My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. The agenda wasn’t t too long and included appointments of residents to committees, pedestrian and parking access improvements at the Health & Human Services facility, efforts to address homelessness, a public hearing on YCSO’s interaction with ICE, several budget change requests, and a presentation from Yuba County Public Works on the drainage program, and other items.
Additional meetings on my calendar this week included a special OPUD meeting about regional wastewater, an OPUD park committee meeting to speak in favor of a series of community events, a Wheatland City Council meeting, an agenda review meeting for Yuba Water Agency, a LAFCO meeting to discuss the return of a portion of the horseshoe levee to RD817 from RD2103, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meeting on travel model/travel forecasting, a SACOG Land Use and Natural Resources (LUNR) Committee meeting, and a meeting with Hard Rock and Regional Housing Authority to talk about the Affordable Housing project in Plumas Lake. I also visited Beale AFB to renew my base access and attended a lunch meeting with Supervisor Fuhrer, MJUSD Superintendent Fal Asrani, and MJUSD board president Randy Davis.
There were several Northern California Water Association (NCWA) meetings on my calendar this week, including a bi-weekly dry year task force meeting, a bi-monthly board of directors meeting, and the all-day annual meeting in Chico.
On Saturday, I served on a panel with Sacramento County Supervisor Patrick Kennedy at the SACOG Youth Leadership Academy. The group comprises high school students across the six-county region, including Yuba County. We answered questions about transit, climate change, regional planning, and the uniqueness of our individual jurisdictions.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting. Several items are on the agenda, including a presentation from the Director of Water Resources and Flood Risk Reduction about the Yuba Water Flood Risk Management Plan. Later that day, there is a Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Meeting with multiple items on the agenda related to flood risk reduction projects. I’ll be in Sacramento all day on Wednesday for a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting, in addition to board meetings for affiliated organizations, including the Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA) and the Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA). I have a Greater Sacramento Economic Development Council (GSEC) board of directors meeting this week and a GSEC reception for Azra Games. Several additional Yuba Water Agency related meetings are on my calendar this week, including a chair/vice-chair/general manager meeting and an employee recognition event. Concerning broadband activities, I have several meetings with the CPUC this week and a meeting with the Capital Region Coalition for Digital Equity. Finally, I have a constitutent meeting and a meeting with Yuba County staff to talk about a future SACOG board meeting in Yuba County.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: SACOG Youth Leadership Academy, a U2 at Beale AFB with the Sutter Buttes and the snow-capped coastal range in the background, SACOG Chief Executive Officer James Corless speaking about regional planning at South Yuba Sunrise Rotary Club, Col Church from Beale AFB speaking at the Wheatland City Council meeting, LAFCO board meeting, NCWA Annual Meeting.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!