My Recent Activities
Last week was a Yuba County Board of Supervisors meeting. A few highlights from the agenda include a quarterly update from the District Attorney, Probation, and Sheriff’s departments; an item to approve plans, specifications, and estimate, and authorize advertisement of bid for the 2023 Overlay Project (which includes streets in Arboga/North Plumas Lake); an item to approve plans, specifications, estimate and authorize advertisement for bid for the Cedar Lane Safe Routes to School Improvements Project; and an item to approve a letter of support for Senate Bill 14 by Senator Shannon Grove.
Additional meetings on my calendar included an Assembly Transporation Committee hearing to voice support for AB 350, a Northern California Water Association (NCWA) Dry Year Task Force call, a National Association of Counties (NACo) Telecommunications and Technology (T&T) Steering Committee meeting, agenda review for Yuba Water Agency, a Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Board Meeting, a Sacramento Region Cleaner Air Partnership lunch to discuss the SACOG Blueprint 2025, a meeting with Caltrans to talk about local transportation projects, and a SACOG dinner with our monthly workshop presenter. At the monthly SACOG board meeting, we awarded $45M to pedestrian and bicycle projects for the six-county region and $31M in Green Means Go funding to support infill development in the region. In addition, we received a presentation on planned toll lanes on I-80 in Yolo County. The most interesting information from the presentation was that if we added general purpose or even carpool lanes, they would likely experience congestion on opening day. Adding toll lanes gives those who want (or need) to avoid congestion in that area the opportunity to do so. You can watch the presentation here. I held an introduction meeting between Community Resource Project (CRP) and Yuba County staff in Community Development and Health & Human Services to ensure staff knew about opportunities to partner with CRP to serve our residents. I also had an opportunity to have lunch with a Yuba County student who is participating in the SACOG Youth Leadership Academy program.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba Water Agency meeting. Some highlights from the agenda include a review of the financial statements from January, consideration of position changes, approval of a new energy marketing agreement, a state legislative update, and a review of the Agency Act and the Brown Act. I have several Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meetings this week, including an agenda review meeting for the Land Use and Natural Resource committee, where I serve as chair, and a certification review meeting. SACOG is hosting a pop-up to gather input from Yuba-Sutter on what our six-county region should look like in 2050 and what residents value in terms of transportation, community growth, equity, and housing. Stop by the North Beale Rd Transit Center (at Walmart) from 6:00 am-9:30 am on Tuesday to provide your input. I’ll be there for part of that time as well. I have two prep meetings for the upcoming Capitol-to-Capitol regional advocacy trip, one with the transportation team and one with the flood risk reduction team. We’ll go to DC to advocate for the entire Sacramento region at various federal agencies and with various federal representatives. I plan to attend the Plumas Lake Elementary School Board meeting on Wednesday evening, where they will discuss the community input they received regarding solutions to school overcrowding. I’ll also provide input to update the Yuba County strategic plan and meet with a constituent.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: California Capitol Selfie after a SACOG-related dinner on Wednesday, St. Patricks Day Meal complete with a Green Farmers Light at Silver Dollar on Friday, a shot of a fuller than usual Yuba River this week taken by Marysville Councilman Stuart Gilchrist, a sunset shot I snagged in downtown Marysville on Friday, SACOG staff giving a presentation on the 2025 Blueprint effort to the Clear Air Partnership luncheon on Friday, and a Public Safety Presentation at this week’s Board of Supervisors meeting.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!