Week of 04/22/24

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Board of Supervisors meeting.  The agenda  had several items the public might be interested in, including:

  • Approve plans, specifications, and estimates, and authorize the advertisement of bids for the Star Bend Sediment Removal Project.
  • Present Proclamation to the City of Wheatland recognizing their 150th anniversary.
  • Hold a public hearing, waive reading, and adopt the Development Agreement for the development known as the Feather River Center.
  • Held public hearing, waived first reading, and introduced the Ordinance repealing and re-enacting the Yuba County Consolidated Fee Ordinance.
  • Interviews for the new Yuba County Treasurer / Tax Collector

On Monday I spent the day in Sacramento meeting with state representatives and state agencies to advocate for twelve important transportation projects to help increase mobility across the Northern California Megaregion (16 counties and 11 million people in the Bay Area, Sacramento region, and San Joaquin County.  Projects of greatest interest to Yuba County residents are likely the Valley Rail Project / North Valley Rail Project, the Yolo 80 Project, and the I-5 Managed Lanes Project.  Speaking of North Valley Rail, the updated Strategic Plan was just released. The BCAG Board considered approval of the plan at their meeting on Wednesday, which I attended to hear the discussion, thank them for the leadership, and indicate my support.  Two additional county-related meetings on my schedule this week included discussing the need for more Little League fields in Plumas Lake and an RCRC Legislative call-in session.  I also attended a lunch this week celebrating Yuba County employees who reached 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service in 2023.

On Tuesday evening, I attended the Wheatland City Council meeting to present the City with a proclamation from the Board of Supervisors celebrating their 150th birthday.  The City Council Agenda also included an Agreement with Yuba County for the Utilization of the Wheatland Community Center for Disaster-Related Temporary Sheltering, an Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget increasing the contribution to the Wheatland Fire Authority, and the Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm 2023 Season Report.  I also attended an OPUD Board of Directors Special meeting this week because the agenda contained two items I was interested in, including a special event request made by SactoMoFo, Inc. for the Plumas Lake Picnic in the Park at Eufay Woods Sr. Park (2nd Saturday of every month May – October).

I had multiple Yuba Water Agency-related items on my calendar including a regional discussion at Lumberg Family Farms on Monday (evening) welcoming the Northern California Water Association Water Leaders to Yuba Water on Wednesday and talking about leadership and my role at the Yuba Water Agency and on the Board of Supervisors..


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting (agenda) and a Yuba Water Agency POD Committee Meeting (agenda).  The board agenda is very short but there are several items on the POD committee that the public might be interested in, including:

  • A Flood Risk Reduction grant for RD784 to perform a Cenedella Bend erosion site risk analysis
  • A Flood Risk Reduction grant for RD784 to rehabilitate Pumps 7 and 9
  • A Community-Water Safety/Education grant for OPUD to help fund pool operations for the 2024 season
  • A Water Supply and Management grant for OPUD to design sewer connections for portions of rural Arboga

On Monday I’ll spend all day touring Beale AFB with executive leadership (both board and staff) from SACOG to convey the importance of the base to our national security and our regional economy.  The East Wheatland Expressway transportation project will support national security goals and base readiness by improving access to the base and supporting off-base housing in the area.  Both the Appeal-Democrat and FOX40 recently produced articles about this important regional project.  I have several other SACOG-related items on my calendar including an agenda review for the transportation committee, a meeting between Yuba County and SACOG staff to talk about regional land use plans and transportation projects in the Blueprint 2025 discussion scenario, and the monthly transportation committee (that I’m honored to chair).   Speaking of the SACOG transportation committee, the agenda contains several items the public might be interested in including Approval of the Regional Transit Network, Draft Vision and Goals for the Regional Mobility Hub Design Guidance, Project Delivery Update and Future MTIP Actions, and 2025 Blueprint: Transportation Funding Outlook.  Myself and Yuba County staff

Tuesday evening is a City of Wheatland General Plan Ad-Hoc Committee (agenda) meeting that residents may be interested in and I will try and attend.   There is an OPUD Park Committee meeting this week (agenda) and an OPUD/Yuba County Liason Committee.  At the liaison committee we’ll be talking about fire department consolidation, the lift station at Eufay Wood Park, the status of parks in Plumas Lake under construction, and a potential dog park.  I also have Northern California Water Association (NCWA) and Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meetings on my calendar, but I may not be able to make the EDC meeting due to a conflict with the monthly Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair Breakfast.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the YS Chamber Luch Mob at Lakeside Indian Cuisine, the Legacy Lending Grand Opening, the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, First Friday at Beale, and a book signing with Tracy Norris.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Board of Supervisor Proclamation Celebrating Wheatland’s 150th Birthday, presented to Mayor West at the City Council Meeting and to City Manager Zenomi at the Board of Supervisors Meeting; Welcoming the Northern California Water Association Water Leaders to Yuba Water and talking about leadership; Construction of the southern section of the Plumas Lake (West) Bike Path; Salmon Homecoming Summit at Lumberg Farms; and pictures from the Megaregion Transportation Working Group Advocacy Daty in Sacramento.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!