My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting. A few highlights from the agenda include Board of Supervisor Committee Appointments for 2024 and a board workshop (at 1 pm) to receive an update on the Yuba County Strategic Plan. My committee assignments are generally the same as 2023, except that I will no longer serve on Yuba LAFCO. You can see my assignments here and the assignments for the full board here. You will find the Yuba County strategic plan and the presentation from the workshop here.
There was also a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday night (agenda) that I attended
Additional meetings on my calendar this week included: speaking with other local supervisors at a Yuba-Sutter Bar Association luncheon, a discussion with SACOG about Beale AFB, A San Joaquin Join Powers Authority board meeting in Sacramento, and a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Mega Region Working Group Meeting (agenda). At the SACOG Megan Region Working Group meeting we talked about tolling lanes across the 16-county Mega Region and received updates on the Mega Region Dozen; 12 important projects for improving connectivity between the Bay Area, the Sacramento Region, and San Joaquin County. Two of the projects in our region are Valley Rail and the Yolo 80 project.
Looking ahead to this week
As this week contains the fifth Tuesday of the month, there is neither a regular Board of Supervisors Meeting nor a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting. However, we do have a Special Board of Supervisors meeting related to property negotiations (agenda). I also have several board and committee meetings on my calendar, including a SACOG Transportation Committee Meeting (agenda) and a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board of directors meeting.
Additional meetings on my calendar include meeting with a constituent to talk about Yuba Water Agency, an agenda review for the SACOG transportation committee, an agenda review for the Yuba Water Agency, a Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair breakfast, and a community input meeting for the Regionally Coordinated Homelessness Action Plan.
Tuesday evening is the Yuba Sutter Candidate Forum at the Yuba County Government Center. The forum will feature candidates in contested races for Yuba County Supervisor, Sutter County Supervisor, and Yuba Water Agency.
- Yuba County is looking for community input on our Local Road Safety Plan; learn more at
- Do you walk or bicycle in Olivehurst, Linda, or Plumas Lake? If so, the County wants to hear from you at
- The North Valley Rail Strategic Plan, which includes a station in Plumas Lake, was recently released. Review the plan and find information about providing comments at
- The Yuba Sheriff Department’s Citizens Academy is taking signups for the next 12-week session. The academy teaches residents about the sheriff’s department. Learn more and sign up at
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: At the Brick for a meeting in Downtown Marysville; Dry Creek near Wheatland after significant rainfall; Board of Supervisors Strategic Plan Workshop; at SACOG for the Mega Region Working Group; a relevant mural in downtown Sacramento to the meetings I was there for, uniting the mega-region; enjoying the open space around Plumas Lake; and hanging out at a crab feed in American Canyon with Supervisor Ramos from Napa County.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!