My Recent Activities
Since this was the 5th Tuesday of the month, there was no Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting or a Yuba Water Agency board meeting.
I headed to San Antonio on Sunday for the annual Association of Defense Communities (ADC) Installation Innovation Summit. Attendees include military and community leaders from across the nation, and the topic will be how communities can best support their local bases. We were looking for key military leaders to talk with about what makes Beale unique and an excellent choice for new missions like Collaborative Combat Aircraft and the 14th AF HQ. We had a great conversation with a veteran working on creating a unique destination golf course (Warbird National) about why his vision complements the master planning efforts of Enterprise Rancheria in the Yuba County Sports & Entertainment Zone and Beale AFB. I look forward to convening the appropriate stakeholders to see if this project makes sense to everyone involved.
After I returned from San Antonio, several things were on my calendar, including a Yuba Water Agency chair/vice-chair breakfast and a Summit on Ending Homelessness hosted by the Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium.
This week, community events on my calendar include the Wheatland Trunk-or-Treat and the West Sacramento Rotary meeting, where Lt Col JC Gorman spoke about the U-2.
Looking ahead to this week
Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board of Directors meeting. Due to our board chambers serving as a polling location, we will meet at the Yuba Water offices located at 1220 F Street in Marysville. Here are a few highlights from the agenda:
Consider approving a sponsorship for $5,000 to the South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL) for the 2025 Wild and Scenic Film Festival.
Consider amending the Yuba Water Agency’s Conflict of Interest Code and authorize staff to submit the amended code to the County Board of Supervisors for final approval.
I have several other board/committee meetings on my calendar this week, including:
- Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Transportation Committee. The agenda contains multiple items of interest including: approving the Engage, Empower, Implement Awards; receiving a presentation on the Northern California Megaregion Zero Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Study; and discussion on the 2025 Blueprint: Draft Final Transportation Project List and Performance.
- A Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (TRLIA) Special Meeting (agenda here)
- A Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Board Meeting
Additional items on my calendar include a SACOG Transportation Committee agenda review, a touch-base lunch with Yuba County CDSA staff, a SACOG lunchtime discussion on the regional prosperity strategy, a webinar on AI in the workplace, and a meeting and tour of the Yuba County Airport with Kratos. I also plan to attend this month’s OPUD Park Committee meeting (agenda).
This week, community events on my calendar include the Salvation Army Rock the Red Kettle Fundraiser (Facebook event) and the Plumas Lake Community Cleanup (Facebook event)
Announcements & Events
- Election Day! Tuesday 11/5. Polls are open from 7am to 8pm. More info here
- Plumas Lake Community Clean-up, November 9th at the Park & Ride (Facebook event)
- Wheatland Turkey Trot, 8:30am on November 28th at Spruce Park
- Plumas Lake Christmas Parade & Charity Drive on December 6th
- Wheatland Christmas Street Fair: December 7th from 5pm to 9pm
- Plumas Lake Night of Lights: December 13th
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Wheatland Trunk or Treat on Halloween at Settler’s Village; starting Haloween at the epicenter of fall in Yuba County, Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm; the Association of Defense Communities Installation Innovation Forum in San Antonio; with Creighton from Yuba Water at the Alamo; supporting Beale AFB at West Sacramento Rotary.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!