My Recent Activities
This week was a Yuba Water Agency meeting. Some highlights from the agenda include a review of the financial statements from January, consideration of position changes, approval of a new energy marketing agreement, a state legislative update, and a review of the Agency Act and the Brown Act. I had several Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) meetings this week, including an agenda review meeting for the Land Use and Natural Resource committee, where I serve as chair, and a certification review meeting. SACOG hosted a pop-up to gather input from Yuba-Sutter on what our six-county region should look like in 2050 and what residents value in terms of transportation, community growth, equity, and housing. You can click here to provide your input. I had two prep meetings for the upcoming Capitol-to-Capitol regional advocacy trip, one with the transportation team and one with the flood risk reduction team. We’ll go to DC to advocate for the entire Sacramento region at various federal agencies and with various federal representatives. I attended the Plumas Lake Elementary School Board meeting on Wednesday evening, where they discussed the community input they received regarding solutions to school overcrowding. I provided input to update the Yuba County strategic plan and meet with a constituent. In addition, I attended a lunch meeting with the Greater Sacramento Economic Council and Enterprise Rancheria Tribal Leadership at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. I also met with several constituents at the Brick in Marysville.
Looking ahead to this week
This week is a Yuba County Board of Supervisors Meeting. Some highlights from the agenda include: approving and awarding the 2023 Yuba County Park and Landscape Maintenance Agreement to Elite Service Experts for park and landscape maintenance from April 1, 2023, through March 31, 2025 (this includes landscape maintenance in Plumas Lake); approving an agreement with R&F Engineering for Star Bend Boat Ramp Sediment Removal Project; receive a presentation from City of Marysville regarding Momentum of Marysville; and receive a Code Enforcement Department Update. Tuesday at 6 pm is a Wheatland City Council meeting, and you can find the agenda here.
Additional meetings on my calendar include a National Association of Counties (NACo) Broadband Working Group, a Nothern California Water Association (NCWA) Dry Year Task Force, a Yuba Sutter Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee, a Yuba County Community Health Improvement Process Kick-Off, a Yuba Water Agency Agenda Review, a Cap-to-Cap Flood Protection Team Meeting, and a meeting with representatives from the Northstate Building Industry Association.
*Picture is a collage of various things from my week: SACOG Public Input Popup at the North Beale Transit Center, grabbing some dinner at The Hanger Food Truck Park at the Yuba County Airport, a beautiful shot of a rainbow near Wheatland (photo credit Leash & Lather Grooming), Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, and park cleanup at Eufay Wood Park in Plumas Lake.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you!