My Recent Activities
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. There are a few exciting items on the agenda, including a presentation from the City of Marysville regarding Momentum of Marysville; a quarterly update from the District Attorney, Probation, and Sheriff’s departments; an item to approve plans, specifications, and estimate, and authorize advertisement of bid for the 2023 Overlay Project (which includes streets in Arboga/North Plumas Lake); an item to approve plans, specifications, estimate and authorize advertisement for bid for the Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Improvements Project; and an item to approve a letter of support for Senate Bill 14 by Senator Shannon Grove.
Additional meetings on my calendar include an Assembly Transporation Committee hearing to voice support for AB 350, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Dry Year Task Force call, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) Sterring Committee meeting, agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board Meeting, a Sacramento Region Cleaner Air Partnership lunch to discuss the SACOG Blueprint 2025, a meeting with Caltrans to talk about local transportation projects, a SACOG dinner with our monthly workshop presenter, and meetings with several constituents. Thursday is the monthly OPUD board meeting, but I don’t plan to attend due to a conflict with another event.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: RCRC Board Meeting in Sacramento, Spillway at New Bullards Bar starting to spill on Wednesday, Spillway at 5000 CFS later in the day on Wednesday, Yuba Water Employee Recognition Lunch, Plumas Lake with snow covered coast range in the background on Friday, and a snowy Camptonville in the rain on Saturday.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!