My Recent Activities
Last week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. Two of my favorite items included going out to bid for a consultant to develop an EV Charger Master plan for Yuba County and passing a resolution to honor our veterans by participating in Operation Greenlight during the week of 11/7 – 11/13.
Other meetings attended included: The annual Unmet Transit Needs Hearing hosted by SACOG and Yuba-Sutter Transit, a portion of the First 5 Yuba Meeting, a Yuba Water Agency agenda review, a Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) broadband grant kick-off, and the 2022 Water Summit hosted by the Water Education Foundation.
I also attended a Black Star Fund reception hosted by the Greater Sacramento Economic Council, a Chamber of Commerce Lunch Mob at Bridge Coffee, the Yuba Sheriff’s Citizens Academy graduation ceremony, and the Plumas Lake Halloween Parade.
Looking ahead to this week:
Tuesday is a Yuba Water Agency Board meeting where we will consider a $9M grant to TRLIA to improve flood protection to the 300-year level in south Yuba County and a water sales agreement with Contra Costa Water District and East Bay MUD. That will be followed by a Yuba Water Communications Committee meeting and a TRLIA board meeting. On Wednesday, I’ll join Supervisor Blaser and Rachel Downs to give an update on What’s Happening in Yuba County to the Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee, tour the new Bear River Setback Levee near Wheatland, attend a lunch meeting with incoming SACOG chair Supervisor Kennedy from Sacramento County and Mayor Branscum. I’ll end the day with a ribbon cutting at Arboga Elementary and then a LAFCO meeting. Thursday, I’ll be down in Sacramento for a SACOG Transportation Committee meeting, a SACOG lunch presentation about passenger rail in the 16-county mega-region, and a GSEC reception. Friday night is the annual Salvation Army Race for the Kettle at Hard Rock, where I’m honored to collect money for Yuba County.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: Checking out the new Food Truck Park at the Yuba County Airport, dropping off my ballot at the official Yuba County Elections drop-box in Plumas Lake, attending the graduation ceremony for the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department Citizens Academy, attending a Greater Sacramento Economic Council reception and presentation for Black Star Fund, and a beautiful view of the Sacramento River from the Water Summit.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!