Week of 10/16/23

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board Meeting and you can find the agenda here.  I had a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board of Directors meeting this week (agenda).  It will be at the La Famillia Maple Neighborhood Center in south Sacramento and was followed by a board tour of the neighborhood.   There was an OPUD board meeting this week (agenda).  Unfortunately, I was unable to attend due to a conflict, which was also the case with NACo Rural Action Caucus, NACo West Region, NACo Telecommunications and Technology Committee meetings this week, and a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) Executive Committee Meeting,

Additional meetings on my calendar included:  a meeting with the North Valley Rail team about emergency evacuation from east Plumas Lake, a Yuba Water Agency board development workshop, a webinar hosted by the CPUC on rail safety, a Northern California Water Association Executive Committee (NWCA) meeting, and a California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Intergovernmental Relations Platform Review Meeting,

Community-related events I attended or participated in this week include the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai on Monday morning, the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Sac Valley Celebration on Thursday evening, a Yuba Sutter Chamber State of Beale Breakfast, the 4th Annual Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, and Pinktober at Hard Rock.

Looking ahead to this week

This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday at 9 am (agenda) and there is a Wheatland City Council meeting (agenda) on Tuesday evening.

Additional meetings on my calendar include:  A Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Conservation Task Force meeting, the Water Education Foundation’s Annual Water Summit, a SACOG LUNR Agenda Review, a County Supervisor Coffee Caucus collaboration call, and (hopefully) a meeting with Union Pacific to discuss a railroad crossing between Wheeler Ranch Phase 1 and Wheeler Ranch Phase 2.

Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include a presentation on the History of Gas & Electricity in Yuba-Sutter at the Sutter County Museum, the Plumas Lake Trunk or Treat, the Wheatland Cruise Trunk or Treat, and a Supervisor Bradford Meet and Greet in Plumas Lake.


Some important announcements:

  • I’ll be having a “Coffee Meet & Greets” with 2 Talls Sweet Treat Bus on Saturday, October 28th from 8 am to 10 am at the south parking lot at Eufay Wood Park in Plumas Lake AND on Saturday, November 4th from 8 am to 10 am at Spruce Ave Park in Wheatland.  Mark your calendar for an opportunity to grab your morning coffee from a local business and talk with me about what’s on your mind.
  • I’m seeking re-election in 2024.  Please visit www.vote4bradford.org for additional information.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   NCWA Sac Valley Celebration at Matchbook Winery, Headless Horseman at the Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, SACOG Board Meeting in south Sacramento, Yuba County & Enterprise Rancheria at the CSAC Tribal Relations Platform Review Meeting, grabbing coffee from 2 Talls Sweet Treat Bus & a pastry from Bear Creek Sourdough, and Yuba Sutter Chamber’s State of Beale Breakfast.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!