My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting. A few highlights from the agenda included considering approval of a letter of support for the City of Yuba City Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Conversion Project and a presentation on a two-year collaborative research project between the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) at UC Berkeley and the Yuba Water Agency using new monitoring and sensing technologies on levees. You can watch the presentation at (starts at 40:49)
I had multiple Yuba Water Agency related meetings on my calendar this week including a meeting with SBFCA to discuss the habitat benefits of a dredging project; a south county infrastructure ad-hoc meeting; a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) executive committee meeting; a non-profit steering committee kick-off meeting; and NCWA Legislative Advocacy meetings with Senator Laird, Assemblyman Hover, Assemblymember Hart, Senator Ashby, Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry, Assemblymember Gallagher, and Assemblymember Nguyen.. We discussed issues important to Sacramento Valley Water users including Sites Reservoir and Agreements to Support Healthy Rivers and Landscapes.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a Blue Zones Project steering committee and a community health improvement plan quarterly meeting. I attended a Chamber of Commerce Business Connection Breakfast about MJUSD & YCUSD, the 9th Reconnaissance Wing Annual Awards Banquet at Beale AFB, and I participated in a panel for Sierra Forward on what various counties are doing about wildfire risk.
Looking ahead to this week
This Tuesday morning is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. Some highlights from the agenda include: Awarding the contract to the apparent low, responsive, and responsible bidder, All-American Construction Inc., for the Plumas Lake Bike Path Project; Receiving a Code Enforcement Department Update; Approve letter of opposition to AT&T’s application with California Public Utilities Commission to withdraw as carrier of last resort; and Hold public hearing, waive reading, and adopt ordinance to repeal and re-enact Title XI Development Code and County Zoning Map. Tuesday evening is a Wheatland City Council meeting and the agenda includes several items the public may be interested in including: Acceptance of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Auditor Correspondence for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023; Fiscal Year 2023-24 Mid-Year Budget Report and Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Budget; Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreements with the Olivehurst Public Utility District Regarding Regional Wastewater Treatment Services; and an Update on Current Development Activities.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a public WUHSD Facility Planning Board Workshop, a Yuba Water Agenda review, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Call-in Session, and an OPUD/County Liason Committee. I requested several items be added to the OPUD/County Liason meeting, including updates from OPUD on the lift station smell at Eufay Wood Park, the status of parks under construction in Plumas Lake, and the plan for parks in the North Arboga Study Area. Most of the day on Monday will be spent with the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) and the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) on a briefing about the Agreements for Healthy Rivers and Landscapes and associated tours.
On Friday, I was invited to Edgewater Elementary to read a book as part of their read-a-thon and that afternoon I plan to attend the First Friday social event at Beale to hang out with my partner in the honorary commander program; Lt. Col Brennan Howell, commander of the Civil Engineering Squadron.
- If you want your vote-by-mail ballot included in initial election night results make sure Yuba County Elections receives it by this Friday (3/1). Drop in an official ballot drop box at the Fire Station in Plumas Lake or the Government Center in Marysville or mail it early this week.
- Plumas Lake Elementary School District has a very informative FAQ about Measures VWX on its website. Check it out here before you vote.
- I’d be honored to have your vote for District 4 Supervisor!
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Legislative Advocacy Day at the California Capitol, 9th Reconnaissance Wing Awards Banquet at Beale AFB, Yuba Sutter Business Connection Breakfast with presentations from MJUSD & YCUSD, and a reminder to get your ballot filled out and sent in (and vote Bradford for Supervisor in District 4).
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!