My Recent Activities
Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, I had limited meetings and supervisor-related activities, so this update covers three weeks rather than just the typical one week. It was great to spend time with friends and family. I even took a trip with my wife to DC (using my personal funds) to celebrate New Year, see some sights, and attend a swearing-in reception for Senator Schiff. I also went to Memphis to check out my son’s new home. I’m proud that after completing the Yuba Fire Academy and working a season for CalFire, he’ll be moving to Memphis to be a firefighter for the City.
Tuesday the 6th was a special Board of Supervisors meeting. Three supervisors took the oath of office: Supervisor House for his first time, Supervisor Fuhrer for his second term, and me for my third term. In addition, we heard from outgoing board chair Don Blaser and selected our chair and vice chair for 2025. I’m honored to be selected at the 2025 chair and Supervisor Messick will serve as vice-chair.
Tuesday the 7th was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting. Here are a few highlights from the agenda:
- Election of Director Messick as Chair and Director Bishop as Vice Chair for 2025
- Held a public hearing approved an amendment to the “Yuba Subbasins Water Management Plan: A Groundwater Sustainability Plan.”
Monday the 23rd was a Yuba Water Agency Special Board of Directors meeting (agenda), on Monday the 30th there was a special Board of Supervisors meeting (agenda), and on January 8th I had a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda). This will be my third year serving as Yuba County’s representative on RCRC, and I decided to step up and get a little more involved in leadership and RCRC’s work advocating for the needs of rural counties and our constituents. I’m honored that I’ve been appointed to contribute in the following ways in 2025:
- Second Deputy Chair of Water and Natural Resources
- Member of the Carrier of Lasst Resort Ad Hoc Committee
- Member of the GSFA Financing Action Team
I also attended a Plumas Lake Elementary School District (PLESD) board workshop related to facility planning and an upcoming community input session.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. Here are a few highlights from the agenda for District 4 residents:
- Receive quarterly update from Community Development and Services Department.
- Adopt resolution adopting the Goal and Vision for the “Yuba-Sutter Regional Safety Action Plan”.
- Approve service agreement with Enterprise Rancheria to provide supplemental law enforcement services at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sacramento at Fire Mountain.
- Approve 2025 Board Standing Committee appointments.
- Approve reappointment of Kelly D. McNally as a District Four Representative on the Yuba County Planning Commission to a term ending January 9, 2029.
- Approve reappointment of Debbie Panteloglow to the Yuba County Commission on Aging as a District Four Representative to a term ending January 8, 2029.
- Approve reappointment of Jennifer Bradford to Yuba County Library Advisory Commission as a District Four Representative to a term ending January 8, 2029.
- Appoint Community Development and Services Director, Mike Lee and Administrative Services Director, Perminder Bains as real property negotiators for County owned property APN 016-040-104.
I have a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting on Thursday morning in Sacramento (agenda) and a Yuba Sutter Transit Board meeting on Thursday afternoon (agenda). There is a YS EDC executive comment on Thursday afternoon, but I won’t be on that committee anymore if the proposed committee assignments are ratified on Tuesday. There is also a potential Yuba Water Agency special meeting scheduled for Thursday afternoon; if so, the agenda will be posted here on Wednesday.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a touch-base lunch with Yuba County community development, a touch-base lunch with a few current and previous Yuba Sutter elected officials, and a Northern California Water Agency (NCWA) strategic planning session.
There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm (agenda) that may contain items of interest to Wheatland residents and an OPUD Board of Directors meeting on Thursday at 7 pm (agenda) that may contain items of interest to Plumas Lake residents.
Announcements & Events
- 1/18 at 10 am: MLK Jr March from Yuba City (442 Second St) to Marysville (616 C St), followed by a program at 11 am in Marysville.
*The picture is a collage of various things from my week: a swearing-in reception for Senator Schiff in DC, an annual RCRC Rural Leadership Reception, a Ribbon Cutting for the YoAura at Hard Rock, a January RCRC Board Meeting, one of the new garbage cans in Plumas Lake, a swearing-in of Supervisors House, Bradford, and Fuhrer, and a PLESD Board Workshop.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!