Week of 03/04/24

My Recent Activities

This week was a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting.  The most interesting item on the agenda was to consider approving $50,000 to develop a Water Conservation Pilot Program for the Yuba County public agency water districts, including OPUD and the City of Wheatland.  I attended a Yuba Water POD Committee Meeting where we approved modifications to the Community Impact Grant & Loan Program.  On Thursday I’ was down in Sacramento for the monthly Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee, which I’m honored to chair (agenda) followed by a lunch workshop on the 2025 SACOG Blueprint.

Additional meetings on my calendar included a touch base lunch with the Yuba County Assistant Community Development Director and a SACOG Transportation Committee Agenda Review meeting.  I spend all day in Chico on Friday at the Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Annual Meeting.   I also attended the Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee for a presentation on the North Valley Rail Project.

On Saturday, I participated in the Bok Kai 5k and the Bok Kai Parade.  In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday, I read Go Dog Go to Mrs. Bradford’s 1st-grade class at Cedar Lane in Linda.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting that I expect to take the majority of the day due to multiple items scheduled for the afternoon.  The agenda contains multiple items that I think the public will be interested in, including:

– Approve sole source justification request for Bi-County Ambulance Service, Inc. for ambulance services for the indigent population of Yuba County.
– Accept Annual Countywide Capital Facilities Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2022/2023.
– Adopt resolution approving the 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Annual Performance Report
– Receive quarterly updates from Public Safety Departments.
– Receive Presentation of Yuba County Broadband Planning and Feasibility Study.
– Approve plans, specifications, and estimates, and authorize advertisement for bids for the 2024 CSA Resurfacing Project.

The Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday was canceled but I have several additional board meetings on my calendar, including Rural County Representatives (RCRC agenda), Golden State Connect Authority (GSCA agenda), and Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA agenda) board meetings in Sacramento on Wednesday, and a virtual Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) board meeting on Thursday.

Additional meetings on my calendar include a discussion on CDSA fee updates, an RCRC Roads/Transportation ad hoc committee, an agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, and an MJUSD executive facilities committee.



  • Join me for a special reception to celebrate our re-election victory!  Your support has been invaluable, and I’m thrilled to serve you for another four years. The reception will be on the evening of Wednesday, March 20th.  Facebook and more details coming soon; watch my Facebook page and Twitter/X feed for more info.

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:   Dropping a Cookie Tree cookie to all 29 poll workers across the 5 polling places in my district on Election Day to say thank you for their service; celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday by reading Go Dog Go to Mrs. Bradford’s 1st Grade Class at Cedar Lane Elementary; Yuba County Board of Supervisors at the 144th Bok Kai Parade; the NCWA Annual Meeting in Chico; SACOG Transportation Committee & 2025 Blueprint lunch discussion; selfie with my son during the Bok Kai 5k run/walk supporting the Linda Firefighters Association; and a ribbon cutting at the Honey Barn Decor Botique in downtown Marysville.


Thank you for allowing me to serve you!