My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. Some highlights from the agenda include: Awarding the contract for the Plumas Lake Bike Path Project; Receiving a Code Enforcement Department Update; Approve letter of opposition to AT&T’s application with the California Public Utilities Commission to withdraw as the carrier of last resort; and Holding public hearing, waive reading, and adopt an ordinance to repeal and re-enact Title XI Development Code and County Zoning Map. Tuesday evening was a Wheatland City Council meeting. The agenda included several items the public may be interested in including: Acceptance of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Auditor Correspondence for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023; Fiscal Year 2023-24 Mid-Year Budget Report and Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Amending the Fiscal Year 2023-24 General Fund Budget; and an Update on Current Development Activities.
Additional meetings on my calendar included a public WUHSD Facility Planning Board Workshop to learn about the plans for a Plumas Lake High School (if Plumas Lake residents pass Measure T) and additional enhancements to Wheatland High School (if Wheatland residents pass Measure U), a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) Legislative Call-in Session, a Yuba Water Agency board leadership breakfast meeting, and an OPUD/County Liason Committee. I requested several items be added to the OPUD/County Liason meeting, including updates from OPUD on the lift station smell at Eufay Wood Park, the status of parks under construction in Plumas Lake, and the plan for parks in the North Arboga Study Area. I spent most of the day on Monday with the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) and the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) at a briefing about the Agreements for Healthy Rivers and Landscapes and associated tours.
On Friday, I visited Edgewater Elementary to read a book (Go Dog Go) as part of their read-a-thon. That evening I attended the Murder at Cafe Noir fundraiser for the Sedona Project at Nev’s Place Speak Easy in downtown Marysville.
Looking ahead to this week
This Tuesday morning is a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting. The most interesting item on the agenda is to consider approving $50,000 to develop a Water Conservation Pilot Program for the Yuba County public agency water districts, including OPUD and the City of Wheatland. Due to the election, the meeting will be held at the Yuba Water Agency office on F St rather than the Yuba County Government Center, and immediately after the board meeting, I’ll attend a Yuba Water POD Committee Meeting where we will consider modifications to the Community Impact Grant & Loan Program. On Thursday I’ll be down in Sacramento for the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee, which I’m honored to chair (agenda) followed by a lunch workshop on the 2025 SACOG Blueprint.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a touch base lunch with the Yuba County Assistant Community Development Director and a SACOG Transportation Committee Agenda Review meeting. On Friday, I’ll spend all day in Chico at the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Annual Meeting. I also plan to attend the Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee where there will be a presentation on the North Valley Rail Project.
On Saturday, I’ll be participating in the Bok Kai 5k and the Bok Kai Parade.
- Election Day is Tuesday, March 5th. Ensure your ballot is mailed (and postmarked) or put into an official dropbox (at the Fire Station in Plumas Lake or the Government Center in Marysville) before then. You can also drop it off at any polling site in California on Election Day. See the Yuba County Elections site for more info.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Coming soon (if Measure T passes), Plumas Lake High School; Dropping my ballot in the official dropbox at the fire station in Plumas Lake (#iVoted); picking up some treats from Marysville’s newest bakery for election volunteers counting ballots on Saturday; Selfies at Conway Ranch on the Yolo Bypass and Kirkville Rd on the Sutter Bypass during a NCWA tour; reading Go Dog Go at Edgewater Elementary to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday; development update presentation at Wheatland City Council meeting; and the Murder at Cafe Noir fundraiser for the Sedona Project.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!