My Recent Activities
Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, my schedule was lighter than usual during the period covered in this post.
December 19th was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting. We had a longer-than-usual agenda and one of the items was to consider almost $25M in grants to local agencies, including over $11M for flood risk reduction and public safety in Arboga, Plumas Lake, and Wheatland. In addition, there is a $600k grant request from Yuba County to restore the existing boat ramp at Star Bend by dredging out approximately 1,800 cubic yards of material that is currently impeding boat traffic. January 2nd was also a Yuba Water Agency board meeting (agenda) and we received an update from summer interns, approved a $30M grant from the State for a Nature-like Fishway around Daguerre Point Dam on the Yuba River, and elected our chair and vice chair for 2024. The board unanimously voted for Supervisor Messick to serve as chair and for me to serve as vice-chair. I’m honored my fellow board members provided an opportunity for me to remain in board leadership. There was no Board of Supervisors meeting on December 26th due to the holiday.
Other meetings over the three weeks included: One-on-one meetings with our auditor/controller, a fellow supervisor, and a pastor from Wheatland; a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee; a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting; a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast; an OPUD Wastewater committee to get an update on the Eufay Wood lift station; and a Yuba LAFCO meeting.
I was fortunate to play Santa several times the week before Christmas including for Cub Scout Pack 513 on Monday, at Rio Del Oro Elementary on Wednesday morning, and on the Fire Truck in Plumas Lake on Thursday evening.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. The agenda contains several items of particular interest to District 4 residents including: Agreements between Hard Rock, Live Nation, and the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department for supplemental law enforcement at the casino and amphitheater; an amendment to the agreement with Wood Rodgers, Inc. for the Plumas Lake Boulevard/SR 70 Interchange Phase II Project; and approval of plans, specifications, and estimate for the Plumas Lake Bike Path Project, and authorize advertisement of bids. There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening and you can find the agenda here.
Additional meetings on my calendar this week include: a CERF Sub Regional (Yuba-Sutter) Roundtable meeting to provide a space for community discussion about Yuba-Sutter’s job economy, and will also feature Valley Vision’s presentation on preliminary research of Yuba-Sutter’s economic analysis; a SACOG Transportation Committee (agenda) to discuss the creation of a regional tolling authority; a meeting to discuss pedestrian safety in the Sports & Entertainment Zone; a Yuba Water Agency agenda review; a meeting with the Sheridan Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) to update them on the East Wheatland Expressway project; and a informal virtual “Coffee Caucus” meeting other supervisors.
- Yuba County is looking for community input on our Local Road Safety Plan; learn more at
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Christmas greetings and playing Santa (at Rio Del Oro, at Cub Scout Pack 513, on the fire truck with Linda Fire), some beautiful south Yuba County sunrises, and Happy New Year (including from Hard Rock).
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!