My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba Water Agency board meeting (agenda). A few key items from the agenda included the annual audit, a grant for North Yuba Water District, and a CEQA item related to a proposed nature-like fishway around Daguerre Point Dam. Following the board meeting, I had a Yuba Water POD committee where we reviewed community impact grants (agenda and materials). Several grants are on the agenda for agencies that serve Plumas Lake & Wheatland, including Linda Fire, RD784, RD817, and RD2103. Overall, we recommended the board approve almost $25M in grants to local agencies, with over $11M going to south county agencies.
I had several other board meetings this week including: Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) [agenda], South Yuba Transportation Improvement Authority (SYTIA) [agenda], and Rural Couty Representatives of California (RCRC) [agenda]. At SYTIA we received an update on the East Wheatland Expressway Project and approved an agreement with Caltrans to continue progress on the South Beale Rd Interchange project.
Additional meetings on my calendar included a call with a potential developer of a solar and battery storage facility, a North Valley Rail project development team meeting, and a Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan Workshop. If you didn’t get a chance to attend the workshop, you can still provide input by taking the survey at: and marking areas of concern at:
I was in southern California on Thursday and Friday at the California Foundation on the Environment and Economy (CFEE) Water Conference. Yuba Water General Manager Willie Whittlesey and I were invited to participate on a panel discussing harnessing the energy-water nexus. The format of the conference was very unique with everyone seated around a large table with frank questions and discussions after each presentation. What makes it even more valuable is that the event is invite only and includes state legislators, state and federal government leaders, business leaders, labor leaders, and water leaders.
Community-related events I attended this week included a Christmas Party or the Civil Engineering Squadron at Beale AFB and the Plumas Lake Christmas parade! I participated in ringing the Salvation Army Bell at Walmart from 1:30 pm to 3 pm on Saturday.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting [agenda]. The meetings are no longer available via Zoom but you can watch the live-stream at Other board meetings on my calendar include a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly meeting [agenda], a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee [agenda], and a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) Board meeting [agenda]. There is also a Wheatland City Council meeting this week [agenda].
Other meetings I have this week include Yuba Water Agency Agenda Setting, a virtual community meeting for North Valley Rail, a meeting with a fellow supervisor, a constituent meeting to talk about committee openings, and an RCRC/CSAC meeting with PG&E. I’ll be attending several holiday open house events with various vendors and organizations and the Olivehurst VFW Ribbon Cutting on Thursday evening.
- North Valley Rail is holding a virtual community meeting on December 13th at 5 pm. Register here.
- Santa will visit Wheatland on a Fire Truck on December 12th (see map)
- Upcoming Community Event 12/15: Plumas Lake Night of Lights (6 pm-8 pm, get a map at Riverside Meadows)
- Voting in the South Yuba Bright Light Battle goes until December 18th (more info)
- Santa will visit central and southern Plumas Lake on a Fire Truck on December 19-21 (more info)
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, Plumas Lake Christmas Parade, Rural Counties Board Meeting, Yuba County Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobility Plan Workshop, CFEE Conference in SoCal, Honoring outgoing Yuba City Mayor Wade Kirchner and incoming Mayor Shon Harris, Beale Civil Engineering Squadron Christmas Party, Fall Sunrise in Plumas Lake, and Beers with Supervisor Valenzuela (Siskiyou County) at Red Hill in Wheatland.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!