Week of 10/21/24

My Recent Activities

Tuesday was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting.  Here are a few highlights from the agenda:

Some highlights from the agenda include:
  • Treasurer and Tax Collector: Approve the sale of tax-defaulted properties at public auction via internet.
  • Clerk Recorder/Registrar of Voters: Adopted a resolution appointing special district directors in lieu of election for the November 5, 2024 General Election.
  • Community Development and Services: Appoint Community Development and Services Director as real property negotiator for two parcels along the alignment of the future Goldfields Parkway.

Additional items on my calendar include a brief IHSS board meeting, a SACOG unmet transit needs meeting (which I will chair), a tobacco coalition meeting, a Hard Rock development committee meeting, a briefing about the potential of the 14th Air Force being stood up at Beale, a Wheatland City Council meeting on Tuesday evening (agenda), and the Plumas Lake Elementary School District community meeting on Wednesday evening (more info here, then click community input)

This week, community events on my calendar include the Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival on Friday night and the Wheatland Cruise Trunk or Treat.


Looking ahead to this week

Since this is the 5th Tuesday, there is neither a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting nor a Yuba Water Agency board meeting.

On Sunday, I head to San Antonio for the annual Association of Defense Communities (ADC) Installation Innovation Summit. Attendees include military and community leaders from across the nation, and the topic will be how communities can best support their local bases. I’ll also be looking for key military leaders to talk with about what makes Beale unique and a great choice for new missions like Collaborative Combat Aircraft and the 14th AF HQ.

After I return from San Antonio, there are several things on my calendar, including a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast, a Yuba Sutter Economic Development Corporation (YSEDC) board meeting, a Summit on Ending Homelessness hosted by the Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium, and an OPUD/County Liason meeting.

This week, community events on my calendar include the Wheatland Trunk or Treat on Halloween and possibly First Friday at Beale.


Announcements & Events

  • Wheatland Trunk or Treat:  October 31 from 1pm to 4pm at Settlers Village
  • Plumas Lake Community Clean-up, November 9th at the Park & Ride (Facebook event)
  • Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
  • Wheatland Christmas Street Fair:  December 7th from 5pm to 9pm
  • Plumas Lake Night of Lights:  December 13th

*Picture is a collage of various things from my week:  Collage from the Wheatland City Council meeting, collage from the Rio Del Oro Harvest Festival, Sports & Entertainment Zone development committee meeting, and annual Unmet Transit Needs hearing with SACOG and Yuba Sutter Transit.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you!