My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, and a few highlights from the agenda include:
- Receive Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Report from Measure K Citizens’ Oversight Committee (video of presentation here, starts at 39:28).
- Appoint two representatives to the Measure K Citizen’s Oversight Committee as Representatives for a term ending September 24, 2026.
- Approve sole source agreement with The Salvation Army to operate the 14Forward temporary shelter facility from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
- Adopt a resolution appointing Doug Lofton to the Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Board of Directors as an At-Large Director.
There was also a Wheatland City Council meeting this week; the agenda is here.
I couldn’t attend the Board of Supervisors meeting because I was in Virginia for the first half of the week. The purpose of the trip was to meet with the General over Air Combat Command at Langley AFB and share why Beale, Yuba County, and the Sacramento region are the best choices for a new collaborative combat aircraft (CCA) mission.
This week, community events on my calendar included the Yuba County Airport’s 75th Anniversary celebration, the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off (including the grower’s reception and the awards dinner), the Wheatland Vendor Fair, and a gathering to make yard signs in support of Plumas Lake school bonds (BCDEF)..
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting. Here are a few highlights from the agenda:
- Updated on the Atmospheric River Control (ARC) spillway project
- Grant request from OPUD for water main project along Arboga Rd
- Review of financial statements for July 2024
There are several other board meetings on my calendar this week, including a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee meeting (agenda), a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda), a Yuba Water Agency POD Committee meeting (agenda), and a NACo Transportation Committee.
Additional items on my calendar include an agenda review for the SACOG transportation committee, a discussion with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) about Yuba Water Agency mission areas, a video recording session for Hard Rocks’s 5th Anniversary, a touch-base lunch with Yuba County community development leadership, a meeting with T-Mobile to learn about their plans in Yuba County, a discussion on toll bridge opportunities, a Yuba Water chair/vice-chair breakfast, a conversation with Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) staff about leadership opportunities, and the annual Yuba County employee recognition BBQ.
This week, community events on my calendar include the final Plumas Lake Walking Moai of the season, a PLESD community meeting about the design of the middle school and measures DEF, and the Plumas Lake Oktoberfest!
Announcements & Events
- PLESD Community Meeting on Middle School Design and Measures D, E, and F Information: October 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Riverside Meadows Multi-purpose Room
- Plumas Lake Oktoberfest, October 5th at Eufay Wood Park (Facebook event)
- Yuba County Be Prepared Fair, 3:30pm-7:00pm on October 10th at 1000 Linhurst Ave in Linda
- Plumas Lake Halloween Parade, 7pm on October 19th (Facebook event)
- PLESD Community Meeting on Middle School Design and Measures D, E, and F Information: October 23rd at 6:00 p.m. Rio Del Oro Multi-purpose Room
- Wheatland Trunk or Treat: October 31 from 1pm to 4pm at Settlers Village
- Plumas Lake Community Clean-up
- Volunteer to be a poll worker for the November 5th election (more info & application)
- Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: At Langley AFB advocating for a new mission to come to Beale, Wheatland Vendor Night, Yuba County Airport 75th Anniversary Celebration, National Pumpkin Weigh-Off at Bishop’s, Yes on BCDEF sign painting party (Yes for our Kids, Yes for our Teachers, Yes for our Community), giving opening remarts at the National Pumpkin Weigh-Off Awards Dinner at Hard Rock.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!