My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting [agenda]. Other board meetings on my calendar included a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) monthly meeting [agenda], a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee [agenda], and a Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) Board meeting [agenda]. There was also a Wheatland City Council meeting this week [agenda].
Other meetings I have attended this week included Yuba Water Agency Agenda Setting, a virtual community meeting for North Valley Rail, a meeting with a fellow supervisor, a constituent meeting to talk about committee openings, and an RCRC/CSAC meeting with PG&E. I’ attended several holiday open house events with various vendors and organizations and the Olivehurst VFW Ribbon Cutting on Thursday evening.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting. We have a longer-than-usual agenda and one of the items is to consider almost $25M in grants to local agencies, including over $11M for flood risk reduction and public safety in Arboga, Plumas Lake, and Wheatland. In addition, there is a $600k grant request from Yuba County to restore the existing boat ramp at Star Bend by dredging out approximately 1,800 cubic yards of material that is currently impeding boat traffic.
I have several one-on-one meetings scheduled for the week, including with our auditor/controller, a fellow supervisor, and a pastor from Wheatland. Additional meetings on my calendar include a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee, a NACo Rural Action Caucus, a NACo West Region meeting, and an informal virtual discussion with several other California supervisors. There is also an OPUD board meeting this week (the agenda will be posted here).
I look forward to playing Santa several times this week including for Cub Scout Pack 513 on Monday, on the Fire Truck in southern Plumas Lake on Tuesday evening, at Rio Del Oro Elementary on Wednesday morning, and on the fire truck in west-central Plumas Lake on Thursday evening.
- Santa will visit central and southern Plumas Lake on a Fire Truck on December 19-21 (more info)
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: I celebrated a birthday this (thanks Sharron Bradshaw for the birthday message), representing Yuba County at the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meeting, Cleaner Air Partnership winter social, and the Board of Supervisors proclamation thanking Costco for their investment in Yuba County.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!