My Recent Activities
Week of July 3rd…
Due to the holiday, I had a light schedule the week of July 3rd and I took advantage of that to go on an overnight trip to Yosemite Valley. Given the large snowpack this year the waterfalls and river in the valley were exceptionally stunning. It was great to get away, relax, and recharge. One of the few things on my calendar that week was a call with fellow NACo Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) committee members to review policy resolutions we’ll be voting on at the upcoming national conference. I have a proposed policy resolution related to allowing the use of federal BEAD funding to expand open-access broadband networks for pockets of served/underserved customers within larger unserved areas. I also met with Recology to talk about additional community involvement in the District, met with a potential Plumas Lake commercial developer, and I met with the Yuba County landscape coordinator to understand the landscape budget for Plumas Lake. There was no Water Agency Board Meeting that week due to the holiday.
I had a few community-related events I attended including the Yuba County Sheriff’s Association K9 Demo, the Plumas Lake 4th of July Kids Parade, the Wheatland 4th of July Community BBQ, and a 1st Friday social event at Beale AFB.
Week of July 10th…
Tuesday the 11th was a Board of Supervisors meeting with a light agenda. We had two presentations on the agenda, including one from MJUSD on the status of the school district (link to video here, starts at 4:25). The other presentation was the quarterly development update (link to video here, starting at 47:07 and presentation here).
I also had a Rural County Representatives (RCRC) board meeting and a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting. Additional meetings and events on my calendar included a broadband mapping working group, lunch with the SACOG executive director, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, an MJUSD executive facilities committee, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Zoom with fellow California supervisors to meet candidates for NACo VP, a lunch & learn webcast on new campaign contribution limits, and a swearing-in and awards ceremony at the Sheriff’s Department.
In addition to attending the kickoff of the Adventist Health weekly farmers market in Marysville, I attended multiple peach festival-related events including the festival itself, the peach festival 5k, the peach festival pub crawl, and the peaches and pancakes breakfast.
Looking ahead to this week
This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency meeting and a few highlights from the agenda include approving additional grant funding to Yuba County by $2,373,000 as local cost share leveraging funds for a comprehensive drainage project in Olivehurst (if approved, the total amount of Yuba Water grant funds would be increased from $7,565,000 to $9,938,000 to leverage up to $38,540,000 in state funding for the project) and approval of a grant for up to $487,000 to the Linda County Water District for impacts to district infrastructure in relation to Yuba County’s grant-funded Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Project.
Additional meetings on my calendar include an input session related to the Yuba County Office of Education (YCOE) Superintendent search, a town hall related to the election of officers for the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), a meeting about tobacco use in Yuba County. Monday morning at 6:30am, I’ll be leading the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai starting from the north parking lot at Eufay Wood Park and on Thursday evening there is a monthly OPUD board of directors meeting.
On Thursday I head to Austin for the National Association of Counties (NACo) annual conference. In addition to networking with my supervisor/commissioner colleagues from across the nation and learning about issues that affect us all, I will be attending an all-day Telecommunications & Technology (T&T) Policy Committee meeting. At the policy committee, we will spend a lot of time discussing broadband access and setting formal policy direction that NACo will use to advocate on behalf of counties to Congress and federal agencies. In addition, I’ll be casting Yuba County’s vote for the future leadership of the NACo organization from 2024-2026.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Plumas Lake 4th of July Bike & Trike Parade, Bingo at the Wheatland 4th of July Community BBQ, Yubba Sheriff’s K-9 Association Demo in Plumas Lake, an overnight getaway to Yosemite, Second Saturday Picnic in the Park in Plumas Lake, Blue Zones Walking Moai Kick-off in Plumas Lake, Yuba Sheriff’s Searing In and Awards Ceremony, Overlay on Arboga Rd & Plumas Arboga Rd, Adventist Health Farmer’s Market Kick-off, Marysville Peach Festival opening night, and Peach Festival 5k.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!