My Recent Activities
Tuesday was a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting and the agenda contained an item I think the public will be interested in :
- Approved revisions to the Community Impact Grant and Loan Program Policy including consideration to increase the annual maximum for Bill Shaw Rescue Equipment and Training grants from $10,000 to $20,000.
I had a SACOG Transportation Committee meeting this week and there are multiple items on the agenda I’m sure the public might be interested in including the Regional Carbon Reduction Program Funding Recommendations. Yuba County applied for funding to design the Plumas Lake Regional Trail Network. Unfortunately, the project didn’t score well enough to be recommended for funding, but we’ll try again in a future grant cycle. After the committee meeting, we had a lunch-and-learn for the SACOG board on Transportation Funding in California.
Additional meetings on my calendar included a SACOG Transportation Committee Agenda review. On Wednesday and Thursday, I attended the CalMatters Ideas Festival.
Community-related meetings and events I attended this week include a BMLC dinner to meet the commander of Air Combat Command.
Looking ahead to this week
This Tuesday is the Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting and the agenda contains multiple items I think the public will be interested in :
- Consideration of the FY 24/25 Proposed Budget
- Community Development and Services: Approve Public Interest Finding and award contract to TJKM Transportation Consultants for engineering and construction support services for the HSIP Cycle 11 Signal System Upgrade Project
- Sheriff-Coroner: Approve memorandum of understanding with the City of Wheatland regarding access to the RIMS Public Safety System Software
- Community Development and Services: Public Hearing – Hold a public hearing and approve the County Service Area (CSA) assessment summary for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
- Community Development and Services: Appoint Community Development and Services Director and Administrative Services Director to negotiate real property APN 014-270-109-000
There is a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6 pm and the agenda contains multiple items that City residents may be interested in:
- Resolution of the Intention to Levy Assessments for Fiscal Year 2024-25, for the Wheatland-Premier Grove Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District
- Consideration and Adoption of Resolution Approving the Budget, Control Policies, and Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2024-25
Additional meetings on my calendar include a FEMA/USACE Levee Webinar (where I will make comments so also have a prep meeting), a Yuba Water Agency non-profit steering committee meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review meeting, a public authority IHSS meeting, and an economic development opportunity meeting with Paleo Tech Group.
Community-related meetings and events I plan to be at this week include the Alliance for Hispanic Advancement scholarship dinner in Yuba City, an Evening on the Farm in Rancho Cordova, and Groundbreaking for the State Route 65 Wheatland Pavement Rehabilitation Project is June 12th at 10 am at Chevron in Wheatland. Some details about the Highway 65 project include:
- Caltrans project to rehabilitate pavement, add bike lanes, construct a Class I multi-use path, enhance crosswalk visibility, and add a traffic signal at McDevitt Drive.
- The project is in Wheatland from 0.1 mile north of State Street to 0.3 mile north of Evergreen Drive.
- The project has a cost of approx $10M and construction will be from June 2024 to December 2024.
Announcements & Events
- Groundbreaking for the State Route 65 Wheatland Pavement Rehabilitation Project is June 12th at 10 am at Chevron in Wheatland
- The Plumas Lake Bike Path Ribbon Cutting and Bike Ride is at 6 pm on June 25th at the south end of Atherton Way in Plumas Lake
- The Plumas Lake Block Party will be held on August 17th
- Plumas Lake Walking Moai – Monday’s 6:30 am at Eufay Wood Park (north parking lot), except on Memorial Day when we will meet at Walgreens at 7 am.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Groundbreaking of the new Sutter Health facility in Plumas Lake, BMLC Community Leader Dinner with Air Combat Command Leadership; SACOG Transportation Committee meeting; CalMatters Idea Festival; and Wheatland Union High School Graduation (congratulations to the class of 2024, including my daughter!)
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!