My Recent Activities
This week was one of the busiest I’ve had in quite a while and kicked off with a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday morning. Some key items on the agenda included a Bok Kai Sponsorship, Dam Safety Program, 2023 Committee Assignments, and a General Manager Evaluation. I’ll be serving on the Project Operations and Development (POD) committee and representing Yuba Water at Northern California Water Association (NCWA), Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), and ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA JPIA).
Yuba County has a special relationship with The Gambia, and a delegation of elected officials visited the area this week. I had an opportunity to meet with them on Tuesday afternoon for a brief period. It wasn’t nearly long enough to discuss the differences between our countries and government services. Still, they learned more about Yuba County and Yuba Water Agency through many different meetings and tours. I have a planning meeting for the 2nd annual We’re Better Together Golf Tournament at Plumas Lake Golf Course. I also attended a community meeting hosted by PLESD to discuss short-term solutions to school overcrowding, where several community members asked questions and provided input.
On Wednesday, I was in downtown Sacramento all day for Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC), Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA), and Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meetings. Following the meetings, l attended an RCRC Installation of Officers and Rural Leadership Awards Reception. On Thursday morning, I was downtown for the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting, where we were visited by Congresswoman Matsui and welcomed new board members. During the meeting, board members and staff recognized the outgoing Chair, City of Sacramento Councilmember Rick Jennings. The gavel was passed to Sacramento County Supervisor and new SACOG Board Chair, Patrick Kennedy, who was sworn in along with City of Placerville Mayor and SACOG Vice Chair, Michael Saragosa. SACOG committee assignments were announced for 2023. I’m honored to serve as chair of the Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) committee and as a member of the Mega Region Working Group. The working group comprises representatives from SACOG and our sister agencies in the Bay Area and San Joaquin County. On Thursday afternoon I returned to Yuba-Sutter to join Sutter County Supervisor Nick Micheli, Yuba City Councilman Marc Boomgaarden, and Marysville City Councilman Bruce Buttacavoli on a panel of local elected officials for Lead Yuba Sutter Local Government Day. We talked about why we ran for office as well as some of our biggest challenges and biggest rewards related to our public service. I finished the week at a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting in Butte County on Friday afternoon where we talked about our priorities for the upcoming year.
Looking ahead to this week
After a hectic week, the upcoming week looks to be less busy for me. Tuesday, we’ll have a Board of Supervisors Meeting. A few highlights from the agenda include: appointing community members to various committees, consideration of multiple grants for health & human services, the annexation of new development areas into CSA 66, several items associated with annexation/de-annexation between RD817 & RD2103, creating an expedited permit process for EV chargers, and a presentation from the Yuba-Sutter Film Commission.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Panel of local elected officials for Lead Yuba Sutter Local Government Day; a view of the snow-capped Sierras with Thermalito Afterbay in the foreground; Supervisors Fuhrer, Messick, and I with visiting council members from Basse Area Council in The Gambia; a quote from MLK day, my first Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting; Congresswoman Matsui with the Sacramento Area Council of Government (SACOG) board; SACOG board recognized the outgoing chair, and swore in the 2023 chair and vice-chair.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!