My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. Here are a few highlights from the agenda:
Hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving an extension for Hammonton Road in the Goldfields to remain gated.
Present certificate of recognition to Juan Heredia.
Present Proclamation to the City of Marysville recognizing their 175th anniversary.
Annual Yuba County Strategic Plan Priorities Workshop.
- Accept Annual Countywide Capital Facilities Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
Approve the purchase of a handheld narcotics analyzer by reallocating up to $45,000 of Measure K Funds previously approved for purchasing VIPER workstations.
Approve Fee Credit Agreement with JAS Land Fund 2 LLC for Wheeler Ranch Phase 2 Project for TRLIA Levee Impact Fees.
Additional meetings on my calendar included a meeting with staff from the Community Resource Project to learn how they can help Yuba County residents, a meeting with a constituent to discuss the South Beale Rd Interchange project, a Community Health Improvement Project quarterly check-in, a webinar from the National Association of Counties (NACo) on the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, a meeting with our third-party auditor for the annual audit, a meeting with the developer of Plumas Lake Commons, a meeting with stakeholders about the TRLIA North Training Wall project, and a NACo Transportation Committee leadership call. In addition, I’ll attend the CPUC meeting in Sacramento to advocate in support of open-access public broadband networks in Monterey and Calaveras Counties provided by the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA), which I serve on the board of (an affiliate organization of the Rural County Representatives of California)
This week, community events on my calendar included attending the tribute to Hotel Marysville.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency board of directors meeting. Here are a few highlights from the agenda:
Receive an update on the South County Infrastructure project and consider approving the Chair’s formation of an Ad Hoc Committee for South County Infrastructure and nomination of Directors Bishop, Bradford, and Vasquez to serve on the committee.
I have several other board and committee meetings on my calendar, including:
- Yuba Water Agency Project Operations and Development (POD) Committee (agenda)
- Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee (agenda)
- Three Rivers Level Improvement Authority (TRLIA) board meeting (agenda)
- Olivehurst Public Utility District (OPUD) County Liason Committee
- Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Carrier of Last Resort Ad Hoc Committee meeting
- National Association of Counties (NACo) Transportation Policy Steering Committee
Additional meetings on my calendar include agenda setting for the next board of supervisors meeting, a lunch with Yuba County CDSA leadership, a kick-off meeting for the Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection team, and a meeting about collaboration between Sacramento Valley Water users and Tribal Interests to discuss how we can support the return of salmon.
This week, community events on my calendar include a fundraiser for the Yuba Sutter Foodbank and 1st Friday at Beale AFB.
Announcements & Events
- A blog post summarizing the recent PLESD facilities meeting and providing my thoughts about the decision to move forward on the initial phase of a middle school for Plumas Lake.
- I announced that Holiday Market would break ground on a Plumas Lake location in mid-2025, and it’s expected to open by the fall of 2026 (CBS13 story)
- Wheatland Historical Society Pioneer Trail Tri-Tip Dinner, March 21, from 4 pm to 8 pm (FB Post)
*The picture is a collage of various things from my week: my son got married this weekend; our board honored diver Juan Heredia for his courageous efforts in the Thermalito Afterbay, which led to the recovery of two Olivehurst boys who tragically lost their lives and we presented a proclamation to the City of Marysville in celebration of its 175th anniversary; a picture of the Holiday Market in Auburn to celebrate they will be building a store in Plumas Lake; work began on fixing “poo corner” in Plumas Lake; I spoke at the CPUC meeting in Sacramento in support of awarding broadband funding to Golden State Connect Authority; and attending the Hotel Marysville Farewell event.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!