My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting that took the majority of the day due to multiple items scheduled for the afternoon. I think it was the longest meeting since I’ve been on the board. The agenda contained multiple items that I think the public would be interested in, including:
- Approve sole source justification request for Bi-County Ambulance Service, Inc. for ambulance services for the indigent population of Yuba County.
- Accept Annual Countywide Capital Facilities Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2022/2023.
- Adopt resolution approving the 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Annual Performance Report
- Receive quarterly updates from Public Safety Departments.
- Receive Presentation of Yuba County Broadband Planning and Feasibility Study.
- Approve plans, specifications, and estimates, and authorize advertisement for bids for the 2024 CSA Resurfacing Project
You can watch the recording of the morning portion of the meeting on Yuba-Sutter LIVE‘s YouTube channel.
I had several additional board meetings on my calendar, including Rural County Representatives (RCRC agenda & meeting highlights), Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA agenda & meeting highlights), and Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA agenda & meeting highlights) board meetings in Sacramento on Wednesday, and a virtual Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting on Thursday.
Additional meetings I attended included a discussion on CDSA fee updates, an RCRC Roads/Transportation ad hoc committee, a Cap-to-Cap Transportation Team Kick-Off, , a meeting with a technology business interested in Yuba County, and an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency.
I attended the Little League Opening Ceremonies Parade in Plumas Lake on Saturday morning. To all the players in the 4th District (including Olivehurst-Linda Little League, Plumas Lake Little League, and Wheatland Little League), I hope you have a fun season. Thank you to all the coaches and volunteers, who make it all possible
In other exciting news, SACOG received a $22.5 Million Federal Reconnecting Communities Grant that will advance transportation design and planning projects to address barriers in disadvantaged areas. The award includes projects in Marysville & Linda.
- Yuba County East Linda Gateway: Lindhurst Corridor Revitalization project ($3M). Design and engineering of a rural main street project that will transform the Avenue into a community entry point by providing multimodal improvements, and beautification upgrades.
- City of Marysville Re-Envision Downtown Marysville Plan ($500k). Plan that re-envisions state highway system through downtown for multimodal transportation & plan for a downtown traffic calming program.
Looking ahead to this week
This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting. The agenda is fairly short and includes a review if the financial statements from January and a review of the Energy Risk Management Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. I also have a SACOG board meeting this week (agenda) that will be held in Yolo County and will include a tour before the meeting.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection Team Kick-off, a meeting with SACOG planning staff to update them on the development of the Sports & Entertainment Zone and south Yuba County, a monthly NACo Telecommunications and Technology policy steering committee meeting, and a NACo West Region meeting. \
I’m excited to join my Rotary club and volunteer at the Yuba Sutter Foodbank giveaway at 5 pm on Thursday at Wheatland High School. Also that night, at 7 pm, is the monthly OPUD board of directors meeting. You can find the agenda and more information here.
I’ll be spending the weekend in Luke AFB in Phoenix with BLMC meeting the next commander for Beale AFB.
- Join me for a special reception to celebrate our re-election victory! Your support has been invaluable, and I’m thrilled to serve you for another four years. The reception will be on the evening of Wednesday, March 20th at Neva’s Speakeasy in the basement of 101 C St in Historic Marysville. More details and RSVP at
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Flyer for my Re-Election Celebration happening this Wednesday, at the opening day parade for Plumas Lake Little League, and a Rural County Representatives (RCRC) Board meeting.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!