My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and a few key items from the agenda included a proclamation recognizing September 10-16, 2023 as National Suicide Prevention Week, a quarterly update from Public Safety Departments, and approval of the final budget for fiscal year 2023-2024. You can watch the public safety update here (starts at 23:40) and the budget update here (starts at 2:13:40)
The majority of the week (Tuesday afternoon through Friday), participated in the Water Education Foundation’s Eastern Sierra Tour. We learned about important topics such as the Geology & history of the Eastern Sierra, the Public trust doctrine, the History & operations of the LA Aqueduct, the Mono Lake ecosystem, the City of Los Angeles’ water supply, and the Bureau of Reclamation’s earliest projects. We visited and learned about the challenges in several eastern sierra watersheds including the Truckee, Carson, Walker, Mono, and Owens.
While I was out of town for much of the week, I before leaving I attended a demo of a tool to simulate evacuations in emergencies. The demo was attended by various Yuba County departments including OES, the sheriff’s department, and community development.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and you can access the agenda and board packet here.
The majority of the week (Tuesday afternoon through Friday), I’ll be participating in the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) annual meeting. We’ll hear from various speakers about key issues impacting rural counties in California and the conference with end with an RCRC board of directors meeting on Friday morning.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a discussion with the director of Caltrans District 3 about additional access to Hwy 70 from east Plumas Lake in the case of an emergency evacuation and a regular status meeting with Yuba County Community Development to talk through ongoing initiatives. In addition, I’ll be participating in the monthly SACOG Board of Directors meeting from down at the RCRC conference.
I will lead a Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning. It’s getting a bit brisker and darker at 6:30 am but is still a great time to build community and get exercise. See you Monday at 6:30 am in the north parking lot at Eufay Wood Park.
Some important announcements:
- Mark your Calendar for a Plumas Lake Emergency Preparedness Fair with Yuba Sheriff, OES, RD784 and Yuba Water. The focus will be on flood risk and will be held in conjunction with Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park at Eufay Wood on 10/14.
- Re-Election Announcement: I formally announced that I’m seeking re-election in 2024. Please visit
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Water Education Foundation Eastern Sierra Tour group picture in the Owens Valley, Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai, Marysville Stampede, three pictures from Mono Lake, pictures of the Walker River and the Owens River, and Mt. Whitney.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!