Week of 09/02/24

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Sponsorship for the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off
  • Receiving a presentation from participants in the 2024 summer intern program

Additional items on my calendar included a Tree Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board of directors meeting (agenda), a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board of directors meeting, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee agenda review, a Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair breakfast, an OPUD/County Liason Committee, and a SACOG Transportation Committee meeting (video) followed by a SACOG lunch and learn on Road User Charges (video starts at 2:02:00).

The agenda for the SACOG Transportation Committee includes multiple items of significant public interest, including:

  • 2025 Regional Active Transportation Program Policy Framework Amendment
  • Approve 2025 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
  • 2025 Blueprint: Draft Transportation Project List and Investment Priorities

There was a significant item on the TRLIA agenda related to access to the Feather River Setback Area.  The item was continued at our October meeting based on public comments from the state and local farmers in the area.  In addition, TRLIA established an ad-hoc committee (with myself and director Hastey appointed) to meet with the State, the sheriff, county staff, and land owners to further discuss access challenges and opportunities related to public access in the area.

  • Hold public hearing, waive second reading, and adopt Ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 5

This week, community-related events on my calendar include an Elite Services open house, a fundraiser for the Yuba Sutter Foodbank, the Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health Bridging Hope Walk, and volunteering at (and then attending) the United Way Golden Autumn Wine Festival at Bishops.


Looking ahead to this week

Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

  • Public Hearing – Hold Public hearing and receive presentation from the County Administrator’s Office on the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.
  • Adopt resolution authorizing a bi-county assessment of the services provided by Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health.
  • Adopt resolution authorizing Animal Care Services (ACS) Division to accept funds as a beneficiary of the R and S Billotte Revocable Trust.
  • Award contract for the Hammonton-Smartsville Road at Doolittle Drive Improvement Project.
  • Adopt resolution approving the continuation of Yes to Startups program.
  • Adopt resolution declaring APNs 020-160-036, 046, 056 and 057 as surplus land.

Additional items on my calendar include several meetings related to County workforce development and Yuba Community College District, a SACOG Policy and Innovation Committee; a meeting with Enterprise Rancheria, a visit to Kratos in Roseville to learn about collaborative combat aircraft (CCAs), a National Association of Counties (NACo) Rural Action Caucus meeting, Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting, a housing-related information session hosted by SACOG called Unlocking Prosperity Series: Housing Solutions from the Ground Up.

This week, community-related events on my calendar include the dedication of the Cotton Rosser Bronze Monument, the Recovery Happens event, the Air Force Ball, Sodbusters, and the Marysville Stampede.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland Vendor Night Block Party, September 28th at 5pm on Front St (Facebook event)
  • Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, October 5th at Eufay Wood Park (Facebook event)
  • Yuba County Be Prepared Fair, 3:30pm-7:00pm on October 10th at 1000 Linhurst Ave in Linda
  • Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
  • Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot).

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  The Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health Bridging Hope Event & Walk to raise awareness of suicide and prevent it, Plumas Lake Walking Moai, SACOG Transportation Committee meeting, starting the season at Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm wit the Golden Autumn Wine Festival, Boom truck ride at Elite Services Open House, a tour of Heritage Growers Seed Facility, before a NCWA board meeting in Colusa, a Yuba Sutter Foodbank Fundraiser.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!