Advocates for Rail and Transit, ribbon cutting of the new Lindhurst High track, grand opening of the Plumas Lake Pizza Hut, going for a walk on the bike trail in east Plumas Lake, the Taco Festival at Hard Rock, and Placer County tour with Beale AFB.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda was relatively short, but a few highlights include:

  • Consider adoption of Resolution 2024-12 authorizing the General Manager, or their designee, to prepare and file a CEQA Notice of Exemption for the Daguerre Point Dam Nature-like Fishway Phase 2 Site Investigations Program
  • Receive a presentation from interns on projects completed during the 2024 Summer Intern Program.

Additional items on my calendar included a touch base with a company looking to invest in Yuba County, a touch base with Yuba County Community Development leadership, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Executive Committee meeting, and an NCWA Conservation Task Force meeting with Assemblyman James Gallager and the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians to discuss opportunities to learn from either other and fund common ground on Sacramento Valley water issues.

While my calendar was light on formal meetings, it was full of community-related events, including: a reception for the Beale Military Liason Council (BMLC) Golf Tournament, a BMLC Golf Tournament with my host commander at Beale (Lt Col Brennan Howell), a fundraiser for “Yes on 36“, and the annual Yuba Water Agency employee BBQ.  In addition, I celebrated the grand opening of the new Jamba Juice in Plumas Lake and the new Wendys in Linda.  I also had an opportunity to provide an update on important South Yuba County infrastructure projects at the weekly South Yuba Sunrise Rotary meeting (slide deck),


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Adopt a resolution authorizing the Public Works Director to submit a grant application for funding and commit funds for the non-federal cost share under the U.S. Department of Transportation FY 2023-FY 2024 Railroad Crossing Elimination Program. (this is to seek federal funding for the Plumas Lake Blvd Interchange, Phase 2)
  • Approve Board of Supervisors Grand Jury responses to be sent to the Judge of the findings made in the 2023/24 Yuba County Grand Jury Report,
  •  Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce ordinance repealing and re-enacting Chapter 2.160 of Title II of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to the County Seal and County Logo.

Additional items on my calendar include a day-long Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) strategic planning committee (i.e. executive committee) leadership retreat to discuss SACOG initiatives and programs in 2025, an agenda review meeting for Yuba Water Agency, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) legislative update meeting, and a tour of Beale AFB with Placer County elected officials.

This week, community-related events on my calendar include a ribbon cutting for the track at Lindhurst High School and a networking event for Sacramento Advocates for Rail and Transit.


Announcements & Events

  • Nicolaus Labor Day Parade, 10 am on September 2nd
  • Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, October 5th at Eufay Wood Park
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Beale Military Liason Council golf tournament, giving an update on South Yuba County infrastructure projects at the weekly South Yuba Sunrise Rotary meeting, Yuba Water Agency employee BBQ, Northern California Water Association meeting with the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians at Assemblyman Gallagher’s office, Yes on Prop 36 fundraiser, celebrating the opening of Jamba Juice in Plumas Lake, and celebrating the opening of Wendys in Linda.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda contained several item of public interest:

  • Approve request from Wheatland Union High School District Board of Trustees ordering a School Bond Election authorizing three (3) separate actions in consolidation with the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024
  • Approve request from Plumas Lake Elementary School District ordering a School Bond Election authorizing three (3) separate actions in consolidation with the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024
  • Approve agreement with Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency for the Star Bend Boat Ramp Sediment Removal Project.
  • Approve a second-hand dealer’s license for D & D Thrift Store located at 1688 North Beale Road in Linda.
  • Adopt a resolution that authorizes the Public Works Director to execute a restricted grant agreement for funding under the California Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant.

The Board of Supervisors conducted our annual Budget Workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday, which was open to the public. Each department presented what it accomplished in FY 23/24 and its goals for FY 24/25. The schedule of each department’s presentation to the board can be found here and the draft FY 24/25 budget, approved by the board in June, can be found here.

I also had a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Government’s (SACOG) board meeting this week and you can find the agenda here.  Items this public is likely most interested in include:

  • Regional Funding Program Framework
  • Transportation Policy Workshop
  • 2025 Blueprint Implementation Discussion: Housing Types

Additional items on my calendar include a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee retreat prep meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda prep meeting, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast, a NACo West Region monthly meeting, a touch base on some future advocacy for Beale AFB, and a Hard Rock/Enterprise Rancheria Development Committee meeting. It’s always great to meet with Hard Rock, Enterprise Rancheria, the City of Wheatland, OPUD, Yuba County, Yuba Water, YSEDC, and other partners to discuss the status of infrastructure, commercial, and residential development projects in south Yuba County.

This week, community-related events on my calendar included a Yuba Sutter Chamber Ribbon Cutting for Palomas in downtown Marysville, the kick-off of the Yuba Sutter Veteran’s Stand Down, the Plumas Lake Block Party, the  Run for the Hills Mountain Fair 5k and the Mountain Fair in Brownsville.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda is relatively short, but a few highlights include:

  • Consider adoption of Resolution 2024-12 authorizing the General Manager, or their designee, to prepare and file a CEQA Notice of Exemption for the Daguerre Point Dam Nature-like Fishway Phase 2 Site Investigations Program
  • Receive a presentation from interns on projects completed during the 2024 Summer Intern Program.

Additional items on my calendar include a touch base with a company looking to invest in Yuba County, a touch base with Yuba County Community Development leadership, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Executive Committee meeting, and an NCWA Conservation Task Force meeting with Assemblyman James Gallager and the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians. I will likely attend the Marysville City Council Meeting on Tuesday evening to hear about an Ellis Lake water quality report.

This week, community-related events on my calendar include a reception for the Beale Military Liason Council (BMLC) Golf Tournament, a BMLC Golf Tournament with my host commander at Beale (Lt Col Brennan Howell), and a fundraiser for “Yes on 36“.  There is a townhall with Congressman LaMalfa in Wheatland on Thursday evening, but unfortunately I will be unable to attend due to a conflict.


Announcements & Events

  • Yuba Sutter Townhall with Congressman LaMalfa at the Community Center in Wheatland (101 C St) on August 22nd at 6pm
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  With Marysville City Councilmembers at the Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for Palomas in Downtown Marysville,  checking out a Huey helicopter with Supervisor Bains at the Yuba Sutter Veteran’s Standdown, south county development meeting at Hard Rock, Yuba Water Agency participants (including Supervisor Messick) in the Run for the Hills Mountain Fair 5k, the Mountain Fair in Brownsville, Plumas Lake Block Party, and the FY 23/24 budget workshop.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a meeting of the Yuba Water Agency board of directors.  The agenda contains one item of public interest:

  • The Board approved a grant of up to $7 million and a loan of up to $8.33 million to the Camptonville Community Partnership to continue developing a bioenergy facility to be constructed in Dobbins, CA.

This project is critical for Yuba Water’s mission related to forest and watershed resiliency, but it also brings economic benefits, provides additional clean energy for the grid, and improves air quality. The Yuba Water press release for this significant project is here.

I also had a Three River Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA), and the agenda contained several items of public interest, including:

  • FY 24/25 Budget Hearing
  • Ordinance—Public Hearing: Hold a public hearing, waive the reading, and introduce an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No.5 updating public access and rules of conduct in the Feather River Levee Setback Area (FRLSA).
  • CFD 2006-1 and CFD 2006-2 FY 24/25 Tax Reports

Speaking of the TRLIA CFD assessment… Yuba Water Agency and Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority’s work in 2020 to refinance the “levee builder bonds” continues to lower the TRLIA CFD assessments for some Plumas Lake homeowners.  Some Cresleigh Creekside residents will see their assessment drop from $1493 to $1212, a $281 reduction.  Some Cresleigh Woodside residents will see their assessment drop from $922 to $748; a $174 reduction. Others will see it drop from $1142 to $947; a $195 reduction.  In the Lennar developments on the eastside, residents will see a drop from $590 to $543, $618 to $569, $959 to $883, or $791 to $728. This is in addition to reductions last year of $662 to $590, $1076 to $959, and $887 to $791. This puts the two-year reductions at $119, $49, $193, $159, respectively.   In FY 21/22 residents on the east side of River Oaks and north of the Fire Station who pay this assessment were the first to benefit from this work, seeing their assessment go from $2627 to $1154 ($1473 reduction) or $1282 to $834 ($448 reduction).  See the full report for this special assessment (TRLIA CFD 2006-1 & TRLIA CFD 2006-2) in the board packet for this week’s TRLIA meeting.  I also received questions about when other areas may see a reduction.  While it depends on the growth rate in a specific neighborhood, a presentation on the anticipated timeline for the reductions can be found here.

Additional items on my calendar included a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) with the Sacramento State President and a White House Senior Advisor, a webinar on what public officials need to know about local ballot measures and candidate elections, a meeting to touch base with Yuba County Public Works, and attending a Plumas Lake Elementary school board workshop on the design of the design of the middle school that will be built if voters approve bonds in November. It’s no secret thatI’ve been a strong advocate of approving these bonds to address school overcrowding in the fast growing community of Plumas Lake.   I was excited to see some of the preliminary designs and envision the asset this facility will be to the community.  I look forward to the district sharing it with the broader community in the coming weeks as voters determine how they will vote on these important measures.

This week, community-related events on my calendar included Wheatland’s National Night Out at Tom Abe Park on Tuesday, August 6th, from 6pm to 8pm and Dance with Our Stars at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.

Also, the filing deadline for local elected positions appearing on the November ballot ended this week. You can see which races are contested and who will be on the ballot here.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda contains one item of public interest:

  • -Approve request from Wheatland Union High School District Board of Trustees ordering a School Bond Election authorizing three (3) separate actions in consolidation with the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024
  • Approve request from Plumas Lake Elementary School District ordering a School Bond Election authorizing three (3) separate actions in consolidation with the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024
  • Approve agreement with Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency for the Star Bend Boat Ramp Sediment Removal Project.
  • Approve a second-hand dealer’s license for D & D Thrift Store located at 1688 North Beale Road in Linda.
  • Adopt a resolution that authorizes the Public Works Director to execute a restricted grant agreement for funding under the California Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant.

The Board of Supervisors will conduct our annual Budget Workshop next week, which is open to the public. Each department will present what it accomplished in FY 23/24 and its goals for FY 24/25. The schedule of each department’s presentation to the board can be found here and the draft FY 24/25 budget, approved by the board in June, can be found here.

I also have a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Government’s (SACOG) board meeting this week and you can find the agenda here.  Items this public is likely most interested in include:

  • Regional Funding Program Framework
  • Transportation Policy Workshop
  • 2025 Blueprint Implementation Discussion: Housing Types

Additional items on my calendar include a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee retreat prep meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda prep meeting, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast, a NACo West Region monthly meeting, and a Hard Rock/Enterprise Rancheria Development Committee meeting.

This week, community-related events on my calendar include opening ceremonies for the Yuba Sutter Veteran’s Stand Down.


Announcements & Events

  • The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
  • Yuba Sutter Townhall with Congressman LaMalfa at the Community Center in Wheatland (101 C St) on August 22nd at 6pm
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot), except on Memorial Day when we will meet at Walgreens at 7 am.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Hanging out with Wheatland Fire Authority and Wheatland PD at Wheatland National Night Out, visiting Tony’s Fruit Stand as part of a Yuba Sutter Farm Bureau tour, selfie with Sac State President Luke Wood at a GSEC reception celebrating the nation’s first black honors college, Plumas Lake Elementary School District board workshop on middle school design, Plumas Lake Monday morning walking moai, and the new sign at the entrance to the Feather River Setback area.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Since this Tuesday was the 5th Tuesday of the month, there was no regular Yuba County Board of Supervisors or regular Yuba Water Agency board meeting.  However, there was a special Yuba Water closed session meeting to conduct a routine evaluation of the general manager.

I also hae a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee meeting on my calendar this week; you can find the agenda here.  Two items of significant public interest are on the agenda, including:

  • Public Hearing: 2025 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program, Amendment #1 to the 2023 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and Air Quality Conformity Analysis.
  • Transportation Project List Development for the 2025 Blueprint.

Additional meetings on my calendar this week included a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review meeting, a meeting with MJUSD to discuss growth in south Yuba County, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meeting, a California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Agriculture, Environment & Natural Resources Committee (AENR) meeting, and training for the public about local government and how to make public comment at local government meetings.  I was honored to speak at the public comment training and provide the perspective of a local elected official on the importance of public comment and also alternatives to showing up at the meeting.

I had a great time manning a table at the Wheatland Union High School Community Resource fair to provide information and answer questions about Yuba County and Yuba Water Agency.

This week, community-related events on my calendar included volunteering at the Wheatland History Museum.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a meeting of the Yuba Water Agency board of directors.  The agenda contains one item of public interest:

  • Consider approving a grant of up to $7 million and a loan of up to $8.33 million to the Camptonville Community Partnership to continue developing a bioenergy facility to be constructed in Dobbins, CA.

I also have a Three River Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA), and I believe the agenda has several items the public may be interested in, including:

  • FY 24/25 Budget Hearing
  • Ordinance—Public Hearing: Hold a public hearing, waive the reading, and introduce an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No.5 updating public access and rules of conduct in the Feather River Levee Setback Area (FRLSA).
  • CFD 2006-1 and CFD 2006-2 FY 24/25 Tax Reports

Additional items on my calendar include a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) with the Sacramento State President and a White House Senior Advisor plus a webinar on what public officials need to know about local ballot measures and candidate elections.

This week, community-related events on my calendar include Wheatland’s National Night Out at Tom Abe Park on Tuesday, August 6th, from 6pm to 8pm.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland National Night Out will be held on August 6th, starting at 6pm, at Tom Abe Park
  • The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot), except on Memorial Day when we will meet at Walgreens at 7 am.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Representing Yuba County & Yuba Water Agency at the Community Resource Fair hosted by Wheatland Union High School, talking about the importance of public comment from a local elected official’s perspective, Plumas Lake Walking Moai, SACOG Transportation Committee, volunteering at the Wheatland History Museum, the Sutter Health facility in Plumas Lake under construction, and a reminder about the Plumas Lake Block Party.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors  meeting and the agenda had one item that I believe the public will be interested in:

  • Award contract for the Broadband Master Environmental Impact Report.

There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm, and I attended as there are multiple items on the agenda I think the public will be interested in, including:

  • Beale Expressway Project Status Report.
  • Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreements Between Olivehurst Public Utility District and City of Wheatland Regarding Provision of Regional Wastewater Treatment Services.
  • 2024 Traffic Management Plan for Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm Event
  • Consideration of Establishing a City of Wheatland Farmers’ Market
  • Multiple public hearings on developments

I spoke during public comment on the Beale Expressway item to thank the City for their partnership with the County on this project and re-iterate the importance of the project to support the mission of Beale AFB, reduce traffic on Hwy 65, and support housing and economic growth in both the City and the County.

I spent most of Wednesday in Sacramento for the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) board meeting, and the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting. I’m honored to serve as the Yuba County representative on those boards. You can find the agendas here: RCRC, GSFA, and GSCA.

My schedule was unusually light this week and included no community events.  However, in addition to the meetings listed above, I did participate in filing a wildfire preparedness PSA for RCRC.


Looking ahead to this week

Since this Tuesday is the 5th Tuesday of the month, there is no regular Yuba County Board of Supervisors or regular Yuba Water Agency board meeting.  There is a special Yuba Water closed session meeting to conduct a routine evaluation of the general manager.

I also have a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee meeting on my calendar this week, and you can find the agenda here.  Two items of significant public interest are on the agenda, including:

  • Public Hearing: 2025 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program, Amendment #1 to the 2023 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and Air Quality Conformity Analysis.
  • Transportation Project List Development for the 2025 Blueprint.

Additional meetings on my calendar this week include a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review meeting, an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, training for the public about local government and public comment at meetings, a meeting with MJUSD to discuss growth in south Yuba County, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meeting,

I’m excited to have a table to talk about Yuba County at Yuba Water Agency at the Wheatland Union High School Community Resource fair from 3pm-7pm on Wednesday.  Those in Plumas Lake and Wheatland are invited to come by to learn more about the valuable services provided by your community organizations!  Discover healthcare, dental, and mental health services from local providers. Explore educational programs & support from the Yuba County Office of Education, as well as employment resources from Yuba County One Stop and Express Employment Professionals. Additionally, you can find out how to access essential services from the The Salvation Army Yuba Sutter Corps, Yuba-Sutter Transit, and the Yuba Sutter Food Bank.

Community-related events on my calendar this week include possibly attending “1st Friday” at Beale AFB.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland High Community Resource Fair, Wednesday, July 31st, 3p-7pm, in the north gym
  • Wheatland National Night Out will be held on August 6th, starting at 6pm, at Tom Abe Park
  • The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot), except on Memorial Day when we will meet at Walgreens at 7 am.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Agriculture in the heart of Plumas Lake, the Wheatland City Council meeting, and the Rural County Representatives of California board meeting.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

I was out of town at a conference from the 11th-16th so this update covers two weeks.

Tuesday the 9th was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors  meeting, and the agenda had one item of significant interest:

  • Hold public hearing, waive second reading, and adopt Ordinance creating Chapter 8.110 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to Yuba County Feather River Levee Setback Area.  At our meeting on 6/25, the board voted to introduce the ordinance and to establish an ad-hoc committee to explore opportunities for OHV access at the Goldfields and/or the Feather River Setback area. If the board approves the ordinance at our meeting on 7/9, it will take effect 30 days later—Ordinance & Staff Report link.

Tuesday the 16th was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  I was out of town at a conference and unable to attend, but the agenda contained several items of likely public interest:

  • Approve up to $5 million in expenditures to advance the remaining anticipated costs to bring the South County Infrastructure Project, Phase 1 (Wheatland to Olivehurst Public Utility District connection) to construction ready, including: 1) Up to $2,376,000 to the Olivehurst Public Utility District for additional design engineering and right of way appraisal and acquisition tasks; 2) Up to $1,397,000 to the City of Wheatland for design engineering and environmental permitting; and 3) Up to $1,227,000 for other direct consulting costs to Yuba Water Agency.
  • Consider a request from Yuba County Office of Emergency Services for a Bill Shaw grant in the amount of $7,500 for a project to upgrade the PA system in the Main Exhibit Hall at the Yuba Sutter Fairgrounds.
  • onsider a request from Yuba County Probation for a Bill Shaw grant in the amount of $18,500 for fifty Yuba County 1st Responders to attend a two-day conference to provide education mental health tools and resources for agencies, and first responders.
  • Receive update on the progress to form a non-profit organization for the purposes of education and research in Yuba County and approve the submission of appropriate documentation for its registration.

There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on the 9th (the agenda is here) and an OPUD board meeting on the 18th (the agenda is here).

On Monday the 8th I was at Beale AFB all day with fellow SACOG board members for a tour to increase awareness about the importance of the base for our national security and regional economy.  There are multiple housing, transportation, and economic development projects on the table in south Yuba County that will support Beale’s mission, and we want to ensure SACOG representatives (as the regional land use and transportation planning agency) are aware of their importance to the base, our region, and our nation.

Additional meetings on my calendar these two weeks included a meeting to provide feedback on the work of Valley Vision, a tour of the Goldfields with 530 Recovery and Supervisor Messick to talk about a potential OHV park, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Board Meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Executive Committee meeting, and a monthly chair/vice-chair meeting with the Yuba Water General manager.

From Thursday the 11th through Tuesday the 16th, I was in Tampa representing Yuba County at the  National Association of Counties (NACo) annual meeting.  Some of the sessions I attended included the transportation policy committee, the telecommunications and technology policy committee, the Rural Action Caucus, the California Caucus, several general sessions, a workshop on fostering civility in public disclosure, a session about current global trends across western democracies, a NACo business meeting, and several networkworking events.  NACo installed Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore as our president for the next year, and Supervisor Gore announced his leadership appointments.  I’m honored to receive a presidential appointment to chair the Transportation Policy Committee, Highway/Highway Safety Subcommittee.

I attended community-related meetings and events these weeks, including a Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for City Cafe on Plumas St in Yuba City, the Peach Festival Pub Crawl, the Peach Festival 5k, and the Peach Festival itself.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors  meeting and the agenda has one item that I believe the public will be interested in:

  • Award contract for the Broadband Master Environmental Impact Report.

There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm, and I plan to attend as there are multiple items on the agenda I think the public will be interested in, including:

  • Beale Expressway Project Status Report.
  • Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreements Between Olivehurst Public Utility District and City of Wheatland Regarding Provision of Regional Wastewater Treatment Services.
  • 2024 Traffic Management Plan for Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm Event
  • Consideration of Establishing a City of Wheatland Farmers’ Market
  • Multiple public hearings on developments

I have a Yuba Water Agency agenda review on Wednesday afternoon.  Before that, I’ll spend most of the day down in Sacramento for the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) board meeting, and the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting.  I’m honored to serve as the Yuba County representative on those boards.  You can find the agendas here:  RCRC, GSFA, and GSCA.

There are not (yet) any community-related events on my calendar this week.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland National Night Out will be held on August 6th, starting at 6pm, at Tom Abe Park
  • The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot), except on Memorial Day when we will meet at Walgreens at 7 am.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: SACOG tour of Beale AFB; multiple pictures from the National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference; and various pictures from the Marysville Peach Festival.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency board of directors  meeting and the agenda, while short, had an extremely significant item: “Consider approval of a non-binding initial financing plan for the South County Infrastructure Project, a collaborative project with the City of Wheatland, Olivehurst Public Utility District, and the County of Yuba.”  This is the most significant infrastructure project in Yuba County since the building of New Bullards Bar Dam and the $400M+ south County levee projects.  This project is incredibly important for the economic future of the County. It’s already been approved by the OPUD Board of Directors and the Wheatland City Council. and it will:

  •  Create a regional wastewater system for Olivehurst, Plumas Lake, and Wheatland. (A future effort to connect OPUD and Linda Water would result in one system for all of urbanized Yuba County).
  • Save existing Wheatland residents the $250M cost of replacing their aging wastewater treatment plan (about $65k per resident).
  • Lay the foundation for future commercial, industrial, and residential growth, resulting in over 40,000 new permanent jobs in south Yuba County in the coming decades.
  • Support Beale AFB and national defense by providing an option for wastewater redundancy and improving the quality of life for airmen and their families through additional housing, amenities, and jobs for military spouses.

Due to the holiday, my schedule was light this week, but there were a few additional meetings on my calendar, including a tour of the new Yuba Water Agency Power System HQ building under construction in Oregon House, A California Caucus Briefing for the annual National Association of Counties Conference, a meeting to discuss OHV access at the Goldfields and Gray’s Beach areas, a regional transportation discussion with Chico Councilmember Winslow, and a Yuba Water Water Education Ad Hoc Committee meeting.

Community-related meetings and events I attended this week included the Plumas Lake 4th of July Parade and the Wheatland 4th of July BBQ.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors  meeting and the agenda has one item that I believe the public will be interested in:

  • Hold public hearing, waive second reading, and adopt Ordinance creating Chapter 8.110 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to Yuba County Feather River Levee Setback Area.  At our meeting on 6/25, the board voted to introduce the ordinance and to establish an ad-hoc committee to explore opportunities for OHV access at the Goldfields and/or the Feather River Setback area. If the board approves the ordinance at our meeting on 7/9, it will take effect 30 days later—Ordinance & Staff Report link.

There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm and you can find the agenda here.

I’ll be at Beale AFB all day on Monday with fellow SACOG board members for a tour to increase awareness about the importance of the base for our national security and regional economy.  There are multiple housing, transportation, and economic development projects on the table in south Yuba County that will support Beale’s mission and we want to ensure SACOG representatives (as the regional land use and transportation planning agency) are aware of their importance to the base, our region, and our nation.

Additional meetings on my calendar this week include a meeting to provide feedback on the work of Valley Vision, a tour of the Goldfields with 530 Recovery and Supervisor Messick, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Board Meeting, and a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting.  On Thursday, I’ll be heading to Tampa to represent Yuba County at the  National Association of Counties (NACo) annual meeting.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include a Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for City Cafe on Plumas St in Yuba City.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Bingo and Lunch at the Wheatland 4th of July Community BBQ, Tour of the new Yuba Water Agency Power Systems HQ with Director Bishop, Plumas Lake 4th of July Parade, and the Monday Morning Plumas Lake Walking Moai.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and the agenda contained multiple items I think the public will be interested in :

  • The first was an ordinance to restrict specific activities within the Feather River Setback Area, including off-road vehicles. There is an immediate need for action to protect public safety, protect public and private property, and provide safe recreational access to the Feather River at Gray’s Beach. The board voted to introduce the ordinance, which would be considered for formal adoption in two weeks at our next meeting. The board also established an ad-hoc committee made up of myself and Supervisor Messick to meet with 530 Recovery, Sheriff Anderson, and County staff to discuss the possibility of a managed off-road vehicle area in that vicinity.  You can watch the presentation and listen to public comment and board discussion  here (starts at 1:00:38). You can read the ordinance and staff report here.
  • The board also voted to extend the development agreements for three previously approved development projects in the Plumas Lake area. In exchange for the extensions, developers agreed to construct bike path segments adjacent to their developments and pay 50% of PLSP traffic impact fees before the typical requirement. Board discussion for these items focused on infrastructure funding (including for schools and large transportation projects) and the desire to work with the community to update the Plumas Lake Specific Plan to facilitate more 21st-century development concepts like walkability, distributed commercial, and a mix of housing types. You can watch the board presentation and discussion at here (starts at 2:04:27)

Additional meetings on my calendar included a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria and Hard Rock to get an update on the master planning effort in the Sports and Entertainment zone and a discussion about broadband and AB 2797.

Community-related meetings and events I attended to be at this week include the 3rd Annual “Together We’re Better” fundraiser golf tournament for Yuba Sutter Colusa United Way and the Plumas Lake Bike Path Ribbon Cutting.

From Wednesday afternoon through Friday evening, I was in Denver with fellow Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)  board members to learn about regional transportation and land use in the Denver area.  The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) hosted us and some highlights include:

  • A presentation from the Colorado Department of Transportation on their tolling efforts in the region.
  • Presentations from developers on affordable housing projects, and redevelopment of infill areas in the region like Steam on the Platte and the Lowry Airforce Base.
  • Connecting with the Regional Transit District, Denver’s transit provider, to learn about their projects and bus rapid transit corridor in Colfax.
  • Opportunities to connect with elected officials throughout the trip and a special dinner with DRCOG board members sponsored by SMUD.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors  meeting and the agenda, while short, has an extremely significant item: “Consider approval of a non-binding initial financing plan for the South County Infrastructure Project, a collaborative project with the City of Wheatland, Olivehurst Public Utility District, and the County of Yuba.”  This is the most significant infrastructure project in Yuba County since the building of New Bullards Bar Dam and the $400M+ south County levee projects.  This project is incredibly important for the economic future of the County. It’s already been approved by the OPUD Board of Directors and the Wheatland City Council. and it will:

  •  Create a regional wastewater system for Olivehurst, Plumas Lake, and Wheatland. (A future effort to connect OPUD and Linda Water would result in one system for all of urbanized Yuba County).
  • Save existing Wheatland residents the $250M cost of replacing their aging wastewater treatment plan (about $65k per resident).
  • Lay the foundation for future commercial, industrial, and residential growth, resulting in over 40,000 new permanent jobs in south Yuba County in the coming decades.
  • Support Beale AFB and national defense by providing an option for wastewater redundancy and improving the quality of life for airmen and their families through additional housing, amenities, and jobs for military spouses.

Due to the holiday, my schedule is light this week but there are a few additional meetings on my calendar, including a tour of the new Yuba Water Agency Power System HQ building under construction in Oregon House, A California Caucus Briefing for the annual National Association of Counties Conference, a meeting to discuss OHV access, a regional transportation discussion with Chico Councilmember Winslow, and a Water Education Ad Hoc Committee meeting.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the Plumas Lake 4th of July Parade and the Wheatland 4th of July BBQ.


Announcements & Events

  •  Plumas Lake Bike 4th of July Trike, Wheelchair, and Wagon Parade at Eufay Wood Park at 9 am on July 4th
  • Wheatland 4th of July BBQ & Community Picnic at C St Park from 10 am to 3 pm on July 4th
  • Yuba Sutter Fireworks Show at Riverfront Park in Marysville on July 4th at 9:30 pm
  • The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot), except on Memorial Day when we will meet at Walgreens at 7 am.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: 2nd Place at the Together We’re Better Golf Tournament for Local Charity, Dinner with the Denver Mayor and fellow SACOG board members, Meeting at Hard Rock to talk about Sports & Entertainment Zone Master Plan, SACOG Meeting Pop-Up Mobility Hub in Yuba City, and Ribbon Cutting for the new Bike Path segment in Plumas Lake.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was the Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and the agenda contained multiple items I think the public will be interested in :

  • – Approval of the FY 24/25 proposed budget
  • Consider approval of a grant for $541,286 and amend cash flow loan to increase line of credit from $550,000 to $6,025,696 to Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority to cover ongoing flood risk reduction project activity and cash flow Hallwood North Training Wall project activity, respectively.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Yuba Water Agency South County Infrastructure committee meeting, a discussion of Prop 1, a South Yuba Transportation  Improvement Authority (SYTIA) board meeting, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee meeting, a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting [agenda], and a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting [agenda].  At the SACOG meeting, we approved the regional and use scenario that will serve as the basis of the 25-year regional and use and transportation plan, known as Blueprint 2025.

At the South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) meeting this afternoon we took several actions I believe the public will be interested in, including:
  • Changed the name of the East Wheatland Expressway project to the Beale Expressway project.
  • Approved the approve Project Study Report (PSR-PDS) for the Beale Expressway (
  • Move forward with the Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED) phases of the Beale Expressway
  • Approve the FY 24/25 SYTIA budget which includes $1.5M for Plumas Lake Boulevard Interchange Phase II Right of Way Acquisition

I also attended an OPUD meeting  [agenda] to thank them for their partnership with the City of Wheatland, Yuba County, and Yuba Water Agency on the South County Infrastructure (wastewater) project and encourage the board to support the MOU. This project is critical for the economic future of Yuba County and is as significant as the construction of New Bullards Bar and the $400M+ spent on levee upgrades. It lays the foundation for over 40,000 future jobs.  Plumas Lake residents will be happy to know that the design work for the fix to the lift station at River Oaks and Zanes is complete and the board will consider bidding on the fix at or before their July meeting. It’s expected to be complete by the end of the year.

On Friday morning the Marysville City Council held an emergency meeting to declare a local state of emergency due to the Marysville Hotel fire.  I attended the meeting and the press-conference that followed. Hopefully, this will provide State resources to assist with the situation. There were elected officials from Yuba County, Sutter County, Yuba City, and Oroville there to help convey the regional impact of this event, and I made that statement during public comment.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the 2024 Yuba Sutter Fair Kick-off.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and the agenda contains multiple items I think the public will be interested in :

  • Restrictions on activities in the Feather River Setback Area to reduce criminal activity and provide residents and visitors safe access to the river.
  • Extension of development agreements for three previously approved subdivisions in the Plumas Lake and Arboga area.
  • Award the contract for dredging the boat ramp at Star Bend.
  • Receive recommendations from the Board of Supervisors regarding the City of Marysville’s local emergency due to the fire at the Marysville Hotel and direct County staff as appropriate.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria and Hard Rock to get an update on the master planning efforing in the Sports and Entertainment zone and a discussion about broadband and AB 2797.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include 3rd Annual “Together We’re Better” fundraiser golf tournament for Yuba Sutter Colusa United Way and the Plumas Lake Bike Path Ribbon Cutting.

From Wednesday afternoon through Friday evening I’ll be in Denver with fellow SACOG board members to learn about regional transportation and land use in the Denver area.  The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) will host us and some highlights include:

  • A presentation from the Colorado Department of Transportation on their tolling efforts in the region.
  • Presentations from developers on affordable housing projects, and redevelopment of infill areas in the region like Steam on the Platte and the Lowry Airforce Base.
  • Connecting with the Regional Transit District, Denver’s transit provider, to learn about their projects and bus rapid transit corridor in Colfax.
  • Opportunities to connect with elected officials throughout the trip and a special dinner with DRCOG board members sponsored by SMUD.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Press Conference for City of Marysville State of Emergency, Plumas Lake Walking Moai, SACOG Mobility Zone Pop Up before our board meeting in Yuba City, OPUD Board Meeting, Ribbon Cutting for the Yuba-Sutter Fair.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and the agenda contained multiple items I think the public will be interested in :

  • Consideration of the FY 24/25 Proposed  Budget.  (watch the presentation here, starting at 1:04:20)
  • Quarterly Public Safety Update from the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department (watch the presentation here, starting at 5:55)
  • Community Development and Services: Approve Public Interest Finding and award contract to TJKM Transportation Consultants for engineering and construction support services for the HSIP Cycle 11 Signal System Upgrade Project
  • Sheriff-Coroner: Approve memorandum of understanding with the City of Wheatland regarding access to the RIMS Public Safety System Software
  • Community Development and Services: Public Hearing – Hold a public hearing and approve the County Service Area (CSA) assessment summary for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
  • Community Development and Services: Appoint Community Development and Services Director and Administrative Services Director to negotiate real property APN 014-270-109-000

There was  a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm and the agenda contained multiple items that City residents may be interested in:

  • Resolution of the Intention to Levy Assessments for Fiscal Year 2024-25, for the Wheatland-Premier Grove Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District
  • Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Approving the Budget, Control Policies, and Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2024-25

Additional meetings on my calendar included a FEMA/USACE Levee Webinar, a Yuba Water Agency non-profit steering committee meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting, a public authority IHSS meeting, and an economic development opportunity meeting with Paleo Tech Group.

Community-related meetings and events attended this week include the Alliance for Hispanic Advancement scholarship dinner in Yuba City, and Groundbreaking for the State Route 65 Wheatland Pavement Rehabilitation Project.  Some details about the Highway 65 project include:

  • Caltrans project to rehabilitate pavement, add bike lanes, construct a Class I multi-use path, enhance crosswalk visibility, and add a traffic signal at McDevitt Drive.
  • The project is in Wheatland from 0.1 mile north of State Street to 0.3 mile north of Evergreen Drive.
  • The project has a cost of approx $10M and construction will be from June 2024 to December 2024.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is the Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and the agenda contains multiple items I think the public will be interested in :

  • – Approval of the FY 24/25 proposed budget
  • Consider approval of a grant for $541,286 and amend cash flow loan to increase line of credit from $550,000 to $6,025,696 to Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority to cover ongoing flood risk reduction project activity and cash flow Hallwood North Training Wall project activity, respectively.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Yuba Water Agency South County Infrastructure committee meeting, a discussion of Prop 1, a South Yuba Transportation  Improvement Authority (SYTIA) board meeting, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee meeting, a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting [agenda], a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting [agenda], and a  National Association of Counties (NACo) West Region meeting.  There is also an OPUD meeting on Thursday at 7 am and you can find the agenda here.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the 2024 Yuba Sutter Fair Kick-off.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Groundbreaking for a Caltrans maintenance and safety project on Highway 65 in Wheatland, quarterly public safety update from the Sheriff’s Department to the Board of Supervisors, Plumas Lake Walking Moai, FY 24/25 Budget Presentation to the Board of Supervisors, Phase 1 of the River Oaks Blvd extension north to Arboga, the Alliance for Hispanic Advancement annual scholarship banquet.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and the agenda contained an item I think the public will be interested in :

  • Approved revisions to the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program Policy including consideration to increase the annual maximum for Bill Shaw Rescue Equipment and Training grants from $10,000 to $20,000.

I had a SACOG Transportation Committee meeting this week and there are multiple items on the agenda I’m sure the public might be interested in including the Regional Carbon Reduction Program Funding Recommendations.  Yuba County applied for funding to design the Plumas Lake Regional Trail Network.  Unfortunately, the project didn’t score well enough to be recommended for funding, but we’ll try again in a future grant cycle.  After the committee meeting, we had a lunch-and-learn for the SACOG board on Transportation Funding in California.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a SACOG Transportation Committee Agenda review.  On Wednesday and Thursday, I attended the CalMatters Ideas Festival.

Community-related meetings and events I attended this week include a BMLC dinner to meet the commander of Air Combat Command.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is the Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and the agenda contains multiple items I think the public will be interested in :

  • Consideration of the FY 24/25 Proposed  Budget
  • Community Development and Services: Approve Public Interest Finding and award contract to TJKM Transportation Consultants for engineering and construction support services for the HSIP Cycle 11 Signal System Upgrade Project
  • Sheriff-Coroner: Approve memorandum of understanding with the City of Wheatland regarding access to the RIMS Public Safety System Software
  • Community Development and Services: Public Hearing – Hold a public hearing and approve the County Service Area (CSA) assessment summary for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
  • Community Development and Services: Appoint Community Development and Services Director and Administrative Services Director to negotiate real property APN 014-270-109-000

There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm and the agenda contains multiple items that City residents may be interested in:

  • Resolution of the Intention to Levy Assessments for Fiscal Year 2024-25, for the Wheatland-Premier Grove Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District
  • Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Approving the Budget, Control Policies, and Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2024-25

Additional meetings on my calendar include a FEMA/USACE Levee Webinar (where I will make comments so also have a prep meeting), a Yuba Water Agency non-profit steering committee meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting, a public authority IHSS meeting, and an economic development opportunity meeting with Paleo Tech Group.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the Alliance for Hispanic Advancement scholarship dinner in Yuba City, an Evening on the Farm in Rancho Cordova, and Groundbreaking for the State Route 65 Wheatland Pavement Rehabilitation Project is June 12th at 10 am at Chevron in Wheatland.  Some details about the Highway 65 project include:

  • Caltrans project to rehabilitate pavement, add bike lanes, construct a Class I multi-use path, enhance crosswalk visibility, and add a traffic signal at McDevitt Drive.
  • The project is in Wheatland from 0.1 mile north of State Street to 0.3 mile north of Evergreen Drive.
  • The project has a cost of approx $10M and construction will be from June 2024 to December 2024.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Groundbreaking of the new Sutter Health facility in Plumas Lake, BMLC Community Leader Dinner with Air Combat Command Leadership; SACOG Transportation Committee meeting; CalMatters Idea Festival; and Wheatland Union High School Graduation (congratulations to the class of 2024, including my daughter!)

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting  and the agenda contained an item I think the public will be interested in :

  • Three public hearings for updates to three different ordinances:
    – Property Maintenance Ordinance
    – Building Standards and Construction Code
    – Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled or Inoperative Vehicles
    The updates were to to remove the requirement that an administrative law judge preside over appeal hearings related to violations of those ordinances and instead allow the County Hearing Officer.  It also shortened the time to file an appeal from 15 days to 10 days.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a meeting with law enforcement and farmers to talk about concerns with the lawlessness and property destruction occurring in the river bottoms around Gray’s Beach, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting; and a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Call-in session.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include a Memorial Day Walk to Remember in Plumas Lake, a Memorial Day Service at Wheatland Cemetary, a Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce event at the Sutter Theater, a farewell open house for Col Church at Beale AFB, a grand opening and ribbon cutting for Holligans Bar & Bistro in Yuba City, and the Plumas Lake Flag Football Tailgate Party.  I didn’t have anything on my calendar on Friday morning, so took a hike on the Yuba Rim Trail near New Bullard’s Bar.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is the Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and the agenda contains an item I think the public will be interested in :

  • Consider approval of revisions to the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program Policy including consideration to increase the annual maximum for Bill Shaw Rescue Equipment and Training grants from $10,000 to $20,000.

I have a SACOG Transportation Committee meeting this week and there are multiple items on the agenda I’m sure the public might be interested in including the Regional Carbon Reduction Program Funding Recommendations.  Yuba County applied to receive funding to design the Plumas Lake Regional Trail Network.  Unfortunately, the project didn’t score well enough to be recommended for funding, but we’ll try again in a future grant cycle.  After the committee meeting, we’ll have a lunch and learn for the SACOG board on Transportation Funding in California.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a SACOG Transportation Committee Agenda review, an NCWA Conservation Task Force meeting, a Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair breakfast, and an OPUD/County Liason meeting.  (I’ll have to miss the breakfast and liaison meeting as they conflict with my daughter’s high school graduation – Go Pirates and Congratulations class of 2024!).  On Wednesday and Thursday, I’ll be at the CalMatters Ideas Festival.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include a BMLC dinner to meet the commander of Air Combat Command.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  A Walk to Remember with F3 Plumas Lake on Memorial Day; Ribbon Cutting at Hooligans Bar & Bistro on Plumas Street in Yuba City; Memorial Day Service at the Wheatland Cemetary; the levee where I met with law enforcement and farmers to talk about the lawlessness in the river bottoms near Gray’s Beach; the view from the top of the Yuba Rim Trail; a full Englebright Lake; Ribbon Cutting for the Murual at Yuba Sutter Arts on Plumas Street; Plumas Lake Flag Football Tailgate Party; and a full New Bullards Bar Resevoir.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting  and the agenda contained an item I think the public will be interested in :

  •  Receive an update on the South County Infrastructure Project and give direction on proceeding with developing an interim financing plan and preparing for the Phase I RFP. (Note: The South County Infrastructure Project is critical for employment, entertainment, services, and housing for Yuba County and I’m excited that we voted unanimously to continue moving the project forward, including making an additional $5M investment).

Following the Board of Directors meeting, we had a special meeting to receive information from legal counsel regarding the Yuba Water Agency Act spending authority and authorizations.  Two other meetings in the 4th District that the community might want to consider attending this week are the PLESD special meeting to appoint someone to the vacant board position and a Wheatland General Plan Ad-Hoc Committee meeting.  I attended the PLESD meeting where the candidates were interviewed and selected. We are fortunate that three well-qualified individuals stepped up to serve our students and the community by applying to fill the seat.  Congratulations to Cody Hess for receiving the appointment.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a strategic plan discussion with a sheriff’s deputy, a discussion about safe and sane fireworks with a local TNT representative, and a Hard Rock Development Update meeting.  The Development Update meeting included Enterprise Rancheria, Hard Rock, Yuba County, Yuba Water, OPUD, and the City of Wheatland, and the primary focus included updates and discussion on wastewater and transportation projects in south Yuba County.

Community-related meetings and events I attended this week include the 2024 Yuba City Mayor’s Bus tour, an Ellis Lake Ribbon Cutting, a meet and greet with the new Beale AFB chief of community engagement, and a kick-off event to learn about Yuba College’s Strengthening Community efforts.

On Thursday two Yuba City High School students came by my office to interview me for a school project.  The topic was homelessness and we talked about the strong partnership between local government and non-profits here in Yuba-Sutter to get people the services they need and get them off the street and into housing. We also talked about the need for much more affordable housing and an increased ability to do enforcement.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting  and the agenda contains an item I think the public will be interested in :

  • Three public hearings for updates to three different ordinances:
    – Property Maintenance Ordinance
    – Building Standards and Construction Code
    – Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled or Inoperative Vehicles
    The updates are to to remove the requirement that an administrative law judge preside over appeal hearings related to violations of those ordinances and instead allow the County Hearing Officer.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a meeting with some constituents to talk about concerns around Gray’s Beach, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting; and a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Call-in session.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include a Memorial Day Walk to Remember in Plumas Lake, a Memorial Day Service at Wheatland Cemetary, a Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce event at the Sutter Theater, a farewell open house for Col Church at Beale AFB, and a grand opening and ribbon cutting for Holligans Bar & Bistro in Yuba City.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Mayor’s Bus Tour with Yuba City Mayor Shon Harris; Development Update Meeting at Hard Rock; Campaign for Yuba College Kick Off; Interviewed by two high school students about homelessness; ribbon cutting for adopt-a-park at Ellis Lake; meet and greet for the new Chief of Community Engagement at Beale AFB; and swearing in of the new PLESD school board member, Cody Hess.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors Meeting  and the agenda contained multiple items I think the public will be interested in, including that we:

  • Considered and appointed Treasurer-Tax Collector from finalists to fill the unexpired term of Dan Mierzwa to January 5, 2027 (we appointed Jolie Turk)
  • Approved the Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan for Plumas Lake, Olivehurst, Linda, and West Linda communities.
  • Approved release of request for proposal for surveillance upgrades for Plumas Lake Elementary School District through Yuba County Sheriff’s COPS 2020 School Violence Prevention Program grant

I had several additional board and committee meetings on my calendar this week including a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting (agenda), a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda), a Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) board meeting (agenda), a Golen State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting (agenda), and a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee meeting,   At the SACOG meeting, Col Church from Beale AFB gave a presentation about the importance of the base to our regional economy and our national security and we continued the development of the 25-year regional land use and transportation plan (Blueprint 2025) with a presentation on Prioritizing Build Out and More Complete Communities.  The RCRC (and GSFA/GSCA) meeting was in Monterey County (Salinas) as every year one of our board meetings is in the county that the chair is from, and this year that is Monterey.  Next year our RCRC county of the chair meeting will be in Modoc, the only county in California that I’ve never be to.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a NACo West Region monthly meeting, a Yuba Water Agenda review meeting, and a SACOG breakfast meeting to discuss the book “The Color of Law” which the board was encouraged to read.

There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm and one item on the agenda that city residents might be especially interested in is “Approving SB-1 Funding Project List for Fiscal Year 2024-25”.   On Thursday at 7 pm there was an OPUD meeting and Plumas Lake residents may be interested in multiple items on the agenda. including approval of the monthly picnic in the park / second Saturday event.  The Yuba County Planning Commission met at 6 pm on Wednesday and the agenda includes approval of 102 homes in the Arboga/North Plumas Lake area in the Feather Glen II development, which was approved by the commission.

Community-related meetings and events I attended this week include the Peace Officer’s Memorial Ceremony in Yuba City, a graduation for the Yuba Sheriff’s Citizen’s Academy, the 100th annual Wheatland Pet Parade, the 150th Birthday Celebration of the City of Wheatland, the Beale Auto Expo, Dinner in the Orchard, and a celebration of Caltrans District 3 and 2 Bits Express becoming Blue Zones Certified.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting  and the agenda contains an item I think the public will be interested in :

  •  Receive an update on the South County Infrastructure Project and give direction on proceeding with developing an interim financing plan and preparing for the Phase I RFP. (Note: The South County Infrastructure Project is critical for employment, entertainment, services, and housing for Yuba County and I’m excited to see it continue to move forward).

Following the Board of Directors meeting, we’ll have a special meeting to receive information from legal counsel regarding the Yuba Water Agency Act spending authority and authorizations.  Two other meetings in the 4th District that the community might want to consider attending this week are the PLESD special meeting to appoint someone to the vacant board position and a Wheatland General Plan Ad-Hoc Committee meeting.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a strategic plan discussion with a sheriff’s deputy, a meet and greet with the new Beale AFB community program specialist, a meeting to learn about Yuba College’s Strengthening Community efforts, and a Hard Rock Development Committee meeting.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the 2024 Yuba City Mayor’s Bus tour, an Ellis Lake Ribbon Cutting, and possibly the Community Cruise and Bike Rodeo.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Presenting a proclamation from the Board of Supervisors at Wheatland’s 150th birthday celebration; with our dog Gerold at the 100th annual Wheatland Pet Parade;  Dinner in the Orchard to support Soroptimist; celebrating Caltrans District 3 and 2 Bits Express achieving Blue Zones certifications; Yuba Sheriff Citizen’s Academy graduation; Yuba-Sutter Peace Officer Memorial service; dinner with RCRC chair and Monterey County Supervisor, Chris Lopez, at the RCRC board meeting in Monterey County; Beale AFB Car show; Beale AFB Commander Col Church presenting to the SACOG board; and Plumas Lake Monday morning walking Moai.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting and the agenda contained multiple items I think the public will be interested in, including :

  • Approval of grants for a total amount of up to $912,000 under the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program for sewer design in rural Arboga, water safety and education at the OPUD pool, Cenedella Bend erosion site risk analysis on the Yuba River, and Rehabilitation of RD784 Pumps 7 and 9.
  • Receive the annual Dam Safety update by Tim Truong, Chief Dam Safety Engineer.
  • Consider approving an employment agreement for the unrepresented position of General Counsel between the Yuba County Water Agency and Andrew J. Ramos.

I had several additional board and committee meetings on my calendar this week including an ACWA JPIA board meeting (agenda), a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee (agenda), and a TRLIA board meeting (agenda).  The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Spring Conference was this week in Sacramento and I spent multiple days at the conference attending various sessions and associated networking events.

Community-related meetings and events I attended this week include the 98th Sacramento Host Breakfast and the 175th Anniversary of Corinthian Masonic Lodge in Marysville, one of the oldest in the state.  I also watched the graduation of Class 45 at the Yuba College Fire Academy as my son is one of the graduates.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors Meeting  and the agenda contains multiple items I think the public will be interested in, including :

  • Consider and appoint Treasurer-Tax Collector from finalists to fill the unexpired term of Dan Mierzwa to January 5, 2027
  • Approve the Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan for Plumas Lake, Olivehurst, Linda, and West Linda communities.
  • Approve release of request for proposal for surveillance upgrades for Plumas Lake Elementary School District through Yuba County Sheriff’s COPS 2020 School Violence Prevention Program grant

I have several additional board and committee meetings on my calendar this week including a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting (agenda), a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda), a Golden State Finance Authority (FSFA) board meeting (agenda), a Golen State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting (agenda), and a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee meeting,   At the SACOG meeting, Col Church from Beale AFB will give a presentation about the importance of the base to our regional economy and our national security and we will continue the development of the 25-year regional land use and transportation plan (Blueprint 2025) with a presentation on Prioritizing Build Out and More Complete Communities.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a NACo West Region monthly meeting, a Yuba Water Agenda review meeting, and a SACOG breakfast meeting to discuss the book “The Color of Law” which the board was encouraged to read.

There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm and one item on the agenda that city residents might be especially interested in is “Approving SB-1 Funding Project List for Fiscal Year 2024-25”.   On Thursday at 7 pm there is an OPUD meeting and Plumas Lake residents may be interested in multiple items on the agenda.  The Yuba County Planning Commission will meet at 6 pm on Wednesday and the agenda includes approval of 102 homes in the Arboga/North Plumas Lake area in the Feather Glen II development.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the Peace Officer’s Memorial Ceremony in Yuba City, the 100th annual Wheatland Pet Parade, the 150th Birthday Celebration of the City of Wheatland, the Beale Auto Expo, Dinner in the Orchard, and possibly Yuba Sutter Chamber’s Wine Down Wednesday.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Judging the South Yuba County Rotary Chili Cook-off at the Roll & Stroll, Team Yuba Water at the ACWA Spring Conference, Plumas Lake Walking Moai, Oath of Office for my Third Term, Sacramento Host Breakfast with Jacqueline Wong-Hernandez from CSAC, Yuba College Regional Fire Academy #45 (including my son), and a cake celebrating the 175th Anniversary of Corinthian Lodge #9 in Marysville.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Special Board of Directors Meeting (agenda) and a Yuba Water Agency POD Committee Meeting (agenda).  The board agenda was very short but there are several items on the POD committee that the public might be interested in, including:

  • A Flood Risk Reduction grant for RD784 to perform a Cenedella Bend erosion site risk analysis
  • A Flood Risk Reduction grant for RD784 to rehabilitate Pumps 7 and 9
  • A Community-Water Safety/Education grant for OPUD to help fund pool operations for the 2024 season
  • A Water Supply and Management grant for OPUD to design sewer connections for portions of rural Arboga

In addition to the Yuba Water Board meeting and POD committee, I had several other Yuba Water related items on my calendar this week including a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting, a Yuba Water Agenda review meeting, a South County Infrastructure Ad-Hoc Committee meeting, and the monthly Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair Breakfast.

On Monday I spent all day touring Beale AFB with executive leadership (both board and staff) from SACOG to convey the importance of the base to our national security and our regional economy.  In addition to a mission briefing we toured the base; including the 548th campus, PAVE-PAWS, a chase car ride, an EOD demonstration, and the fire department.  Beale’s leadership conveyed the importance of local housing and transportation projects to their mission.  I also facilitated a meeting between Yuba County staff and SACOG staff to talk about regional land use plans and transportation projects in the Blueprint 2025 discussion scenario and chaired the monthly SACOG transportation committee.   Speaking of the SACOG transportation committee, the agenda contained several items the public might be interested in including Approval of the Regional Transit Network, Draft Vision and Goals for the Regional Mobility Hub Design Guidance, and 2025 Blueprint: Transportation Funding Outlook.

Tuesday evening was a City of Wheatland General Plan Ad-Hoc Committee (agenda) meeting and there was an OPUD Park Committee meeting on Thursday (agenda), neither of which I was able to attend.  I participated in an OPUD/Yuba County Liason Committee where we discussed fire department consolidation, the lift station at Eufay Wood Park, the status of parks in Plumas Lake under construction, and a potential dog park.  I also met with OPUD and several community members to discuss the 2nd Saturday event in Plumas Lake.

Community-related meetings and events I attended this week include the YS Chamber Luch Mob at Lakeside Indian Cuisine, the Legacy Lending Grand Opening, the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, First Friday at Beale, and the When Pigs Fly fundraiser for the Yuba Sheriff’s Aero Squadron.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting  and the agenda contains multiple items I think the public will be interested in, including :

  • Approval of grants for a total amount of up to $912,000 under the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program for sewer design in rural Arboga, water safety and education at the OPUD pool, Cenedella Bend erosion site risk analysis on the Yuba River, and Rehabilitation of RD784 Pumps 7 and 9.
  • Receive the annual Dam Safety update by Tim Truong, Chief Dam Safety Engineer.
  • Receive a presentation on water conservation kits.
  • Consider approving an employment agreement for the unrepresented position of General Counsel between the Yuba County Water Agency and Andrew J. Ramos.

I have several additional board and committee meetings on my calendar this week including an ACWA JPIA board meeting (agenda), a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee (agenda), and a TRLIA board meeting (agenda).  The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Spring Conference is occurring this week in Sacramento and I’ll be spending multiple days at the conference attending various sessions and associated networking events.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the 98th Sacramento Host Breakfast and the 175th Anniversary of Corinthian Masonic Lodge in Marysville, one of the oldest in the state.  I’m also excited to watch the graduation of Class 45 at the Yuba College Fire Academy as my son is one of the graduates.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Two pictures of the SACOG tour of Beale AFB; Yuba Water table at the Yuba Sutter National Day of Prayer Breakfast; Hanging out with Col Church at Beale’s 1st Friday event; When Pigs Fly Fundraiser for the Yuba Sheriff’s Aero Squadron; NCWA Board Meeting at Sutter Mutual Water Company; and SACOG Transportation Committee.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  had several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Approve plans, specifications, and estimates, and authorize the advertisement of bids for the Star Bend Sediment Removal Project.
  • Present Proclamation to the City of Wheatland recognizing their 150th anniversary.
  • Hold a public hearing, waive reading, and adopt the Development Agreement for the development known as the Feather River Center.
  • Held public hearing, waived first reading, and introduced the Ordinance repealing and re-enacting the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance.
  • Interviews for the new Yuba County Treasurer / Tax Collector

On Monday I spent the day in Sacramento meeting with state representatives and state agencies to advocate for twelve important transportation projects to help increase mobility across the Northern California Megaregion (16 counties and 11 million people in the Bay Area, Sacramento region, and San Joaquin County.  Projects of greatest interest to Yuba County residents are likely the Valley Rail Project / North Valley Rail Project, the Yolo 80 Project, and the I-5 Managed Lanes Project.  Speaking of North Valley Rail, the updated Strategic Plan was just released. The BCAG Board considered approval of the plan at their meeting on Wednesday, which I attended to hear the discussion, thank them for the leadership, and indicate my support.  Two additional county-related meetings on my schedule this week included discussing the need for more Little League fields in Plumas Lake and an RCRC Legislative call-in session.  I also attended a lunch this week celebrating Yuba County employees who reached 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service in 2023.

On Tuesday evening, I attended the Wheatland City Council meeting to present the City with a proclamation from the Board of Supervisors celebrating their 150th birthday.  The City Council Agenda also included an Agreement with Yuba County for the Utilization of the Wheatland Community Center for Disaster-Related Temporary Sheltering, an Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget increasing the contribution to the Wheatland Fire Authority, and the Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm 2023 Season Report.  I also attended an OPUD Board of Directors Special meeting this week because the agenda contained two items I was interested in, including a special event request made by SactoMoFo, Inc. for the Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park at Eufay Woods Sr. Park (2nd Saturday of every month May – October).

I had multiple Yuba Water Agency-related items on my calendar including a regional discussion at Lumberg Family Farms on Monday (evening) welcoming the Northern California Water Association Water Leaders to Yuba Water on Wednesday and talking about leadership and my role at the Yuba Water Agency and on the Board of Supervisors..


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting (agenda) and a Yuba Water Agency POD Committee Meeting (agenda).  The board agenda is very short but there are several items on the POD committee that the public might be interested in, including:

  • A Flood Risk Reduction grant for RD784 to perform a Cenedella Bend erosion site risk analysis
  • A Flood Risk Reduction grant for RD784 to rehabilitate Pumps 7 and 9
  • A Community-Water Safety/Education grant for OPUD to help fund pool operations for the 2024 season
  • A Water Supply and Management grant for OPUD to design sewer connections for portions of rural Arboga

On Monday I’ll spend all day touring Beale AFB with executive leadership (both board and staff) from SACOG to convey the importance of the base to our national security and our regional economy.  The East Wheatland Expressway transportation project will support national security goals and base readiness by improving access to the base and supporting off-base housing in the area.  Both the Appeal-Democrat and FOX40 recently produced articles about this important regional project.  I have several other SACOG-related items on my calendar including an agenda review for the transportation committee, a meeting between Yuba County and SACOG staff to talk about regional land use plans and transportation projects in the Blueprint 2025 discussion scenario, and the monthly transportation committee (that I’m honored to chair).   Speaking of the SACOG transportation committee, the agenda contains several items the public might be interested in including Approval of the Regional Transit Network, Draft Vision and Goals for the Regional Mobility Hub Design Guidance, Project Delivery Update and Future MTIP Actions, and 2025 Blueprint: Transportation Funding Outlook.  Myself and Yuba County staff

Tuesday evening is a City of Wheatland General Plan Ad-Hoc Committee (agenda) meeting that residents may be interested in and I will try and attend.   There is an OPUD Park Committee meeting this week (agenda) and an OPUD/Yuba County Liason Committee.  At the liaison committee we’ll be talking about fire department consolidation, the lift station at Eufay Wood Park, the status of parks in Plumas Lake under construction, and a potential dog park.  I also have Northern California Water Association (NCWA) and Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meetings on my calendar, but I may not be able to make the EDC meeting due to a conflict with the monthly Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair Breakfast.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the YS Chamber Luch Mob at Lakeside Indian Cuisine, the Legacy Lending Grand Opening, the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, First Friday at Beale, and a book signing with Tracy Norris.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Board of Supervisor Proclamation Celebrating Wheatland’s 150th Birthday, presented to Mayor West at the City Council Meeting and to City Manager Zenomi at the Board of Supervisors Meeting; Welcoming the Northern California Water Association Water Leaders to Yuba Water and talking about leadership; Construction of the southern section of the Plumas Lake (West) Bike Path; Salmon Homecoming Summit at Lumberg Farms; and pictures from the Megaregion Transportation Working Group Advocacy Daty in Sacramento.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

I had a very busy two-week period, almost half of which was spent in Washington DC.  This week also includes a very full schedule.

Tuesday the 9th was a Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  had several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Received a Quarterly Development Update from Community Development and Services.
  • Accepted certification of Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters results of the canvass of the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election and Statement of Vote.
  • Adopted a resolution authorizing the availability of remote teleconferences to Board of Supervisors Meetings with guidelines.
  • Held public hearing, waived first reading, and introduced the Ordinance repealing and re-enacting the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance.

On Monday the 8th, I attended a Wildire and Biomass Bus tour hosted by the Clear Air Partnership (CAP).  Stops included the site of a wildfire near Colfax, a forest restoration project near Auburn, and a biomass power facility in Lincoln.  Additional meetings on my calendar included CSAC Rural Caucus meeting, a YSEDC Executive Committee meeting, an RCRC Transportation Ad Hoc Committee, meeting, and a SACOG Board meeting.  At the RCRC Transportation Committee, we discussed the challenges that many rural counties are facing due to the State’s policy focus on a “one size fits all” approach to limiting capacity-increasing projects and equating GHG reductions to reductions in VMT.  The SACOG agenda contained multiple important items including Senate Bill 125 Transit Funding Allocation and 2025 Blueprint Discussion Scenario (the regional land use and transportation plan for the next 25 years).  I also attended a community meeting where the Yuba County Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobility Plan was unveiled.  You can read the plan here and provide your feedback here.  It’s also important to note that the Yuba County Planning Commission met on April 17th and approved extensions to three existing development agreements for the Plumas Lake area.  The agreements include more than 3000 new homes and you can read more here.

On Thursday the 11th, I attended the Yuba County On the Horizon Dinner at the Yuba County Airport.  This was an opportunity to thank and celebrate our local businesses and share the amazing things going on in the County.  On Saturday the 20th, I attended a fundraiser for the Yuba Sutter Colusa United Way at Hard Rock.

From Friday the 12th through Wednesday the 17th I joined 424 other community, business, and government leaders from the six-county Sacramento region for the annual Cap-to-Cap regional advocacy trip.  I participated on the Flood Protection & Transportation Teams.  Some of the meetings I attended include:

  • Representatives from SACOG, Yuba County, El Dorado County, Elk Grove, Davis, and West Sacramento meeting with the Federal Highway Administration to discuss transportation projects important to the Sacramento region.
  • The Flood Protection team had a good (but brief) meeting with FEMA touching on topics such as mapping, national flood insurance program rates, and grant opportunities.
  • The Transportation Team met with Congressman Kiley to talk about transportation projects that are important to your constituents and the Sacramento region.
  • Rails to Trails Conservancy met with representatives from Yuba City, Yuba County, Yolo County, and SACOG to talk about Rails to Trails opportunities in the Sacramento region.
  • The Flood Protection Team and Transportation Team with staff from Congressmen Thompson, LaMalfa, and Schiff offices about important infrastructure projects in the Sacramento region.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  has several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Approve plans, specifications, and estimates, and authorize the advertisement of bids for the Star Bend Sediment Removal Project.
  • Present Proclamation to the City of Wheatland recognizing their 150th anniversary.
  • Hold a public hearing, waive reading, and adopt the Development Agreement for the development known as the Feather River Center.
  • Adopt a resolution declaring April 21st – April 27th, 2024 National Crime Victims Rights Week, and allow the Probation Department, and Victim Services unit to honor local law enforcement, District Attorney, and Probation Department staff for outstanding services to crime victims of Yuba County.
  • Held public hearing, waived first reading, and introduced the Ordinance repealing and re-enacting the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance.

On Monday I’ll spend all day down in Sacramento meeting with state representatives and state agencies to advocate for twelve important transportation projects to help increase mobility across the Northern California Megaregion (16 counties and 11 million people in the Bay Area, Sacramento region, and San Joaquin County.  Projects of greatest interest to Yuba County residents are likely the Valley Rail Project / North Valley Rail Project as well as the Yolo 80 Project and the I-5 Managed Lanes Project.  Speaking of North Valley Rail, the updated Strategic Plan was just released and the BCAG Board will consider approval at their meeting on Wednesday, which I plan to attend.  Two additional county-related meetings on my schedule this week include a discussion about the need for more little league fields in Plumas Lake and an RCRC Legislative call-in session.

I have multiple Yuba Water Agency related items on my calendar this week including a regional discussion at Lumberg Family Farms on Monday (evening) and Tuesday (evening), welcoming the Northern California Water Association Water Leaders to Yuba Water on Wednesday and talking about leadership and the board of supervisors, and a Yuba Water Agenda review meeting.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Yes to Yuba Dinner at Yuba County Airport; two pictures from the Clean Air Partnership Forest Wildfire Bus Tour; seven pictures from Cap to Cap 2024 including a transportation team meeting with Congressman Schiff with the Capitol in the background, a few Yuba Sutter delegates at and after the gala, a US Capitol selfie, meeting with Rails to Trails HQ, transportation team meeting with Congressmen Kiley, and a transportation team meeting with the Federal Highway Administration; community meeting on the Yuba County Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobility Plan; a SACOG board meeting; Yuba County Educator of the Year Awards; and Team Yuba Water at the United Way Fundraiser.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda  had several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Review the status of actions for extending the Yuba River Accord to December 31, 2050, and consider approving the General Manager’s filing of a water-right change petition with the State Water Resources Control Board for the Accord extension and authorizing payment of the $103,000 in filing fees for the petition.
  • Consider a request by the North Yuba Water District for an increase of $865,410 in the amount of the Canal Stabilization and Water Loss Mitigation Grant approved on December 19, 2023, to enable NYWD to make emergency repairs on five of the most critical areas.

There were OPUD committee meetings last with interest to Plumas Lake residents including a water/wastewater committee (agenda) a park committee (agenda).  I was unable to attend the OPUD committee meetings, and a SACOG Transporation Committee meeting (agenda), as I went to Joint Base San Antonio with BMLC to learn more about the mission of the 16th Air Force and how we can best support Beale AFB and our local airmen.  I learned a lot about the Information Warfare mission of the 16th Air Force and how Beale AFB fits in. It was also great to see the Basic Military Training graduation of 571 new airmen and tour the Air Force’s facilities to prepare those recruits to serve our nation.

Before leaving for San Antonio, I had several things on my calendar, including a meeting with Blue Zones to talk about their Corner Market Program, a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review, and a Yes to Startups event where Yuba County entrepreneurs will pitch their business in our local version of Shark Tank.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  has several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Appoint Richard H. Webb to Yuba County Planning Commission as District 1 Representative
  • Receive Quarterly Development Update from Community Development and Services.
  • Accept certification of Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters results of the canvass of the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election and Statement of Vote.
  • Adopt a resolution authorizing the availability of remote teleconferences to Board of Supervisors Meetings with guidelines.
  • Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce Ordinance repealing and re-enacting the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance.

All day on Monday, I’ll be attending a Wildire and Biomass Bus tour hosted by the Clear Air Partnership (CAP).  Also on my calendar is a CSAC Rural Action Caucus meeting and the Yuba County On the Horizon celebration.

On Friday, I’ll head to Washington DC for the annual Cap-to-Cap regional advocacy trip.  I’ll be serving on the Transportation and Flood Protection teams and we’ll be meeting with regional congressional representatives and applicable federal agencies to advocate for key issues for the six-county Sacramento region.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Group shot at the Yuba County Yes to Startups Pitch Competition + multiple pictures from a trip to San Antonio:  Major General Hensle, vice-commander of the 16th Air Force; partnering with Sutter County Supervisor Karm Bains on an MQ-9 training mission via simulator; trying out a virtual reality pilot training simulator; meeting a military working dog; hanging with Supervisor Bains at the River Walk.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  had several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Approve the release of a request for proposals to develop the Broadband Master Environmental Impact Report
  • Approve agreement with Fehr & Peers, for professional engineering services for the Yuba Sutter Regional Safety Action Plan Project
  • Adopt a resolution authorizing the Treasurer/Tax Collector or Treasury/Tax Manager to approve agreements with Heartland Payment Systems, and Authorize.Net, for credit card processing for park reservations at Sycamore Ranch and Hammon Grove.

There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening and the agenda included a few presentations that City residents might be interested in, including:

  • Status Report on Wheatland 150th Anniversary Celebration Activities
  • Police Department 2023 Annual Report
  • Wheatland Fire Authority 2023 Annual Report

All day on Wednesday, Yuba Water Agency hosted board training for all elected officials in Yuba County.  Sessions included:  (1) Brown Act, Best Board Practices and Fair Political Practices Commission Training; (2) Ethics Training (required bi-annually per AB 1234); and Anti-Harassment Training (required bi-annually per AB 1825).

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a Yuba Water chair/vice-chair breakfast, a meeting with an entrepreneur looking to expand into Yuba County, an RCRC Legislative call-in session, and several constituent meetings.



Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda  has several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Review the status of actions for extending the Yuba River Accord to December 31, 2050, and consider approving the General Manager’s filing of a water-right change petition with the State Water Resources Control Board for the Accord extension and authorizing payment of the $103,000 in filing fees for the petition.
  • Consider a request by the North Yuba Water District for an increase of $865,410 in the amount of the Canal Stabilization and Water Loss Mitigation Grant approved on December 19, 2023, to enable NYWD to make emergency repairs on five of the most critical areas.

There are OPUD committee meetings this week including a water/wastewater committee with a standing item about the smell at the lift station on Zanes on the agenda and the park committee agenda includes multiple items that Plumas Lake residents might be interested in, including:

  • Discuss a request from Plumas Lake Little League for portable restroom placement at Feather River Park.
  • Discuss a request for a community park garden in Arboga.
  • Discuss bringing youth programs to the Youth Center Building in Olivehurst.
  • Special Event Application – SactoMoFo, Inc. – Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park (2nd Saturday of every
    month May – October)

I will be unable to attend the OPUD committee meetings, a TRLIA broad meeting (agenda), and a SACOG Transporation Committee meeting (agenda), as I’m headed to Joint Base San Antonio with BMLC to learn more about the mission of the 16th Air Force and how we can best support Beale AFB and our local airmen.   Before leaving for San Antonio, I have several things on my calendar, including a meeting with Blue Zones to talk about their Corner Market Program, a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review, and a Yes to Startups event where Yuba County entrepreneurs will pitch their business in our local version of Shark Tank.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Team Beale with a U2 at the Luke AFB airshow, Sign in my yard celebrating Wheatland’s 150th Birthday, and it’s beginning to look a lot like spring in Plumas Lake.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda was fairly short and included a review of the financial statements from January and a review of the Energy Risk Management Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.  I also had a SACOG board meeting this week (agenda) that was held in Yolo County at the California Ag Museum in Woodland. Before the meeting, board members had an opportunity to tour a few locations in the area including the AgTech Incubator Lab, an affordable housing project, and, the Center for Land Based Learning. We also received a presentation on the Yolo Active Transportation Plan.

Additional meetings on my calendar included Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection Team & Transportation TeamKick-off meetings, a meeting with SACOG planning staff to update them on the development of the Sports & Entertainment Zone and south Yuba County, a Yuba Water Agency non-profit steering committee meeting, and a monthly NACo Telecommunications and Technology policy steering committee meeting.   I  attended the monthly OPUD Board of Directors meeting (agenda).  They approved the proposed design recommendations for modifications to lift station 14 at River Oaks and Zanes in Plumas Lake to address the smell.  They also approved a contractor with a new company to do park maintenance; it’s the same company the County uses to do landscape maintenance in Plumas Lake and other areas.

On Thursday, I joined with several other members of my Rotary Club (South Yuba County Sunrise Rotary) to volunteer at the Yuba Sutter Foodbank giveaway at Wheatland High School.  Over the weekend, I attended Luke Days Air Show at Luke AFB with BLMC.  We attended at the invite of the next commander for Beale AFB; Colonel McLeese and it was an opportunity to meet with him as well as the civic organization that supports Luke AFB.

On Wednesday evening, I had a re-election celebration reception at Neva’s Place Speakeasy in Marysville.  Thank you to everyone, including constituents, local elected officials, and community leaders, who came.  Your support is greatly appreciated and I’m honored to serve you, and serve with you for another four years.  Special thanks to Stuart Gilchrist for hosting and Ashley Cummings for setting up and serving drinks; plus Marc Perrault, Michele Perrault, Jen Bradford, and Patty Forget for the great food. Also, to the families that contributed to the amazing gift basket.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  has several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Approve the release of a request for proposals to develop the Broadband Master Environmental Impact Report
  • Approve agreement with Fehr & Peers, for professional engineering services for the Yuba Sutter Regional Safety Action Plan Project
  • Adopt a resolution authorizing the Treasurer/Tax Collector or Treasury/Tax Manager to approve agreements with Heartland Payment Systems, and Authorize.Net, for credit card processing for park reservations at Sycamore Ranch and Hammon Grove.

There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening and the agenda includes a few presentations that City residents might be interested in, including:

  • Status Report on Wheatland 150th Anniversary Celebration Activities
  • Police Department 2023 Annual Report
  • Wheatland Fire Authority 2023 Annual Report

All day on Wednesday, Yuba Water Agency is hosting board training for all elected officials in Yuba County.  Sessions include:  (1) Brown Act, Best Board Practices and Fair Political Practices Commission Training; (2) Ethics Training (required bi-annually per AB 1234); and Anti-Harassment Training (required bi-annually per AB 1825).

Additional meetings on my calendar include Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a Yuba Water chair/vice-chair breakfast, and an RCRC Legislative call-in session.



  • None

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   A few pictures from my re-election celebration, SACOG board meeting in Yolo County, volunteering with my Rotary Club for a foodbank distribution at Wheatland High, and the Thunderbirds in the background at Luke AFB.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting that took the majority of the day due to multiple items scheduled for the afternoon.  I think it was the longest meeting since I’ve been on the board.  The agenda contained multiple items that I think the public would  be interested in, including:

  • Approve sole source justification request for Bi-County Ambulance Service, Inc. for ambulance services for the indigent population of Yuba County.
  • Accept Annual Countywide Capital Facilities Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2022/2023.
  • Adopt resolution approving the 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Annual Performance Report
  • Receive quarterly updates from Public Safety Departments.
  • Receive Presentation of Yuba County Broadband Planning and Feasibility Study.
  • Approve plans, specifications, and estimates, and authorize advertisement for bids for the 2024 CSA Resurfacing Project

You can watch the recording of the morning portion of the meeting on Yuba-Sutter LIVE‘s YouTube channel.

I had several additional board meetings on my calendar, including Rural County Representatives (RCRC agendameeting highlights), Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA agenda & meeting highlights), and Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA agenda & meeting highlights) board meetings in Sacramento on Wednesday, and a virtual Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting on Thursday.

Additional meetings I attended included a discussion on CDSA fee updates, an RCRC Roads/Transportation ad hoc committee, a Cap-to-Cap Transportation Team Kick-Off, , a meeting with a technology business interested in Yuba County, and an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency.

I attended the Little League Opening Ceremonies Parade in Plumas Lake on Saturday morning.  To all the players in the 4th District (including Olivehurst-Linda Little League, Plumas Lake Little League, and Wheatland Little League), I hope you have a fun season.  Thank you to all the coaches and volunteers, who make it all possible

In other exciting news, SACOG received a $22.5 Million Federal Reconnecting Communities Grant that will advance transportation design and planning projects to address barriers in disadvantaged areas. The award includes projects in Marysville & Linda.

  • Yuba County East Linda Gateway: Lindhurst Corridor Revitalization project ($3M).  Design and engineering of a rural main street project that will transform the Avenue into a community entry point by providing multimodal improvements, and beautification upgrades.
  • City of Marysville Re-Envision Downtown Marysville Plan ($500k).  Plan that re-envisions state highway system through downtown for multimodal transportation & plan for a downtown traffic calming program.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda is fairly short and includes a review if the financial statements from January and a review of the Energy Risk Management Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.  I also have a SACOG board meeting this week (agenda) that will be held in Yolo County and will include a tour before the meeting.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection Team Kick-off, a meeting with SACOG planning staff to update them on the development of the Sports & Entertainment Zone and south Yuba County, a monthly NACo Telecommunications and Technology policy steering committee meeting, and a NACo West Region meeting.   \

I’m excited to join my Rotary club and volunteer at the Yuba Sutter Foodbank giveaway at 5 pm on Thursday at Wheatland High School.  Also that night, at 7 pm, is the monthly OPUD board of directors meeting.  You can find the agenda and more information here.

I’ll be spending the weekend in Luke AFB in Phoenix with BLMC meeting the next commander for Beale AFB.



  • Join me for a special reception to celebrate our re-election victory!  Your support has been invaluable, and I’m thrilled to serve you for another four years. The reception will be on the evening of Wednesday, March 20th at Neva’s Speakeasy in the basement of 101 C St in Historic Marysville.  More details and RSVP at

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Flyer for my Re-Election Celebration happening this Wednesday, at the opening day parade for Plumas Lake Little League, and a Rural County Representatives (RCRC) Board meeting.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  The most interesting item on the agenda was to consider approving $50,000 to develop a Water Conservation Pilot Program for the Yuba County public agency water districts, including OPUD and the City of Wheatland.  I attended a Yuba Water POD Committee Meeting where we approved modifications to the Community Impact Grant & Loan Program.  On Thursday I’ was down in Sacramento for the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee, which I’m honored to chair (agenda) followed by a lunch workshop on the 2025 SACOG Blueprint.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a touch base lunch with the Yuba County Assistant Community Development Director and a SACOG Transportation Committee Agenda Review meeting.  I spend all day in Chico on Friday at the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Annual Meeting.   I also attended the Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee for a presentation on the North Valley Rail Project.

On Saturday, I participated in the Bok Kai 5k and the Bok Kai Parade.  In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday, I read Go Dog Go to Mrs. Bradford’s 1st-grade class at Cedar Lane in Linda.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting that I expect to take the majority of the day due to multiple items scheduled for the afternoon.  The agenda contains multiple items that I think the public will be interested in, including:

– Approve sole source justification request for Bi-County Ambulance Service, Inc. for ambulance services for the indigent population of Yuba County.
– Accept Annual Countywide Capital Facilities Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2022/2023.
– Adopt resolution approving the 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Annual Performance Report
– Receive quarterly updates from Public Safety Departments.
– Receive Presentation of Yuba County Broadband Planning and Feasibility Study.
– Approve plans, specifications, and estimates, and authorize advertisement for bids for the 2024 CSA Resurfacing Project.

The Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday was canceled but I have several additional board meetings on my calendar, including Rural County Representatives (RCRC agenda), Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA agenda), and Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA agenda) board meetings in Sacramento on Wednesday, and a virtual Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting on Thursday.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a discussion on CDSA fee updates, an RCRC Roads/Transportation ad hoc committee, an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, and an MJUSD executive facilities committee.



  • Join me for a special reception to celebrate our re-election victory!  Your support has been invaluable, and I’m thrilled to serve you for another four years. The reception will be on the evening of Wednesday, March 20th.  Facebook and more details coming soon; watch my Facebook page and Twitter/X feed for more info.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Dropping a Cookie Tree cookie to all 29 poll workers across the 5 polling places in my district on Election Day to say thank you for their service; celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday by reading Go Dog Go to Mrs. Bradford’s 1st Grade Class at Cedar Lane Elementary; Yuba County Board of Supervisors at the 144th Bok Kai Parade; the NCWA Annual Meeting in Chico; SACOG Transportation Committee & 2025 Blueprint lunch discussion; selfie with my son during the Bok Kai 5k run/walk supporting the Linda Firefighters Association; and a ribbon cutting at the Honey Barn Decor Botique in downtown Marysville.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Some highlights from the agenda include: Awarding the contract for the Plumas Lake Bike Path Project; Receiving a Code Enforcement Department Update; Approve letter of opposition to AT&T’s application with the California Public Utilities Commission to withdraw as the carrier of last resort; and Holding public hearing, waive reading, and adopt an ordinance to repeal and re-enact Title XI Development Code and County Zoning Map.   Tuesday evening was a Wheatland City Council meeting. The agenda included several items the public may be interested in including: Acceptance of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Auditor Correspondence for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023; Fiscal Year 2023-24 Mid-Year Budget Report and Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Budget; and an Update on Current Development Activities.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a public WUHSD Facility Planning Board Workshop to learn about the plans for a Plumas Lake High School (if Plumas Lake residents pass Measure T) and additional enhancements to Wheatland High School (if Wheatland residents pass Measure U), a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Call-in Session, a Yuba Water Agency board leadership breakfast meeting, and an OPUD/County Liason Committee.  I requested several items be added to the OPUD/County Liason meeting, including updates from OPUD on the lift station smell at Eufay Wood Park, the status of parks under construction in Plumas Lake, and the plan for parks in the North Arboga Study Area.  I spent most of the day on Monday with the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) and the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) at a briefing about the Agreements for Healthy Rivers and Landscapes and associated tours.

On Friday, I visited Edgewater Elementary to read a book (Go Dog Go) as part of their read-a-thon.  That evening I attended the Murder at Cafe Noir fundraiser for the Sedona Project at Nev’s Place Speak Easy in downtown Marysville.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday morning is a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  The most interesting item on the agenda is to consider approving $50,000 to develop a Water Conservation Pilot Program for the Yuba County public agency water districts, including OPUD and the City of Wheatland. Due to the election, the meeting will be held at the Yuba Water Agency office on F St rather than the Yuba County Government Center, and immediately after the board meeting, I’ll attend a Yuba Water POD Committee Meeting where we will consider modifications to the Community Impact Grant & Loan Program.  On Thursday I’ll be down in Sacramento for the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee, which I’m honored to chair (agenda) followed by a lunch workshop on the 2025 SACOG Blueprint.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a touch base lunch with the Yuba County Assistant Community Development Director and a SACOG Transportation Committee Agenda Review meeting.  On Friday, I’ll spend all day in Chico at the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Annual Meeting.   I also plan to attend the Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee where there will be a presentation on the North Valley Rail Project.

On Saturday, I’ll be participating in the Bok Kai 5k and the Bok Kai Parade.


  • Election Day is Tuesday, March 5th.  Ensure your ballot is mailed (and postmarked) or put into an official dropbox (at the Fire Station in Plumas Lake or the Government Center in Marysville) before then.  You can also drop it off at any polling site in California on Election Day.  See the Yuba County Elections site for more info.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Coming soon (if Measure T passes), Plumas Lake High School; Dropping my ballot in the official dropbox at the fire station in Plumas Lake (#iVoted); picking up some treats from Marysville’s newest bakery for election volunteers counting ballots on Saturday; Selfies at Conway Ranch on the Yolo Bypass and Kirkville Rd on the Sutter Bypass during a NCWA tour; reading Go Dog Go at Edgewater Elementary to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday; development update presentation at Wheatland City Council meeting; and the Murder at Cafe Noir fundraiser for the Sedona Project.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda included considering approval of a letter of support for the City of Yuba City Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Conversion Project and a presentation on a two-year collaborative research project between the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) at UC Berkeley and the Yuba Water Agency using new monitoring and sensing technologies on levees.  You can watch the presentation at (starts at 40:49)

I had multiple Yuba Water Agency related meetings on my calendar this week including a meeting with SBFCA to discuss the habitat benefits of a dredging project; a south county infrastructure ad-hoc meeting; a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee meeting; a non-profit steering committee kick-off meeting; and NCWA Legislative Advocacy meetings with Senator Laird, Assemblyman Hover,  Assemblymember Hart, Senator Ashby, Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry, Assemblymember Gallagher, and Assemblymember Nguyen..  We discussed issues important to Sacramento Valley Water users including Sites Reservoir and Agreements to Support Healthy Rivers and Landscapes.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Blue Zones Project steering committee and a community health improvement plan quarterly meeting.  I attended a Chamber of Commerce Business Connection Breakfast about MJUSD & YCUSD, the 9th Reconnaissance Wing Annual Awards Banquet at Beale AFB, and I participated in a panel for Sierra Forward on what various counties are doing about wildfire risk.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday morning is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Some highlights from the agenda include: Awarding the contract to the apparent low, responsive, and responsible bidder, All-American Construction Inc., for the Plumas Lake Bike Path Project; Receiving a Code Enforcement Department Update; Approve letter of opposition to AT&T’s application with California Public Utilities Commission to withdraw as carrier of last resort; and Hold public hearing, waive reading, and adopt ordinance to repeal and re-enact Title XI Development Code and County Zoning Map.   Tuesday evening is a Wheatland City Council meeting and the agenda includes several items the public may be interested in including: Acceptance of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Auditor Correspondence for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023; Fiscal Year 2023-24 Mid-Year Budget Report and Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Budget; Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreements with the Olivehurst Public Utility District Regarding Regional Wastewater Treatment Services; and an Update on Current Development Activities.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a public WUHSD Facility Planning Board Workshop, a Yuba Water Agenda review, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Call-in Session, and an OPUD/County Liason Committee.  I requested several items be added to the OPUD/County Liason meeting, including updates from OPUD on the lift station smell at Eufay Wood Park, the status of parks under construction in Plumas Lake, and the plan for parks in the North Arboga Study Area.  Most of the day on Monday will be spent with the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) and the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) on a briefing about the Agreements for Healthy Rivers and Landscapes and associated tours.

On Friday, I was invited to Edgewater Elementary to read a book as part of their read-a-thon and that afternoon I plan to attend the First Friday social event at Beale to hang out with my partner in the honorary commander program; Lt. Col Brennan Howell, commander of the Civil Engineering Squadron.



  • If you want your vote-by-mail ballot included in initial election night results make sure Yuba County Elections receives it by this Friday (3/1).  Drop in an official ballot drop box at the Fire Station in Plumas Lake or the Government Center in Marysville or mail it early this week.
  • Plumas Lake Elementary School District has a very informative FAQ about Measures VWX on its website.  Check it out here before you vote.
  • I’d be honored to have your vote for District 4 Supervisor!

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Legislative Advocacy Day at the California Capitol, 9th Reconnaissance Wing Awards Banquet at Beale AFB, Yuba Sutter Business Connection Breakfast with presentations from MJUSD & YCUSD, and a reminder to get your ballot filled out and sent in (and vote Bradford for Supervisor in District 4).


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday the 6th was a  Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include the purchase of some property near Colgate and the consideration of a staff recommendation to staff to limit the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program’s March 2024 application window to only a few grant categories.  The staff report for the agenda item summarizes that since June of 2021, Yuba Water has approved $52.4M in community impact grants, $57.2M in loans, and $34.2M in grants to Yuba County, primarily to leverage additional state and federal dollars.  I also had a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting and one of the items on the agenda was to approve four encroachment permit applications with the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB) for the Climate Resiliency Project, a project to ensure levees protecting Linda, Olivehurst, Arboga, and Plumas Lake exceed a 300-year level of protection.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) special board meeting to review 2024 priorities, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Strategic Planning Meeting to approve board rules and discuss opportunities and challenges in the year ahead, and a touch-base with Yuba County Public Works on several things they are working on for me on behalf of constituents.   I also attended a community meeting on Wednesday evening hosted by PLESD on Measures VWX.  On Wednesday, I joined Councilmember Teeter and the City Manager from the City of Wheatland for a tour of Beale AFB.

On Friday the 9th through Wednesday the 14th, I was in DC for the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2024 Legislative Conference.  On Saturday, I’spent all day in a  NACo Telecommunications and Technology Committee (T&T) Policy Steering Committee Meeting,   In addition to informational sessions at the conference, I participated in thein Rural Action Caucus and California Caucus meetings.  Finally, while in DC with Congressman Kiley and staff from Congressman LaMalfa’s office about several items of importance to Yuba County, including: A Community Project Funding Request, Radio Upgrade Project for Yuba Sheriff; Reconnecting Communities Grant; East & West Linda / Erle Rd; South Yuba County Transportation Projects; North Valley Rail; AT&T Carrier of Last Resort; Affordable Connectivity Program; Updates to Water Control Manuals at New Bullards Bar Dam and Oroville Dam; Victim Services Funding; and a Plumas Lake ZIP Code.

After returning from DC on Wednesday, I had a SACOG board meeting on Thursday in Sacramento where we received a presentation on the status of The Blueprint, the 25-year land use and transportation plan for the six-county region, required under Federal and State law to receive transportation dollars.   The challenge with the plan is that it must be constrained by anticipated (transportation) funding during the planning horizon and comply with state greenhouse reduction targets. This limits what can be included in the plan.  More info on the blueprint can be found at While local jurisdictions, not SACOG, have land use authority, SACOG will use the land use plan it develops to drive what transportation projects should receive the limited funding available.  You can watch the presentation at (presentation starts at ~1:38:00)

I attended the OPUD board meeting on Thursday night to receive an update on the resolution of the odor at the lift station near Eufay Wood Park in Plumas Lake.  The contractor is actively working on confirming what the issue and designing a solution.  It’s expected that OPUD might receive the results as soon as a week or two and can then begin the process of going out to bid to have it fixed.   On Friday, I attended a bi-monthly development meeting at Hard Rock with key stakeholders to talk status of infrastructure and commercial development in the Sports & Entertainment Zone.  I was back at Hard Rock on Friday evening for the annual Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Gala.


Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting.  A few of the items from the agenda that I’m excited about include considering approval of a letter of support for the City of Yuba City Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Conversion Project and a presentation on a two-year collaborative research project between the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) at UC Berkeley and the Yuba Water Agency using new monitoring and sensing technologies on levees.

I have multiple Yuba Water Agency related meetings on my calendar this week including a meeting with SBFCA to discuss the habitat benefits of a dredging project; a south county infrastructure ad-hoc meeting; a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee meeting; a non-profit steering committee kick-off meeting; and NCWA Legislative Advocacy meetings with Senator Laird, Assemblyman Patterson, Senator Ashby, and Assemblywoman Aguiar-Curry. Additional meetings on my calendar include a Blue Zones Project steering committee and a community health improvement plan quarterly meeting.

I plan to attend a Chamber of Commerce Business Connection Breakfast about MJUSD & YCUSD plus the 9th Reconnaissance Wing Annual Awards Banquit at Beale AFB.




*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Briefing and Tour at Beale AFB with Wheatland Leadership; Plumas Lake Elementry Community meeting discussing the middle school design; bi-monthly Sports & Entertainment Zone development meeting at Hard Rock; at the US Capitol with California Supervisors for a press conference supporting the extension of the Affordable Connectivity Plan; Meeting with Congressman Kiley in DC to discuss issues important to Yuba County; US Capitol Selfie; National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Committee meeting; Supervisor Askew (Monterey Co),  Supervisor Cottrell (Napa Co), and me at the White House; Picture with NACo President Mary Jo McGuire; Yuba Sutter Chamber Gala with my daughter; and the monthly SACOG board meeting.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

As this week contained the fifth Tuesday of the month, there was neither a regular Board of Supervisors Meeting nor a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  However, we did have a Special Board of Supervisors meeting related to property negotiations (agenda).  I attended a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee Meeting (agenda).  I’m honored to chair that committee this year and we discussed several important regional transportation topics, including:  unmet transit needs findings, a regional funding found framework, and federal funding grant prioritization methodology.  I also had a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board of directors meeting but was unable to attend due to a conflict with a Yuba Water Agency related meeting.

Additional meetings on my calendar included meeting with a constituent to talk about Yuba Water Agency, an agenda review for the SACOG transportation committee, an agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency, a Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair breakfast, an RCRC Roadway Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee, and a community input meeting for the Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plan.  At the RCRC committee, several rural county supervisors brought up policy concerts related to the State and transportation infrastructure.  My concern is the growing opposition at the State level to fund capacity-increasing projects.  Projects like the East Wheatland Expressway and the Goldfileds Parkway are critical for growing counties like Yuba.  Both projects are important for congestion mitigation and emergency evacuation and the the East Wheatland Expressway is also important to national defense and Yuba’s ability to help the State meet it’s new housing goals.

Tuesday evening was the Yuba Sutter Candidate Forum at the Yuba County Government Center.  The forum featured candidates in contested races for Yuba County Supervisor, Sutter County Supervisor, and Yuba Water Agency. (each forum is linked to a live stream recording on YouTube).  I also attended a Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Lunch Mob at Rolling Stone Pizza on Tuesday.


Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include the purchase of some property near Colgate and the consideration of a staff recommendation to staff to limit the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program’s March 2024 application window to only a few grant categories.  The staff report for the agenda item summarizes that since June of 2021, Yuba Water has approved $52.4M in community impact grants, $57.2M in loans, and $34.2M in grants to Yuba County, primarily to leverage additional state and federal dollars.  I also have a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting on Tuesday and one of the items on the agenda is to approve four encroachment permit applications with the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB) for the Climate Resiliency Project, a project to ensure levees protecting Linda, Olivehurst, Arboga, and Plumas Lake exceed a 300-year level of protection.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) special board meeting to review 2024 priorities, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Strategic Planning Meeting to approve board rules and discuss opportunities and challenges in the year ahead, and a touch-base with Yuba County Public Works on several things they are working on for me on behalf of constituents.   I also plan to attend a community meeting on Wednesday evening hosted by PLESD on Measures VWX at Riverside at 6 pm and a PLESD board meeting on Thursday at the District Office at 6 pm to discuss the same thing.  Also on Wednesday, I’ll join Councilmember Teeter and the City Manager from the City of Wheatland for a tour of Beale AFB.

On Friday morning I head to DC for the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2024 Legislative Conference.  On Saturday, I’ll spend all day in a  NACo Telecommunications and Technology Committee (T&T) Policy Steering Committee Meeting,   In addition to informational sessions at the conference (including how to get funding from future service transportation legislation and the inflation reduction act), I’ll participate in Rural Action Caucus, Western Region, and California Caucus meetings.  Finally, while in DC I’m trying to meet with Congrasmen LaMalfa and Kiley about several items of importance to Yuba County.



  • Yuba County is looking for community input on our Local Road Safety Plan; learn more at
  • Do you walk or bicycle in Olivehurst, Linda, or Plumas Lake?  If so, the County wants to hear from you at
  • The North Valley Rail Strategic Plan, which includes a station in Plumas Lake, was recently released.  Review the plan and find information about providing comments at
  • The Yuba Sheriff Department’s Citizens Academy is taking signups for the next 12-week session.  The academy teaches residents about the sheriff’s department.  Learn more and sign up at


*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Chairing the SACOG Transportation Committee meeting; volunteering with WUHSD board members Ryan Bellflower and Greg Forest to judge the impromptu speech contest at the Future Business Leaders of America; two shots of a beautiful sunrise in Plumas Lake; and hanging out with Supervisor Messick and others at the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Lunch Mob at Rolling Stone Pizza.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include Board of Supervisor Committee Appointments for 2024 and a board workshop (at 1 pm) to receive an update on the Yuba County Strategic Plan.  My committee assignments are generally the same as 2023, except that I will no longer serve on Yuba LAFCO.  You can see my assignments here and the assignments for the full board here.  You will find the Yuba County strategic plan and the presentation from the workshop here.
There was also a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday night (agenda) that I attended

Additional meetings on my calendar this week included: speaking with other local supervisors at a Yuba-Sutter Bar Association luncheon, a discussion with SACOG about Beale AFB, A San Joaquin Join Powers Authority board meeting in Sacramento, and a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Mega Region Working Group Meeting (agenda).  At the SACOG Megan Region Working Group meeting we talked about tolling lanes across the 16-county Mega Region and received updates on the Mega Region Dozen; 12 important projects for improving connectivity between the Bay Area, the Sacramento Region, and San Joaquin County.  Two of the projects in our region are Valley Rail and the Yolo 80 project.


Looking ahead to this week

As this week contains the fifth Tuesday of the month, there is neither a regular Board of Supervisors Meeting nor a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  However, we do have a Special Board of Supervisors meeting related to property negotiations (agenda).  I also have several board and committee meetings on my calendar, including a SACOG Transportation Committee Meeting (agenda) and a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board of directors meeting.

Additional meetings on my calendar include meeting with a constituent to talk about Yuba Water Agency, an agenda review for the SACOG transportation committee, an agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency, a Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair breakfast, and a community input meeting for the Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plan.

Tuesday evening is the Yuba Sutter Candidate Forum at the Yuba County Government Center.  The forum will feature candidates in contested races for Yuba County Supervisor, Sutter County Supervisor, and Yuba Water Agency.



  • Yuba County is looking for community input on our Local Road Safety Plan; learn more at
  • Do you walk or bicycle in Olivehurst, Linda, or Plumas Lake?  If so, the County wants to hear from you at
  • The North Valley Rail Strategic Plan, which includes a station in Plumas Lake, was recently released.  Review the plan and find information about providing comments at
  • The Yuba Sheriff Department’s Citizens Academy is taking signups for the next 12-week session.  The academy teaches residents about the sheriff’s department.  Learn more and sign up at


*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   At the Brick for a meeting in Downtown Marysville; Dry Creek near Wheatland after significant rainfall; Board of Supervisors Strategic Plan Workshop; at SACOG for the Mega Region Working Group; a relevant mural in downtown Sacramento to the meetings I was there for, uniting the mega-region; enjoying the open space around Plumas Lake; and hanging out at a crab feed in American Canyon with Supervisor Ramos from Napa County.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting (agenda).  Several other board meetings on my calendar included a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting on Wednesday (agenda), followed by the annual RCRC Rural Leadership Reception,  and a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting on Thursday. The SACOG agenda includes the establishment of a Regional Tolling Authority to oversee toll lanes planned for the Yolo Causeway and other regional freeways.   Both the SACOG and RCRC meetings included 2024 committee appointments and I’m honored I was appointed to chair the SACOG transportation committee, serve on the SACOG Mega Region Working Group, serve on the SACOG strategic planning committee, and serve on the RCRC Roadway Infrastructure Ad-Hoc committee.   I attended the OPUD meeting on Thursday (agenda) via Zoom so I could be informed about the latest status of efforts to reduce the smell at the Eufay Wood Lift Station.

Additional meetings on my calendar this week included:  a meeting with the clerk-recorder to talk about the upcoming election, a touch base lunch with Yuba County community development, a Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation executive committee, a few meetings with Hard Rock, and a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting to discuss strategic priorities for 2024, an NCWA Conservation Task Force planning meeting, and a NACo West Region Monthly Meeting.   I also had NACo Telecommunications and Technology and NACo Rural Action Caucus meetings, but they conflicted with RCRC and SACOG and I was unable to attend.  There was also a Yuba County Planning Commission on Wednesday (agenda).

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include Board of Supervisor Committee Appointments for 2024 and a board workshop (at 1 pm) to receive an update on the Yuba County Strategic Plan.  There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday night (agenda).

Additional meetings on my calendar this week include: an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, speaking with other local supervisors at a Yuba-Sutter Bar Association luncheon, a discussion with SACOG about Beale AFB, and a SACOG Mega Region Working Group Meeting (agenda).


  • Yuba County is looking for community input on our Local Road Safety Plan; learn more at
  • Do you walk or bicycle in Olivehurst, Linda, or Plumas Lake?  If so, the County wants to hear from you at
  • The North Valley Rail Strategic Plan, which includes a station in Plumas Lake, was recently released.  Review the plan and find information about providing comments at
  • The Yuba Sheriff Department’s Citizens Academy is taking signups for the next 12-week session.  The academy teaches residents about the sheriff’s department.  Learn more and sign up at

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   A Plumas Lake sunrise shot; sunset near a new development in Plumas Lake; three pictures from the RCRC Board Meeting and Rural Leadership reception, including one with Supervisor Ed Valenzuela from Siskiyou County and one with Monterey County Supervisor (and 2024 RCRC chair) Chris Lopez and Speaker Rivas from the California Assembly; two pictures from the SACOG Board of Directors meeting, including one with 2024 chair Michael Saragosa (Placerville City Council) and 2024 vice-chair Darren Suen (Elk Grove City Council).

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda contained several items of particular interest to District 4 residents including:  Agreements between Hard Rock, Live Nation, and the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department for supplemental law enforcement at the casino and amphitheater; an amendment to the agreement with Wood Rodgers, Inc. for the Plumas Lake Boulevard/SR 70 Interchange Phase II Project; and approval of plans, specifications, and estimate for the Plumas Lake Bike Path Project, and authorize advertisement of bids.  We also voted on chair and vice chair for 2024.  Supervisor Blaser will serve as chair, and Supervisor Fuhrer will serve as vice chair.  There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening and you can find the agenda here.

Additional meetings on my calendar this week included:  a CERF Sub Regional (Yuba-Sutter) Roundtable meeting to provide a space for community discussion about Yuba-Sutter’s job economy, and will also feature Valley Vision’s presentation on preliminary research of Yuba-Sutter’s economic analysis; a SACOG Transportation Committee (agenda) to discuss the creation of a regional tolling authority; a meeting to discuss pedestrian safety in the Sports & Entertainment Zone; a Yuba Water Agency agenda review; a meeting with the Sheridan Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) to update them on the East Wheatland Expressway project; a tour of the Pottery World factory in Wheatland; and a meeting regarding the upcoming Cap-to-Cap trip.  You can find the presentation on the East Wheatland Expressway here.

On Saturday morning, I was honored to participate in the 25th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community event.  The event occurs the Saturday before MLK Jr day and includes a march from Yuba City across the 5th St Bridge to Marysville and a program to remember and honor Dr. King after the march.  The event focused on love and unity and I shared one of my favorite quotes from MLK Jr, which is “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.  That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting (agenda).  Several other board meetings on my calendar include a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting on Wednesday (agenda) and a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting on Thursday. The SACOG agenda includes the establishment of a Regional Tolling Authority to oversee toll lanes planned for the Yolo Causeway and other regional freeways.   There is a Yuba County Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday (agenda) and an OPUD meeting on Thursday evening (agenda).

Additional meetings on my calendar this week include:  a meeting with the clerk-recorder to talk about the upcoming election, a touch base lunch with Yuba County community development, a Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation executive committee, a few meetings with Hard Rock, and a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting to discuss strategic priorities for 2024.  I also have NACo Telecommunications and Technology and NACo Rural Action Caucus meetings, but they conflict with RCRC and SACOG and I’ll be unable to attend.


*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Touring the Pottery World factory in Wheatland, a collage from the Yuba Sutter MLK Jr Event, the “new” Algodon Rd in Plumas Lake, a presentation on the East Wheatland Expressway at a Sheridan Community Meeting (MAC), a collage of Yuba-Sutter Law Enforcement in honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, and a new fence added to a court in east Plumas Lake after requests from residents.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, my schedule was lighter than usual during the period covered in this post.

December 19th was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  We had a longer-than-usual agenda and one of the items was to consider almost $25M in grants to local agencies, including over $11M for flood risk reduction and public safety in Arboga, Plumas Lake, and Wheatland. In addition, there is a $600k grant request from Yuba County to restore the existing boat ramp at Star Bend by dredging out approximately 1,800 cubic yards of material that is currently impeding boat traffic.  January 2nd was also a Yuba Water Agency board meeting (agenda) and we received an update from summer interns, approved a $30M grant from the State for a Nature-like Fishway around Daguerre Point Dam on the Yuba River, and elected our chair and vice chair for 2024.   The board unanimously voted for Supervisor Messick to serve as chair and for me to serve as vice-chair.  I’m honored my fellow board members provided an opportunity for me to remain in board leadership.  There was no Board of Supervisors meeting on December 26th due to the holiday.

Other meetings over the three weeks included:  One-on-one meetings with our auditor/controller, a fellow supervisor, and a pastor from Wheatland;  a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee;  a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting; a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast; an OPUD Wastewater committee to get an update on the Eufay Wood lift station; and a Yuba LAFCO meeting.

I was fortunate to play Santa several times the week before Christmas including for Cub Scout Pack 513 on Monday, at Rio Del Oro Elementary on Wednesday morning, and on the Fire Truck in Plumas Lake on Thursday evening.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda contains several items of particular interest to District 4 residents including:  Agreements between Hard Rock, Live Nation, and the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department for supplemental law enforcement at the casino and amphitheater; an amendment to the agreement with Wood Rodgers, Inc. for the Plumas Lake Boulevard/SR 70 Interchange Phase II Project; and approval of plans, specifications, and estimate for the Plumas Lake Bike Path Project, and authorize advertisement of bids.  There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening and you can find the agenda here.

Additional meetings on my calendar this week include:  a CERF Sub Regional (Yuba-Sutter) Roundtable meeting to provide a space for community discussion about Yuba-Sutter’s job economy, and will also feature Valley Vision’s presentation on preliminary research of Yuba-Sutter’s economic analysis; a SACOG Transportation Committee (agenda) to discuss the creation of a regional tolling authority; a meeting to discuss pedestrian safety in the Sports & Entertainment Zone; a Yuba Water Agency agenda review; a meeting with the Sheridan Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) to update them on the East Wheatland Expressway project; and a informal virtual “Coffee Caucus” meeting other supervisors.


*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Christmas greetings and playing Santa (at Rio Del Oro, at Cub Scout Pack 513, on the fire truck with Linda Fire), some beautiful south Yuba County sunrises, and Happy New Year (including from Hard Rock).

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting [agenda].  Other board meetings on my calendar included a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly meeting [agenda], a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee [agenda], and a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) Board meeting [agenda].  There was also a Wheatland City Council meeting this week [agenda].

The SACOG board includes a representative (supervisor) from each of the six counties in our region (El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba) and a representative (mayor/councilmember) from each of the 22 cities in those counties.  SACOG is an important regional body for transportation and land use, and our mission statement is “SACOG convenes and connects the region to advance an equitable, sustainable, and prosperous future.” I appreciate the opportunity to represent Yuba County at this important regional organization, and I was honored to chair the SACOG Land Use and Natural Resource (LUNR) committee this year.

Other meetings I have attended this week included Yuba Water Agency Agenda Setting, a virtual community meeting for North Valley Rail, a meeting with a fellow supervisor, a constituent meeting to talk about committee openings, and an RCRC/CSAC meeting with PG&E.  I’ attended several holiday open house events with various vendors and organizations and the Olivehurst VFW Ribbon Cutting on Thursday evening.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  We have a longer-than-usual agenda and one of the items is to consider almost $25M in grants to local agencies, including over $11M for flood risk reduction and public safety in Arboga, Plumas Lake, and Wheatland. In addition, there is a $600k grant request from Yuba County to restore the existing boat ramp at Star Bend by dredging out approximately 1,800 cubic yards of material that is currently impeding boat traffic.

I have several one-on-one meetings scheduled for the week, including with our auditor/controller, a fellow supervisor, and a pastor from Wheatland.   Additional meetings on my calendar include a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee, a NACo Rural Action Caucus, a NACo West Region meeting, and an informal virtual discussion with several other California supervisors.  There is also an OPUD board meeting this week (the agenda will be posted here).

I look forward to playing Santa several times this week including for Cub Scout Pack 513 on Monday, on the Fire Truck in southern Plumas Lake on Tuesday evening, at Rio Del Oro Elementary on Wednesday morning, and on the fire truck in west-central Plumas Lake on Thursday evening.


  • Santa will visit central and southern Plumas Lake on a Fire Truck on December 19-21 (more info)

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  I celebrated a birthday this (thanks  Sharron Bradshaw for the birthday message), representing Yuba County at the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meeting, Cleaner Air Partnership winter social, and the Board of Supervisors proclamation thanking Costco for their investment in Yuba County.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency board meeting (agenda).  A few key items from the agenda included the annual audit, a grant for North Yuba Water District, and a CEQA item related to a proposed nature-like fishway around Daguerre Point Dam.  Following the board meeting, I had a Yuba Water POD committee where we reviewed community impact grants (agenda and materials).  Several grants are on the agenda for agencies that serve Plumas Lake & Wheatland, including Linda Fire, RD784, RD817, and RD2103.  Overall, we recommended the board approve almost $25M in grants to local agencies, with over $11M going to south county agencies.

I had several other board meetings this week including:  Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) [agenda], South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) [agenda], and Rural Couty Representatives of California (RCRC) [agenda].  At SYTIA we received an update on the East Wheatland Expressway Project and approved an agreement with Caltrans to continue progress on the South Beale Rd Interchange project.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a call with a potential developer of a solar and battery storage facility, a North Valley Rail project development team meeting, and a Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan Workshop.  If you didn’t get a chance to attend the workshop, you can still provide input by taking the survey at: and marking areas of concern at:

I was in southern California on Thursday and Friday at the California Foundation on the Environment and Economy (CFEE) Water Conference.  Yuba Water General Manager Willie Whittlesey and I were invited to participate on a panel discussing harnessing the energy-water nexus.   The format of the conference was very unique with everyone seated around a large table with frank questions and discussions after each presentation.  What makes it even more valuable is that the event is invite only and includes state legislators, state and federal government leaders, business leaders, labor leaders, and water leaders.

Community-related events I attended this week included a Christmas Party or the Civil Engineering Squadron at Beale AFB and the Plumas Lake Christmas parade!  I participated in ringing the Salvation Army Bell at Walmart from 1:30 pm to 3 pm on Saturday.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting [agenda].  The meetings are no longer available via Zoom but you can watch the live-stream at  Other board meetings on my calendar include a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly meeting [agenda], a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee [agenda], and a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) Board meeting [agenda].  There is also a Wheatland City Council meeting this week [agenda].

Other meetings I have this week include Yuba Water Agency Agenda Setting, a virtual community meeting for North Valley Rail, a meeting with a fellow supervisor, a constituent meeting to talk about committee openings, and an RCRC/CSAC meeting with PG&E.  I’ll be attending several holiday open house events with various vendors and organizations and the Olivehurst VFW Ribbon Cutting on Thursday evening.


  • North Valley Rail is holding a virtual community meeting on December 13th at 5 pm.  Register here.
  • Santa will visit Wheatland on a Fire Truck on December 12th (see map)
  • Upcoming Community Event 12/15:  Plumas Lake Night of Lights (6 pm-8 pm, get a map at Riverside Meadows)
  • Voting in the South Yuba Bright Light Battle goes until December 18th (more info)
  • Santa will visit central and southern Plumas Lake on a Fire Truck on December 19-21 (more info)

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, Plumas Lake Christmas Parade, Rural Counties Board Meeting, Yuba County Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobility Plan Workshop, CFEE Conference in SoCal, Honoring outgoing Yuba City Mayor Wade Kirchner and incoming Mayor Shon Harris, Beale Civil Engineering Squadron Christmas Party, Fall Sunrise in Plumas Lake, and Beers with Supervisor Valenzuela (Siskiyou County) at Red Hill in Wheatland.

I’m excited to announce that the candidate filling period closed Friday and I’m running unopposed for my third term. 🎉
I appreciate all the support I’ve received and I’m honored to have the opportunity to continue doing what I love for another four years; representing the people of Arboga, Plumas Lake, and Wheatland, and continuing my focus on livability, opportunity, and transparency in Yuba County!

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday at 9 am (agenda).  There were several items on the agenda that I think the public will be most interested in, including requests from Plumas Lake Elementary School District, Wheatland Union High School District, and Marysville Joint Unified School District ordering School Bond Elections in consolidation with statewide primary election to be held on March 5, 2024.

I was unable to participate in the Board of Supervisors meeting as I  was out of town representing the Yuba Water Agency at the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) fall conference most of the week.  While at the conference, I participated in a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting and after returning home  I attended a prep call for a panel I’ll be on at the CFEE Water Conference this week.  I stopped by Yuba County elections and completed the final paperwork to ensure I’m on the ballot for re-election in March.

The community-related events I  attended or participated in this week include the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair, Pancakes with Sanda at Arboga Elementary, and the Plumas Lake Christmas Tree lighting.  I want to thank everyone who supported me by attending my Whiskey & Wildgame campaign event.  We had a great time!

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency board meeting (agenda).  A few key items from the agenda include the annual audit, a grant for North Yuba Water District, and a CEQA item related to a proposed nature-like fishway around Daguerre Point Dam.  Following the board meeting, I’ll have a Yuba Water POD committee where we review community impact grants (agenda and materials).  There are several grants on the agenda for agencies that serve Plumas Lake & Wheatland, including Linda Fire, RD784, RD817, and RD2103

I have several other board meetings on my calendar this week including:  Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) [agenda], South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) [agenda], and Rural Couty Representatives of California (RCRC) [agenda].

Additional meetings on my calendar include a meeting with a potential developer of a solar and battery storage facility, a North Valley Rail project development team meeting, and a Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobility Plan Workshop.  In addition, I’ll be out of town on Thursday and Friday to present at the CFEE Water Conference on behalf of Yuba Water Agency.

Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include a Christmas Party or the Civil Engineering Squadron at Beale AFB and the Plumas Lake Christmas parade!  I’ll also be ringing the Salvation Army Bell at Walmart from 1:30 pm to 3 pm on Saturday.


  • Yuba County is hosting a Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobility Plan Workshop from 5:30 pm to 7 pm at the Yuba County Library in Marysville.  The purpose of the workshop is to gather community input.  Please take this opportunity to share yours.
  • Upcoming Community Event on 12/8 & 12/9:  Plumas Lake Christmas Parade
  • Upcoming Community Event on 12/9:  Outdoor Living Nativity at Wheatland Baptist (6 pm and 6:45 pm)
  • North Valley Rail is hosing a virtual community meeting on December 13th at 5 pm.  Register here.
  • Upcoming Community Event 12/15:  Plumas Lake Night of Lights (6 pm-8 pm, get a map at Riverside Meadows)

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Pancakes with Santa at Arboga Elementary, some grumpy people at the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair, finalizing my paperwork to run for re-election, a shot from my Whiskey & Wild Game event, representing Yuba Water Agency at the ACWA conference,  the Plumas Lake Christmas Tree Lighting, two pictures from the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair with Mayor West (Wheatland) and Col Bartran (Beale AFB).

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Given the Thanksgiving holiday, my schedule was light this week.  We had a Yuba Water Agency meeting on Tuesday (agenda).  There were several items on the agenda that I think the public would be most interested in, including: updates to the sponsorship and reserve policies as well as a grant to the Yuba Sheriff’s Department to replace patrol vehicles used in the vicinity of New Bullards Bar.

I participated in a collaboration meeting with the City of Wheatland and Beale AFB about several important infrastructure projects for the City, the County, and the Base; primarily the regional wastewater line and the East Wheatland Expressway.  It’s important for us to all work together to move these projects forward.  I also attended an onsite tour with a few representatives from North Valley Rail to ensure they understand the concerns expressed by some community members about emergency evacuation in east Plumas Lake to make sure the proposed train station at the start of the Bear River Habitat Trail off Algodon Rd has no impact on evacuation routes.   In addition, I had a touch-base lunch with several leaders from Yuba County Community Development.

Community-related events I attended or participated in this week include a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for Costco on Wednesday.  I’m very happy to see Costco invest in Yuba County and believe it will be a catalyst for re-development, not only of the former Peach Tree Mall but for that entire commercial corridor.  Thank you to everyone who came out to Llamas & Lattes: A Meet & Greet with Supervisor Bradford on Saturday morning! It was a great turnout and I enjoyed talking with everyone.  Special thanks to 2Talls Sweet Treats Bus – Plumas Lake for keeping everyone fed and caffeinated and Lee Beringsmith for bringing out Kissey the Llama!

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday at 9 am (agenda).  There are several items on the agenda that I think the public will be most interested in, including requests from Plumas Lake Elementary School District, Wheatland Union High School District, and Marysville Joint Unified School District ordering School Bond Elections in consolidation with statewide primary election to be held on March 5, 2024  Note: BOS meetings are no longer available via zoom but you can watch a video livestream at and comments on agenda items can be made in person at the meeting or prior to the meeting by emailing

I will be unable to participate in the Board of Supervisors meeting as I’ll be out of town representing the Yuba Water Agency at the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) fall conference most of the week.  I may miss several other meetings while out of town, including a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday (agenda), a Nother California Water Association (NCWA) Task Force, and a Rural Representatives of California (RCRC) SB 1383 discussion.  After returning from the conference, I will attend a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair/general manager monthly meeting, a prep call for a panel I’ll be on at the CFEE Water Conference the following week, and an OPUD/County Liason meeting.

Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair, Pancakes with Sanda at Arboga Elementary, and the Plumas Lake Christmas Tree lighting.  You can find more information about these events, in addition to my Whiskey & Wild Game event in the announcements section,


  • Upcoming Event on 12/1:  Whiskey & Wild Game – Indulge in the perfect combination of whiskey and wild game while supporting Supervisor Bradford’s re-election campaign.  Info and tickets at
  • Upcoming Event on 12/2:  I’ll have a booth at the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair on Front St from 5 pm-9 pm on December 2nd.  Come by and chat!  I also plan to stop by Pancakes with Santa at Arboga Elementary for breakfast sometime between 9 am and 11 am that morning.
  • Upcoming Event on 12/3:  I’ll see you at the Plumas Lake Christmas Tree Lighting on Sunday at 6 pm at Eufay Wood Park

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   A few pictures from the Costco ribbon cutting & grand opening, my family on Thanksgiving, a reminder about Whiskey & Wild Game this Friday (info and tickets at, my new social media profile picture, a few pictures from my Llamas & Lattess Meet & Greet (one with my wife and one with Supervisor Baines from Sutter County), and a collaboration meeting with the City of Wheatland & Beale AFB to talk about important infrastructure projects.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting (agenda).  There were several items on the agenda that I think the public will be most interested in, including: adopting a resolution approving the creation of a Yuba County Yes to Start-Ups program in partnership with California Capital Financial Development Corporation (CA Capital) and Sacramento Valley Small Business Development Center, approve the sale of tax-defaulted properties at public auction, approve a memorandum of understanding with San Joaquin District Attorney for assistance with a habeas case, approve amendment No. 1 to an agreement with R&F Engineering Inc. for Star Bend Sediment Removal project, Adopt a resolution authorizing the filing and execution of applications to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for land patent and lease of Hammon Grove and Yuba Goldfields, and Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce Ordinance creating Chapter 2.41 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code, establishing the Office of the County Hearing Officer.

Additional meetings on my calendar included:  a Capital Region CEFT Collaborative Research Presentation, a steering committee meeting for the Yuba-Sutter Blue Zones project, a WUHSD CTE Advisory meeting, a NACo Telecommunications & Technology Policy Steering Committee Meeting, a tobacco education (CHAT) meeting, agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency, the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) Fall Water Forum, a Hard Rock Development update, and a meeting to discuss funding for EV charging.

Community-related events I  participated in this week include a Salmon Expedition on the Yuba River with Bear River School.  Yuba Water paid to send over 1000 Yuba County 4th graders on this amazing field trip this year and I was happy to join Bear River on their adventure.  We rafted down the Yuba River from Parks Bar Bridge to Sycamore Ranch Park and learned about topics such as the Yuba River watershed, hydraulic mining, Native Americans, water quality, and salmon.  The expedition includes several stops and multiple hands-on activities to teach students about the history of the watershed and habitat restoration.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency meeting on Tuesday at 9 am (agenda).  There are several items on the agenda that I think the public will be most interested in, including: updates to the sponsorship and reserve policies as well as a grant to the Yuba Sheriff’s Department to replace patrol vehicles used in the vicinity of New Bullards Bar.

Additional meetings on my calendar include:  an East Wheatland Expressway discussion and a North Valley Rail meeting,  I also have a touch-base lunch meeting scheduled with Yuba County Community Development leadership.  My schedule is very light this week due to the holiday.

Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for Costco on Wednesday morning at 7am.  There is also a planning meeting for Wheatland’s 150th Birthday Celebration that I may attend on Monday evening.  On Saturday the 25th from 8:30am to 10:30am, I’m hosting a meet and greet in Plumas Lake, complete with a llama and a coffee truck; learn more on Facebook or at


  • Upcoming Event:  Whiskey & Wild Game – Indulge in the perfect combination of whiskey and wild game while supporting Supervisor Bradford’s re-election campaign.  Get tickets at (ticket sales end 11/25).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Annual WUHSD CTE Advisory Meeting, Salmon Expedition on the Yuba River with Bear River School, Mountian Counties Water Resources Association Fall Water Forum, Team Yuba Water attending the Causeway Classic (GoAgs!), It’s Begining to Look a Lot like Christmas at Hard Rock, and information on two upcoming events (see for more info and tickets).

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

It’s been three weeks since I’ve posted one of these weekly updates.  That is because I started having some medical issues the week of 10/23 and ended up spending some time in the hospital and then a few days recovering once I was home before slowly resuming regular activities.  The good news is that I’m feeling fine now.  The bad news is that I don’t have a lot to report from the week of 10/23, although I did attend the 10/24 Board of Supervisors meeting (agenda) via Zoom.  After taking it easy for a few days, I did attend multiple meetings the week of 10/30 including a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting in Roseville along with a tour of a groundwater recharge well in the City, an agenda review meeting for Yuba Water Agency, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee meeting (agenda), a town hall meeting in Lincoln hosted by Supervisor Landon (Placer) to talk about traffic mitigation efforts in south Placer County, a Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Board meeting, and a discussion with Yuba County Public works about a meeting they had with Union Pacific Railroad about Links Parkway crossing the tracks between Wheeler Ranch Phase 1 & Phase 2.  I attended the town hall with Supervisor Landon because so many of my constituents are impacted by traffic on Hwy 65 in Placer County and I wanted to ensure I was aware of efforts they are taking to address the congestion.

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board Meeting and you can find the agenda here.  Key items on the agenda included a grant to RD10 for levee work and a loan to the south member units for Ostrom Rd associated with the sinkhole caused by the south canal.   I was not able to attend the meeting as I was out of town attending the Association of Defense Communities (ADC) Installation Innovation Conference.  I attended with representatives from Beale AFB, Yuba County, and Yuba Water Agency, and we learned how bases and communities can increase partnerships and how we can support Beale’s mission as well as our local airmen, guardians, and their families.

Additional meetings on my calendar included:  a joint SACOG Board of Directors meeting with SMUD, Sacramento Regional Transit, and the Sac Metro Air Quality District to discuss opportunities for collaboration; a Yuba Water Agency POD committee to discuss minor changes to our community impact grant program; a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair/general manager meeting, and an informal coffee caucus zoom meeting to touch base with other county supervisors.

Community-related events I attended or participated in during this period included the Pinktober event at Hard Rock, a Meet & Greet in Wheatland, the Salvation Army Red Kettle Kick-off, the Yuba Sutter Veterans Parade, and a ceremony at the State Capitol honoring veterans from around the Sacramento region.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday at 9 am (agenda).  There are several items on the agenda that I think the public will be most interested in, including: adopting a resolution approving the creation of a Yuba County Yes to Start-Ups program in partnership with California Capital Financial Development Corporation (CA Capital) and Sacramento Valley Small Business Development Center, approve the sale of tax-defaulted properties at public auction, approve a memorandum of understanding with San Joaquin District Attorney for assistance with a habeas case, approve amendment No. 1 to an agreement with R&F Engineering Inc. for Star Bend Sediment Removal project, Adopt a resolution authorizing the filing and execution of applications to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for land patent and lease of Hammon Grove and Yuba Goldfields, and Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce Ordinance creating Chapter 2.41 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code, establishing the Office of the County Hearing Officer.

Additional meetings on my calendar include:  a Capital Region CEFT Collaborative Research Presentation, a steering committee meeting for the Yuba-Sutter Blue Zones project, a WUHSD CTE Advisory meeting, a NACo Telecommunications & Technology Policy Steering Committee Meeting, a tobacco education (CHAT) meeting, agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency, the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) Fall Water Forum, a Hard Rock Development update, and a meeting to discuss funding for EV charging.

Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include a Salmon Expedition on the Yuba River with Bear River School and a ribbon cutting for the Highway 70 Safety and Passing Lanes Project.


  • Upcoming Event:  Whiskey & Wild Game – Indulge in the perfect combination of whiskey and wild game while supporting Supervisor Bradford’s re-election campaign.  Get tickets at

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Joint board meeting with SACOG, SMUD, SAC RT, and Sac Metro Air District; Special guest at the Wheatland Meet & Greet; Salvation Army Red Kettle Event; Halloween Celebration in Plumas Lake; Yuba Sutter Veteran’s Day Parade; Ceremony Honoring Veterans at the State Capitol; Team Beale at the Association of Defense Communities Conference; Welcoming Blue Tulip Coffee to Plumas Lake; Wheatland Meet & Greet; selfie with Roseville City Councilmember while touring a groundwater recharge well as part of an NCWA board meeting; attending a town hall in Lincoln hosted by Supervisor Landon about traffic relieve plans in south Placer County; and getting to meet the Lakota Women Warriors at Hard Rock along with Col Church and Chief Oliver.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board Meeting and you can find the agenda here.  I had a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board of Directors meeting this week (agenda).  It will be at the La Famillia Maple Neighborhood Center in south Sacramento and was followed by a board tour of the neighborhood.   There was an OPUD board meeting this week (agenda).  Unfortunately, I was unable to attend due to a conflict, which was also the case with NACo Rural Action Caucus, NACo West Region, NACo Telecommunications and Technology Committee meetings this week, and a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Executive Committee Meeting,

Additional meetings on my calendar included:  a meeting with the North Valley Rail team about emergency evacuation from east Plumas Lake, a Yuba Water Agency board development workshop, a webinar hosted by the CPUC on rail safety, a Northern California Water Association Executive Committee (NWCA) meeting, and a California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Intergovernmental Relations Platform Review Meeting,

Community-related events I attended or participated in this week include the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning, the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Sac Valley Celebration on Thursday evening, a Yuba Sutter Chamber State of Beale Breakfast, the 4th Annual Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, and Pinktober at Hard Rock.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday at 9 am (agenda) and there is a Wheatland City Council meeting (agenda) on Tuesday evening.

Additional meetings on my calendar include:  A Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Conservation Task Force meeting, the Water Education Foundation’s Annual Water Summit, a SACOG LUNR Agenda Review, a County Supervisor Coffee Caucus collaboration call, and (hopefully) a meeting with Union Pacific to discuss a railroad crossing between Wheeler Ranch Phase 1 and Wheeler Ranch Phase 2.

Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include a presentation on the History of Gas & Electricity in Yuba-Sutter at the Sutter County Museum, the Plumas Lake Trunk or Treat, the Wheatland Cruise Trunk or Treat, and a Supervisor Bradford Meet and Greet in Plumas Lake.


Some important announcements:

  • I’ll be having a “Coffee Meet & Greets” with 2 Talls Sweet Treat Bus on Saturday, October 28th from 8 am to 10 am at the south parking lot at Eufay Wood Park in Plumas Lake AND on Saturday, November 4th from 8 am to 10 am at Spruce Ave Park in Wheatland.  Mark your calendar for an opportunity to grab your morning coffee from a local business and talk with me about what’s on your mind.
  • I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit for additional information.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   NCWA Sac Valley Celebration at Matchbook Winery, Headless Horseman at the Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, SACOG Board Meeting in south Sacramento, Yuba County & Enterprise Rancheria at the CSAC Tribal Relations Platform Review Meeting, grabbing coffee from 2 Talls Sweet Treat Bus & a pastry from Bear Creek Sourdough, and Yuba Sutter Chamber’s State of Beale Breakfast.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Board of Supervisors Meeting.  The agenda is light but we received the  Quarterly Development Update from the Community Development and Service Departments.   Additional meetings on my calendar included an update on service from Bi-County Ambulance,  a meeting about legislative changes impacting Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health, a meeting about Hard Rock, and a meeting with a few constituents.  I also attended a West Water Forum about water needs and water markets.

Other events participated in include the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning, a Beale Fire Department parade on base, the annual Yuba County Employee BBQ,   the Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival, the OPUD 75th Anniversary Celebration, and the Plumas Lake Oktoberfest & Safety Fair.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board Meeting and you can find the agenda here.  I have a SACOG Board of Directors meeting this week (agenda).  It will be at the La Famillia Mapa Neighborhood Center in south Sacramento and followed by a board tour of the neighborhood.   There is an OPUD board meeting this week and you will find the agenda here.  Unfortunately, I’ll be unable to attend due to a conflict, which is also the case with NACo Rural Action Caucus, NACo West Region, and NACo Telecommunications and Technology Committee meetings this week.

Additional meetings on my calendar include:  a meeting with the North Valley Rail team about emergency evacuation from east Plumas Lake, a Yuba Water Agency board development workshop, a webinar hosted by the CPUC on rail safety, a Northern California Water Association Executive Committee (NWCA) meeting, a California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Intergovernmental Relations Platform Review Meeting, and a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Executive Committee Meeting,

Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning (new time 7am at Eufay Wood), the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Sac Valley Celebration on Thursday evening, a Yuba Sutter Chamber State of Beale Breakfast, the 4th Annual Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, and Pinktober at Hard Rock.


Some important announcements:

  • I’ll be having a “Coffee Meet & Greet” with 2 Talls Sweet Treat Bus on Saturday, October 28th from 8 am to 10 am at the south parking lot at Eufay Wood Park in Plumas Lake.  Mark your calendar for an opportunity to grab your morning coffee from a local business and talk with me about what’s on your mind.
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit for additional information.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   The Beale AFB Fire Department Parade; Beale Recce Connect Day, South Yuba County Sunrise Rotary meeting at Hard Rock; the Plumas Lake Oktoberfest & Safety Fair; the Board of Supervisors & the Clerk of the Boards office dressed as M&Ms for the Yuba County employee appreciation BBQ;  talking to voters at the Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival; hanging out with OPUD directors, the Yuba County Health & Services team and painting a community mural at the OPUD 75th Anniversary celebration; and a beautiful Yuba County sunrise.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting (agenda here).  Additional meetings on my calendar included a discussion about how to improve safe access to the river bottoms, a Yuba LAFCo board meeting (agenda), a meeting with Placer County Supervisor Shanti Landon to discuss the East Wheatland Expressway, a SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources Committee meeting (agenda), and a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast.  Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) and South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) meetings scheduled for this week were canceled.

Other events I participated in include the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning and the annual Yuba Water Agency Employee BBQ.  On Tuesday morning, I had the honor to speak to the Early Risers Kiwanis about all the great things going on in south Yuba County.

On Wednesday I rode Yuba-Sutter Transit from Plumas Lake to downtown Sacramento ($9 round-trip!) to attend a Mobility Bus Tour hosted by the Clean Air Partnership.  Prior to the tour, I attended a ribbon-cutting celebration for some protected bike paths in midtown Sacramento and a celebration for the groundbreaking of the future Valley Rail Midtown Station.  As part of the mobility tour, we visited a Mobility Hub in Del Paso Heights and California Mobility Center.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Board of Supervisors Meeting.  The agenda is light but I’m excited about the  Quarterly Development Update from the Community Development and Service Departments.  I’ll make sure and include the video from the presentation on Facebook and in the next “week in review”.  There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6pm (agenda).  Additional meetings on my calendar include an update on service from Bi-County Ambulance, a meeting with Senator Niello to discuss North Valley Rail, a meeting about legislative changes impacting Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health, an agenda review meeting for Yuba Water Agency, a meeting about Hard Rock, and a meeting with a few constituents.  I’ll also be attending a West Water Forum about water needs and water markets.

Other events I plan to participate in include the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning (new time 7am at Eufay Wood), a Beale Fire Department parade on base, the annual Yuba County Employee BBQ, a Fire Prevention BBQ at Beale, the Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival, and the Plumas Lake Oktoberfest & Safety Fair.


Some important announcements:

  • Mark your Calendar for a Plumas Lake Emergency Preparedness Fair with Yuba Sheriff, OES, Linda Fire, RD784 and Yuba Water.  The focus will be on flood risk and will be in conjunction with Plumas Lake Oktoberfest at Eufay Wood on 10/14 (the event will be 4pm-8pm, with the safety fair from 4-6).
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit for additional information.
  • If you’d like a chance to talk with me informally, you can find me at these three events this week:  Plumas Lake Walking Moai on Monday at 7am (north parking lot at Eufay Wood), Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival on Friday evening (I’ll have a booth), and the Oktoberfest on Saturday from 4-8 (I’ll just be walking around).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Kiwanis presentation, Yuba Water Agency employee appreciation BBQ at Narrows 2 Powerhouse near Englebright Dam, California Mobility Center tour, meeting with Mayor West from Wheatland and Supervisor Landon from Placer County to discuss the East Wheatland Expressway, Yuba-Sutter Transit dropping me off in Plumas Lake after a trip to downtown Sacramento on their commuter service, a reminder about Plumas Lake Oktoberfest this Saturday, and a selfie with former Sacramento City Councilman (and current Mayoral Candidate) Steve Hansen plus Dan Leavitt and Michael Hanebutt from the San Joaquin Valley Rail Authority in downtown Sacramento at the protected bike patch and Midtown Station celebration.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and the agenda was fairly light.  We received a presentation on the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Annual Report from Measure K Citizens’ Oversight Committee.  You can find the report here and a link to the video here (starting at 4:00).

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) Conservation Task Force meeting, a “Coffee Caucus” information-sharing session with several of my supervisor colleagues from around the State, an agenda review for the SACOG Land Use & Natural Resources Committee, an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, a SACOG Mega Region Working group meeting with supervisors and councilmembers from the Sacramento area & the Bay Area, and a tour of the PG&E Gas Safety Academy in Winters, a meeting with residents to discuss challenges in the river bottoms near Gray’s Beach, and a planning meeting for the Oktoberfest / Safety Fair coming up on October 14th.   This week was also a Wheatland City Council meeting and you can find the agenda here.

I led a Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning.  Additional community-related events that I participated in include  Bridging Hope – a Walk for Suicide Awareness and Prevention, the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off, and the Yuba-Sutter Brewfest.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and you can find the agenda here.  Additional meetings on my calendar include a discussion about how to improve safe access to the river bottoms, a Yuba LAFCo board meeting (agenda), a meeting with Placer County Supervisor Shanti Landon to discuss the East Wheatland Expressway, a SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources Committee meeting (agenda), and a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast.  Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) and South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) meetings scheduled for this week were cancelled.

Other events I plan to participate in include the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning and the annual Yuba Water Agency Employee BBQ.  On Tuesday Morning, I have the honor to speak to the Early Risers Kiwanis about all the great things going on in south Yuba County.


Some important announcements:

  • Mark your Calendar for a Plumas Lake Emergency Preparedness Fair with Yuba Sheriff, OES, Linda Fire, RD784 and Yuba Water.  The focus will be on flood risk and will be in conjunction with Plumas Lake Oktoberfest at Eufay Wood on 10/14 (the event will be 4pm-8pm, with the safety fair from 4-6).
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit for additional information, including a list of 50+ key accomplishments.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   National Pumpkin Weigh-Off at Bishop’s, Bridging Hope – a walk for suicide, awareness and prevention, touring the PG&E Gas Safety Academy in Winters, Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai, Yuba-Sutter Chamber Lunch Mob at Lakeside Indian Cuisine in Marysville, Board of Supervisors receiving the annual Measure K Citizens Oversight Committee report, with Supervisor Zeigenmeyer at the Slice of Respect Fundraiser, having a good time at the Yuba-Sutter Brewfest!

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and you can access the agenda and board packet here.

The majority of the week (Tuesday afternoon through Friday), I participated in the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) annual meeting.  We heard from various speakers about key issues impacting rural counties in California and the conference ended with an RCRC board of directors meeting on Friday morning.  It was a great opportunity to learn and network with my supervisor colleagues from the rest of rural California.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a discussion with the director of Caltrans District 3 about additional access to Hwy 70 from east Plumas Lake in the case of an emergency evacuation and the monthly SACOG Board of Directors meeting, which I joined via Zoom from the RCRC conference.  At the meeting with Caltrans, we inquired about options for a northbound onramp or the emergency exit at Maggie Ct.  Unfortunately, we were told that neither would meet state regulations (see Section 501.3 and page 17-29).  I did connect with a Nevada County supervisor at RCRC who faced a similar challenge and I’m setting up a meeting to discuss their solutions further.  I am hopeful their experience may show us another path to explore.

I led a Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning and attended the Harvest the Arts fundraiser for Yuba Sutter Arts on Saturday evening.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and the agenda is fairly light.  We’ll receive a presentation on the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Annual Report from Measure K Citizens’ Oversight Committee and I’ll make sure and share a link to the video of the presentation, as well as the report.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) Conservation Task Force meeting, a “Coffee Caucus” information-sharing session with several of my supervisor colleagues from around the State, an agenda review for the SACOG Land Use & Natural Resources Committee, an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, a meeting with Supervisor Landon from Placer County to discuss the East Wheatland Expressway, an RCRC legislative call to review the latest actions from the State Legislature, a SACOG Mega Region Working group meeting with supervisors and councilmembers from the Sacramento area & the Bay Area, and a tour of the PG&E Gas Safety Academy in Winters.  This week is also a Wheatland City Council meeting and you can find the agenda here.

I will lead a Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning.  It’s getting a bit brisker and darker at 6:30 am but is still a great time to build community and get exercise.  See you Monday at 6:30 am in the north parking lot at Eufay Wood Park.  I also plan to attend Bridging Hope, a Walk for Suicide Awareness and Prevention at Veterans Park in Marysville on Saturday morning at 8:30 am.


Some important announcements:

  • Mark your Calendar for a Plumas Lake Emergency Preparedness Fair with Yuba Sheriff, OES, RD784 and Yuba Water.  The focus will be on flood risk and will be in conjunction with Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park at Eufay Wood on 10/14.
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit for additional information, including a list of 50+ key accomplishments.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   The first picture is of this week’s group at the Plumas Lake Walking Moai on Monday morning.  The remaining pictures are from the RCRC annual conference:  closing dinner with the Sutter County crew,  Supervisor Hoek from Nevada County, Supervisor Valenzuela from Siskiyou County, Supervisor Mashburn from Solano County, Supervisor Cottrell from Napa County, Speaker Rivas from the California Assembly, Supervisor Zanger from San Benito County, Yuba Water Agency Representing at RCRC including Supervisor Blaser and Yuba Water Watershed Manager JoAnna Lessard, JoAnna speaking at an RCRC panel on forest management, the RCRC board meeting to closed the conference.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and a few key items from the agenda included a proclamation recognizing September 10-16, 2023 as National Suicide Prevention Week, a quarterly update from Public Safety Departments, and approval of the final budget for fiscal year 2023-2024.  You can watch the public safety update here (starts at 23:40) and the budget update here (starts at 2:13:40)

The majority of the week (Tuesday afternoon through Friday), participated in the Water Education Foundation’s Eastern Sierra Tour.  We learned about important topics such as the Geology & history of the Eastern Sierra, the Public trust doctrine, the History & operations of the LA Aqueduct, the Mono Lake ecosystem, the City of Los Angeles’ water supply, and the Bureau of Reclamation’s earliest projects. We visited and learned about the challenges in several eastern sierra watersheds including the Truckee, Carson, Walker, Mono, and Owens.

While I was out of town for much of the week, I before leaving I attended a demo of a tool to simulate evacuations in emergencies.  The demo was attended by various Yuba County departments including OES, the sheriff’s department, and community development.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and you can access the agenda and board packet here.

The majority of the week (Tuesday afternoon through Friday), I’ll be participating in the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) annual meeting.  We’ll hear from various speakers about key issues impacting rural counties in California and the conference with end with an RCRC board of directors meeting on Friday morning.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a discussion with the director of Caltrans District 3 about additional access to Hwy 70 from east Plumas Lake in the case of an emergency evacuation and a regular status meeting with Yuba County Community Development to talk through ongoing initiatives.  In addition, I’ll be participating in the monthly SACOG Board of Directors meeting from down at the RCRC conference.

I will lead a Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning.  It’s getting a bit brisker and darker at 6:30 am but is still a great time to build community and get exercise.  See you Monday at 6:30 am in the north parking lot at Eufay Wood Park.


Some important announcements:

  • Mark your Calendar for a Plumas Lake Emergency Preparedness Fair with Yuba Sheriff, OES, RD784 and Yuba Water.  The focus will be on flood risk and will be held in conjunction with Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park at Eufay Wood on 10/14.
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Water Education Foundation Eastern Sierra Tour group picture in the Owens Valley, Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai, Marysville Stampede, three pictures from Mono Lake, pictures of the Walker River and the Owens River, and Mt. Whitney.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  A few key items from the agenda included a grant to Yuba County for up to $400,000 in additional funding for storm drainage infrastructure along North Beale Road (bringing the total grant funding for the project to $3.9M), and a presentation on the history and current status of the Bill Shaw Rescue and Training Grant Program. It was great to review all the benefits of the Bill Shaw Grant Program and the impact it’s had on our local fire districts and law enforcement agencies. You can check out the presentation here (starts at 3:23).

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) Meeting (agenda here), a Yuba Water Agency Water Education Ad Hoc Committee Meeting, a planning meeting for a Yuba County Emergency Preparedness Fair in Plumas Lake, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Board Meeting at Conant Farms in Rio Oso, a tour of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLDMWA), and a Bus Tour and Lunch with MJUSD.   It was great to get a tour of all the recent (and upcoming) facility upgrades in MJUSD.

The best part of the SLDMWA tour was hearing firsthand how water from Yuba Water Agency, via the Lower Yuba River Accord, impacts the lives of farmers in the San Joaquin Valley and residents and businesses in the Silicon Valley.  I knew how important the Accord was to protecting the water supply for our local farmers, supporting salmon in the Yuba River, and providing revenue for Yuba Water to invest in our community, but I had no idea how important it is to the food supply and economy outside of Yuba County.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I led the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 and volunteered to oversee the Wine Shed at the United Way Golden Autumn Wine Festival at Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and a few key items from the agenda include a proclamation recognizing September 10-16, 2023 as National Suicide Prevention Week, a quarterly update from Public Safety Departments, and approval of the final budget for fiscal year 2023-2024.

The majority of the week (Tuesday afternoon through Friday), I’ll be participating in the Water Education Foundation’s Eastern Sierra Tour.  We’ll be learning about important topics such as the Geology & history of the Eastern Sierra, the Public trust doctrine, the History & operations of the LA Aqueduct, the Mono Lake ecosystem, the City of Los Angeles’ water supply, and the Bureau of Reclamation’s earliest projects.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a demo of a tool to simulate evacuations in emergencies..  Also, Tuesday evening is a Wheatland City Council meeting and you can find the agenda here.

I will lead a Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning.  It’s getting a bit brisker and darker at 6:30 am but is still a great time building community and getting exercise.  This week marks the end of our 10-week commitment to Blue Zones Project Yuba Sutter but the group decided to continue as long as daylight and weather cooperate.

See you next Monday at 6:30am in the north parking lot at Eufay Wood Park


Some important announcements:

  • Mark your Calendar for a Plumas Lake Emergency Preparedness Fair with Yuba Sheriff, OES, RD784 and Yuba Water.  The focus will be on flood risk and will be held in conjunction with Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park at Eufay Wood on 10/14.
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Flying back from a tour of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority with Supervisor Messick and Willie Whittlesey, Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm on opening weekend, View of Plumas Lake from the air, Supervisor Messick and I at San Luis Reservoir,  Volunteering at the Wine Shed at  the 8th Annual United Way Golden Autumn Wine Festival at Bishop’s, Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai,  Yuba Water Agency Directors with local public safety leaders honoring Bill Shaw for his service to Yuba Water and inspiration of the Bill Shaw Grant program, tour of Marysville Joint Unified School District Facilities, Norther California Water Agency board meeting and tour of Conant Farms in Rio Oso, and the Taco Festival at Hard Rock.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Because this Tuesday is the 5th Tuesday of the month, there is neither a Board of Supervisors Meeting nor a Yuba Water Agency meeting.  I took advantage of that rare opportunity to speak to the Sutter Yuba Association of Realtors about what is going on in South Yuba County.  I’ve been asked to speak to the group several times, but I’m always unable to do so as their meetings conflict with our Board of Supervisor and Yuba Water Agency meetings.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a discussion with a reporter from the Appeal Democrat about the North Valley Rail Project, both a planning meeting and a post-discussion meeting for the east Plumas Lake emergency evacuation town hall, agenda review meetings for Yuba Water Agency and the SACOG Land Use and Natural Resource (LUNR) committee, a meeting with Senator Dahle to discuss North Valley Rail, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) legislative update call, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair meeting, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) executive committee meeting, a discussion with Bi-County Ambulance, a meeting with an MJUSD board member to discuss traffic concerns around Arboga Elementary and an OPUD/Yuba County Liason Committee meeting.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I led the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning, attended a retirement celebration for Yuba County Probation Chief Jim Arnold, attended a Ribbon Cutting for the new AG Mechanics and AG Building at Wheatland Union High School, attended a Blue Zones Historic Walking Tour in Yuba City, and hosted a townhall for east Plumas Lake residents to discuss concerns about the emergency evacuation of their neighborhood.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda can be found here and key items include a a grant to Yuba County for up to $400,000 in additional funding for storm drainage infrastructure along North Beale Road bringing the total grant funding for the project to $3.9M and a presentation on the history and current status of the Bill Shaw Rescue and Training Grant Program. I’m really looking forward to the presentation on the Bill Shaw Grant Program. We’ll be hearing about the benefits the programs had for our local fire districts and law enforcement agencies. I’ll make sure and share a recording of it afterward for those who can’t attend.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) Meeting (agenda here), a Yuba Water Agency Water Education Ad Hoc Committee Meeting, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Board Meeting, a meeting with and tour of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLDMWA), and a Bus Tour and Lunch with MJUSD.  There is also a SACOG Land Use and Natural Resource Committee meeting, but I’ll miss it due to a conflict with the SLDMWA tour and meeting.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I will lead the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 starting at Eufay Wood Park.  I may also attend the Nicolaus Labor Day Parade.


Some important announcements:

  • Picnic in the Park is Saturday the 9th in Plumas Lake from 6 pm-10 pm.  Come out to Eufay Wood Park to enjoy food trucks, live music, a beer garden, and local vendors.
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Retirement ceremony for Yuba County Chief Probation Officer Jim Arnold, Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai, Ribbon Cutting for the new Ag Science Building at Wheatland Union High School, meeting with Senator Dahle to discuss North Valley Rail project, speaking to the Sutter Yuba Association of Realtors about development and infrastructure improvements in south Yuba County, and a picture from the announcement of a Town Hall Meeting with East Plumas Lake residents.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  The items of greatest interest to the public on the agenda are likely the special presentations from Yuba-Sutter Transit, the Homeless Consortium (link to video starts at 27:00), and Yuba County Elections (link to video starts at 1:20:20).

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Blue Zones Project Yuba Sutter Steering Committee, a Supervisor Coffee Caucus, a meeting with Yuba County Public Works to discuss multiple concerns I’m tracking, a strategic planning session with district attorney leadership, and an all-day C-SFSR/FFPS Stakeholder Event at Yuba County HHS.  I had several North Valley Rail Project meetings this week including a project development team meeting and stakeholder meetings with Yuba County, the City of Marysville, Yuba Sutter Transit, and Blue Zones.  There was also a Wheatland City Council Meeting on Tuesday evening and you can find the agenda here.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I led the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 starting at Eufay Wood Park, attended a BMLC golf tournament social, a grand opening of Didar S Bains Park, the Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for Adventure Church, and the biggest event of the year in Plumas Lake, the annual Plumas Lake Block Party.

Looking ahead to this week

Because this Tuesday is the 5th Tuesday of the month, there is neither a Board of Supervisors Meeting nor a Yuba Water Agency meeting.  I’ll be taking advantage of that rare opportunity to speak to the Sutter Yuba Association of Realtors about what is going on in South Yuba County.  I’ve been asked to speak to the group several times, but I’m always unable to do so as their meetings conflict with our Board of Supervisor and Yuba Water Agency meetings.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a discussion with a reporter from the Appeal Democrat about the North Valley Rail Project, a planning meeting for the east Plumas Lake emergency evacuation town hall, agenda review meetings for Yuba Water Agency and the SACOG Land Use and Natural Resource (LUNR) committee, a meeting with Senator Dahle to discuss North Valley Rail, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) legislative update call, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair meeting, a discussion with Bi-County Ambulance, a webinar about Biomass Utilization in the Sacramento Region, and an OPUD/Yuba County Liason Committee meeting.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I will lead the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 starting at Eufay Wood Park, attend a Ribbon Cutting for the new AG Mechanics and AG Building at Wheatland Union High School, attend a Blue Zones Historic Walking Tour in Yuba City, and host a townhall for east Plumas Lake residents to discuss concerns about emergency evacuation of their neighborhood.


Some important announcements:

  • East Plumas Lake Townhall:  Due to concerns expressed by Plumas Lake residents on the east side of Hwy 70 about emergency evacuation, I’ll be hosting a virtual town hall with Yuba County OES, the Yuba County Sheriff, Yuba County Community Development, and potentially the Linda Fire Chief.  The purpose of the meeting is to address resident concerns about evacuations of that area in the case of an emergency.  The meeting will be held at 7pm on August 30th and the Zoom link is
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai, Picture Booth from the Plumas Lake Block Party, Grand Opening of Didar S Bains Park in Yuba City with Supervisor Baines, Plumas Lake Block Party, Grabbing a Coffee from 2 Talls after my morning walk, Early Morning Picture of the Bear River Habitat Trail in Plumas Lake, and the Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for Adventure Church of Yuba City.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda included approval of the revised Yuba Water Agency Energy Risk Management Policy, an update on the Watershed Resilience Program, and a presentation from an intern on projects completed during the 2023 Summer Intern Program.

Other meetings on my calendar included a SACOG Board of Directors Meeting, a NACo West Region Meeting, an overview and feedback session for rural counties on the California Water Commission’s Water Resilience Portfolio, and a Yuba County Employee Service Awards Luncheon.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I led the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 starting at Eufay Wood Park, toured the new Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Feather River Temple in Yuba City, attended a town hall meeting with Congressman LaMalfa in Marysville, and attended Summer Rock Fest at Beale AFB.

The SACOG board meeting was held in Yuba County and we hosted a walking tour of downtown Marysville before the board meeting at the Yuba County HHS facility in Wheatland.   I had an opportunity to welcome the Board of Staff to Yuba County by giving a presentation about Yuba County.  My welcome was followed by  Yuba County staff and Blue Zones giving a presentation titled “Improving Public Health and Safety in Yuba County’s Disinvested Communities”.  You can watch the presentation here.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  The items of greatest interest to the public on the agenda are likely the special presentations from Yuba-Sutter Transit, the Homeless Consortium, and Yuba County Elections. For those unable to attend the meeting in person or via Zoom, I’ll share the recording of the presentations.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) Conservation Task Force, a Blue Zones Steering Committee, a Supervisor Coffee Caucus, a meeting with Yuba County Public Works to discuss multiple concerns I’m tracking, a Capital Region CEFT Learning Meeting, and an all-day C-SFSR/FFPS Stakeholder Event at Yuba County HHS.  I have several North Valley Rail Project meetings this week including a project development team meeting and stakeholder meetings with Yuba County, the City of Marysville, Yuba Sutter Transit, and Blue Zones.  There is also a Wheatland City Council Meeting on Tuesday evening and you can find the agenda here.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I will lead the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 starting at Eufay Wood Park, attend a BMLC golf tournament social, the Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for Adventure Church, and the biggest event of the year in Plumas Lake, the annual Plumas Lake Block Party.


Some important announcements:

  • Plumas Lake Block Party:  The biggest event of the year in Plumas Lake is on August 26th from 3:30 – 8:00 at Eufay Wood Park.  Come out to enjoy live music, food, a beer garden, kids activities, cornhole, and vendors.
  • East Plumas Lake Townhall:  Due to concerns expressed by Plumas Lake residents on the east side of Hwy 70 about emergency evacuation, I’ll be hosting a virtual town hall with Yuba County OES, the Yuba County Sheriff, Yuba County Community Development, and potentially the Linda Fire Chief.  The purpose of the meeting is to address resident concerns about evacuations of that area in the case of an emergency.  The meeting will be held at 7pm on August 30th and the Zoom link is
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024 and released the following statement:
    • It’s a privilege and an honor to represent you, and we’ve achieved a lot together in the last 7 years. But there’s more to be done, and I’m committed to continuing to represent you, focusing on livability, opportunity, and transparency for Plumas Lake, Wheatland, and all of Yuba County.  That’s why I’m excited to announce I’m seeking re-election in 2024. I’m committed to facing our challenges and capitalizing on our opportunities to make Yuba County a great place to live, work, and play. For more information, please visit #Bradford2024 #Vote4Bradford

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Touring the new Feather River Temple in Yuba City, beautiful sunrise in Plumas Lake, Grabbing Donuts and Espresso Horchata from 2 Talls Sweet Treat Bus, a T-38 at Sunset on the Flightline during Summer Rockfest at Beale, Picture with Yuba City Mayor Wade Kirchner at Congressman LaMalfa’s Town Hall in Marysville, Welcoming the SACOG Board to Yuba County, and a luncheon to honor Yuba County Employees with 35 and 20 years of service to our community.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda included a memorandum of understanding with Yuba City for a Dispatch Services Consolidation Feasibility Study, a quarterly update from Health and Human Services, and a presentation of service awards to County employees.  The Tuesday morning board meeting was followed by the annual budget workshop that will continue through the day on Wednesday.  At the workshop, each department presented to the board their requested budget and how their goals for the next year align with the Yuba County Strategic Plan.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Yuba Water Agency Agenda Review, a meeting with AT&T to discuss their desire to stop providing traditional landline service in areas that have alternatives, a meeting with Amazon Web Services, a meeting to discuss the status of the effort to bring water and regional wastewater service to the Hwy 65 corridor, and a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee meeting.  The SACOG committee agenda included a discussion of pricing and toling strategies for the region and an update on the 2025 regional blueprint.

On Friday, had the opportunity to join the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) for a tour of the Geysers Geothermal area in Sonoma and Lake Counties to explore the connections between watersheds and power generation; something Yuba Water Agency is extremely familiar with.  Some interesting information about the geothermal generation that occurs there: it encompasses 45 square miles, it generates 700+ megawatts (almost double Yuba Water, and enough for 700k homes), it’s made up of 13 separate power plants, and it uses a steam reservoir that exists between 4K to 15k below the surface.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I led the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 starting at Eufay Wood Park, attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Tri-County Juvenile Hall in Marysville, and attended the grand opening celebration of the Yuba City Holiday Inn.  On Thursday morning, I spoke about the North Valley Rail Project to my Rotary Club.   I also had an opportunity to attend the Wheatland Cruise Night and the Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park on Saturday.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  The agenda includes approval of the revised Yuba Water Agency Energy Risk Management Policy, an update on the Watershed Resilience Program, and a presentation from an intern on projects completed during the 2023 Summer Intern Program.

Meetings on my calendar include a SACOG Board of Directors Meeting, a NACo West Region Meeting, an overview and feedback session for rural counties on the California Water Commission’s Water Resilience Portfolio, and a Yuba County Employee Service Awards Luncheon.  I’m not sure if I’ll be attending, but there is an OPUD meeting (agenda) on Thursday evening and a Yuba County Planning Commission meeting (agenda) on Wednesday evening.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I’ll be leading the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 starting at Eufay Wood Park, a tour of the Feather River Temple in Yuba City, and possibly Third Thursday at River Highlands Ranch in Smartsville.

The SACOG board meeting will be held in Yuba County and it’s a great opportunity for the public to attend if they are interested.  The agenda and board packet can be found here.  I’m going to get an opportunity to welcome the SACOG board and staff to Yuba County and Yuba County staff and Blue Zones will be giving a presentation titled “Improving Public Health and Safety in Yuba County’s Disinvested Communities”.


I made two important announcements this week:

  • East Plumas Lake Townhall:  Due to concerns expressed by Plumas Lake residents on the east side of Hwy 70 about emergency evacuation, I’ll be hosting a virtual town hall with Yuba County OES, the Yuba County Sheriff, Yuba County Community Development, and potentially the Linda Fire Chief.  The purpose of the meeting is to address resident concerns about evacuations of that area in the case of an emergency.  The meeting will be held at 7pm on August 30th and additional details will be forthcoming.
  • Re-Election Announcement:  I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024 and released the following statement:
    • It’s a privilege and an honor to represent you, and we’ve achieved a lot together in the last 7 years. But there’s more to be done, and I’m committed to continuing to represent you, focusing on livability, opportunity, and transparency for Plumas Lake, Wheatland, and all of Yuba County.  That’s why I’m excited to announce I’m seeking re-election in 2024. I’m committed to facing our challenges and capitalizing on our opportunities to make Yuba County a great place to live, work, and play. For more information, please visit #Bradford2024 #Vote4Bradford

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Wheatland Cruise, Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park, Ribbon Cutting for the Yuba City Holiday Inn, Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai, Honoring Yuba County Employees with 20 Years of Service, Ribbon Cutting for the Tri-County Juvenile Hall, Presentation to South Yuba Sunrise Rotary about the North Valley Rail Project, Pavement Overlay in Arboga/North Plumas Lake, and ACWA Tour of the Geysers Geothermal Power Production Site.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting and the agenda was fairly light.  Later that afternoon I had a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting and on the agenda was approval of the 2023/2024 CFD 2006 annual tax reports.  I had two other board meetings this week including a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) committee and a quarterly Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) quarterly board meeting, a YSEDC executive committee meeting, and a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Executive committee.  The SACOG LUNR agenda included a presentation from Yuba City on infill development and a Public Health Performance Evaluation related to the 2025 Blueprint Pathways.  I also attended a SACOG presentation about defining disadvantaged communities.

I attended all of these meetings remotely, as unfortunately, I spent my week at home with COVID.  I’m thankful that AB 2994 allows board members to attend meetings remotely up to twice a year for things like illness or when you are out of town on agency-related business.  Unfortunately, it’s limited to just twice per year, as my constituents deserve my attendance whenever I’m physically unable to attend a meeting in person due to travel or illness, but available.  Being quarantined at home, I did have to miss multiple in-person events I had planned for the week including the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning, National Night Out on Tuesday in Wheatland, and the United Way Service Awards on Thursday (where Yuba Water Agency received a Yuba Water received the non-profit’s “President’s Award” for our service shown through our core missions, local partnerships, Community Impact Grant and Loan Program, and more.

I participated in a discussion on Plumas Lake Social Media about the condition of maintained landscaping in various areas of Plumas Lake.  Due to confusion about what areas the County, through our contractor Elite, maintain and what areas property owners are responsible for, I put together some maps to help the community identify county responsibility areas.  I also described how to report county-maintained areas that need additional focus or have irrigation issues and what to do if private homeowners are not maintaining their property and creating health and safety concerns.  As I’m sure the topic will come up again, I created a blog post that can be shared in the future.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include: a memorandum of understanding with Yuba City for a Dispatch Services Consolidation Feasibility Study, a quarterly update from Health and Human Services, and a presentation to of service awards to County employees.  The Tuesday morning board meeting will be followed by the annual budget workshop that will continue through the day on Wednesday.  As you can see from the schedule, the workshop provides each major department in the County an opportunity to address the board and talk about their accomplishments for the last fiscal year and their goals and challenges for the next fiscal year.  The workshop is open to the public.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Yuba Water Agency Agenda Review, a meeting with AT&T, a meeting with Amazon Web Services, a meeting to discuss the status of the effort to bring water and regional wastewater service to the Hwy 65 corridor, and a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee meeting.  The SACOG committee agenda includes a discussion of pricing and toling strategies for the region and an update on the 2025 regional blueprint.

On Friday, I’ll be participating in an Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) regional tour of The Geysers in Lake County to learn about the connection between the watershed and power generation.

From a community meeting and event standpoint, I’ll be leading the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning at 6:30 starting at Eufay Wood Park, a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Tri-County Juvenile Hall in Marysville, and potentially the grand opening celebration of the Yuba City Holiday Inn on Monday evening.  I’m also excited to be the speaker at my Rotary Club this Thursday morning and will be talking about the North Valley Rail Project.  If you’d like to join us, we meet over breakfast at 7 am at Tracey’s Diner in Marysville.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Infrastructure going in for the final subdivision in Rio Del Oro (285 homes), progress on the River Oaks Family Apartments (48 units), fresh overlay on Arboga Rd, maps of where Yuba County/Elite maintain landscaping, fresh overlay on Plumas Arobga near Wheeler Ranch, infrastructure complete for a new subdivision (162 lots) across from the fire station, and infrastructure going in for Wheeler Ranch phase 2 (434 homes). [all pictures in the Plumas Lake area]

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting and highlights from the agenda included approving the updated Yuba County Strategic Plan; holding a public hearing to approve gating of Hammonton Road in the Goldfields; and presenting certificates and proclamations to multiple county employees for their service.  Tuesday evening was a Wheatland City Council Meeting and the agenda included several items of interest iincluding the swearing-in of the new police chief (Brian Wittmer) and the 2023 Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm traffic management plan.

Other items on my calendar included a tour of the PG&E Hazzard & Warning Center and Applied Technology Services Center in San Ramon to learn about all they are doing to reduce wildfires, an agenda review meeting for Yuba Water Agency, a “Coffee Caucus” Zoom meeting to touch base with several supervisors across California, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair/general-manager breakfast, a meeting with a commercial developer to discuss Plumas Lake opportunities, and a meeting with Hard Rock and the Tribe for an update on development in the Sports & Entertainment Zone.  I also participated on a panel at the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) New Supervisors Institute with supervisors from Nevada, Napa, and El Dorado talking about “when the unexpected occurs” with respect to natural disasters.

I participated in two community-related events this week, both on Saturday morning. The first was my Rotary Club’s (South Yuba County Sunrise Rotary) annual Back-to-School shopping spree event for children in south Yuba County. This year, with the generous help of the Masons of Yuba-Sutter, Over 40 students from south Yuba County elementary schools were invited to receive shopping sprees.   The second was the Community Cleanup (aka free dump day) at Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm.  Special thanks to Recology Yuba-Sutter, the City of Wheatland, Yuba County, and Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm for making the event possible.

Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting and the agenda is fairly light.  Later that afternoon I have a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting and on the agenda is approval of the 2023/2024 CFD 2006 annual tax reports.  I have two other board meetings this week including a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) committee and a quarterly Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) quarterly board meeting.  The SACOG LUNR agenda includes a presentation from Yuba City on infill development and a Public Health Performance Evaluation related to the 2025 Blueprint Pathways.  I’ll also be attending a virtual presentation and discussion with SACOG board members about defining disadvantaged communities.

There are multiple community-related events on my calendar starting with the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning starting at 6:30am at Eufay Wood (north parking lot).  Tuesday evening is National Night Out from 7pm-9pm at 111 C St in Wheatland and on Thursday morning I’m attending the United Way Service Awards.  I’m also excited to be the speaker at my Rotary Club this Thursday morning and will be talking about the North Valley Rail Project.  If you’d like to join us, we meet over breakfast at 7am at Tracey’s Diner in Marysville.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Swearing-in of Wheatland Police Chief Brian Wittmer, CSAC New Supervisor Institute panel on “Expecting the Unexpected”, picking up some goodies from Salle Orchards in Wheatland for the Yuba County basket to be auctioned off for charity at the Rural County Representatives of California annual conference, honoring Deputy Chacartegui at the Board of Supervisors meeting for his actions that helped save the life of a one-year-old child, Supervisors (and fellow SACOG board members) from across the Sacramento region at the CSAC New Supervisor Institute dinner, the Plumas Lake / Wheatland Community Cleanup, at Hard Rock to talk about infrastructure and master planning in the Sports & Entertainment Zone, and a selfie with a Pelton Wheel at PG&E in San Ramon.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency meeting and a few highlights from the agenda included approving additional grant funding to Yuba County by $2,373,000 as local cost share leveraging funds for a comprehensive drainage project in Olivehurst (if approved, the total amount of the Yuba Water grant funds would be increased from $7,565,000 to $9,938,000 to leverage up to $38,540,000 in state funding for the project) and approval of a grant for up to $487,000 to the Linda County Water District for impacts to district infrastructure in relation to Yuba County’s grant-funded Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Project.

Additional meetings on my calendar included an input session related to the Yuba County Office of Education (YCOE) Superintendent search, a town hall related to the election of officers for the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), a meeting about tobacco use in Yuba County.  Monday morning at 6:30am, I led the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai starting from the north parking lot at Eufay Wood Park.  I also met with public works to talk about multiple items I’m trying to move forward.

I headed to Austin on Thursday for the National Association of Counties (NACo) annual conference.  In addition to networking with my supervisor/commissioner colleagues from across the nation and learning about issues that affect us all, I attended an all-day Telecommunications & Technology (T&T) Policy Committee meeting.  At the policy committee, we spent a lot of time discussing broadband access and setting formal policy direction that NACo will use to advocate on behalf of counties to Congress and federal agencies.  In addition, I’ll cast Yuba County’s vote for the future leadership of the NACo organization from 2024-2026 and approval of the policy advocacy platform for the organization.  A highlight of the conference was an optional tour I signed up for; we toured Community First Village, a 51-acre master-planned community that provides affordable, permanent housing and a supportive community for men and women coming out of chronic homelessness.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting and highlights from the agenda include executing a grant agreement with the Federal Highway Administration related to Safe Streets and Roads for All; awarding a contract for Engineering and Construction Support Services for the West Linda Comprehensive Safe Routes to School Project; approving the updated Yuba County Strategic Plan and 2023-2026 milestones, deliverables, and priorities; holding a public approving gating of Hammonton Road in the Goldfields; and presenting certificates and proclamations to multiple county employees for their service.

Tuesday evening is a Wheatland City Council Meeting and the agenda includes several items I believe the community will be interested in including the swearing in of the new police chief (Brian Wittmer) and the 2023 Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm traffic management plan.  Other items on my calendar include a tour of the PG&E Hazzard & Warning Center and Applied Technology Services Center in San Ramon, agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, and a meeting with Hard Rock and the Tribe for an update on development in the Sports & Entertinment Zone.  This week I’ll also be participating on a panel at the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) New Supervisors Institute with supervisors from Nevada, Napa, and El Dorado talking about “when the unexpected occurs” with respect to natural disasters.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Me and newly elected NACo 2nd VP JD Clark from Wise County TX, voting at the Telecommunications and Technology Committee, me with Dr. Drew at a NACo California reception, group shot from the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai, me with Supervisor Valenzuela from Siskiyou and Supervisor Peters from Mono at NACo, attending the NACo Rural Action Caucus with Supervisor Coe from Modoc and Supervisor Menetrey from Mariposa, collage from tour of Community First Village in Austin, and a few California Supervisors and CSAC staff at NACo.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Week of July 3rd…

Due to the holiday, I had a light schedule the week of July 3rd and I took advantage of that to go on an overnight trip to Yosemite Valley.  Given the large snowpack this year the waterfalls and river in the valley were exceptionally stunning.  It was great to get away, relax, and recharge.  One of the few things on my calendar that week was a call with fellow NACo Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) committee members to review policy resolutions we’ll be voting on at the upcoming national conference.  I have a proposed policy resolution related to allowing the use of federal BEAD funding to expand open-access broadband networks for pockets of served/underserved customers within larger unserved areas.  I also met with Recology to talk about additional community involvement in the District, met with a potential Plumas Lake commercial developer, and I met with the Yuba County landscape coordinator to understand the landscape budget for Plumas Lake.  There was no Water Agency Board Meeting that week due to the holiday.

I had a few community-related events I attended including the Yuba County Sheriff’s Association K9 Demo, the Plumas Lake 4th of July Kids Parade, the Wheatland 4th of July Community BBQ, and a 1st Friday social event at Beale AFB.

Week of July 10th…

Tuesday the 11th was a Board of Supervisors meeting with a light agenda.  We had two presentations on the agenda, including one from MJUSD on the status of the school district (link to video here, starts at 4:25).  The other presentation was the quarterly development update (link to video here, starting at 47:07 and presentation here).

I also had a Rural County Representatives (RCRC) board meeting and a Northern California Water Association  (NCWA) board meeting.  Additional meetings and events on my calendar included a broadband mapping working group, lunch with the SACOG executive director, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, an MJUSD executive facilities committee, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Zoom with fellow California supervisors to meet candidates for NACo VP, a lunch & learn webcast on new campaign contribution limits, and a swearing-in and awards ceremony at the Sheriff’s Department.

In addition to attending the kickoff of the Adventist Health weekly farmers market in Marysville, I attended multiple peach festival-related events including the festival itself, the peach festival 5k, the peach festival pub crawl, and the peaches and pancakes breakfast.

Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency meeting and a few highlights from the agenda include approving additional grant funding to Yuba County by $2,373,000 as local cost share leveraging funds for a comprehensive drainage project in Olivehurst (if approved, the total amount of Yuba Water grant funds would be increased from $7,565,000 to $9,938,000 to leverage up to $38,540,000 in state funding for the project) and approval of a grant for up to $487,000 to the Linda County Water District for impacts to district infrastructure in relation to Yuba County’s grant-funded Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Project.

Additional meetings on my calendar include an input session related to the Yuba County Office of Education (YCOE) Superintendent search, a town hall related to the election of officers for the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), a meeting about tobacco use in Yuba County.  Monday morning at 6:30am, I’ll be leading the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai starting from the north parking lot at Eufay Wood Park and on Thursday evening there is a monthly OPUD board of directors meeting.

On Thursday I head to Austin for the National Association of Counties (NACo) annual conference. In addition to networking with my supervisor/commissioner colleagues from across the nation and learning about issues that affect us all, I will be attending an all-day Telecommunications & Technology (T&T) Policy Committee meeting.  At the policy committee, we will spend a lot of time discussing broadband access and setting formal policy direction that NACo will use to advocate on behalf of counties to Congress and federal agencies.  In addition, I’ll be casting Yuba County’s vote for the future leadership of the NACo organization from 2024-2026.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Plumas Lake 4th of July Bike & Trike Parade, Bingo at the Wheatland 4th of July Community BBQ, Yubba Sheriff’s K-9 Association Demo in Plumas Lake, an overnight getaway to Yosemite, Second Saturday Picnic in the Park in Plumas Lake, Blue Zones Walking Moai Kick-off in Plumas Lake, Yuba Sheriff’s Searing In and Awards Ceremony, Overlay on Arboga Rd & Plumas Arboga Rd, Adventist Health Farmer’s Market Kick-off, Marysville Peach Festival opening night, and Peach Festival 5k.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting and a few highlights from the agenda include a development agreement for the Riverside Meadows subdivision in Plumas Lake, an ABC license for Frenchtown Inn in Oregon House, an updated landscape management contract with Elite Services, a cash-flow loan from Yuba Water Agency for the annual CalPERS unfunded liability payment, some budget amendments, and appointment of community members to various boards/commissions.  The Riverside Meadows development agreement included a requirement for the builder to put in the portion of the planned Plumas Lake Bike Path Network that runs along the eastern edge of their development.  On a related note, the developer across the street from the fire station just put in the portion of the bike path network adjacent to their development.  Tuesday evening was a Wheatland City Council meeting. The agenda included this year’s SB-1 (gas tax) project list, an MOU between the City and Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm, and an agreement between the City and  Wheatland High School for a School Resource Officer.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Coffee Caucus with supervisors from other counties (we discussed fire insurance and forest management), a webinar on artificial intelligence in local government, a call with the NACo Telecommunications & Technology committee lead staff to discuss a policy resolution proposed by Yuba County, a meeting and tour with Cresleigh in Rocklin to discuss multi-family projects and density, a Rural County Representatives Legislative call-in session, and a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria to discuss the North Valley Rail Project and the benefit to Hard Rock and the Sports & Entertainment Zone. The tribe was very interested in the project as a way to transport people from outside the area to Hard Rock, the Amphitheater, and future entertainment venues in that area and mitigate traffic impacts.  I was also honored to attend a Change of Command Ceremony for the 9th Civil Engineer Squadron at Beale AFB, where I’m privileged to serve as honorary commander of the 9th CES.   I want to thank Lt Col Sean Stapler for his service to our nation and Beale and wish him and his family the best as they move onto their next assignment.  I want to welcome Lt Col Brennan Howell to Yuba County and Beale AFB and I look forward to getting to know him and working together for the benefit of the mission and our community

Looking ahead to this week (and next)

Due to the holiday, I have a light schedule the week of July 3rd and I’m going to take advantage and get away to Yosemite Valley for a day or two.  One of the things on my calendar is a call with fellow NACo Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) committee members to review policy resolutions we’ll be voting on at the upcoming national conference.  I have a proposed policy resolution related to allowing the use of federal BEAD funding to expand open-access broadband networks for pockets of served/underserved customers within larger unserved areas.  I also have a meeting with a constituent about how to get more involved in the community and with a potential commercial developer in Plumas Lake.  There is no Water Agency Board Meeting this week due to the holiday.

I have a few community-related events I’ll be attending including the Yuba County Sheriff’s Association K9 Demo, the Plumas Lake 4th of July Kids Parade, and the Wheatland 4th of July Community BBQ.

Week of July 10th…

Tuesday the 11th will be a Board of Supervisors meeting but the agenda hasn’t been posted yet. You can find it here once it’s published. Did you know you could sign up to receive email notifications each time a new meeting agenda is released?  The 11th is also a Wheatland City Council meeting and the agenda will be here.  I also have a Rural County Representatives (RCRC) board meeting and a Northern California Water Association  (NCWA) board meeting.  Additional meetings and events on my calendar include a broadband mapping working group, lunch with the SACOG executive director, a groundbreaking celebration for the new Yuba Water Agency Power Systems Headquarters in Oregon House, Yuba Water Agency agenda review, an MJUSD executive facilities committee, and a Yuba County community health improvement plan workgroup.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   the view from the patio at the Brick in Historic Downtown Marysville, a new portion of the Plumas Lake Bike Path Network completed, the change of command ceremony for the 9th Civil Engineering Squadron at Beale, Board of Supervisor’s Meeting on Tuesday, a Cresleigh development I toured in Rocklin, the Plumas Lake 76 Station under construction, and a Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Lunch Mob at the Brick.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting, and a few highlights from the agenda included the FY 23/24 Budget and approval of additional funding to send all 4th graders in Plumas Lake & Wheatland on The South Yuba River Citizens League Salmon Expedition tours this fall on the lower Yuba River.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria, Hard Rock, and the US National Whitewater Center to talk about the potential of a location here in Yuba County; a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Executive Committee meeting; a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) Policy Steering Committee Meeting; a planning meeting for the SACOG board meeting that will be held here in Yuba County in August; a CERF collaborative meeting; a follow-up with Caltrans District 3 on Highway 65 safety concerns; a Central Valley Rail Working Group meeting; and a Clean Air Partnership luncheon in Davis with the director of the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies on transforming transportation.

The Yuba-Sutter Fair started on the 22nd and I attended a kick-off event.  I also attended a retirement reception for Yuba County Superintendent of Schools Francisco Reveles, an OPUD ribbon cutting for Riverside Meadows Park in Plumas Lake, and a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce double ribbon cutting for Legacy Lending / Sahota, Bracket & Associates.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting and a few highlights from the agenda include a development agreement for the Riverside Meadows subdivision in Plumas Lake, an ABC license for Frenchtown Inn in Oregon House, an updated landscape management contract with Elite Services, a cash-flow loan from Yuba Water Agency for the annual CalPERS unfunded liability payment, some budget amendments, and appointment of community members to various boards/commissions.  Tuesday evening is a Wheatland City Council meeting. The agenda includes this year’s SB-1 (gas tax) project list, an MOU between the City and Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm, and an agreement between the City and  Wheatland High School for a School Resource Officer.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a NACo Broadband Mapping Working Group, Coffee Caucus with supervisors from other counties, a webinar on artificial intelligence in local government, a call with the NACo Telecommunications & Technology committee lead staff to discuss a policy resolution proposed by Yuba County, a meeting and tour with Cresleigh in Rocklin to discuss multi-family projects and density, a Rural County Representatives Legislative call-in session, and a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria to discuss the North Valley Rail Project and the benefit to Hard Rock and the Sports & Entertainment Zone.  I’m also attending a change of command ceremony at Beale AFB and a retirement open house for Keith Martin of Yuba-Sutter Transit.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Attending a Marysville Drakes game with Supervisor Flores, the Yuba-Sutter Fair Kickoff event, Ribbon Cutting for Riverside Meadows Park in Plumas Lake with the OPUD Board of Directors, meeting at Caltrans to discuss Hwy 65 safety improvements, and Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Business Connection Breakfast.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting, and there was a significant agenda which included approval of the draft FY 23/24 budget, approval of ABC licenses for the Costco in Linda and the Chevron in Plumas Lake, a presentation from Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture, and the quarterly updated from our public safety departments.  You can watch the budget presentation (starts at 1:40:00) from the meeting and view the budget and overview.  On Thursday, I attended the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly board meeting in Sacramento, and a few highlights from the agenda included authorizing an RFP for Trails Plan Implementation, review of the proposed strategy for federal Carbon Reduction Program funding for the six-county region, and a presentation on 2025 Blueprint Pathways: Transportation Assumptions and Evaluation.  I gathered informally over Zoom for a virtual bi-weekly “coffee caucus” with supervisors from Tuolumne, Mariposa, Modoc, Tulare, and Fresno to touch base on various issues.  There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening, and a few highlights from the agenda included an agreement with Bill Zenoni for City Manager Services, FY 23/24 budget, an MOU between the City and Bishops, and awarding a contract for the City of Wheatland 2023 Pavement Maintenance Projects.  Thursday was an OPUD board meeting.  I was unable to attend the Wheatland City Council meeting and the OPUD meeting due to conflicts, but I try and attend them when available.

Additional meetings and events on my calendar included a Yuba County Strategic Plan Ad Hoc committee meeting and a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting.

The 2025 Blueprint is the Sacramento region’s plan for building a thriving future and focuses on transportation, affordable housing, and equitable investments.  I attended a SACOG Blueprint workshop event on June 16 at the Folsom Community Center. Several hundred community leaders from across the region attended and we discussed regional transportation and land use choices, and associated impacts, through 2050.   You can provide your input at  After the workshop, I stuck around for the SACOG Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) luncheon, celebrating the fifth anniversary of the program.  It was great to have multiple participants from Yuba County this year and I hope that tradition continues next year.  Look for sign-ups to happen in the fall.

I participated in a Bluezones Yuba-Sutter Walking Moai in downtown Marysville on Monday evening.  The event happens every Monday, starting at 7 pm from the Brick.  You can come early and enjoy beer, wine, appetizers, and live music before heading out on the walk.  On Thursday night I was at the Sutter County Museum for “An Evening With the Otter!”.  You can learn more about this new interactive exhibit at  On Tuesday morning before the Board of Supervisors meeting, I joined supervisors Messick and Blaser and local business owners for a Yuba Sutter Chamber Rise & Shine Breakfast at the Brick in downtown Marysville.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting and a few highlights from the agenda include the FY 23/24 Budget and approval of additional funding to send all 4th graders in Plumas Lake & Wheatland on The South Yuba River Citizens League Salmon Expedition tours this fall on the lower Yuba River.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria, Hard Rock, and the US National Whitewater Center to talk about the potential of a location here in Yuba County; a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Executive Committee meeting; a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) Policy Steering Committee Meeting; a planning meeting for the SACOG board meeting that will be held here in Yuba County in August; a CERF collaborative meeting; a follow-up with Caltrans District 3 on Highway 65 safety concerns; a Central Valley Rail Working Group meeting; and a Clean Air Partnership luncheon in Davis with the director of the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies on transforming transportation.  The Yuba-Sutter Fair starts on the 22nd and I’ll be attending a kick-off event.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   An Evening with the Otter at the Sutter County Museum, a new information sign at the Yuba County Library, supporting a local winery (Munger in Sutter) with Supervisor Flores, SACOG Blueprint Workshop, SACOG Board Meeting, honoring Senior Deputy Probation Officer Richard Horak Jr at our board meeting, enjoying the Yuba Sutter Chamber Rise & Shine Breakfast at the Brick, Bluezones Walking Moai, great shot of the sunset in Plumas Lake taken by my daughter.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a  Yuba Water Agency board meeting with a light agenda.  After the regular board meeting, we had a special board workshop focused on board development that included analyzing the strength development inventory of directors and executive staff.  Later that afternoon, was a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting and a South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) board meeting.  The TRLIA agenda included budget approval and the next step in the 500-year flood protection effort. The SYTIA agenda included updates on the East Wheatland Expressway and South Beale Rd Interchange projects.  Both projects continue to move through the Project Study Report phase and should be ready to move to the environmental phase later this year or early next year.  The other board meeting I had this week was Yuba LAFCO, and the agenda contains primarily administrative items.

Additional items on my calendar included a coffee meeting with a constituent, a meeting with Sheriff Anderson, the National Association of Counties (NACo) Broadband Mapping Working Group, lunch with the Yuba County assistant community development director, the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board retreat, and the Together We’re Better Golf Tournament to raise money for the United Way and other local charities.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting, and there is a significant agenda which includes approval of the draft FY 23/24 budget, approval of ABC licenses for the Costco in Linda and the Chevron in Plumas Lake, a presentation from Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture, and the quarterly updated from our public safety departments.  There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening, and a few highlights from the agenda include an agreement with Bill Zenoni for City Manager Services, FY 23/24 budget, an MOU between the City and Bishops, and awarding a contract for the City of Wheatland 2023 Pavement Maintenance Projects.  On Thursday, I’ll be attending the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly board meeting in Sacramento, and a few highlights from the agenda include authorizing an RFP for Trails Plan Implementation, review of the proposed strategy for federal Carbon Reduction Program funding for the six-county region, and a presentation on 2025 Blueprint Pathways: Transportation Assumptions and Evaluation.  Thursday evening is an OPUD board meeting that I cannot attend due to a conflict.

Additional meetings and events on my calendar include a Yuba County Strategic Plan Ad Hoc committee meeting, a Yuba Wate Agency agenda review meeting, and a National Association of Counties (NACo) West Region meeting.

The 2025 Blueprint is the Sacramento region’s plan for building a thriving future and focuses on transportation, affordable housing, and equitable investments.  I’ll be attending a SACOG Blueprint workshop event on June 16 at the Folsom Community Center, and you can also register to attend.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Greater Sacramento Economic Council Board Retreat in Truckee, Together We’re Better Golf Tournament at Plumas Lake Country Club, Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park, sheep and goats reducing weeds in Plumas Lake, and the Plumas Lake Farmers Market (Tuesday & Friday near Walgreens).

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

I spent most of the week in Charlotte NC, participating in the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU) conference.  SACOG suggested I attend due to my position as chair of the SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources Committee.  I learned more about new urbanism concepts like mixed-use, walkability, and placemaking, which I believe are essential to improving the quality of life in our communities.

I participated in two off-site tours on the first day of the conference.  The first was at the US National Whitewater Center. I’d love to see something like this in the Yuba County Sports & Entertainment Zone near Hard Rock and Toyota Amphitheater.  Next, we toured Davidson NC, a small town on the northern edge of the Charlotte metro area.  The town has a form-based development code focusing on community design and placemaking rather than traditional 20th-century segmented land use zoning.  A few of the requirements from their code include:  buildings must be a minimum of two stories, off-street parking lots must be in the rear, building access must be provided from the street, and buildings are up close to the sidewalk rather than set far back.  We visited a newer neighborhood with a mix of uses (including commercial with residential above) and a mix of housing types, including single-family homes, townhomes, and even small garage apartments.  The design included narrow streets, and many garages were behind the homes on alleys to promote safety and walkability.  We also visited a new “second main street” in the town that contained retail on the lower floor and residential units on higher floors.

I attended sessions over the next few days, and a few stood out.  One was called “Surbaban Main Streets: a new era of opportunity and Imperative.”  The session provided data on the changing demographics of households (the number of households with kids in the home is dropping) and the increasing desire for many on both ends of the age spectrum to live in a walkable community with services nearby.  Based on these trends, we are underbuilding mixed-use walkable communities, which are needed in all communities, not just dense urban cores.  While in Charlotte, I also had a chance to experience the “sound end” area along the light rail line south of downtown (which they call uptown).  The line has a trail for walking/biking along it, a decent amount of transit-oriented residential development, and a lot of bars and restaurants.  I noticed in the evening many people were out enjoying the trail, the bars, and the restaurants.

Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board meeting with a reasonably light agenda, and after the regular board meeting, we are having a special board workshop.  Later that afternoon, is a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting and a South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) board meeting.  The TRLIA agenda includes budget approval and the next step in the 500-year flood protection effort. The SYTIA agenda includes updates on the East Wheatland Expressway and South Beale Rd Interchange projects.  The other board meeting I have this week is Yuba LAFCO, and the agenda contains primarily administrative items.

Additional items on my calendar include a coffee meeting with a constituent, the National Association of Counties (NACo) Broadband Mapping Working Group, lunch with the Yuba County assistant community development director, the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board retreat, and the Together We’re Better Golf Tournament to raise money for the United Way and other local charities.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Dusk over the Uptown Charlotte skyline from a 22nd-floor rooftop bar, a view of the Charlotte light rail line through the south end area looking toward uptown with an adjacent walking/biking path and adjacent transit-oriented development [in the evening tons of people using the path and visiting restaurants and bars along the path], touring a new suburban mixed-use main street in Davidson NC, touring the National Whitewater Center, and touring a 21st-century development in Davison NC with a mix of housing types.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda included: awarding a contract for the County Service Area Grading Project; presenting proclamations to 2022 Peace Officer of the Year Miles Lewis, and Probation Officer of the Year Kevin Bisby; adopting a resolution approving the expansion of the service area of the Yuba County Business Façade Grant Program to commercial corridors of Olivehurst; awarding a contract for the Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Improvements Project; and adopting a resolution approving a proposed list of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 projects funded by Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) portion of SB1. (aka Gas Tax).  Thanks to Live Streaming Yuba-Sutter, you can watch a meeting recording if interested.

Additional meetings that I attended included a Yuba Water Agency Foothills Community Meeting, a Yuba County Public Works Corp Yard Grand Opening, a SACOG Land Use & Natural Resources (LUNR) committee agenda review meeting, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee meeting, and a Yuba County Community Health Improvement Plan meeting to talk about Safe Neighborhoods and Built Environments. Tuesday night was a Wheatland City Council Meeting.

With respect to community involvement and engagement, I participated in several great events this week including:  discussing what an Elected Official/County Supervisor does at McKenney Intermediate School’s Career Day; helping place flags and crosses on veteran’s graves at Wheatland Cemetary for Memorial Day; and sponsoring and attending The Event (aka Tyler Rich Concert) at Hard Rock, a fundraiser for the Enterprise Community Fund.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is the 5th Tuesday of the month, and usually, there isn’t a Board of Supervisors or a Yuba Water Agency meeting on a 5th Tuesday.  However, there is a special Yuba Water Agency meeting scheduled for 9am at the Yuba Water Offices on F St.  The agenda contains to presentations to the board, one on the Lower Yuba River Accord and the other on the Resource Planning Division.

Unfortunately, I will miss that meeting as I’ll be out of town attending the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU) conference.  SACOG suggested I attend due to my position as chair of the SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources Committee.  I look forward to learning more about new urbanism concepts like mixed-use, walkability, and placemaking.  I believe these concepts are important to improving quality of life in our communities.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Tyler Rich at Hard Rock (a fundraiser for the Enterprise Community Fund), me and my daughter assisting other community members in placing flags and crosses at Wheatland Cemetary for Memorial Day, McKenny Intermediate School Career Day, Board of Supervisor’s Presentation to the Yuba County Sheriff’s Deputy of the year and the Yuba County Probation Officer of the Year, Ribbon Cutting at the new Yuba County Public Works Corp Yard at the Airport, a Blue Zones inspired meal at the Brick in Historic Downtown Marysville, Memorial Day Flags along River Oaks Blvd in Plumas Lake, and Willie Whittlesey giving a presentation at a Yuba Water Agency Community meeting in the foothills.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting.  The agenda contained multiple significant items, including approval of grants and/or loans for a total amount up to $3.6 million under the Community Impact Grant Program,  approval of emergency contract actions to repair the South Canal crossing at Ostrom Road ($2.9M), and approval of a budget of $39.46M for construction of the new Power System Headquarters in Oregon House.

Two significant Yuba Water Agency events also occurred on Tuesday.  First, a press conference with Governor Newsom to announce a framework agreement between Yuba Water Agency and state and federal agencies for one of California’s most ambitious watershed recovery efforts, which will include a unique project to help salmon, and other threatened fish get around Daguerre Point Dam in the lower Yuba River and safeguard water supplies from the Yuba River for decades to come.  Second, an MOU signing to bring cutting-edge research to Yuba County, thanks to a new partnership formed by Yuba Water Agency, the City of Wheatland, and the UC Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS). 

Additional board meetings included a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meeting where the agenda included approval of the awards for the 22/23 funding round.  Over $24M was awarded to the Yuba-Sutter region, and you can read more about the specifics in this Appeal–Democrat article.  Speaking of transportation, I met with Yuba County Public Works and the Caltrans District 3 Safety Leadership to discuss potential safety improvements on Hwy 65 both north and south of Wheatland. As a result of the input I’ve received from the community and our meeting, they are investigating the funding and feasibility of the following safety improvements: Flashing warning signs entering town from both sides warning of congestion/stopped traffic (at times when it exists); Preventing left turns from NB Oakley to NB 65 and NB 65 to SB Oakley; and Investigating whether a signal is warranted at Hwy 65 & Dairy.

I also attended a SACOG lunchtime presentation on the Yolo Managed Lanes Project,  a Yuba County Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee meeting, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast, a meeting to introduce Hard Rock leadership to the North Valley Rail project, had coffee with OPUD Director Lacey Nelson, and participated in a Yuba Water Agency Forest Health Tour.

The Community events I attended include the 97th Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast, Third Thursday at River Highlands Ranch in Smartsville, the Beale Bash, and the 99th Annual Wheatland Pet Parade.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include:  Reappoint Terri Lindsey to Plumas Lake Specific Plan Design Review Committee; Approve Child Care Planning Council of Yuba and Sutter Counties Local Planning Council County Priorities Report; Award contract for the County Service Area Grading Project; Present proclamations to 2022 Peace Officer of the Year Miles Lewis, and Probation Officer of the Year Kevin Bisby; Receive Yuba County Grand Jury update; and Adopt resolution approving a proposed list of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 projects funded by Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) portion of SB1. (aka Gas Tax).

Additional items on my calendar include: a Yuba Water Agency Foothills Community Meeting, a Yuba County Public Works Corp Yard Grand Opening, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Conservation Task Force meeting, a SACOG Land Use & Natural Resources committee agenda review meeting, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee meeting, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Call-in session, and a Yuba County Community Health Improvement Plan meeting to talk about Safe Neighborhoods and Built Environments. I’m excited to spend Thursday morning at McKenny Intermediate School Career Day discussing what an Elected Official/County Supervisor does.  Tuesday night is a Wheatland City Council Meeting.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park; Yuba County rice field sunset; Third Thursday at Highlands Ranh in Smartsville; Pictures (3) of the Press conference with the governor at Daguerre Point Dam on the lower Yuba River; Representatives from UC CITRIS, City of Wheatland, Yuba Water, and AKT at the MOU signing for a research center in Wheatland; giving comments at the MOU signing; 99th Annual Wheatland Pet Parade; Yuba-Sutter delegation at monthly SACOG meeting; Coffee with OPUD Director Lacey Nelson; New Bullards Bar spilling, rice field seeding; and Daguerre Point Dam.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting I attended remotely as I was out of town at a conference.  A few key items from the agenda included amending the Plumas Lake Specific Plan to require a conditional use permit for gas stations and truck terminals/yards, banning the cultivation of industrial hemp, awarding a contract for the 2023 Overlay Project, which includes multiple roads in the Arboga area, and an agreement with Jacobs for professional electrical engineering and consulting services for the Yuba County Electric Vehicle Master Plan.

I spent the first half of the week representing Yuba Water Agency at the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Spring Conference in Monterey.  I arrived early to participate in the ACWA JPIA board meeting on Monday.  I left on Wednesday to head to Butte County for a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) tour and board meeting on Thursday and Friday.  The RCRC board meets every other month, and it’s customary to hold one of those meetings in the chair’s home county.  This year, the RCRC chair is Butte County Supervisor Doug Teeter.  In conjunction with the RCRC board meeting on Friday morning, I’ll also represent Yuba County at board meetings for the RCRC-affiliated organizations Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) and Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA).  We toured Oroville Dam, Hyatt Powerhouse, Gorrill Ranch on Butte Creek, and Magalia Community Park on Thursday.  Two of the three stops were closely tied to water management, and it was almost like I was still at ACWA.  Networking with my colleagues from the other 39 rural California counties is always valuable.

In addition to the Board of Supervisors meeting, I participated in several other meetings remotely while out of town, including a National Association of Counties Broadband Mapping Working Group and a Yuba Water Agency special board meeting.

Before heading out of town on the 7th, I attended Dinner in the Orchard on Saturday evening.  After returning, I attended a social event hosted by the Beale Military Liason Council (BMLC) on Friday night with the base commander, Col Church, and his leadership team.   On Saturday, I received a tour of The Untz Festival at Sycamore Ranch in Browns Valley.  County staff and the organizer always invite the board to stop by and see the setup.  I attended the inaugural Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park event on Saturday night.

Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting.  The agenda contains multiple significant items, including approval of grants and/or loans for a total amount up to $3.6 million under the Community Impact Grant Program,  approval of emergency contract actions to repair the South Canal crossing at Ostrom Road ($2.9M), and approval of a budget of $39.46M for construction of the new Power System Headquarters in Oregon House.

Additional board and committee meetings include a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meeting where the agenda includes approval of the awards for the 22/23 funding round, a SACOG lunchtime presentation on the Yolo Managed Lanes Project, a National Association of Counties (NACo) West Region meeting, a Yuba County Strategic Plan Ad Hoc Committee meeting, and a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast.  Due to conflicts, I’ll need to miss two reoccurring board/committee meetings: the monthly OPUD board meeting and the monthly NACo Rural Action Caucus (RAC) meeting.

A few of the other meetings on my calendar are a follow-up meeting with Caltrans staff on Highway 65 safety concerns, a meeting to introduce Hard Rock leadership to the North Valley Rail project, a CITRIS MOU signing in Wheatland, and a Yuba Water Agency Forest Health Tour.

The Community events I plan to attend include the 97th Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast on Thursday and the 99th Annual Wheatland Pet Parade on Saturday.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   The ACWA Conference in Monterey, the Untz Festival in Browns Valley on the Yuba River, Dinner in the Orchard, participating in the Board of Supervisors Meeting from Monterey, and the Rural County Representatives County of the Chair Meeting and tour in Butte County, including Oroville Dam.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency board meeting.  The agenda was light and included an overview of Agency Administration functions.  Later that morning, I had a Yuba Water POD Committee Meeting, where we approved grants and loans for up to $5.4 million under the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program.  Additional board and committee meetings on my calendar last week included the Northern California Water Association (NCWA), Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee, and Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC).   I also attended a SACOG presentation on Bikeshare and Innovative Mobility in the Sacramento Region and a Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee.

I also had multiple community-related events on my calendar, including an event at North Yuba Water District (NYWD) celebrating the May 1st release of irrigation water, the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, the LEAD Yuba Sutter Dinner, and Dinner in the Orchard.  I’m honored to sponsor both Wheatland Little League and Plumas Lake Little League, and I watched the Wheatland Hatch take on the Plumas Lake Braves.  In addition, I had lunch with William Franco (commander of the Veterans Affiliated Council), stopped by First 5 Yuba to take my picture with the Blue Dot to spread awareness about maternal mental health, and stopped by the Hanger Food Truck Park at the Yuba County airport for their Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting, and I’ll be attending remotely as I’ll be out of town at a conference.  A few key items from the agenda include amending Plumas Lake Specific Plan to require a conditional use permit for gas stations and truck terminals/yards, amending Chapter 7.42 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to the cultivation of industrial hemp, awarding a contract for the 2023 Overlay Project which includes multiple roads in the Arboga area, and an agreement with Jacobs for professional electrical engineering and consulting services for the Yuba County Electric Vehicle Master Plan.

For the first half of the week, I’ll be representing Yuba Water Agency at the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Spring Conference in Monterey.  I’ll arrive early to participate in the ACWA JPIA board meeting on Monday, and I will leave on Wednesday to head to Butte County for a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) tour and board meeting on Thursday and Friday.  The RCRC board meets every other month, and it’s customary to hold one of those meetings in the chair’s home county.  This year, the RCRC chair is Butte County Supervisor Doug Teeter.  In conjunction with the RCRC board meeting on Friday morning, I’ll also represent Yuba County at board meetings for the RCRC-affiliated organizations Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) and Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA).

In addition to the Board of Supervisors meeting, I’ll participate in several other meetings remotely while in Monterey, including a National Association of Counties Broadband Mapping Working Group and agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency.  There is also a Wheatland City Council Meeting this week that I’m unable to attend, but here is the agenda.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Picture with members of the Yuba City and Marysville City council at the LEADership Yuba Sutter Farm to Fork dinner in Marysville, celebrating the release of irrigation water with NYWD, downtown Marysville decked out for the LEADership Yuba Sutter dinner, Hanger Food Truck Park Cinco de Maya selfie, Plumas Lake & Wheatland Little League Sponsorships, Blue Dot, Lunch with William Franco, National Day of Prayer Breakfast, and a beautiful morning in the Yuba County foothills.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

As I was out of town for Cap-to-Cap last weekend and didn’t have time to write an update, this week’s updates will cover the last two weeks.

The 18th was a Yuba Water Agency board meeting.  The agenda included considering a $6M grant to Yuba County to cover the drainage component of a $29M project to design and construct new sidewalks, bicycle lanes, improved transit stops, and drainage facilities in Olivehurst.  The County will apply to the State for a grant to cover most of the additional funding needed. We’ll also receive a presentation on the power systems at Yuba Water Agency.  The 25th was a Board of Supervisors meeting, but I could not attend due to Cap-to-Cap.  Some key items from the agenda included:  the advertisement of bids for multiple County Service Areas (CSA’s) in the communities of Dobbins, Browns Valley, Smartsville, and Camp Far West for Grading and Road Repair; presenting a certificate of recognition to Yuba County Public Guardian’s Office; receiving an update from First Five Yuba Commission; adopting a resolution declaring April 23rd – April 29th, 2023 Crime Victims’ Rights Week; approving an agreement with Yuba County Office of Education for the abatement of the opioid epidemic in California; and introducing an ordinance amending Chapter 7.42 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code relating to the cultivation of industrial hemp.   You can watch the meeting here.

Additional meetings on my calendar the week of the 17th included:  a meeting with the City of Marysville on the Goldfields Parkway project, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Broadband Mapping Working group meeting, a farewell ceremony for Beale Vice Commander Col Eckberg, coffee with Director Bishop, a mega-region (Sacramento area, Bay Area, San Joaquin County) Lobby Day with various state agencies and legislators with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), a SACOG board meeting, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Executive Committee Meeting, a Blue Zones celebration at Yuba Water Agency, and an Olivehurst Public Utility District (OPUD) board meeting.

On the 21st, I left for Washington DC, with 400+ business leaders and elected officials from the Sacramento region for the annual Cap-to-Cap regional advocacy trip.  I served on the flood protection and transportation teams and met with congressional and federal government representatives to help advance our regional priorities in those subject areas.  You can dive into the specific flood protection and transportation we advocated for.  I participated in flood protection meetings with Congressman Bera, Congresswoman Matsui, Congressman Kiley’s office staff, and FEMA.  I met with Congresswoman Matsui, Congressman Bera, and Congressman LaMalfa’s staff on the transportation side.  In addition, Yuba Water Agency staff was in DC, and I joined them for a meeting with Congressman Kiley’s office.

After returning from DC on Wednesday, I finished off the week with several meetings/events on Thursday and Friday, including:  a North Valley Rail Project Development Team Meeting, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Update Call, a Yuba Sutter Chamber Business Connection Breakfast on “The State of Yuba County”, a tour of the new Tri-County Juvenile Hall in Marysville, a Yuba County Community Health Improvement Plan Built Environments Workshop, a SACOG Meganregion Working group meeting, and a Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Salud! Awards Gala.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency board meeting.  The agenda is light and includes an overview of Agency Administration functions.  Later that morning, I have a Yuba Water POD Committee Meeting.  The agenda for that committee includes recommending approval of grants and/or loans for up to $5.4 million under the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program.  Additional board and committee meetings on my calendar this week include the Northern California Water Association (NCWA), Yuba LAFCO, Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee,  Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC), and OPUD/County Liason.   I also have a Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair breakfast and a SACOG presentation on Bikeshare and Innovative Mobility in the Sacramento Region.

I also have multiple community-related events on my calendar, including an event at North Yuba Water District celebrating the May 1st release of irrigation water, the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, the LEAD Yuba Sutter Dinner, and Dinner in the Orchard.  I’m honored to be a sponsor of both Wheatland Little League and Plumas Lake Little League and I’m going to watch the Wheatland Hatch take on the Plumas Lake Braves.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   US Capitol Selfie, Farwell Lunch with Beale Vice Commander Col Jason Eckberg, Sacramento Hispanic Chamber Solud! Awards at Cesar Chavez Plaza, Yuba-Sutter Dinner at Cap-to-Cap, Full Delegation Photo at Cap-to-Cap, Megaregion Advocacy Day at the State Capitol, Selfie at Congressman Kiley’s Office in DC, State of Yuba County Presentation at Yuba Sutter Chamber Business Connection Breakfast, and Cap-to-Cap Transportation Team Meeting with Congressman Bera in DC.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Some highlights from the agenda included: Community Committee Appointments; Acquisition of rights of way for the Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Improvements Project; Release RFP for surveillance upgrades for Marysville Joint Unified School District through Yuba County Sheriff’s COPS 2020 School Violence Prevention Program; Approve Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance Code for Fiscal Year 2023-2024; Present proclamation to Casa de Esperanza recognizing April 2023 as Child Abuse Prevention Month; Receive annual Public Health Officer Update; and Receive Quarterly Development Update from Community Development and Services.

Additional meetings on my calendar included:  a meeting at SACOG with Congressman Bera, Congressman Garamendi, and Fed Railroad Administrator Amit Bose to discuss megaregion rail projects, including the extension of ACE/San Joaquin passenger rail to Elk Grove, Sacramento, Plumas Lake, Marysville, and Chico;  a separate discussion about public outreach for the North Valley Rail project; and agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency.  I also attended a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Rise and Shine Breakfast networking event at Hard Rock.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency board meeting.  The agenda includes considering a $6M grant to Yuba County to cover the drainage component of a $29M project to design and construct new sidewalks, bicycle lanes, improved transit stops, and drainage facilities in Olivehurst.  The County will apply to the State for a grant to cover most of the additional funding needed. We’ll also receive a presentation on the power systems at Yuba Water Agency.

Additional meetings on my calendar include:  a meeting with the City of Marysville on the Goldfields Parkway project, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Broadband Mapping Working group meeting, a farewell ceremony for Beale Vice Commander Col Eckberg, coffee with Director Bishop, a mega-region (Sacramento area, Bay Area, San Joaquin County) Lobby Day with various state agencies and legislators with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), a SACOG board meeting, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Executive Committee Meeting, a Blue Zones celebration at Yuba Water Agency, and an Olivehurst Public Utility District (OPUD) board meeting.

On Friday, I leave for Washington DC, with almost 400 leaders from the Sacramento region for the Cap-to-Cap regional advocacy trip.  I’ll be meeting with federal agencies and regional congressional representatives on flood protection and transportation issues.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Selfie in front of the California Capitol in between meetings, Congressmen Bera and Garamendi with the Federal Railroad Administrator at SACOG to discuss regional rail projects,  beautiful view from a conference room on the 19th floor of the US Bank before a meeting, Yuba Water presentation on forest health improvement efforts at South Yuba County Sunrise Rotary, Board of Supervisors supported Casa de Esperanza by officially recognizing the month of April as Child Abuse & Neglect Awareness Month and raising awareness by wearing pinwheel headbands, Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Rise & Shine Breakfast at Hard Rock, pinwheel selfie to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect, and a picture of the Bear River levee patrol road railroad crossing in east Plumas Lake.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Some key items from the agenda included a CEQA Notice of Exemption for the Power Systems Headquarters Project in Oregon House, a presentation providing an overview of the power grid, balancing authorities, and how Yuba Water provides wholesale power to the grid through CAIS, and a presentation about the Yuba Water Supply Mission.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee meeting, a Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair/general-manager breakfast, and a meeting with the public works director and community development director for the City of Marysville. Key agenda items from the SACOG LUNR meeting include a presentation on City of Auburn Planning Efforts: Form-based Codes and the Domes Redevelopment Area and 2025 Blueprint Pathways: Pavement Cost Estimates.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Some highlights from the agenda include :Community Committee Appointments; Acquisition of rights of way for the Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Improvements Project; Release RFP for surveillance upgrades for Marysville Joint Unified School District through Yuba County Sheriff’s COPS 2020 School Violence Prevention Program; Approve Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance Code for Fiscal Year 2023-2024; Present proclamation to Casa de Esperanza recognizing April 2023 as Child Abuse Prevention Month; Receive annual Public Health Officer Update; and Receive Quarterly Development Update from Community Development and Services.  Tuesday evening is also a Wheatland City Council meeting; you can find the agenda here.

Additional meetings on my calendar include:  a meeting at SACOG with Congressman Bera and Fed Railroad Administrator Amit Bose to discuss megaregion projects, including the extension of ACE/San Joaquin passenger rail to Elk Grove, Sacramento, Plumas Lake, Marysville, and Chico;  a separate discussion about public outreach for the North Valley Rail project; and agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Springtime in Plumas Lake as seen from my (almost) daily walks, including both goats and Yuba County Public Works performing weed management, and a shot of a future subdivision covered in water, green grass, and mustard with the Sutter Buttes and the snow-capped snow range in the background.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  Some highlights from the agenda included: approving and awarding the 2023 Yuba County Park and Landscape Maintenance Agreement to Elite Service Experts for park and landscape maintenance (this includes landscape maintenance in Plumas Lake); approving an agreement with R&F Engineering for Star Bend Boat Ramp Sediment Removal Project; received a presentation from City of Marysville regarding Momentum of Marysville; and received a Code Enforcement Department Update.  Tuesday at 6 pm was a Wheatland City Council meeting, and you can find the agenda here.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a National Association of Counties (NACo) Broadband Mapping Working Group, a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) Dry Year Task Force, a Yuba County Community Health Improvement Process Kick-Off, a Yuba Water Agency Agenda Review, a meeting with Blue Zones Yuba Sutter, and a meeting with representatives from the Northstate Building Industry Association (BIA).  One common theme from the Blue Zones and BIA meetings was the importance of the built environment, including trails and walkability.  I also attended an Easter Pop Up at Eufay Wood Park in Plumas Lake on Saturday.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Some key items from the agenda include a CEQA Notice of Exemption for the Power Systems Headquarters Project in Oregon House, a presentation providing an overview of the power grid, balancing authorities, and how Yuba Water provides wholesale power to the grid through CAIS, and a presentation about the Yuba Water Supply Mission.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee meeting. an OPUD Park Committee Meeting, a Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair/general-manager breakfast, and possibly an OPUD Liason Committee meeting.  Key agenda items from the SACOG LUNR meeting include a presentation on City of Auburn Planning Efforts: Form-based Codes and the Domes Redevelopment Area and 2025 Blueprint Pathways: Pavement Cost Estimates.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Getting ready for a meeting at Constant Grind at Hard Rock, meeting with Blue Zones Yuba Sutter at the Brick in Downtown Marysville, Easter Bunny Picture at Eufay Wood Park in Plumas Lake, and Community Health Improvement Process Meeting at the Yuba County Government Center.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency meeting. Some highlights from the agenda include a review of the financial statements from January, consideration of position changes, approval of a new energy marketing agreement, a state legislative update, and a review of the Agency Act and the Brown Act.  I had several Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meetings this week, including an agenda review meeting for the Land Use and Natural Resource committee, where I serve as chair, and a certification review meeting.  SACOG hosted a pop-up to gather input from Yuba-Sutter on what our six-county region should look like in 2050 and what residents value in terms of transportation, community growth, equity, and housing.  You can click here to provide your input.  I had two prep meetings for the upcoming Capitol-to-Capitol regional advocacy trip, one with the transportation team and one with the flood risk reduction team.  We’ll go to DC to advocate for the entire Sacramento region at various federal agencies and with various federal representatives.  I attended the Plumas Lake Elementary School Board meeting on Wednesday evening, where they discussed the community input they received regarding solutions to school overcrowding.  I provided input to update the Yuba County strategic plan and meet with a constituent.  In addition, I attended a lunch meeting with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council and Enterprise Rancheria Tribal Leadership at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. I also met with several constituents at the Brick in Marysville.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  Some highlights from the agenda include: approving and awarding the 2023 Yuba County Park and Landscape Maintenance Agreement to Elite Service Experts for park and landscape maintenance from April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2025 (this includes landscape maintenance in Plumas Lake); approving an agreement with R&F Engineering for Star Bend Boat Ramp Sediment Removal Project; receive a presentation from City of Marysville regarding Momentum of Marysville; and receive a Code Enforcement Department Update.  Tuesday at 6 pm is a Wheatland City Council meeting, and you can find the agenda here.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a National Association of Counties (NACo) Broadband Working Group, a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) Dry Year Task Force, a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee, a Yuba County Community Health Improvement Process Kick-Off, a Yuba Water Agency Agenda Review, a Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection Team Meeting, and a meeting with representatives from the Northstate Building Industry Association.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   SACOG Public Input Popup at the North Beale Transit Center, grabbing some dinner at The Hanger Food Truck Park at the Yuba County Airport, a beautiful shot of a rainbow near Wheatland (photo credit Leash & Lather Grooming), Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, and park cleanup at Eufay Wood Park in Plumas Lake.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Last week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include a quarterly update from the District Attorney, Probation, and Sheriff’s departments; an item to approve plans, specifications, and estimate, and authorize advertisement of bid for the 2023 Overlay Project (which includes streets in Arboga/North Plumas Lake); an item to approve plans, specifications, estimate and authorize advertisement for bid for the Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Improvements Project; and an item to approve a letter of support for Senate Bill 14 by Senator Shannon Grove.

Additional meetings on my calendar included an Assembly Transporation Committee hearing to voice support for AB 350, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Dry Year Task Force call, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) Steering Committee meeting, agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board Meeting, a Sacramento Region Cleaner Air Partnership lunch to discuss the SACOG Blueprint 2025, a meeting with Caltrans to talk about local transportation projects, and a SACOG dinner with our monthly workshop presenter.  At the monthly SACOG board meeting, we awarded $45M to pedestrian and bicycle projects for the six-county region and $31M in Green Means Go funding to support infill development in the region.  In addition, we received a presentation on planned toll lanes on I-80 in Yolo County.  The most interesting information from the presentation was that if we added general purpose or even carpool lanes, they would likely experience congestion on opening day. Adding toll lanes gives those who want (or need) to avoid congestion in that area the opportunity to do so.   You can watch the presentation here.  I held an introduction meeting between Community Resource Project (CRP) and Yuba County staff in Community Development and Health & Human Services to ensure staff knew about opportunities to partner with CRP to serve our residents.    I also had an opportunity to have lunch with a Yuba County student who is participating in the SACOG Youth Leadership Academy program.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency meeting. Some highlights from the agenda include a review of the financial statements from January, consideration of position changes, approval of a new energy marketing agreement, a state legislative update, and a review of the Agency Act and the Brown Act.  I have several Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meetings this week, including an agenda review meeting for the Land Use and Natural Resource committee, where I serve as chair, and a certification review meeting.  SACOG is hosting a pop-up to gather input from Yuba-Sutter on what our six-county region should look like in 2050 and what residents value in terms of transportation, community growth, equity, and housing.  Stop by the North Beale Rd Transit Center (at Walmart) from 6:00 am-9:30 am on Tuesday to provide your input.  I’ll be there for part of that time as well.  I have two prep meetings for the upcoming Capitol-to-Capitol regional advocacy trip, one with the transportation team and one with the flood risk reduction team.  We’ll go to DC to advocate for the entire Sacramento region at various federal agencies and with various federal representatives.  I plan to attend the Plumas Lake Elementary School Board meeting on Wednesday evening, where they will discuss the community input they received regarding solutions to school overcrowding.  I’ll also provide input to update the Yuba County strategic plan and meet with a constituent.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  California Capitol Selfie after a SACOG-related dinner on Wednesday, St. Patricks Day Meal complete with a Green Farmers Light at Silver Dollar on Friday, a shot of a fuller than usual Yuba River this week taken by Marysville Councilman Stuart Gilchrist, a sunset shot I snagged in downtown Marysville on Friday, SACOG staff giving a presentation on the 2025 Blueprint effort to the Clear Air Partnership luncheon on Friday, and a Public Safety Presentation at this week’s Board of Supervisors meeting.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  The agenda, included a presentation from the Director of Water Resources and Flood Risk Reduction about the Yuba Water Flood Risk Management Plan.  Later that day, there was a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Meeting with multiple items on the agenda related to flood risk reduction projects.   I was in Sacramento on Wednesday for a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, in addition to board meetings for affiliated organizations, including the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) and the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA).  I also had a Greater Sacramento Economic Development Council (GSEC) board of directors meeting this week.   Several additional Yuba Water Agency related meetings were on my calendar this week, including a chair/vice-chair/general manager meeting and an employee recognition event.  Concerning broadband activities, I had several meetings with the CPUC this week and a meeting with the Capital Region Coalition for Digital Equity.  Finally, I had a constitutent meeting and a meeting with Yuba County staff to talk about a future SACOG board meeting in Yuba County.  On Saturday evening, I had the opportunity to attend a Farm to Fork Dinner at the Frenchtown Inn in Oregon House.  These dinners are an opportunity to showcase and promote the Yuba County foothills and local agriculture.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  There are a few exciting items on the agenda, including a presentation from the City of Marysville regarding Momentum of Marysville; a quarterly update from the District Attorney, Probation, and Sheriff’s departments; an item to approve plans, specifications, and estimate, and authorize advertisement of bid for the 2023 Overlay Project (which includes streets in Arboga/North Plumas Lake); an item to approve plans, specifications, estimate and authorize advertisement for bid for the Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Improvements Project; and an item to approve a letter of support for Senate Bill 14 by Senator Shannon Grove.

Additional meetings on my calendar include an Assembly Transporation Committee hearing to voice support for AB 350, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Dry Year Task Force call, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) Sterring Committee meeting, agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board Meeting, a Sacramento Region Cleaner Air Partnership lunch to discuss the SACOG Blueprint 2025, a meeting with Caltrans to talk about local transportation projects, a SACOG dinner with our monthly workshop presenter, and meetings with several constituents.  Thursday is the monthly OPUD board meeting, but I don’t plan to attend due to a conflict with another event.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  RCRC Board Meeting in Sacramento, Spillway at New Bullards Bar starting to spill on Wednesday, Spillway at 5000 CFS later in the day on Wednesday, Yuba Water Employee Recognition Lunch, Plumas Lake with snow covered coast range in the background on Friday, and a snowy Camptonville in the rain on Saturday.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda wasn’t t too long and included appointments of residents to committees, pedestrian and parking access improvements at the Health & Human Services facility, efforts to address homelessness, a public hearing on YCSO’s interaction with ICE, several budget change requests, and a presentation from Yuba County Public Works on the drainage program, and other items.
Additional meetings on my calendar this week included a special OPUD meeting about regional wastewater, an OPUD park committee meeting to speak in favor of a series of community events, a Wheatland City Council meeting, an agenda review meeting for Yuba Water Agency, a LAFCO meeting to discuss the return of a portion of the horseshoe levee to RD817 from RD2103, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meeting on travel model/travel forecasting, a SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee meeting, and a meeting with Hard Rock and Regional Housing Authority to talk about the Affordable Housing project in Plumas Lake.  I also visited Beale AFB to renew my base access and attended a lunch meeting with Supervisor Fuhrer, MJUSD Superintendent Fal Asrani, and MJUSD board president Randy Davis.
There were several Northern California Water Association (NCWA) meetings on my calendar this week, including a bi-weekly dry year task force meeting, a bi-monthly board of directors meeting, and the all-day annual meeting in Chico.
On Saturday, I served on a panel with Sacramento County Supervisor Patrick Kennedy at the SACOG Youth Leadership Academy. The group comprises high school students across the six-county region, including Yuba County.  We answered questions about transit, climate change, regional planning, and the uniqueness of our individual jurisdictions.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  Several items are on the agenda, including a presentation from the Director of Water Resources and Flood Risk Reduction about the Yuba Water Flood Risk Management Plan.  Later that day, there is a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Meeting with multiple items on the agenda related to flood risk reduction projects.   I’ll be in Sacramento all day on Wednesday for a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, in addition to board meetings for affiliated organizations, including the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) and the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA).  I have a Greater Sacramento Economic Development Council (GSEC) board of directors meeting this week and a GSEC reception for Azra Games.   Several additional Yuba Water Agency related meetings are on my calendar this week, including a chair/vice-chair/general manager meeting and an employee recognition event.  Concerning broadband activities, I have several meetings with the CPUC this week and a meeting with the Capital Region Coalition for Digital Equity.  Finally, I have a constitutent meeting and a meeting with Yuba County staff to talk about a future SACOG board meeting in Yuba County.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  SACOG Youth Leadership Academy, a U2 at Beale AFB with the Sutter Buttes and the snow-capped coastal range in the background, SACOG Chief Executive Officer James Corless speaking about regional planning at South Yuba Sunrise Rotary Club, Col Church from Beale AFB speaking at the Wheatland City Council meeting, LAFCO board meeting, NCWA Annual Meeting.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting. The agenda was fairly light with two discussion items, including an item to approve loan agreements with the County of Yuba to fund five settlement agreements with developers due reimbursements from Levee Impact Fees and a review of board policies.  Additional meetings last week included an agenda review for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources Committee, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) legislative review call, and a meeting with Caltrans to discuss safety improvements/concerns at Oakley & Hwy 65.  The meeting with Caltrans went well, and they will review the area’s accident statistics to see if it qualifies for any safety improvements.
There were two important transportation-related community meetings on Thursday night. The first was a meeting about the East Wheatland Expressway project, a planned local roadway from Sheridan to east Wheatland.  The purpose of the expressway is to eliminate some traffic from Hwy 65 through Wheatland, including : traffic between Beale and Placer County; traffic between CFW and Placer County; and traffic between East Wheatland and Placer County, including the thousands of homes planned for the area in coming decades.  It’s also designed to become the southern portion of a future Wheatland Bypass.  You can learn more about the project at   The other community meeting on Thursday was for the North Valley Rail project, which would to connect Yuba-Sutter, with Chico, Sacramento, and beyond, via commuter rail.  Stations are planned for Plumas Lake and Marysville.  The meeting was be conducted via Zoom a recording will be posted on the project webpage.  Due to a conflict with the East Wheatland Expressway meeting, I wasn’t able to attend, but I’m looking forward to watching the recording.  The Chico Enterprise-Record published an article on the North Valley Rail meeting.
I participated in a Beale AFB Honorary Commander and Civic Leader Tour on Friday afternoon, followed by a reception. The weekend was full of Bok Kai festivities, including a walk/run, a parade, a reception in honor of Marysville’s sister city, a lion dance, and a fireworks show.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda isn’t too long and include appointments of residents to committees, pedestrian and parking access improvements at the Health & Human Services facility, efforts to address homelessness, a public hearing on YCSO’s interaction with ICE, several budget change requests, a presentation from Yuba County Public Works on the drainage program, and other items.
Additional meetings on my calendar this week include a special OPUD meeting about regional wastewater, an OPUD park committee meeting to speak in favor of a series of community events, a Wheatland City Council meeting, an agenda review meeting for Yuba Water Agency, a LAFCO meeting to discuss the return of a portion of the horseshoe levee to RD817 from RD2103, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meeting on travel model/travel forecasting, and a SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee meeting.
There are several Northern California Water Association (NCWA) meetings on my calendar this week, including a bi-weekly dry year task force meeting, a bi-monthly board of directors meeting, and the all-day annual meeting in Chico.
The Blue Zones Plumas Lake Park Cleanup is at Eufay Wood Park on Tuesday from 12-1 and I hope to participate if the Board of Supervisors meeting ends in time.  There is also a chance I may have jury duty this week, and if that is the case, it could impact my ability to attend some or all of these meetings.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Orchards in bloom near Plumas Lake taken by Branka Hartley, Neva’s Place Speakeasy (event space) in Downtown Marysville, Board of Supervisors at the Bok Kai Parade, Yuba Water Agency at Bok Kai Parade, Royal Court and Marysville Sister City delegation at Bok Kai, the project need slide from East Wheatland Expressway meeting, a selfie with Lt. Col. Stapler commander of the 9th Engineering Squadron at Beale and my partner in the honorary commander program, East Wheatland Expressway community meeting in Sheridan, 1 Million Cups Yuba Sutter meeting in Marysville, South Yuba County Sunrise Rotary at the Bok Kai run/walk, and our guest speaker talking about groundwater at the South Yuba Sunrise Rotary meeting.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

I was in DC for the National Association of Counties (NACo) Legislative Conference from February 10th – February 14th, so I decided to make this post cover multiple weeks.  I spent all day on the 11th at the NACo Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) policy committee meeting.  The committee focuses on expanding the accessibility and availability of broadband and shapes NACo advocacy to the federal government in that policy area.  I successfully presented a policy resolution to encourage the federal government to allow the use of federal funding for creating open access networks in areas where they don’t exist, even in areas considered “served” on federal broadband maps.  I attended multiple educational sessions covering various topics, including broadband and EV infrastructure, and rural and California caucus meetings.  There was an opportunity to chat with staff from various federal agencies, so I took the time to express my concerns to FEMA over the impact of Risk Rating 2.0 on flood insurance purchases in our community.

Tuesday the 7th was a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include cash flow loans for local agencies for water supply and flood protection projects, a grant to the sheriff’s posse for a new well, and an update on the Agency’s Flood Risk Reduction division.  On Tuesday afternoon, I had a TRLIA board meeting where we approved several actions to advance the Yuba River North Training Wall Project and a few other items.   That week, other board and committee meetings included a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee, where we looked at opportunities and challenges for the year ahead in addition to other agenda items.  On Tuesday evening, from 5 pm-7 pm, the South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) held a community meeting at the Wheatland Community Center (101 C Street) to talk about the East Wheatland Expressway Project and receive community feedback.  The meeting was well attended, with lots of questions and feedback.

Additional items on my calendar that week included an Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Leadership Listening session, a Dry Year Task Force meeting with the Northern California Water Association (NCWA), an auto tour of underserved areas with Community Resource Project,  and a Blue Zones Workshop at Yuba Water Agency titled “do you know your purpose?”.
After returning from DC earlier this week, I participated in an NCWA Executive Committee meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a Yuba-Sutter Transit NextGen Study workshop, and a monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly board meeting,  One of the main items on the SACOG agenda was a board workshop overview of the “what” and “why” of scenario planning as it relates to the long-range regional land use and transportation planning SACOG is undertaking with our Pathways effort to inform the 2025 Blueprint.  I had an introductory lunch with Lt. Col Stapler, of the 9th Engineering Squadron at Beale AFB and attended the Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Gala at Hard Rock.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting. The agenda is fairly light with two discussion items, including an item to approve loan agreements with the County of Yuba to fund five settlement agreements with developers due reimbursements from Levee Impact Fees and a review of board policies.  Additional meetings this week include an agenda review for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources Committee, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) legislative review call, a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria and the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC),  a meeting with Caltrans to discuss safety improvements/concerns at Oakley & Hwy 65, and several other meetings to sync up with constituents and community leaders.
I’ll participate in a Beale AFB Honorary Commander and Civic Leader Tour on Friday afternoon, followed by a reception. The weekend will be full of Bok Kai festivities, including a walk/run and a parade.
There are two important transportation-related community meetings on Thursday night from 5pm-7pm.  The first is a meeting about the East Wheatland Expressway project, a planned local roadway from Sheridan to east Wheatland.  The purpose is to remove some traffic from Hwy 65 through Wheatland, including : traffic between Beale and Placer County; traffic between CFW and Placer County; and traffic between East Wheatland and Placer County, including the thousands of homes planned for the area in coming decades.  It’s also designed to become the southern portion of a future Wheatland Bypass.  The meeting will be held at 6005 Camp Far West Rd and you can learn more about the project at   The other community meeting on Thursday is for the North Valley Rail project, which would to connect Yuba-Sutter, with Chico, Sacramento, and beyond, via commuter rail.  Stations are planned for Plumas Lake and Marysville.  The meeting will be conducted via Zoom and you can register at

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Presenting a policy resolution at the NACo T&T Committee, SACOG board meeting, View of Washington DC from the Rural Action Caucus reception at NACo, posing with supervisors from Monterey, Napa, and Tuolumne counties at NACo, East Wheatland Expressway Community Meeting in Wheatland, Yuba Sutter Chamber Gala, Blue Zones Purpose Workshop at Yuba Water, Yuba Sutter Transit Next Generation Transit Plan Public Open House, and California Delegation at the NACo Rural/Urban Caucus reception.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

I spend most of the week on a Beale Military Liason Council (BMLC) Civic Leaders Tour of Nellis and Creech AFBs in the Las Vegas area.  The tour’s purpose was to inform local elected officials and business leaders about the mission at both bases and their connection to Beale.  The more we can understand the mission at Beale and the air force in general, the better we as a community can support that mission.  On Tuesday night, we watched over 50 planes take from Nellis, participating in the Red Flag event.  We returned to Nellis on Wednesday, where we learned more about their missions, including JTAC, witnessed air traffic control, and learned about the Thunderbirds.  On Thursday, we visited Creech AFB and learned about the MQ-9 Reaper.  I even had the opportunity to take a seat in a simulator and fly a mission to locate and destroy a target.
On Monday, before leaving for the tour, county staff and I will meet with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) staff for a community visit and strategy session.  As it’s the fifth Tuesday, there was no Board of Supervisors or Yuba Water Agency board meeting this week.  Due to the tour, I missed a SACOG Land Use and Natural Resource (LUNR) committee meeting,  a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meeting, and an OPUD/County Liason meeting.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  A few highlights from the agenda include cash flow loans for local agencies for water supply and flood protection projects, a grant to the sheriff’s posse for a new well, and an update on the Agency’s Flood Risk Reduction division.  On Tuesday afternoon, I have a TRLIA board meeting where we will consider several actions to advance the Yuba River North Training Wall Project and a few other items.   Other board and committee meetings this week include a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee on Monday. We will look at opportunities and challenges for the year ahead in addition to other agenda items.
On Tuesday evening, from 5 pm-7 pm, the South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) will host a community meeting at the Wheatland Community Center (101 C Street) to talk about the East Wheatland Expressway Project and receive community feedback.  I have a separate meeting earlier in the week to discuss this project and the bypass with AKT development.
Additional items on my calendar this week include an Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Leadership Listening session, an auto tour of underserved areas with Community Resource Project, and a lunch meeting.
On Friday, I leave for the National Association of Counties (NACo) Legislative Conference in Washington D.C.  In addition to networking with fellow supervisors from across the country, I’ll be attending informative sessions, connecting with federal agencies, and presenting a draft policy resolution to the NACo Telecommunications and Technology Committee urging support of Universal Open Access Broadband Networks with federal Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) funding.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   MQ-9 Reaper at Creech AFB, Thunderbird Hanger at Nellis AFB, BMLC Civic Leader Tour Group Photo at Nellis AFB, Yuba-Sutter Electeds with A-10 at Nellis, Me with an MQ-9 at Creech, and me using an Mq-9 simulator to fly to a target and blow it up.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday, we had a Board of Supervisors Meeting. A few highlights from the agenda include:  appointing community members to various committees, consideration of multiple grants for health & human services, the annexation of new development areas into CSA 66, several items associated with annexation/de-annexation between RD817 & RD2103, creating an expedited permit process for EV chargers, and a presentation from the Yuba-Sutter Film Commission.

I had two Sacramento Area Council of Government (SACOG) related meetings this week, including an agenda review meeting for the Land Use and Natural Resource (LUNR) Committee and a meeting of the Mega Region Working Group, where we met with SACOG’s peer organizations from the Bay Area and San Joaquin County. Some highlights from the Megan Region agenda included updates on transportation-related legislation and twelve important regional road and transit projects.  Other meetings include a Dry Year Taskforce meeting with the Northern California Water Association (NCWA), a community meeting with MJUSD to discuss traffic concerns at Arboga Elementary, a legislative update from Rural County Representatives of California, a Yuba Water Agency Chair/General Manager meeting, an update meeting from Yuba Water’s economic development consultant Lon Hatamiya.
I enjoyed participating in two community events this week, including Bear River Post 789 BINGO night on Thursday and Wheatland FFA Snowflakes and Spurs on Friday night.


Looking ahead to this week

I’ll spend most of the week on the Beale Military Liason Council (BMLC) Civic Leaders Tour of Nellis and Creech AFBs in the Las Vegas area.  The tour’s purpose is to inform local elected officials and business leaders about the mission at both bases and their connection to Beale.  The more we can understand the mission at Beale and the air force in general, the better we as a community can support that mission.  On Monday, before leaving for the tour on Tuesday, county staff and I will meet with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) staff for a community visit and strategy session.
As it’s the fifth Tuesday, there is no Board of Supervisors or Yuba Water Agency board meeting this week.  Due to the tour, I’ll miss a SACOG Land Use and Natural Resource (LUNR) committee meeting and a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meeting.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Unlike most weeks, I didn’t take any great pictures for a collage this week.  As a result, I’m using this space to share about four important upcoming opportunities/events:

  • Do you want to learn more about the East Wheatland Expressway and provide input on some route alternatives under consideration?  Then come to an important community meeting in Wheatland on February 7th or Sheridan on February 23rd.
  • Do you want to provide input on the future of transit service in Yuba-Sutter?  If so, come to the Community Open House on February 16th.
  • Do you want to learn more about the operations of the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department?  Sign up for the Citizens Academy!
  • Do you want to help beautify the most used park in Plumas Lake while at the same time getting outdoors for some exercise?  Join Blue Zones Project Yuba Sutter for their Eufay Wood Park Cleanup on February 28th.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

This week was one of the busiest I’ve had in quite a while and kicked off with a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday morning.  Some key items on the agenda included a Bok Kai Sponsorship, Dam Safety Program, 2023 Committee Assignments, and a General Manager Evaluation.  I’ll be serving on the Project Operations and Development (POD) committee and representing Yuba Water at Northern California Water Association (NCWA), Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), and ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA JPIA).

Yuba County has a special relationship with The Gambia, and a delegation of elected officials visited the area this week. I had an opportunity to meet with them on Tuesday afternoon for a brief period.  It wasn’t nearly long enough to discuss the differences between our countries and government services. Still, they learned more about Yuba County and Yuba Water Agency through many different meetings and tours.  I have a planning meeting for the 2nd annual We’re Better Together Golf Tournament at Plumas Lake Golf Course.  I also attended a community meeting hosted by PLESD to discuss short-term solutions to school overcrowding, where several community members asked questions and provided input.

On Wednesday, I was in downtown Sacramento all day for Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA), and Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meetings.  Following the meetings, l attended an RCRC Installation of Officers and Rural Leadership Awards Reception.  On Thursday morning, I was downtown for the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting, where we were visited by Congresswoman Matsui and welcomed new board members.  During the meeting, board members and staff recognized the outgoing Chair, City of Sacramento Councilmember Rick Jennings. The gavel was passed to Sacramento County Supervisor and new SACOG Board Chair, Patrick Kennedy, who was sworn in along with City of Placerville Mayor and SACOG Vice Chair, Michael Saragosa.  SACOG committee assignments were announced for 2023. I’m honored to serve as chair of the Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) committee and as a member of the Mega Region Working Group.  The working group comprises representatives from SACOG and our sister agencies in the Bay Area and San Joaquin County.  On Thursday afternoon I returned to Yuba-Sutter to join Sutter County Supervisor Nick Micheli, Yuba City Councilman Marc Boomgaarden, and Marysville City Councilman Bruce Buttacavoli on a panel of local elected officials for Lead Yuba Sutter Local Government Day.  We talked about why we ran for office as well as some of our biggest challenges and biggest rewards related to our public service. I finished the week at a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting in Butte County on Friday afternoon where we talked about our priorities for the upcoming year.

Looking ahead to this week

After a hectic week, the upcoming week looks to be less busy for me.  Tuesday, we’ll have a Board of Supervisors Meeting. A few highlights from the agenda include:  appointing community members to various committees, consideration of multiple grants for health & human services, the annexation of new development areas into CSA 66, several items associated with annexation/de-annexation between RD817 & RD2103, creating an expedited permit process for EV chargers, and a presentation from the Yuba-Sutter Film Commission.

I have two Sacramento Area Council of Government (SACOG) related meetings this week, including an agenda review meeting for the Land Use and Natural Resource (LUNR) Committee and a meeting of the Mega Region Working Group, where we will meet with SACOG’s peer organizations from the Bay Area and San Joaquin County.  Other meetings include a Dry Year Taskforce meeting with the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) and a community meeting with MJUSD to discuss traffic concerns at Arboga Elementary.  There is a Wheatland City Council Meeting on Tuesday night, but I will not be able to attend due to a conflict with Taco Tuesday: Fentanyl and Opioid Awareness.
I’m looking forward to participating in two community events this week, including Bear River Post 789 BINGO night on Thursday and Wheatland FFA Snowflakes and Spurs on Friday night.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Panel of local elected officials for Lead Yuba Sutter Local Government Day; a view of the snow-capped Sierras with Thermalito Afterbay in the foreground; Supervisors Fuhrer, Messick, and I with visiting council members from Basse Area Council in The Gambia; a quote from MLK day, my first Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting; Congresswoman Matsui with the Sacramento Area Council of Government (SACOG) board; SACOG board recognized the outgoing chair, and swore in the 2023 chair and vice-chair.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting.  A few of the most significant items on the agenda included the quarterly development update, a zoning change for a housing project in Linda, the assignment of committees for 2023, and an appeal of a planning commission decision related to a sign along Hwy 70.

Additional meetings included:  A meeting at Beale to prep for a BMLC Civic Leader trip to Nellis and Creech AFBs, an NCWA Dry Year Task Force meeting with state and local water leaders, a kick-off meeting for the 2023 Cap-to-Cap Transporation Team,  a Yuba Sutter Transit Board meeting to discuss NextGen Transit Plan Alternatives, Yuba Water Agency Agenda setting, a meeting with Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) to discuss an opt-ed on Flood Protection, and several constituent meetings.

I attended the Sheridan Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) meeting, where we invited council members and the public to meetings about the East Wheatland Expressway project.  The meetings will be held from 5pm-7pm, with the first scheduled for 2/7 at the Community Center in Wheatland and the second scheduled for 2/23 at Stewart Hall in Sheridan.  I also attended a community meeting hosted by PLESD to discuss school overcrowding and potential short-term solutions.  PLESD will hold a second meeting at 4pm on 1/17 at Rio Del Oro.

I participated in the 23rd annual Yuba Sutter MLK Unity March and Program on Saturday.  We marched from the old courthouse in Yuba City, across the 5th Street Bridge, to the New Beginnings Wesleyan Church in downtown Marysville for a program honoring and celebrating the legacy of MLK.  I selected a quote from MLK that resonated with me to share: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only live can do that.”.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is one of the busiest I’ve had in quite a while and will kick off with a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday morning.  Some key items on the agenda include a Bok Kai Sponsorship, Dam Safety Program, 2023 Committee Assignments and General Manager Evaluation.

Yuba County has a special relationship with The Gambia, a delegation of elected officials will be visiting the area this week, and I have an opportunity to meet with them on Tuesday afternoon.  After that, I have a planning meeting for the 2nd annual We’re Better Together Golf Tournament. Then, I’ll finish off the day by attending a community meeting hosted by PLESD to discuss short-term solutions to school overcrowding.

On Wednesday, I’ll be in downtown Sacramento all day for Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA), and Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meetings.  Following the meetings, I’ll attend an RCRC Installation of Officers and Rural Leadership Awards Reception.  On Thursday morning, I’ll be back in downtown Sacramento for the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting before returning to Yuba-Sutter for a meeting with AG Rob Bonta and a presentation to Leadership Yuba-Sutter about being a County Supervisor.  I also have a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YS EDC) Executive Committee that afternoon, but I may not be able to attend due to conflicts with the other meetings mentioned.   I’ll close out the week at a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting in Butte County.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Yuba-Sutter MLK Unity March, High Water on the Bear River in Plumas Lake, Sheridan MAC Meeting with Supervisor Landon to announce community meetings for East Wheatland Expressway input, Marysville City Council member Stuart Gilchrist and I crashing a breakfast meeting between Supervisor Blaser and Marysville Community Development Director Dan Flores, Reviewing the analysis of the governors budget from Rural County Representatives of California, meeting at Beale AFB with BMLC, and attending the Yuba-Sutter Transit Special Board Workshop on the NextGen Transit Plan.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

My schedule was relatively light for the last few weeks due to the holidays, so I’ve combined three of my usual weekly updates into one.

There were Yuba Water Agency board meetings on both 12/20 and 1/3.  Key highlights from the meetings included recognizing Director Hastey and Senator Nielsen for their service, adopting of the 2023-2027 strategic plan, increasing a grant to TRLIA for levee improvements in south Yuba County, and election of the chair and vice-chair for 2023.  I’m honored that the board unanimously selected me as chair for a second year and we unanimously selected Director Blaser as vice-chair.

On 1/3, we had a Special Board of Supervisors meeting to swear in newly elected and re-elected supervisors and county officials.  We also selected the 2023 chair and vice-chair for the Board of Supervisors. Congratulations to Supervisors Vasquez and Blaser for their selection to serve in those roles for this year.

I participated in a virtual meeting with the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) staff to learn more about the organization since I will be Yuba County’s representative this year.  I also met with the First 5 Executive Director to discuss that organization, attended a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting, attended a City of Wheatland/Yuba County Liason Committee Meeting, participated in a presentation to MJUSD about Yuba County residential development, and met for coffee with the chair of the North Yuba Water District.

Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting.  A few of the most significant items on the agenda include the quarterly development update, a zoning change, the assignment of committees for 2023, and an appeal of a planning commission decision related to a sign along Hwy 70.  Tuesday evening is a Wheatland City Council meeting.

Additional meetings include:  A meeting at Beale to prep for a BMLC Civic Leader trip to Nellis and Creech AFBs, an NCWA Dry Year Task Force meeting with state and local water leaders, a Blue Zones Launch Party at Yuba Water Agency, a kick-off meeting for the 2023 Cap-to-Cap Transporation Team,  a Yuba Sutter Transit Board meeting to discuss NextGen Transit Plan Alternatives, a webinar briefing on Federal EV Infrastructure funds for Rural Counties, Yuba Water Agency Agenda setting, a meeting to discuss the annual Together We’re Better Golf Tournament scheduled for May 5th, and a meeting with a constituent to discuss code enforcement concerns.  I also plan to attend the Sheridan Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) meeting, where we will invite council members to public meetings about the East Wheatland Expressway project, and a community meeting hosted by PLESD to discuss school overcrowding.

On Saturday, I plan to attend the Yuba-Sutter Unity March and Program to celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  First EV DC Fast Charger in Yuba County (at the Arco in Plumas Lake), Playing Santa on the Firetruck in Plumas Lake (thanks Linda Fire), Congratulating Sutter County Supervisor Karm Baines for being selected as the first Sikh to serve as Chair of the Board, water spilling into the Bear River from Camp Far West Lake, the swearing-in ceremony of re-elected Marysville City Councilmembers Bruce Buttacavoli & Brad Hudson, the 2023/2024 Yuba County Board of Supervisors, and honoring Senator Nielsen at a Yuba Water Agency meeting for his many years of service.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

I started off the week off by meeting with newly elected Wheatland City Council member Angela Teter followed by a meeting with a constituent from the Plumas Lake area.  Later that day, I participated in a Land Use & Transportation Committee meeting with the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) to discuss updates to our legislative platform.

The only scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting this month occurred on Tuesday.  As a result, the agenda and the board packet were more extensive than usual, with over 70 items and nearly 1600 pages of staff reports and supporting material.  We recognized several community members and Supervisor Fletcher for their service and presented the 2022 Employee Recognition Awards.  While we approved many items at the meeting, a few highlights include an MOU with Sutter County to provide dispatches for the sheriff’s department, expanding the Yuba County Business Facade Grant Program to sections of Feather River Blvd and North Beale Rd, and contributing $10,000 toward the bronze statue of Cotton Rosser in Marysville.  After the Board of Supervisors meeting, I met with Supervisor Vasquez to discuss committee assignments for next year and then met with a vendor to discuss services they could provide Yuba County.

Wednesday was a full day, starting with a tour of PRIDE Industries in Roseville, followed by a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee, a Yuba Water Agency Energy Ad-Hoc Committee meeting, a Yuba County Broadband Committee meeting, and a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting.  I’ participated in a North Valley Rail project team meeting and a First 5 Commission Meeting on Thursday. The week finished off with the Yuba Water Agency monthly chair/vice-chair/general manager breakfast meeting, a NACo West Regional meeting, and a discussion of Yuba Water Agency committees. 

I played Santa twice this week, once for Cub Scout Pack 513 and once for Rio Del Oro Elementary.  I also made some welcome remarks at the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair on Saturday, and enjoyed the festivities, as well as the Plumas Lake Night of Lights on Friday. 

Looking ahead to this week

My schedule for this week is relatively light for the next two weeks due to the holidays.  On Tuesday, I have a Yuba Water Agency Board Meeting.  The agenda has six items, and one of the most significant items is the consideration of the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.  In addition, we will honor Senator Nielson and Director Hastey for their service, add some additional positions, and review the current financial report.

Starting in January, I take over as the Yuba County representative to Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), and I’ll be meeting virtually with the President & CEO, Pat Blacklock, to learn more about the organization before I officially join their board.  I’m also honored to play the role of Santa on the Fire Truck multiple nights the week before Christmas.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Yuba County Employee Awards, Record Agenda for Board of Supervisors Meeting, Visit to Pride Industries, Meeting with Supervisor-elect Messick, Beale AFB Winterfest, Visited Rio Del Oro Elementary as Santa, Wheatland Christmas Street Fair, Plumas Lake Sunrise, and North Valle Rail project team meeting.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a full day of meetings, starting with a regular Yuba Water Agency board meeting followed by a special meeting.  We had an extensive agenda at the regular meeting and approved multiple grant requests to invest in Yuba County.  The special meeting was focused on board development and our strategic plan update.

I participated in a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting on Tuesday afternoon, followed by a South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) meeting.  At the SYTIA meeting, we received an update on the design of the South Beale Road Interchange and the East Wheatland Expressway projects.

On Monday evening, I attended a dinner with the head of the Air Combat Command hosted by the Beale Military Liason Council (BMLC).  On Wednesday,  I was in downtown Sacramento most of the day at the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting. On Thursday, I participated in the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee and Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting, followed by a meeting and tour with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) executive leadership about transportation and land use in Yuba County.  I also listened to a webinar on the State’s new CARE Court initiative.

While many local Christmas festivities were canceled on Saturday due to weather, I did attend Pancakes with Santa at Cobblestone Elementary and ring the bell for the Salvation Army at Sam’s Club in Yuba City.

Looking ahead to this week

I will start the week off by meeting with newly elected Wheatland City Council member Angela Teter followed by a meeting with a constituent from the Plumas Lake area.  I will finish off Monday by participating in a Land Use & Transportation Committee meeting with the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) to discuss updates to our legislative platform.

On Tuesday, we’ll have the only scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting this month.  As a result, the agenda and the board packet are more extensive than usual, with over 70 items and nearly 1600 pages of staff reports and supporting material.  After the meeting, I’ll meet with Supervisor Vasquez to discuss committee assignments for next year and then meet with a vendor to discuss the CSAC financial program.

Wednesday is a full day, starting with a tour of PRIDE Industries in Roseville, followed by a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee, a Yuba Water Agency Energy Ad-Hoc Committee meeting, and a Yuba County Broadband Committee meeting, and a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting.  I’ll participate in a North Valley Rail project team meeting and a First 5 Commission Meeting on Thursday. I’ll finish off the week with the Yuba Water Agency monthly chair/vice-chair/general manager breakfast meeting, a NACo West Regional meeting, and a discussion of Yuba Water Agency committees. 

I’ll have the opportunity to play Santa twice this week and to make some welcome remarks at the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair on Saturday.  I’m also looking forward to Friday’s Plumas Lake Night of Lights.  For information on local Christmas festivities, check out

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Yuba County Tour with SACOG Executive Staff, RCRC Board Meeting, Pancakes with Santa at Cobblestone Elementary, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Picture with General Mark Kelly from Air Combat Command at the BMLC Community Engagement Dinner, and honoring Supervisor Fletchers’s service to Yuba Water Agency.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!


My Recent Activities

I typically post a weekly update, but with the Thanksgiving holiday sandwiched between two conferences, there weren’t as many meetings/activities to update you about.  As a result, this update covers three weeks.

I spent most of the week of November 14th in Anaheim for the annual California State Association of Counties (CSAC) conference.  It was an outstanding opportunity to connect and learn with my colleagues from across the State.  The week of November 21st was the Thanksgiving holiday, and my schedule was extremely light; I attended a special Board of Supervisors meeting to approve an updated labor contract and a Marysville Traffic Town Hall hosted by the City of Marysville.  

The week of November 28th included the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) conference in Indian Wells in addition to several other meetings:  a webinar on the release of the National Broadband Maps and the challenge process, a SACOG Board Meeting where we reflected on the previous year and honored members who are leaving the board, an RCRC meeting with PG&E to discuss vegetation management, and an OPUD/County liaison meeting.

December 2nd kicked off a series of Christmas celebrations and events in the region, and I had a busy weekend participating in them:  Trees & Traditions at the Sutter County Museum, Pancakes with Santa at Arboga Elementary, Marysville Christmas Parade, and the Plumas Lake Tree Lighting.  The previous weekend, I attended Hometown Christmas at the Yuba Feather Museum in Forbstown.  

Looking ahead to this week:

Tuesday is a full day of meetings, starting with a regular Yuba Water Agency board meeting at 9am followed by a special meeting at 11am.  We have an extensive agenda at the regular meeting and will consider multiple grant requests to invest in Yuba County.  The special meeting will be focused on board development and our strategic plan update.

On Tuesday afternoon, I’ll be participating in a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting, where we will consider some updated contracts, followed by a South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) meeting, where we will receive an update on the design of the South Beale Road Interchange and the East Wheatland Expressway projects.

On Monday evening, I’ll attend a dinner with the head of the Air Combat Command hosted by the Beale Military Liason Council (BMLC).  I’ll be down in Sacramento all day on Wednesday, most of it at the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, followed by a Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative member forum.  I’ll be remotely participating in the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee on the way to Sacramento.  I’ll start the day on Thursday with a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting, followed by a meeting and tour with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) executive leadership about transportation in Yuba County.  Friday is the Yuba Water Agency monthly chair/vice-chair/general manager breakfast meeting.  I’ll be participating in multiple Christmas-related community events over the weekend, and you can get more information at

*Picture is a collage of various things from my weeks: ACWA conference in Indian Wells, Marysville Christmas Parade, Plumas Lake Tree Lighting, Networking with Supervisors at CSAC conference, Pancakes with Santa at Arboga Elementary,  Hometown Christmas at the Yuba Feather Museum, and Trees and Traditions at the Sutter County Museum.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!


My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting, and the agenda was pretty light.   

Additional meetings included an introductory meeting between our new PUC local government liaison and appropriate Yuba County staff, a meeting to discuss the North Valley Rail Study with Dan Leavitt from the San Joaquin Rail Authority, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting, a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair/GM breakfast, and a District 4 Yuba County Community Health Assessment Focus Group.

In addition, I attended a 1 Million Cups Yuba-Sutter, meeting the Marysville Veterans Parade, a retirement celebration for Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor, a meeting with a school board member regarding a middle school bond, and coffee with a foreign exchange student who needed to meet with an elected official before a trip to Washington DC.

Looking ahead to this week:

I’m headed to Orange County for the 128th annual California State Association of Counties (CSAC) fall conference this week. The following week is Thanksgiving, and the week of the 28th, I’ll attend the Association of California Water Agencies fall conference. I don’t anticipate any weekly updates until early December.  Also, due to conferences and holidays, there will not be a Yuba Water Agency meeting on 11/15 or a Board of Supervisors meeting on 11/22.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Yuba-Sutter delegation at SACOG, Small Business Bash in Plumas Lake, handing out candy at the Marysville Veterans Parade, my house lit up for #ProjectGreenLight to honor and thank our veterans, retirement celebration for Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!