I am thankful for the privilege to represent you and one of the best parts of that privilege is the diversity of what I get be involved with in a single week. Most people are aware that supervisors attend a Board of Supervisors meeting twice a month, but that occupies such a small amount of our time. I think this week is a great example of the types of things we do on a regular basis. In addition to responding to constituent questions and requests via phone, email, and social media, this week I participated in the following activities:
- Board Meeting for the Feather River Air Quality Management District, where we approved spending $75k in the local funds to receive up to $500k in matching State funds for our local Carl Moyer Grant Program. The purpose of the Carl Moyer program is to reduce air pollution emissions by providing grants for the incremental cost of cleaner vehicles and equipment. You can learn more about the program here https://www.fraqmd.org/carl-moyer-grant-program
- Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee where I provide an update on Yuba County activities which might have a business impact. At this month’s meeting, Yuba County CAO Robert Bendorf provided an update on the need for additional public safety funding.
- Yuba County Water Agency Board Meeting where we received a presentation on the benefits of adding a secondary spillway to New Bullard Bar Dam. In addition to providing the additional spillway provide a redundant way to release water from the reservoir, it would provide regional flood control benefits by reducing the peak flow on the Yuba & Feather Rivers during a 200 year event by around 50,000 CFS.
- Yuba County Water Agency Communications Committee where we discussed the continued effort to let the community know about the tremendous benefit the Agency provides to Yuba County residents.
- Along with County staff, visited the property of a constituent in the Smartsville area to talk about a challenge they are having on their property and what the possible solutions are.
- South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority Board Meeting, which is made up to of two supervisors and two council members from the City of Wheatland, where we met to receive and approve a plan from staff for the 2018 activities that will occur to get select a route and get an impact fee in place for the Wheatland Bypass.
- Yuba County Children’s Council meeting where I participated in a discussion about the best path forward for Differential Response services in our community in order to support children and families at risk of child abuse or neglect.
- Toured six state and city licensed commercial cannabis businesses in the City of Sacramento and spoke with owners and operators about their operation, the regulations they are operating under, and taxes they are paying to the City and State.
- Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health Advisory Board meeting where we received a presentation on the Work Activity Center which provides adults with severe mental health disabilities with the opportunity to work toward completion of a high school diploma as well as life-skill building.
- Met with county staff and CSA 14 residents to discuss cost estimates and a plan moving forward to allowed residents in that CSA the opportunity to vote on increasing their assessment to improve the maintenance on their roads.
- Oroville Dam Collation meeting that included Senator Nielsen, Assemblyman Gallagher, local electeds, staff, and community leaders from Butte, Sutter, and Yuba and where we discussed the current status of the collations requests of DWR following the 2017 spillway incident and evacuation.
As you can see, my calendar this week was full of some impactful activities, and we didn’t even have a Board of Supervisors meeting. Do you find this report helpful? If so, let me know and I’ll try do it again soon.