My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting (agenda). There were several items on the agenda that I think the public will be most interested in, including: adopting a resolution approving the creation of a Yuba County Yes to Start-Ups program in partnership with California Capital Financial Development Corporation (CA Capital) and Sacramento Valley Small Business Development Center, approve the sale of tax-defaulted properties at public auction, approve a memorandum of understanding with San Joaquin District Attorney for assistance with a habeas case, approve amendment No. 1 to an agreement with R&F Engineering Inc. for Star Bend Sediment Removal project, Adopt a resolution authorizing the filing and execution of applications to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for land patent and lease of Hammon Grove and Yuba Goldfields, and Hold public hearing, waive first reading, and introduce Ordinance creating Chapter 2.41 of the Yuba County Ordinance Code, establishing the Office of the County Hearing Officer.
Additional meetings on my calendar included: a Capital Region CEFT Collaborative Research Presentation, a steering committee meeting for the Yuba-Sutter Blue Zones project, a WUHSD CTE Advisory meeting, a NACo Telecommunications & Technology Policy Steering Committee Meeting, a tobacco education (CHAT) meeting, agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency, the Mountain Counties Water Resources Association (MCWRA) Fall Water Forum, a Hard Rock Development update, and a meeting to discuss funding for EV charging.
Community-related events I participated in this week include a Salmon Expedition on the Yuba River with Bear River School. Yuba Water paid to send over 1000 Yuba County 4th graders on this amazing field trip this year and I was happy to join Bear River on their adventure. We rafted down the Yuba River from Parks Bar Bridge to Sycamore Ranch Park and learned about topics such as the Yuba River watershed, hydraulic mining, Native Americans, water quality, and salmon. The expedition includes several stops and multiple hands-on activities to teach students about the history of the watershed and habitat restoration.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba Water Agency meeting on Tuesday at 9 am (agenda). There are several items on the agenda that I think the public will be most interested in, including: updates to the sponsorship and reserve policies as well as a grant to the Yuba Sheriff’s Department to replace patrol vehicles used in the vicinity of New Bullards Bar.
Additional meetings on my calendar include: an East Wheatland Expressway discussion and a North Valley Rail meeting, I also have a touch-base lunch meeting scheduled with Yuba County Community Development leadership. My schedule is very light this week due to the holiday.
Community-related events I plan to attend or participate in this week include a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting for Costco on Wednesday morning at 7am. There is also a planning meeting for Wheatland’s 150th Birthday Celebration that I may attend on Monday evening. On Saturday the 25th from 8:30am to 10:30am, I’m hosting a meet and greet in Plumas Lake, complete with a llama and a coffee truck; learn more on Facebook or at
- Upcoming Event: Whiskey & Wild Game – Indulge in the perfect combination of whiskey and wild game while supporting Supervisor Bradford’s re-election campaign. Get tickets at (ticket sales end 11/25).
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Annual WUHSD CTE Advisory Meeting, Salmon Expedition on the Yuba River with Bear River School, Mountian Counties Water Resources Association Fall Water Forum, Team Yuba Water attending the Causeway Classic (GoAgs!), It’s Begining to Look a Lot like Christmas at Hard Rock, and information on two upcoming events (see for more info and tickets).
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!