Week of 04/29/24

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Special Board of Directors Meeting (agenda) and a Yuba Water Agency POD Committee Meeting (agenda).  The board agenda was very short but there are several items on the POD committee that the public might be interested in, including:

  • A Flood Risk Reduction grant for RD784 to perform a Cenedella Bend erosion site risk analysis
  • A Flood Risk Reduction grant for RD784 to rehabilitate Pumps 7 and 9
  • A Community-Water Safety/Education grant for OPUD to help fund pool operations for the 2024 season
  • A Water Supply and Management grant for OPUD to design sewer connections for portions of rural Arboga

In addition to the Yuba Water Board meeting and POD committee, I had several other Yuba Water related items on my calendar this week including a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) board meeting, a Yuba Water Agenda review meeting, a South County Infrastructure Ad-Hoc Committee meeting, and the monthly Yuba Water Chair/Vice-Chair Breakfast.

On Monday I spent all day touring Beale AFB with executive leadership (both board and staff) from SACOG to convey the importance of the base to our national security and our regional economy.  In addition to a mission briefing we toured the base; including the 548th campus, PAVE-PAWS, a chase car ride, an EOD demonstration, and the fire department.  Beale’s leadership conveyed the importance of local housing and transportation projects to their mission.  I also facilitated a meeting between Yuba County staff and SACOG staff to talk about regional land use plans and transportation projects in the Blueprint 2025 discussion scenario and chaired the monthly SACOG transportation committee.   Speaking of the SACOG transportation committee, the agenda contained several items the public might be interested in including Approval of the Regional Transit Network, Draft Vision and Goals for the Regional Mobility Hub Design Guidance, and 2025 Blueprint: Transportation Funding Outlook.

Tuesday evening was a City of Wheatland General Plan Ad-Hoc Committee (agenda) meeting and there was an OPUD Park Committee meeting on Thursday (agenda), neither of which I was able to attend.  I participated in an OPUD/Yuba County Liason Committee where we discussed fire department consolidation, the lift station at Eufay Wood Park, the status of parks in Plumas Lake under construction, and a potential dog park.  I also met with OPUD and several community members to discuss the 2nd Saturday event in Plumas Lake.

Community-related meetings and events I attended this week include the YS Chamber Luch Mob at Lakeside Indian Cuisine, the Legacy Lending Grand Opening, the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, First Friday at Beale, and the When Pigs Fly fundraiser for the Yuba Sheriff’s Aero Squadron.


Looking ahead to this week

This Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting  and the agenda contains multiple items I think the public will be interested in, including :

  • Approval of grants for a total amount of up to $912,000 under the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program for sewer design in rural Arboga, water safety and education at the OPUD pool, Cenedella Bend erosion site risk analysis on the Yuba River, and Rehabilitation of RD784 Pumps 7 and 9.
  • Receive the annual Dam Safety update by Tim Truong, Chief Dam Safety Engineer.
  • Receive a presentation on water conservation kits.
  • Consider approving an employment agreement for the unrepresented position of General Counsel between the Yuba County Water Agency and Andrew J. Ramos.

I have several additional board and committee meetings on my calendar this week including an ACWA JPIA board meeting (agenda), a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee (agenda), and a TRLIA board meeting (agenda).  The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Spring Conference is occurring this week in Sacramento and I’ll be spending multiple days at the conference attending various sessions and associated networking events.

Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the 98th Sacramento Host Breakfast and the 175th Anniversary of Corinthian Masonic Lodge in Marysville, one of the oldest in the state.  I’m also excited to watch the graduation of Class 45 at the Yuba College Fire Academy as my son is one of the graduates.


Announcements & Events

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Two pictures of the SACOG tour of Beale AFB; Yuba Water table at the Yuba Sutter National Day of Prayer Breakfast; Hanging out with Col Church at Beale’s 1st Friday event; When Pigs Fly Fundraiser for the Yuba Sheriff’s Aero Squadron; NCWA Board Meeting at Sutter Mutual Water Company; and SACOG Transportation Committee.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!