My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. Here are a few highlights from the agenda for District 4 residents:
- Received a quarterly update from the Community Development and Services Department (watch here; it starts at 6:35).
- Adopted a resolution adopting the Goal and Vision for the “Yuba-Sutter Regional Safety Action Plan”.
- Approved a service agreement with Enterprise Rancheria to provide supplemental law enforcement services at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sacramento at Fire Mountain.
- Approved 2025 Board Standing Committee appointments.
- Approved the reappointment of Kelly D. McNally as a District Four Representative on the Yuba County Planning Commission to a term ending January 9, 2029.
- Approved the reappointment of Debbie Panteloglow to the Yuba County Commission on Aging as a District Four Representative to a term ending January 8, 2029.
- Approved the reappointment of Jennifer Bradford to the Yuba County Library Advisory Commission as a District Four Representative for a term ending January 8, 2029.
- Appointed Community Development and Services Director, Mike Lee and Administrative Services Director, Perminder Bains as real property negotiators for County owned property APN 016-040-104.
One of the duties of a County Supervisor is to represent the County on various boards, committees, and commissions. Some of these assignments are on internal committees but most are with external agencies and organizations. In addition, Yuba County Supervisors also serve on the Board of Directors of the Yuba Water Agency and participate in Yuba Water-related committees and organizations. We approved county-related committee assignments at our meeting on Tuesday. Here is a blog post about my assignments and you can find assignments for the full board here.
I had a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting on Thursday morning in Sacramento (agenda) and a Yuba Sutter Transit Board meeting on Thursday afternoon (agenda). While I served as an alternate to the Yuba Sutter Transit board during my first term, this is my first time serving as one of the two representatives on the board from Yuba County. I look forward to advocating for improved transit service in the 4th District and our region.
Additional meetings on my calendar included a touch-base lunch with Yuba County community development, a touch-base lunch with a few current and previous Yuba Sutter elected officials, a meeting with the Karlshoej family, a meeting with Blue Zones Yuba Sutter, and a Northern California Water Agency (NCWA) strategic planning session.
There was a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm (agenda) that may contain items of interest to Wheatland residents and an OPUD Board of Directors meeting on Thursday at 7 pm (agenda) that may contain items of interest to Plumas Lake residents.
On Saturday, I was honored to participate in the 26th Annual Yuba-Sutter march to honor Dr. MLK Jr.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting. Here are a few highlights from the agenda:
- Consider approval of a sponsorship for $5,000 in support of the Bear Yuba Land Trust.
- Review of financial statements and details for November 2024.
- Consider approving the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.
- Chair appointments of Board members to serve on standing committees.
I have my first Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture Board meeting this week. It’s one of the new committees that I’m assigned to this year. The other is Yuba Sutter Transit. There are several other meetings on my calendar, including setting the agenda for the next board of supervisors meeting, discussing the Plumas Lake interchange project with Hard Rock, a webinar from RCRC on navigating the congressionally directed spending process to secure funding for rural counties, and a California Arts Council meeting hosted by Yuba Sutter Arts & Culture.
I plan to attend the PLESD Public Input Session at Rio Del Oro on Thursday at 6 pm.
Announcements & Events
- PLESD Community Facilities Meeting, 6pm on 1/23 @ Rio Del Oro Elementary. Take the survey.
*The picture is a collage of various things from my week: the Yuba Sutter MLK Jr. March, the SACOG Board Meeting, the Yuba-Sutter Transit board meeting, the stack of documents I had to sign after my first meeting as chair, and the NCWA board meeting.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!
Also, with the holidays over, I’m happy to report that my week-in-review posts are back to covering just a single week. (You are welcome, Sam!)