Weeks of 04/08/24 & 04/15/24

My Recent Activities

I had a very busy two-week period, almost half of which was spent in Washington DC.  This week also includes a very full schedule.

Tuesday the 9th was a Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  had several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Received a Quarterly Development Update from Community Development and Services.
  • Accepted certification of Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters results of the canvass of the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election and Statement of Vote.
  • Adopted a resolution authorizing the availability of remote teleconferences to Board of Supervisors Meetings with guidelines.
  • Held public hearing, waived first reading, and introduced the Ordinance repealing and re-enacting the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance.

On Monday the 8th, I attended a Wildire and Biomass Bus tour hosted by the Clear Air Partnership (CAP).  Stops included the site of a wildfire near Colfax, a forest restoration project near Auburn, and a biomass power facility in Lincoln.  Additional meetings on my calendar included CSAC Rural Caucus meeting, a YSEDC Executive Committee meeting, an RCRC Transportation Ad Hoc Committee, meeting, and a SACOG Board meeting.  At the RCRC Transportation Committee, we discussed the challenges that many rural counties are facing due to the State’s policy focus on a “one size fits all” approach to limiting capacity-increasing projects and equating GHG reductions to reductions in VMT.  The SACOG agenda contained multiple important items including Senate Bill 125 Transit Funding Allocation and 2025 Blueprint Discussion Scenario (the regional land use and transportation plan for the next 25 years).  I also attended a community meeting where the Yuba County Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobility Plan was unveiled.  You can read the plan here and provide your feedback here.  It’s also important to note that the Yuba County Planning Commission met on April 17th and approved extensions to three existing development agreements for the Plumas Lake area.  The agreements include more than 3000 new homes and you can read more here.

On Thursday the 11th, I attended the Yuba County On the Horizon Dinner at the Yuba County Airport.  This was an opportunity to thank and celebrate our local businesses and share the amazing things going on in the County.  On Saturday the 20th, I attended a fundraiser for the Yuba Sutter Colusa United Way at Hard Rock.

From Friday the 12th through Wednesday the 17th I joined 424 other community, business, and government leaders from the six-county Sacramento region for the annual Cap-to-Cap regional advocacy trip.  I participated on the Flood Protection & Transportation Teams.  Some of the meetings I attended include:

  • Representatives from SACOG, Yuba County, El Dorado County, Elk Grove, Davis, and West Sacramento meeting with the Federal Highway Administration to discuss transportation projects important to the Sacramento region.
  • The Flood Protection team had a good (but brief) meeting with FEMA touching on topics such as mapping, national flood insurance program rates, and grant opportunities.
  • The Transportation Team met with Congressman Kiley to talk about transportation projects that are important to your constituents and the Sacramento region.
  • Rails to Trails Conservancy met with representatives from Yuba City, Yuba County, Yolo County, and SACOG to talk about Rails to Trails opportunities in the Sacramento region.
  • The Flood Protection Team and Transportation Team with staff from Congressmen Thompson, LaMalfa, and Schiff offices about important infrastructure projects in the Sacramento region.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  has several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Approve plans, specifications, and estimates, and authorize the advertisement of bids for the Star Bend Sediment Removal Project.
  • Present Proclamation to the City of Wheatland recognizing their 150th anniversary.
  • Hold a public hearing, waive reading, and adopt the Development Agreement for the development known as the Feather River Center.
  • Adopt a resolution declaring April 21st – April 27th, 2024 National Crime Victims Rights Week, and allow the Probation Department, and Victim Services unit to honor local law enforcement, District Attorney, and Probation Department staff for outstanding services to crime victims of Yuba County.
  • Held public hearing, waived first reading, and introduced the Ordinance repealing and re-enacting the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance.

On Monday I’ll spend all day down in Sacramento meeting with state representatives and state agencies to advocate for twelve important transportation projects to help increase mobility across the Northern California Megaregion (16 counties and 11 million people in the Bay Area, Sacramento region, and San Joaquin County.  Projects of greatest interest to Yuba County residents are likely the Valley Rail Project / North Valley Rail Project as well as the Yolo 80 Project and the I-5 Managed Lanes Project.  Speaking of North Valley Rail, the updated Strategic Plan was just released and the BCAG Board will consider approval at their meeting on Wednesday, which I plan to attend.  Two additional county-related meetings on my schedule this week include a discussion about the need for more little league fields in Plumas Lake and an RCRC Legislative call-in session.

I have multiple Yuba Water Agency related items on my calendar this week including a regional discussion at Lumberg Family Farms on Monday (evening) and Tuesday (evening), welcoming the Northern California Water Association Water Leaders to Yuba Water on Wednesday and talking about leadership and the board of supervisors, and a Yuba Water Agenda review meeting.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Yes to Yuba Dinner at Yuba County Airport; two pictures from the Clean Air Partnership Forest Wildfire Bus Tour; seven pictures from Cap to Cap 2024 including a transportation team meeting with Congressman Schiff with the Capitol in the background, a few Yuba Sutter delegates at and after the gala, a US Capitol selfie, meeting with Rails to Trails HQ, transportation team meeting with Congressmen Kiley, and a transportation team meeting with the Federal Highway Administration; community meeting on the Yuba County Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobility Plan; a SACOG board meeting; Yuba County Educator of the Year Awards; and Team Yuba Water at the United Way Fundraiser.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!