My Recent Activities
This update covers the weeks of 11/18, 11/25, and 12/2, as I was out of town most of that time for conferences and vacation.
Week of 11/18:
I spent Monday through Friday at the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) conference in Pasadena. Supervisors and staff from California’s 58 counties came together for the annual fall meeting to network, learn, and conduct CSAC business. In addition to spending time with Yuba County colleagues and attending general sessions, I attended the following additional sessions:
- Innovation Summit – Innovations in Transportation
- Housing, Land Use, and Transportation (HLT) Policy Committee
- CEAC Transportation Policy Committee
- Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources (AENR) Policy Committee
- Rural Caucus Meeting
- Strategic Grant Funding Considerations for County Supervisors and CAOs
- CSAC Board of Directors Meeting (I served as our voting delegate)
Week of 11/25:
I arrived home from Pasadena on Friday (22nd), and early Saturday morning (23rd), I was back on a plane with my family and some friends headed to Flordia for an eastern Carrebian cruise. We enjoyed three days at sea on the Wonder of the Seas and three days checking out the fantastic islands of St. Martin, St. Thomas, and Coco Cay. It was wonderful to spend some downtime with friends and family.
Week of 12/2:
I landed in Sacramento on Sunday evening (1st), and I was back at the airport early Monday morning (12/2) to fly to Palm Springs and represent Yuba Water Agency at the annual fall Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) conference. In addition to spending time with Yuba Water colleagues and attending general sessions, I attended the following additional sessions:
- ACWA JPIA Board Meeting (I served as our voting delegate)
- ACWA JPIA Educational Session – Cyber Chronicles, Lessons Learned from the Front Lines
- Water Management Committee
- Local Government Committee
- Federal Affairs Committee
- Policy Forum – Leveraging Atmospheric River Forecasts in Water Management
- ACWA Membership Meeting (I served as our voting delegate)
- Region 2 Membership Meeting
I had several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:
- Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee Meeting. The agenda contained multiple items of interest, including authorizing the submittal of the Proposed Strategic Partnership Planning Grant for Capital Area Regional Tolling Authority’s Tolling Equity Study, Mobility Zones Equity Priority Communities, and State Funding Program Information. I typically chair this committee, but I appreciate Vice-Chair Loren doing that as I attended remotely from the ACWA conference.
After returning from ACWA, additional items on my calendar included a monthly Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast, a County/OPUD Liason Committee meeting, and a special board of supervisors meeting to discuss pending litigation.
Due to the holiday season, I had a significant number of community events on my calendar, including 1st Friday at Beale AFB, the Beale Christmas Tree Lighting, the Wheatland Christmas Tree Lighting, the Plumas Lake Christmas Parade, and the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. Here are a few highlights from the agenda:
- Accept Certification of Vote for the November 5, 2024 General Election.
- Approve letter of support to select Beale Air Force Base as the new headquarters for the reactivation of the 14th Air Force.
- Award contract to the apparent low, responsive, and responsible bidder, Lamon Construction Co., Inc., for the North Beale Road High Friction Surface Treatment Project.
- Approve plans, specifications, and estimate, and authorize the advertisement for bids for the Hammonton-Smartsville Road Shoulder Widening Project,
- Approve Plans, Specifications, and Estimate for the Signal System Upgrade at Multiple Locations Project and authorize advertisement of bids.
- Approve the reappointment of John Link to Sutter-Yuba Mosquito and Vector Control District as a Representative for a term ending December 31, 2028.
- Approve reappointment of Crystal Richards and Andi Crivello on the Yuba County Community Services Commission as District 3 and District 4 Representative, respectively, for terms ending January 8, 2029.
I have several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:
- Three River’s Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda)
- Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda)
- Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) board meeting (agenda)
- Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting (agenda)
- Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting
- National Association of Counties (NACo) Transportation Committee meeting
Additional items on my calendar included a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a National Association of Counties (NACo) West Region meeting, a meeting with Yuba College and regional county supervisors to discuss workplace development, and holiday receptions at MBK and MHM engineering. I may also attend a hearing of the State Water Resources Control Board on Healthy Rivers and Landscapes.
Tuesday is a Wheatland City Council meeting, and the agenda includes several items of interest, including appointment to the City of Wheatland Planning Commission, the Community Facilities District 2015-1 Special Tax and Bond Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24, Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Approving 2025, Adoption of a resolution Honoring Council member Pamela Shelton, selection of mayor and vice-mayor, and a presentation on Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm – 2024 Season Public Safety Calls for Service. I will be unable to attend due to a family commitment, but I want to thank Councilmember Shelton for her service to the City.
This week, community events on my calendar included the Plumas Lake Night of Lights.
Announcements & Events
- Santa on the Fire Truck (Wheatland): December 12th
- Plumas Lake Night of Lights: December 13th
- Breakfast with Santa & Friends: December 14th from 10 to 12 at Rio Del Oro (FB Post)
- Santa on the Fire Truck (PL): December 17, 18, 19
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: A few pictures from the CSAC conference in Pasadena, 1st Friday at Beale with Col Batran, a few pictures from the Beale Christmas Tree Lighting with Lt Col Howell, Plumas Lake Christmas Parade, Wheatland Tree Lighting, ACWA conference in Palm Dessert, Information booth and Grinch picture at the Wheatland Christmas Street Fair, and enjoying time with my friends and family over Thanksgiving in the Carribean.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!