My Recent Activities
I typically post a weekly update, but with the Thanksgiving holiday sandwiched between two conferences, there weren’t as many meetings/activities to update you about. As a result, this update covers three weeks.
I spent most of the week of November 14th in Anaheim for the annual California State Association of Counties (CSAC) conference. It was an outstanding opportunity to connect and learn with my colleagues from across the State. The week of November 21st was the Thanksgiving holiday, and my schedule was extremely light; I attended a special Board of Supervisors meeting to approve an updated labor contract and a Marysville Traffic Town Hall hosted by the City of Marysville.
The week of November 28th included the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) conference in Indian Wells in addition to several other meetings: a webinar on the release of the National Broadband Maps and the challenge process, a SACOG Board Meeting where we reflected on the previous year and honored members who are leaving the board, an RCRC meeting with PG&E to discuss vegetation management, and an OPUD/County liaison meeting.
December 2nd kicked off a series of Christmas celebrations and events in the region, and I had a busy weekend participating in them: Trees & Traditions at the Sutter County Museum, Pancakes with Santa at Arboga Elementary, Marysville Christmas Parade, and the Plumas Lake Tree Lighting. The previous weekend, I attended Hometown Christmas at the Yuba Feather Museum in Forbstown.
Looking ahead to this week:
Tuesday is a full day of meetings, starting with a regular Yuba Water Agency board meeting at 9am followed by a special meeting at 11am. We have an extensive agenda at the regular meeting and will consider multiple grant requests to invest in Yuba County. The special meeting will be focused on board development and our strategic plan update.
On Tuesday afternoon, I’ll be participating in a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) meeting, where we will consider some updated contracts, followed by a South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) meeting, where we will receive an update on the design of the South Beale Road Interchange and the East Wheatland Expressway projects.
On Monday evening, I’ll attend a dinner with the head of the Air Combat Command hosted by the Beale Military Liason Council (BMLC). I’ll be down in Sacramento all day on Wednesday, most of it at the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, followed by a Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative member forum. I’ll be remotely participating in the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee on the way to Sacramento. I’ll start the day on Thursday with a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting, followed by a meeting and tour with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) executive leadership about transportation in Yuba County. Friday is the Yuba Water Agency monthly chair/vice-chair/general manager breakfast meeting. I’ll be participating in multiple Christmas-related community events over the weekend, and you can get more information at
*Picture is a collage of various things from my weeks: ACWA conference in Indian Wells, Marysville Christmas Parade, Plumas Lake Tree Lighting, Networking with Supervisors at CSAC conference, Pancakes with Santa at Arboga Elementary, Hometown Christmas at the Yuba Feather Museum, and Trees and Traditions at the Sutter County Museum.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!