My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency meeting and a few highlights from the agenda included approving additional grant funding to Yuba County by $2,373,000 as local cost share leveraging funds for a comprehensive drainage project in Olivehurst (if approved, the total amount of the Yuba Water grant funds would be increased from $7,565,000 to $9,938,000 to leverage up to $38,540,000 in state funding for the project) and approval of a grant for up to $487,000 to the Linda County Water District for impacts to district infrastructure in relation to Yuba County’s grant-funded Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Project.
Additional meetings on my calendar included an input session related to the Yuba County Office of Education (YCOE) Superintendent search, a town hall related to the election of officers for the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), a meeting about tobacco use in Yuba County. Monday morning at 6:30am, I led the weekly Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai starting from the north parking lot at Eufay Wood Park. I also met with public works to talk about multiple items I’m trying to move forward.
I headed to Austin on Thursday for the National Association of Counties (NACo) annual conference. In addition to networking with my supervisor/commissioner colleagues from across the nation and learning about issues that affect us all, I attended an all-day Telecommunications & Technology (T&T) Policy Committee meeting. At the policy committee, we spent a lot of time discussing broadband access and setting formal policy direction that NACo will use to advocate on behalf of counties to Congress and federal agencies. In addition, I’ll cast Yuba County’s vote for the future leadership of the NACo organization from 2024-2026 and approval of the policy advocacy platform for the organization. A highlight of the conference was an optional tour I signed up for; we toured Community First Village, a 51-acre master-planned community that provides affordable, permanent housing and a supportive community for men and women coming out of chronic homelessness.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting and highlights from the agenda include executing a grant agreement with the Federal Highway Administration related to Safe Streets and Roads for All; awarding a contract for Engineering and Construction Support Services for the West Linda Comprehensive Safe Routes to School Project; approving the updated Yuba County Strategic Plan and 2023-2026 milestones, deliverables, and priorities; holding a public approving gating of Hammonton Road in the Goldfields; and presenting certificates and proclamations to multiple county employees for their service.
Tuesday evening is a Wheatland City Council Meeting and the agenda includes several items I believe the community will be interested in including the swearing in of the new police chief (Brian Wittmer) and the 2023 Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm traffic management plan. Other items on my calendar include a tour of the PG&E Hazzard & Warning Center and Applied Technology Services Center in San Ramon, agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, and a meeting with Hard Rock and the Tribe for an update on development in the Sports & Entertinment Zone. This week I’ll also be participating on a panel at the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) New Supervisors Institute with supervisors from Nevada, Napa, and El Dorado talking about “when the unexpected occurs” with respect to natural disasters.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Me and newly elected NACo 2nd VP JD Clark from Wise County TX, voting at the Telecommunications and Technology Committee, me with Dr. Drew at a NACo California reception, group shot from the Plumas Lake Community Walking Moai, me with Supervisor Valenzuela from Siskiyou and Supervisor Peters from Mono at NACo, attending the NACo Rural Action Caucus with Supervisor Coe from Modoc and Supervisor Menetrey from Mariposa, collage from tour of Community First Village in Austin, and a few California Supervisors and CSAC staff at NACo.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!