My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors Meeting and the agenda contained multiple items I think the public will be interested in, including :
Approval of grants for a total amount of up to $912,000 under the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program for sewer design in rural Arboga, water safety and education at the OPUD pool, Cenedella Bend erosion site risk analysis on the Yuba River, and Rehabilitation of RD784 Pumps 7 and 9.
Receive the annual Dam Safety update by Tim Truong, Chief Dam Safety Engineer.
- Consider approving an employment agreement for the unrepresented position of General Counsel between the Yuba County Water Agency and Andrew J. Ramos.
I had several additional board and committee meetings on my calendar this week including an ACWA JPIA board meeting (agenda), a SACOG Strategic Planning Committee (agenda), and a TRLIA board meeting (agenda). The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Spring Conference was this week in Sacramento and I spent multiple days at the conference attending various sessions and associated networking events.
Community-related meetings and events I attended this week include the 98th Sacramento Host Breakfast and the 175th Anniversary of Corinthian Masonic Lodge in Marysville, one of the oldest in the state. I also watched the graduation of Class 45 at the Yuba College Fire Academy as my son is one of the graduates.
Looking ahead to this week
This Tuesday is a Board of Supervisors Meeting and the agenda contains multiple items I think the public will be interested in, including :
- Consider and appoint Treasurer-Tax Collector from finalists to fill the unexpired term of Dan Mierzwa to January 5, 2027
- Approve the Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan for Plumas Lake, Olivehurst, Linda, and West Linda communities.
- Approve release of request for proposal for surveillance upgrades for Plumas Lake Elementary School District through Yuba County Sheriff’s COPS 2020 School Violence Prevention Program grant
I have several additional board and committee meetings on my calendar this week including a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) board meeting (agenda), a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) board meeting (agenda), a Golden State Finance Authority (FSFA) board meeting (agenda), a Golen State Connect Authority (GSCA) board meeting (agenda), and a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology Policy Steering Committee meeting, At the SACOG meeting, Col Church from Beale AFB will give a presentation about the importance of the base to our regional economy and our national security and we will continue the development of the 25-year regional land use and transportation plan (Blueprint 2025) with a presentation on Prioritizing Build Out and More Complete Communities.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a NACo West Region monthly meeting, a Yuba Water Agenda review meeting, and a SACOG breakfast meeting to discuss the book “The Color of Law” which the board was encouraged to read.
There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm and one item on the agenda that city residents might be especially interested in is “Approving SB-1 Funding Project List for Fiscal Year 2024-25”. On Thursday at 7 pm there is an OPUD meeting and Plumas Lake residents may be interested in multiple items on the agenda. The Yuba County Planning Commission will meet at 6 pm on Wednesday and the agenda includes approval of 102 homes in the Arboga/North Plumas Lake area in the Feather Glen II development.
Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the Peace Officer’s Memorial Ceremony in Yuba City, the 100th annual Wheatland Pet Parade, the 150th Birthday Celebration of the City of Wheatland, the Beale Auto Expo, Dinner in the Orchard, and possibly Yuba Sutter Chamber’s Wine Down Wednesday.
Announcements & Events
- The Wheatland 150th Birthday Celebration on May 18th (see
- The Wheatland Pet Parade will be on May 18th
- The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
- Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot)
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Judging the South Yuba County Rotary Chili Cook-off at the Roll & Stroll, Team Yuba Water at the ACWA Spring Conference, Plumas Lake Walking Moai, Oath of Office for my Third Term, Sacramento Host Breakfast with Jacqueline Wong-Hernandez from CSAC, Yuba College Regional Fire Academy #45 (including my son), and a cake celebrating the 175th Anniversary of Corinthian Lodge #9 in Marysville.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!